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Chapter 23 0022 [Fisherman]

"If you are four years old, you can make pears. If you are a younger brother, you should be a wiser. The first is filial piety and brotherhood, the second is seeing and hearing. Knowing a certain number, knowing a certain article...Mother, I have finished memorizing it."

After finishing the meal, Bai Qi began to recite the sentences he learned yesterday.

Shen Yourong can teach this kind of common allusion by himself, without Ju Ming and Zhu Guoxiang having to worry about it.

Shen Yourong asked: "Do you still remember what it means?"

Bai Qi thought carefully and said: "Kong Rong would give pears to his elder brother when he was four years old. He should be filial to his elders and friendly to his brothers..."

Shen Yourong said happily: "Very good, I will teach you the next few sentences today."

But he saw Zhu Guoxiang carrying a dung bucket filled with dried chicken manure, and shouted to Ju Ming: "Come here and help!"

"What are you doing?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Go and get some plant ash from the stove."

Zhu Ming asked doubtfully: "Dean Zhu, where are you going to cause trouble?"

"Sowing corn." Zhu Guoxiang said.

"We don't even have land, where can we sow seeds?" Zhu Ming couldn't figure it out.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Plant in the yard... don't talk nonsense, go and get the plant ash!"

Ju Ming found a wooden basin in the kitchen, dug out the stove ashes with tongs, filled half of the basin, and slowly carried it back to the courtyard.

But he saw that Zhu Guoxiang had gone under the eaves of the hut and was mixing something with a shovel.

"The ashes are here." Ju Ming said.

"Put it there." Zhu Guoxiang continued to wave the shovel.

Chicken manure, silkworm excrement, straw, weeds, fallen leaves, and even some peat from nowhere.

The plant ash was quickly poured in and continued to stir repeatedly.

Ju Ming finally understood: "Is this composting?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "It's almost the spring corn sowing season. First, pile up and ferment the nutrient soil, then roll the nutrient soil into mud balls, and insert the corn into the nutrient balls. The corn seedlings sown in this way will grow strong and wait until we make them. When we got to the land, we just transplanted the corn seedlings there."

"Is this done?" Zhu Ming pointed to the pile of fertilizer.

"You also grew up in a rural area, so why don't you know how to do any farm work?" Zhu Guoxiang said contemptuously.

Zhu Ming chuckled and said: "When I was in the countryside, my grandparents didn't let me work. I was busy going up the mountains to catch birds and swimming in the rivers all day long."

While they were working, Mrs. Yan came over and took a look. She could see that the father and son were composting, but she didn't know what the fertilizer was used for.

Grandma Yan didn't ask any questions and just let them mess around.

After finally finishing his work, he saw Zhu Guoxiang coming out with two fishing rods: "I'm bored all day long, let's go fishing by the river!"

"Not interested." Zhu Ming is not a fisherman.

"Follow me." Zhu Guoxiang picked up a hoe and went to dig up earthworms.

It was boring to stay here. Zhu Ming took a fishing rod and asked curiously: "Where did you get the fishhook?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Look for the sewing needle Madam Shen asked for, burn it red and bend it to make a fishhook."

Ju Ming looked at the simple fishhook and the fishing line made of hemp rope, and complained: "I'd be damned if I could catch a fish."

After digging some earthworms, the father and son went to the river together. Zhu Ming took the horse away, just in time to let the thin horse out for some air.

I met several villagers on the way and greeted them warmly. It was obvious that the father and son had become familiar with each other in the village.

There is a passenger boat by the river. It is not used to cross the river, but is a means of travel for Lao Bai's family.

This boat will sail to the county town regularly, and villagers can also pay to ride, but they cannot enter the cabin at will.

There are two small fishing boats on the river. Facing the sun, they cast down their nets, splashing thousands of waves and shining with sparkling light.

"Dean Zhu, why are you wandering around?" Zhu Ming shouted.

Zhu Guoxiang carefully checked the hydrological topography and replied casually: "Find a suitable fishing spot."

Zhu Ming didn't care what the fishing spot was, so he chose a spot with fewer weeds, hung up earthworms and threw them into the water, then lay down on the ground and slept leisurely. He even pulled out a weed and bit it in his mouth.

The warm spring breeze blows gently, and the warm February sun shines on your face, which makes you feel indescribably comfortable.

Before I knew it, I fell asleep soundly.

When he woke up again, he didn't know when. Zhu Ming stretched and sat up, finally remembering that he was still fishing.

I pulled the rod and saw that the bait was gone.

The man walked towards his father carrying the fishing rod and asked with a smile: "Dean Zhu, how was the harvest?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I caught a few fish."

"Let me see." Zhu Ming looked at the bucket.

There are seven in total, which is quite a lot, but unfortunately they are all small snack bars.

Ju Ming joked: "Your fishing skills are not good. You haven't caught a single serious fish."

Zhu Guoxiang asked back: "Isn't the meal bar serious?"

"This kind of fish is very stupid," Ju Ming told his glorious history. "One time during the Chinese New Year, I bought a box of firecrackers, which are the kind of firecrackers that can be lit. Passing by the creek near my grandfather's house, I saw many

As Tiao was swimming around, he suddenly had a genius idea. I wrapped the tail of the cannon with mud and threw it into the water when the open flame went out. When the cannon fell into the water, white smoke and white foam would appear.

It was food, and they all swam over to peck at it, and bang... one blast blew up more than a dozen meal sticks."

Zhu Guoxiang was speechless: "What a mess."

Ju Ming said proudly: "There is a trick to this. I tried it several times before I succeeded. First of all, it must be wrapped in mud, otherwise the cannon will float on the water. Secondly, the mud cannot be wrapped too much. If it covers the gunpowder position, the explosion will be

It’s not very powerful. It was the second day of the Lunar New Year, so I used a few boxes of rubbish crackers to blow up more than a pound of meal sticks, which was a bargain at the price of the fat orange at my grandpa’s house.”

When the grandfather was mentioned, the father and son were silent. They both missed home very much.

Especially Ju Ming, who vowed to conquer the world, but actually wished he could go back to modern times. He had had enough of the ancient times when he lacked everything.


Zhu Guoxiang suddenly pulled the rod and quickly pulled the fish out of the water. This time it was a large crucian carp four fingers wide.

Ju Ming praised: "Okay, Dean Zhu, it's up to you to eat meat tonight."

The temptation of eating meat gave Ju Ming the motivation to start fishing with bait in a decent manner.

It's a pity that his temperament is too outrageous and he has no patience at all. Not to mention fishing for crucian carp, he can't even catch meal sticks.

Zhu Guoxiang was speechless about this and complained: "You are such a person that you can calm down and read so many ancient books."

Ju Ming said: "That's different, it's my hobby."

After catching the air several times in a row, Zhu Ming finally gave up and rolled up his trouser legs to catch crabs.

Suddenly, a group of people walked towards the river. The leader was wearing silk clothes, and one after another they boarded the Bai family's passenger boat.

Although he didn't know him, Ju Ming still held his hands in greeting: "That's polite."

The man in silk clothes was startled when he saw this, glanced at Ju Ming's legs in the water, and got into the cabin with a disdainful expression, without even nodding in return.

The passenger ship left the shore and moved further and further away.

Zhu Ming muttered: "Tsk, what a Jiba thing!"

Guessing that it was almost time to cook, the father and son carried the fish back.

There were four crucian carp, one small carp, and the rest were just food sticks, plus a few crabs that Ju Ming touched.

Mrs. Yan happily took care of the fish, while Shen Yourong went to pick the side dishes.

Ju Ming followed Shen Yourong, described the silk-clad man he met, and asked, "Who is that man? He is very rude."

Shen Yourong said: "There is a wrinkle on the corner of the eyebrow. It must be Bai Chongwen, the eldest son of the Bai family. He may want to take a boat to the county seat."

"How many sons does Mr. Bai have?" Zhu Ming asked.

Shen Yourong said: "Lao Bai had a first wife who had a miscarriage during several pregnancies. Although Bai Dalang was born, his biological mother died of dystocia. Later, Lao Bai had a second marriage and gave birth to two sons and three daughters. Bai Erlang His name is Bai Chongwu, and Bai Sanlang's name is Bai Chongyan. Mrs. Xuxian's natal family is very powerful and does not allow Mr. Bai to take concubines. I heard that when he was young, Mr. Bai had a concubine outside the county, and I don't know if he gave birth to any children. "

"What are these three sons doing?" Zhu Ming asked again.

Shen Yourong said: "Bai Dalang stayed in the village, managing the fields, tea mountains and shops. Bai Erlang worked as a superintendent in the county seat and was a serious county official. Bai Sanlang was extraordinary. He studied in the city and was passed the exam. He was sent to Beijing and almost passed the Jinshi examination."

Zhu Ming asked again: "I bowed to that Bai Dalang, but he didn't even look at me. Are all the men in the Bai family like this?"

Shen Yourong whispered: "Bai Dalang has lost his mother since he was a child. He has a very weird temperament and has a bad relationship with his stepmother. Bai Erlang is very smooth and greets everyone with a smile. I heard that there is a nickname in the county called Smiling Tiger . Bai Sanlang is a real scholar, likes elegance, makes friends easily, and is extremely enthusiastic towards others.”

Like elegance?

Easy to make friends?

Ju Ming felt very happy. It was easy for him to make friends, especially rich friends.

(Thanks to Past Events Chengyan, Ji You and other brothers for their rewards and support!)

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