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Chapter 250 0245 [Daojun, Emperor and Heavenly Father and Earthly Mother]

The residential area of ​​the iron smelting field has gradually taken shape. With the recruitment of workers and the dispatched criminals, the forest is being cut down and the land is being leveled faster, and preparations are being made for mining and furnace construction.

It is of course illegal to use criminals to do private work, but no one cares about it at all.

Even Li Daochong, the general judge, could only mock Ju Ming for his double standards and never thought of using this matter for impeachment. Because the impeachment was certain to be invalid, the emperor could only laugh at it.

"Do you use the fried steel method in Xuzhou?" Zhu Ming asked.

Tu Shen corrected him: "It's a fried iron method. It can only produce wrought iron, but not real steel."

"They're all the same, they just have different names," Zhu Ming said. "Can you improve the process and connect the iron smelting furnace to the iron frying furnace so that the molten iron flows directly into the frying furnace and stirs?"

Tu Shen was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and then said in surprise: "Why didn't I think of that? As long as the frying pond is made lower, the molten iron can flow into it and stir, which can save a lot of time. Unexpectedly, the prefect is good at smelting iron.


Ju Ming asked again: "Is steelmaking in Xuzhou tempering or pouring?"

Tu Shen said: "They are all. To make ordinary iron tools and weapons, the steel filling method is used. The steel is quickly produced and the price is cheaper, but it is definitely far less useful than hammering. If you want to make a good sword or a good gun, you have to hammer it over and over again."

Zhu Ming carried his father out again: "My father once traveled overseas and was taught a new method of steel filling by a stranger."

"I heard from Taoist Shi that Mr. Zhu met an immortal overseas. I think the immortal's method is more effective." Tu Shen immediately flattered him.

Ju Ming said: "When filling steel, the furnace is not sealed with soil, but covered with broken straw sandals. If the broken straw sandals are not enough, you can also use something similar. Use a wrought iron plate as the material, drop molten pig iron on it, and then forge it.


This is an advanced version of Su Gang's pouring method that only appeared in the late Qing Dynasty.

Tu Shen didn't understand, so he asked, "Why don't you use mud to seal the furnace, but use broken straw sandals to cover it?"

Ju Ming could not explain what continuous oxygen supply was, nor could he explain what reduction reaction was. He could only talk vaguely: "Because there is always life in the furnace, which makes the pig iron more energetic when it is melted."

Tu Shen: "..."

"How about you try it first? If it doesn't work, then use the old method." Zhu Ming said.

"I will definitely obey the prefect's orders." Tu Shen's focus was not on smelting iron and steel, but on hugging Ju Ming's thigh.

Zhu Ming took out another drawing: "This is called a retort, and it can cast ironware weighing less than a thousand pounds."

The retort furnace is very simple. It is an improved version of the Song Dynasty furnace. Tu Shen understood it at a glance and said: "This should be used in the foundry but not in the iron smelting field. It is of little use."

"Then keep it for later use," Ju Ming said.

Ju Ming has formulated a development plan, not only to develop his own iron smelting field, but also to promote the iron smelting and forging industry in Jinzhou so that more unemployed people can find jobs.

In the early stage, the iron smelting furnace and the iron frying furnace were built and put into use as soon as possible. They mainly smelted pig iron and wrought iron and sold them to local blacksmiths to make daily ironware. The second furnace was connected and the iron was fried directly, which saved a lot of time and cooked iron.

The manufacturing cost of iron is definitely lower than that of its peers, and it is gradually gaining a foothold in the Jinzhou market.

Due to the reduced cost of wrought iron, it can be used in large quantities to make iron pots, which is definitely better than the popular cast iron pots on the market. This has cultivated a number of blacksmith shops, allowing them to make money by making wrought iron pots.

At the same time, a group of merchants can also be cultivated, who are responsible for transporting and selling Jinzhou wrought ironware.

We will wait until next year to use the improved version of the Suzhou Steel method to make steel. This thing will be more valuable. As long as Ju Ming is still an official, he can withstand the exploitation of the Changping Division and continue to export energy.

He even obtained a weapon-making license and mass-produced mid-range weapons. Although the quality is not as good as the Bailian Weapon (this thing is too expensive), it is definitely better than the weapons made with steel in the Song Dynasty, and should become a mainstream weapon among the people.

Procurement by the imperial court is also possible. As long as Ju Ming is still an official, his workshop will surely not suffer any loss if he sells weapons to the government.

By the way, I want to complain about the ordnance system of the Northern Song Dynasty...

In the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, the quality of the Song army's ordnance was inferior to that of Xixia, and the weapons and armor were unusable.

Wang Anshi then established the Ordnance Supervision to strengthen the design, manufacturing, maintenance and supervision of ordnance, which immediately improved the quality of the Song Army's ordnance.

The Ordnance Supervision nominally oversees ordnance across the country, but in reality it can only control how many large workshops are set up in the Gyeonggi region for production.

As for the local areas, the capitals of border prefectures have capitals and military affairs, and the capitals of common prefectures have military affairs. The Ordnance Supervisor sends people to conduct regular inspections to supervise and guide the capitals and military affairs in each place.

Zhezong of the Song Dynasty succeeded to the throne, Empress Dowager Gao took charge of the government, and the ordnance organization was suppressed as the result of the new law!

The quantity of ordnance production dropped sharply, and officials were no longer sent to supervise and inspect. As a result, officials became corrupt, craftsmen were perfunctory, and the quality of ordnance returned to before Wang Anshi's reform.

Song Huizong restored the new law, and the ordnance department also received attention.

But it’s already rotten, how can it be said that it will be restored?

Take the Jinzhou Zuoyuan as an example. There are few craftsmen left, and they are all being paid by officials. If the imperial court issues a task and asks Jinzhou to donate a certain number of weapons, the Zhizhou can only recruit private craftsmen to build them, or directly build them among the private sector.

Purchase and use this as an excuse to impose exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes.

Ju Ming even came up with the idea that if the imperial court asked him to donate ordnance, he would take the opportunity to resume the production of Jinzhou Zuoyuan.

Use government money to form a legal weapons production team in the name of Zuoyuan!

After returning to Zhouya by boat, Wu Mao immediately came to report: "Prefect, another imperial edict has arrived, and it will be announced to the world."

"Tell the world?" Zhu Ming couldn't guess what it was about.

Wu Mao said: "The leader of the religion is the Taojun Emperor."

Just like ascending the throne and proclaiming yourself emperor, proclaiming yourself the Taoist Lord and Emperor requires a process and requires persuasion from officials.

Now it is finally finished and announced to the world.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty first issued an edict to the Daolu Academy:

"I am the eldest son of God Haotian, and I am called the Emperor of Dayiao. When I was in heaven, I witnessed China being bewitched by Buddhism, and believers mutilating themselves in order to achieve enlightenment. I felt very sorry for them, so I begged God to voluntarily come down to earth to be the master of mankind and order the world

Return to the right path. Father God agreed to my request and let my brother, Emperor Qinghua, take charge of my priesthood."

"I had a dream recently, and suddenly I remembered things in heaven, and realized that I have not fulfilled my long-cherished wish. You Taoist priests can submit a memorial, and as Taoist officials, persuade me to become the Taoist Lord and Emperor."

As a result, ministers and Taoist officials came forward one after another to persuade him to proceed.

It also confirmed the identity of the Taoist leader, the Emperor Daojun, as the Great Emperor of Immortality, one of the five Taoist sects. Moreover, this title was only used in Taoist official documents, and the imperial court followed the original rules.

Immediately, Lin Lingsu's hometown of Wenzhou was upgraded to Yingdao Army (Jiedu level).

Immediately afterwards, His Majesty the Taoist Emperor gave his mother a badge.

His father is the God of Haotian, but his mother has not been officially titled. The heavenly father and the earth mother are canonized as "the earth emperor who inherits the law of heaven and imitates the virtues, virtues and glory". The abbreviation is: Houtu!

Emperor Daojun couldn't just be happy for himself when he had a father and mother, so he announced the good news to the world and asked local officials to offer sacrifices to celebrate.

After reading the imperial edict, Zhu Ming felt a pain in his head and said to Wu Mao: "Make five copies of the imperial edict and send it to the county government, so that the county magistrate can post it everywhere in Jinzhou."

Wu Mao asked: "How will the prefect arrange the sacrifices and celebrations?"

"Everything should be simplified," Zhu Ming said. "Let the counties also be simplified. Don't waste people and money because of this."

It's really simple enough, and it's too simple.

The place of worship is located at Yaowang Temple. After all, this is the largest Taoist temple in Jinzhou.

Zhu Ming served as the officiating priest as the magistrate of the state, and the abbot of Yaowang Temple served as the master of ceremonies.

Pigs, cows and sheep were indispensable, but Zhu Ming was reluctant to slaughter the farm cattle, so he bought an old and sick cow from the market to make up for the shortage.

The prefects of other prefectures had to repair Taoist temples first, build the altar high, and plant flowers and trees near the altar. They also asked the people to offer gifts. Officials took the opportunity to blackmail the rich, and the subordinate staff took the opportunity to blackmail the humble people.

However, Ju Ming simply built a small earthen platform and was strictly prohibited from disturbing the people. The sacrifices were extremely shabby except for three animals.

Jishi chose one at random and quickly finished the matter before the hungry people gathered.

The sacrificial article was also written by Wu Mao, and Ju Ming read it once during the ceremony.

The general content is: Thank God, Father and Mother Houtu, for giving birth to a good son who will come to earth to be the Emperor, so that all the people in the world can be happy and happy. I am the prefect of Jinzhou, entrusted by the Emperor, and represent all the people of Jinzhou. Today I offer sacrifices to the Emperor and the Queen.

Soil... bala bala.

After struggling for a long time, I finally got it done.

As the general judge, Li Daochong naturally had to participate in the whole process.

The man returned to the court and immediately wrote a letter to complain, and seemed extremely excited.

Listing Ju Ming's top ten crimes, he wrote more than a thousand words eloquently.

The first sin is that the altar is only three feet high and only nine feet square, which completely fails to show the solemnity of the ceremony.

The second sin is not carefully choosing the place for worship. The altar is right at the entrance of Yaowang Temple. Just find a piece of flat land and do it. What if you don't choose a Feng Shui treasure place?

The third crime is that July is the most auspicious day of the year, but Ju Ming held a sacrificial event in advance.

The fourth crime was that although the sacrificial personnel were ordered to fast and bathe, Ju Ming's supervision was not strict, and some officials even smelled of garlic when they spoke.

The fifth crime is to sacrifice old and sick cows to the Emperor, Heaven and Queen, which is extremely disrespectful to the Emperor's parents.

The sixth crime was that there were too few people watching the ceremony, and many people did not know that this event existed.

The seventh crime is that Ju Ming made sarcastic comments about Emperor Daojun in private, saying that the emperor was a coward who had no regard for people's livelihood (this charge was purely false).

The eighth crime was that Ju Ming not only performed perfunctory sacrifices himself, but also asked county officials to perform hasty sacrifices as well.

The ninth crime was that state and county officials wanted to enter Huashi Gang, but Ju Ming not only prohibited it, but also took Huashi Gang for his own use (the matter of seizing alluvial gold).

The tenth crime was bullying Taoist officials and priests, and forcing the Taoist priests to go into the mountains to collect herbs (actually to preach). As a result, most of the Taoist priests in Yaowang Temple were unable to participate in this sacrificial activity.

Li Daochong showed it to Song Ning, who had joined the army to record the incident, and said happily: "If the officials know about these ten major sins, the person named Zhu will be in bad luck!"

"You can impeach a few more officials, and the charges should be slightly different," Song Ning suggested.

Li Daochong said: "That's what I meant."

These two guys secretly worked together to coerce and induce officials to write letters of complaint, and they secretly collected more than ten letters.

This chapter has been completed!
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