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Chapter 262 0257 [The Hunjun has sent money]

After returning to Daming Village to live for half a month, Zhu Guoxiang hurried to the paper mill after appraising the time.

Due to the rapid greening method, the soaking pool is not large, but there are several, making it easy to drain and fill water at any time.

Ju Ming's "Tiangong Kaiwu" method of making bamboo paper said that it needs to be soaked for more than a hundred days.

Therefore, Zhu Guoxiang had to conduct experiments. Before other facilities were built, he gave priority to digging the pond. After the tube-making truck dug the pond, he threw the bamboo materials into it.

Zhu Guoxiang soaked the bamboo paper in several soaking pools for half a month, one month, two months, and three months respectively, and then looked at the effect of the length of time on the bamboo paper.

Bundles of bamboo and hemp were picked up, and before soaking, the bamboo skin was peeled off, tied up and thrown into the pond.

"Break it!"

Now that he has something to do, Dean Zhu has become serious again, and everything he says and does appears to be calm and unhurried.

After degreening, the bamboo and hemp are placed in a stone mortar and pounded.

This process has two types: water power and manpower. The water hammer has not been built yet, so manpower will be used instead.

A strong man used the principle of leverage to step up the long wooden mallet. After letting go, the wooden mallet fell again, repeatedly pounding the bamboo and hemp.

This is followed by cleaning, adding lime and cooking.

During this process, Zhu Guoxiang noticed a problem.

It’s not that you can’t do it this way, but there are ways to save time and improve results.

You can soak it for a period of time first, then add some lime at will. Then pound the bamboo and hemp, spread the lime in layers and then soak it again, so that the bamboo hemp and lime will react more fully and quickly.

Therefore, Dean Zhu adjusted the process again, soaked the bamboo again and used a new method.

Under the guidance of basic chemical knowledge, Zhu Guoxiang figured out the greening process of Jiajiang paper. The more than 100 days of soaking time of bamboo paper in the Ming Dynasty was divided into two parts, one was soaking for 14 days before mashing, and the other was after mashing.

After soaking for another 7 days and adding lime, the curing time is shortened to 21 days.

This kind of bamboo paper was designated as imperial examination and palace paper during the Qianlong period.

Of course, the subsequent process needs to be adjusted accordingly, but it can be used without adjustment.

In fact, there are more time-saving methods, such as Fuyang bamboo paper, which shortens the soaking time to less than 20 days, or even only 10 days. However, the subsequent process is more complicated and cumbersome, and in general, it is only more time-saving than Jiajiang paper.

A little bit.

Washing, cooking, pouring, retting, fermenting, pounding, washing, bleaching, beating... a series of processes are completed, and the time has entered late autumn.

"There are no bamboo tendons!" Wen Luan said happily.

The paper fisherman was working hard, and several apprentices were watching.

There were also paper brushers, only two of whom were borrowed from the Min family. They clamped the bamboo paper sheets and painted them on the walls 10 at a time. They then had to dry for four or five days.

Although it could not be used yet, Wen Luan could tell by looking at the freshly painted paper that it was "high quality".

The bamboo paper of the Northern Song Dynasty was mixed with various bamboo tendons, and you could cut out a section by just digging it with your hands. It was rough and difficult to use, and it was not beautiful and elegant.

As for the newly painted bamboo paper in front of me, not a single bamboo rib could be seen.

The next day, Wen Wuguang and Su heard the news and came and stared at the bamboo paper being dried for a long time.

Wen Wuguang said excitedly: "This bamboo paper can be of great use. From now on, when I buy paper, I will buy it from Yuan Zhang. Drawing bamboo on bamboo paper will have more charm!"

A few days later, the clerk's hands were so itchy that he cut out the first piece of paper himself and took a pile home for free.

Zhu Guoxiang repeatedly folded the bamboo paper, then poked it with his fingers, then gently tore it into pieces, and finally tried to write with a brush.

I frowned and thought hard, wondering which link had gone wrong.

Miss Wen asked curiously: "Why is Mr. unhappy?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Compared with leather paper, it is still too brittle. Maybe it is a problem with the materials used. We should use young bamboo from late spring and early summer to make paper. Because it is out of season, I use old bamboo from late summer and early autumn instead."

"It's already ready for use. There's no need to be picky." Miss Wen comforted her.

Zhu Guoxiang made a few large sheets, cut them into small squares and put them away. He planned to put them away and wipe his butt.

Some time later, the second batch of bamboo paper came out, which was made from bamboo and hemp soaked for a month. After repeated comparisons, it was found that the quality had slightly improved, but there was no major change.

Zhu Guoxiang therefore determined that the soaking time does not need to be too long, and there is no need to strictly follow "Tiangong Kaiwu" because he has improved the process.

Throughout the early winter, Zhu Guoxiang tried repeatedly, standardizing and improving bit by bit, and by the way, he trained the villagers in papermaking technology.

Those who are clumsy are responsible for chopping, peeling and beating bamboo.

Those with flexible hands and feet can participate in more technical processes.

Before winter, Zhang Guangdao smuggled back and brought the first batch of Shaanxi immigrants. There were more than sixty people in total, who were both bandits and civilians hiding in the mountains. Their life in winter would be very difficult, so they were willing to follow Zhang Guangdao.

These Shaanxi people were placed in Jintan Village by Zhu Guoxiang, allowing them to build houses and settle further upstream.

Miss Wen came to visit with a food box: "Sir, do you live here in winter? If it snows, it must be very cold."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "If it snows, go back to Daming Village."

The papermaking mill was in full swing, but Zhu Guoxiang had not yet built a house for himself, and had been living in a simple bamboo house for several months.

He indeed likes to enjoy things more, but when it comes to actually doing things, he still has to endure hardships.

Miss Wen opened the food box and took out a few dishes.

Then she took a piece of clothing from the maid and said, "This is the robe I made for you, please try it on to see if it fits you."

Zhu Guoxiang put on his robe directly and touched it left and right: "It's very soft. What's inside?"

"Chicken, duck and goose feathers have been stored for a long time." Miss Wen said.

Zhu Guoxiang nodded and said: "It fits very well."

"That's good." Miss Wen smiled brightly.

After all, Zhu Guoxiang did not copy poems to seduce girls. This kind of sexy idea can just stay in his mind. It is too cheap to actually put it into practice.

Only my stupid son can copy poems to show off.

Zhu Guoxiang believed that even if he didn't copy poems, he was still very charming. Little sister Wen became more and more affectionate towards him and even sewed a robe for him with her own hands.

This winter, the weather was quite normal, and the first light snow arrived as scheduled.

Miss Wen sent him to the shore and reluctantly said: "Sir, take care!"

Zhu Guoxiang said goodbye and finally asked: "I don't know my little sister's name yet."

Wen Xiaomei smiled slightly: "It is inconvenient to reveal my maiden's name, and the previous word has been abandoned. The wind passed through the bamboo forest the day before yesterday, and I accidentally caught the word bamboo wind. What do you think, sir?"

"Asparagus style?" Zhu Guoxiang muttered twice, "Charm, charm, it's better to call it Asparagus style."

Little sister Wen suddenly blushed and bent down to perform the Wanfu salute: "Thank you sir for the words."

I have accepted all the words, and no longer use the word "married for the first time". The relationship between the two has basically broken the window.

Just as Zhu Guoxiang was about to board the ship, a small boat came quickly.

"Mr. Zhu, it's easy to find us!" The leader was a eunuch.

Zhu Guoxiang recognized this person, raised his hands and asked: "Why did the noble man come to Yangzhou?"

The eunuch said: "The officials have sent me to announce the decree."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I'd like to thank you for taking a trip."

The eunuch handed over the imperial edict: "It's easy to talk to Mr. Zhu, so we don't need to burn incense and bathe. You can read what is written in the imperial edict yourself."

Zhu Guoxiang opened the imperial edict with a strange expression.

He actually asked him to promote the Suling Palace in Yangzhou and allocated 13,000 yuan to expand and repair the Suling Palace.

Don't underestimate the fact that this job was very popular in the Huizong Dynasty. Local people and financial resources could be mobilized at will. State and county officials must be honest and obedient.

The eunuch said: "Of the 8,000 guan allocated by the government, there are only 5,000 guan left after leaving the capital. Please forgive me, Mr. Zhu."

"It's okay." Zhu Guoxiang could only hold his nose and admit it.

He still had to dismiss the person in front of him more or less, although this guy must have reached out and fished some.

Zhu Guoxiang followed the eunuch back to Yangzhou City, received 5,000 coins (all in silver collars) from the emperor, and handed a silver collar back to the eunuch, saying in a low voice: "Noble man, please don't stay in Yangzhou for a long time.

The border is richer."

The eunuch smiled and said, "I don't want to embarrass you sir."

The eunuch would probably take the opportunity to extort money from the place. As long as he didn't mess around in Yangzhou, he could do whatever he wanted when he went to Xingyuan Mansion.

Back then, Zhu Guoxiang tied up the eunuch and went to Beijing to return the property he had extorted. The situation was different at that time. It was necessary to establish a person and build a reputation as soon as possible, but now it is completely different.

Zhu Guoxiang just wanted to develop his strength as quickly as possible, and was afraid of causing trouble and did not want to get into trouble with the eunuch.

Send the eunuch away quickly, Zhu Guoxiang has the final say on the rest.

Expanding Surin Palace?


But you can do things under this guise.

The emperor asked Yangzhou officials to also raise 5,000 yuan, and Zhu Guoxiang of course had to reveal the imperial edict.

As soon as the eunuch left, Zhu Guoxiang went to the state government office.

"Hu Zhizhou, let's see." Zhu Guoxiang took out the imperial edict.

Hu Zhizhou performed very well last year. Huang Qianshan provoked civil unrest, and he followed the movement judge to suppress it, and then assisted in repairing the plank road throughout the process. Although the village soldiers made noise and he was almost beaten to death, he finally escaped.

After reading the imperial edict carefully, Hu Zhizhou said with a mournful face: "Xiangong Zhu, there is a drought this year, and the court has not reduced taxes. How can we raise 5,000 yuan to go to the Taoist temple? If we force taxes and levies, I'm afraid there will be mob troubles like last year.

It’s hard to calm down.”

Zhu Guoxiang sighed: "Of course I know what's going on, so I can only delay it as long as possible. The officials gave me eight thousand guans, but half of them were gone as soon as I left the capital. I still have to send out the eunuchs who will deliver the order, so I only have more than 3,000 in hand."


Hu Zhizhou asked: "Why does Zhu Xianggong plan to delay this?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "The outer walls of the Taoist temple can be painted casually, and the damaged statues inside can be repaired."

"I'll take care of this!" Hu Zhizhou agreed quickly.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Don't mention it to the superiors. Just say that Suling Palace has been repaired."

Hu Zhizhou bowed and said: "Xiang Gong Zhu is benevolent and righteous."

Really, if Zhu Guoxiang was not in charge of the project, any Taoist priest who came to supervise the construction would be able to drive the state and county officials into ecstasy.

Take the Taoist temple in Luoyang as an example. They actually killed farm cattle everywhere to collect their bones and grind them into powder. The officials who were forced to implement this had already become notorious and their spines were about to be broken by the common people.

Nearly 5,000 gu of project money was directly swallowed up by Zhu Guoxiang. He was short of money and could do many things.

The task of building Taoist temples can be done casually.

This chapter has been completed!
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