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Chapter 194 0189 [Establishing Prestige]

Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty asked local officials to conduct spring and autumn sacrifices to Yao's mausoleum.

The specific worship time is not fixed, it just needs to be staggered during busy farming periods and rainy weather.

Ju Ming took his time to take up his post. When he arrived in Leize County, it was already close to autumn, so he could offer sacrifices to Yao's mausoleum in advance.

This thing requires preparation and cannot be held suddenly. Ju Ming is going to redraw the restricted area today.

Zheng Yuanyi, his maid Miaomiao, and two female sumo wrestlers, as well as Bai Sheng and Li Bao, stayed at the hotel.

Zhu Ming took the others on the road. Before they officially set off, he said to the two county magistrates: "The ceremony is too grand, so half of the entourage will be reduced."


Cao Yuangui understood Ju Ming's character better. This Zhizhou didn't like to put on airs and was tired of vain things.

Cao Yuangui waved to the chief clerk, Geng Dingchen, and whispered in a low voice.

Geng Dingchen called the commander again and gave a few instructions, and the commander immediately dismissed half of his men.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Not only was the number of attendants reduced, but when the gong was sounded to clear the way, the sound of the gong was also reduced to three.

Zhu Ming turned to look at Cao Yuangui, and couldn't help but nod and smile. This magistrate was quite interesting, he was always able to figure out the Shangguan's thoughts, and he also knew how to draw inferences from one example.

When the people along the street heard that Zhizhou was traveling, they stepped aside one after another.

There were also some store employees standing at the door to watch the excitement.

After Ju Ming left the city, Bai Sheng and Li Bao also led their horses and left the hotel.

The hotel clerk hurriedly stepped forward and said, "If you need anything, you two nobles, just ask me. If there is anything missing, I will ask someone to bring it to you immediately. If you want to go shopping and relax, I will ask someone to act as a guide."

Bai Sheng said: "No need to bother, just walk around."

The guard didn't think much, nodded and bowed to send them out.

Li Bao led his horse to the street and couldn't help but complain: "Being a follower of a state magistrate is just like being an official. The county has to be careful."

Bai Shenglai said: "This is called the fox pretending to be the tiger's power."

Although Li Bao liked to dance with guns and sticks, he also read books seriously. He couldn't help laughing and said: "Brother Bai is quite sophisticated in his choice of words."

The two of them turned the corner, got on their horses at the same time, and headed straight out of the city.

Running all the way to the suburbs, they looked for a place to change their clothes and even their headscarves.

Local officials preside over sacrificial activities without disturbing the people.

The villages around Gulin Mountain are not only unable to enter the mountain to collect firewood, but also have to bear the burden of sacrificial services.

After riding horses, they came to a village. Bai Sheng caught a villager and asked, "Have any official officials been here?"

The villagers regarded them as official servants, and immediately said with a grimace: "The county government officials have already come here, how come there is a second time?"

"Who is the most prestigious in the village? Take us to meet him," Li Bao said.

The villagers did not dare to refuse and took them to a large house.

Bai Sheng showed the official badge given by Ju Ming: "Zhizhou sent me on an errand. Master here, come out quickly to greet me!"

The disciples hurriedly invited them in, and before they had gone far, an old man appeared with his family. He bowed and said in salute, "Your Majesty, I have already advanced the money for the sacrifice of Yao's mausoleum. All are serving as Ding servants."

The arrangements have been made and I will definitely go there to answer the errand tomorrow."

Bai Sheng asked: "Since I gave you the money for exemption, why do you still have to pay for the labor?"

"The exemption money should be given, and the servants should also be sent out." The old man answered cautiously.

Li Bao asked: "How much is the exemption fee for this sacrifice to Yao's mausoleum? How many servants are there?"

The old man said truthfully: "The money for exemption from service is a hundred and twenty guan, and the number of slaves is twenty-five."

While they were asking questions, more than a dozen young men burst in, all armed with guns, sticks and simple knives.

The strong man at the head roared: "Second Uncle, but the government is exploiting you again? You are really shameless. He came once in Chenshi and again in Sishi. Even though I am upright here, if you piss me off, you will rush into the city."

Kill that bird official!"

"Asshole, get out of here!"

The old man angrily rebuked: "Sacrificing sacrifices to Yao's mausoleum is an errand arranged by the officials. These two are the personal followers of the magistrate. How can I get this guy to talk nonsense!"

The strong man did not dare to yell anymore and stared at Bai Sheng and Li Bao.

If it was an ordinary handyman, he would definitely make a fuss. But he really didn't dare to make any mistakes when offering sacrifices to Yao's mausoleum. This thing involves the emperor's orders, and if you don't pay attention, it will lead to big troubles.

Bai Sheng asked: "What are your names?"

The old man replied: "The first capital of Yaoling Township."

Li Bao took out a bamboo pen, which was given to him by Ju Ming. He immediately borrowed the ink and wrote down in a small notebook: The first capital of Yaoling Township has twenty guan of free money and twenty-five draftees.

"Sorry for disturbing you, take your leave!"

Bai Sheng turned around with fists in his hands and left with Li Bao.

The old man was a little confused and sent them out in a daze.

Qing Zhuang was also confused and asked: "Second Uncle, these two thieves didn't ask for money?"

"No," the old man shook his head and said, "I just said that I was working for the magistrate, and I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd."

It was almost noon when Ju Ming arrived outside Gulin Mountain.

There is a village where we enter the mountains. We have lunch at the house of a big family in the village. The village elders and the young people wait for a long time.

The county magistrate Wang Tian introduced: "Prefect, this is the local elder Liu Taigong, who is now in his 60s."

Ju Ming cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Long lived, is his body still strong?"

Taigong Liu quickly returned the gift: "Thanks to the prefect, I can have a bowl of dry rice."

"If you can eat well, you will live a long life," Zhu Ming took the initiative to help him move forward. "I didn't say hello in advance and came to bother you today. It's really presumptuous for me as a junior."

Taigong Liu did not expect to be treated with such courtesy. Zhizhou helped him walk. He felt his legs were shaky and said with a trembling voice: "I don't dare to accept it. The governor has some errands, so I will arrange for people to do things."

The largest house in the village smells of meat.

Ju Ming was invited to sit down and bowls of food were served.

Before the servant could open the wine jar, Ju Ming said loudly: "Take the wine away."

Liu Taigong smiled and said: "This is the wine brewed by our village. Please taste it, prefect."

Ju Ming said with a serious expression: "Sacrifice must be carried out in accordance with the etiquette. Three days of fasting, seven days of abstinence, no drinking or eating spicy food, and no sleeping with wives and concubines. This is an ancient ritual and cannot be abolished."

Everyone looked at each other.

Ju Ming then pointed to the delicacies on the table: "All food containing onions, leeks, garlic and other spicy food should be taken away and distributed among the widows and widowers in the village. As long as I am an official in Puzhou, any official will dare to drink or eat in front of Yao's mausoleum.

Xin, you all can go to the state government office to report. Whoever dares to be disrespectful to Emperor Yao will be dismissed from office!"

Everyone was in awe, and then thought deeply.

Especially those three county magistrates. When they were in the hotel last night, Ju Ming drank in front of them.

Today, they said they were not allowed to drink alcohol. This was obviously not a sign of observance, but a warning not to disturb the people and not to take the opportunity to ask for food or drink from the people.

Cao Yuangui said: "Take away the wine and distribute the pungent dishes to the people in the village."

Liu Taigong quickly agreed: "Get out, get out, the prefect is right, don't go beyond the etiquette. Go cook some meat, remember not to add spicy food."

"No need," Ju Ming said, "If you don't have enough food, just bring some pickles."

The three county officials, Cao Yuangui, Wang Tian and Geng Dingchen, secretly winked at each other. They all understood that Zhu Zhizhou was setting the rules at this moment.

With such a tough attitude, and every word of it is reasonable, and does not allow anyone to object, life in the future will not be easy.

Take sacrifices as an example, things can be big or small.

It's small enough to laugh it off, big enough to be dismissed from office!

If Ju Ming wants to cause trouble, an impeachment memorial can make them lose their official positions. For example, if they are impeached for not taking a shower before offering sacrifices, how the hell can they prove their innocence?

The meal was very unpleasant, and Taigong Liu was uneasy, fearing that he might offend Zhizhou.

After the meal, Ju Ming said again: "Today's food, how much it costs, will be recorded in the sacrificial money. In the next few days, people, pigs and sheep, bamboo, wood, charcoal, bean hemp, gray grass and other items will be sold for a sum of money."

You must remember everything clearly! After I check the money spent on this sacrifice, I will establish a rule as a custom for future sacrifices."

Cao Yuangui sighed secretly, cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

"Everyone rest for two moments, and then follow me into the mountain to delineate the boundary," Zhu Ming ordered. "Find a few more stonemasons. Not only will we build the boundary monument of the restricted area, I will also erect a 'monument to honor Yao without disturbing the people.' From now on, there will be no violations."

, anyone can go to the state government to file a complaint!"

The three county officials were going crazy.

They have decided to cooperate with Zhizhou's "benevolent government and love the people", but the benevolent government they understand seems to be a little different from the benevolent government of Zhizhou.

In the afternoon, Zhu Ming took people into the mountains.

The imperial court determined that Emperor Yao's tomb was located here, but it was impossible to say where it was buried. So they chose a place with good feng shui and built an altar and temple as a place for Spring and Autumn sacrifices. Only five households were left in the mountain, and they took turns to pay homage to the tomb.

Burn incense and sweep the temple.

Ju Ming pointed to the temple and ordered: "Measure the land with this as the center, and a one-mile radius circle will be the restricted area."

Cao Yuangui couldn't help but said: "Is one mile too small?"

Ju Ming said: "Sages and Tao are one, and there is a vast universe. How can Emperor Yao care about the size of his mausoleum? The people respected Yao with one heart, and sincerity will lead to spirituality."

The three county magistrates did not dare to argue and had no choice but to let the officials do as they were told.

Ju Ming added: "After demarcating the restricted area, boundary monuments were buried in all directions. Outside the boundary monuments, people can collect firewood and raise livestock, but they are not allowed to interfere with people's lives."

That night, Ju Ming rested in the village at the foot of the mountain.

It was still Taigong Liu who entertained me, no more drinks were brought, no more spicy food was allowed.

But since there is enough meat, Zhizhou cannot be allowed to eat pickles anymore.

According to ancient pre-Qin rituals, meat is not prohibited during fasting.

On the contrary, eating meat is also encouraged because eating meat can nourish the spirit and enable better communication with gods.

You are not allowed to eat spicy food because you are afraid that the smell of leeks and garlic is too strong and your bad breath will offend the gods. The same principle applies to bathing and changing clothes. You must pay attention to personal hygiene, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the gods.

The next day, the servants from each village came early.

They brought their own dry food and tools and went into the mountains to repair altars and clear trees and weeds. This was a service, and they had no wages, so they had to find ways to provide food and accommodation by themselves.

On the third day, prominent people from all over the county came one after another. They came to accompany Zhizhou in offering sacrifices.

When everyone arrived, Zhu Ming did not enter the mountain.

Li Bao took out a small book and handed it over. Zhu Ming took it and read it, then threw it to Cao Yuangui: "Since you paid the exemption money, why do you have to serve as a soldier again?"

Cao Yuangui was so frightened that his legs became weak, and then he gritted his teeth and said: "Those subordinate officials are simply lawless! Don't worry, the eunuch, when the sacrifice is over, the subordinate officials will definitely investigate and spare no mercy!"

Zhu Ming glanced at the squire who accompanied the sacrifice and said loudly: "Since all the gentry and elders in this county are here, I will make it clear here and set the rules for future sacrifices at Yao's tomb..."

(Thanks to the leader of the warm baby for the reward, ^_^!)

This chapter has been completed!
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