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Chapter 274 0269 [Zhu University]

Yanfu Palace.

Huizong of the Song Dynasty was reading the "Shuyiyi of the Great Learning Chapters and Sentences". King Zhao Kai was sitting next to him, and Cai Jing was also given a seat by the emperor.

Wang Fu, Li Bangyan, Liang Shicheng and others stood quietly around.

Liang Shicheng's task of building a sea-going ship has been completed, and he returned to Beijing a while ago to resume his duties. Song Huizong originally wanted him to sail the ship to find immortals, but Liang Shicheng simply pretended to be ill and could not afford it.

The emperor knew that he was afraid, but he did not bother to expose it, so he sent his trusted eunuchs to lead Taoist priests, imperial troops, boys and girls to Hangzhou to board the ship.

After finishing the book in more than ten minutes, Song Huizong asked: "What's wrong?"

Cai Jing said: "This Luo School has many words from the Second Cheng, such as studying things to gain knowledge."

However, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said: "Studying things to achieve knowledge is the last words of Confucius. How can it become a second-level teaching?"

Cai Jing said: "Confucian scholars in my dynasty have different opinions on this. Even the two Chengs have different opinions. Ju Ming's study of things and knowledge is clearly derived from Cheng Yi."

Cai Jing not only brought the "Explanatory Meanings of University Chapters and Sentences", but also a copy of "Tao Yongce".

Song Huizong was noncommittal and turned to read "Tao Yongce". He skipped all the mathematics, agriculture, physics and other contents, and only read the theoretical articles in the book, which he finished in less than half an hour.

As he read, Song Huizong laughed: "This Ju Ming's learning is like cooking porridge. He not only quoted Luo learning, but also quoted many new learnings. Luo learning is the basis, and the new learning is used.

It’s rare to be together.”

Song Huizong was not only good at art, he himself had a foundation in Confucianism, and he could actually see through Ju Ming's true nature at a glance.

In fact, except for Wang Anshi's deliberate far-fetched interpretation and distortion of the classic meaning, there is not much academic conflict between Xinxue and Luo Xue.

Take the study of things to achieve knowledge, for example, Xin Xue and Luo Xue are roughly the same.

Of course there are differences, even brothers Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi have differences with each other.

Wang Anshi's theory of physical studies is closer to Cheng Yi's.

Cheng Yi believes that there are differences between external objects and nature.

External objects, that is, people's inherent understanding of the phenomenon of things. For example, when you see ice, you know it is cold, and when you see a father and son, you think of filial piety. (The apparent characteristics of things.)

Nature, that is, the deep-seated truth contained in the phenomenon of things. For example, ice is formed by water being affected by Yin Qi, and the Yin Qi accumulates, so it is very cold. Children are filial to their fathers, and there are more human ethics principles, etc. (Internal laws of things.)

Cheng Yi's point of view is to understand all things and exhaust all principles, and the interconnection of all principles is the great road. He pays more attention to theoretical summary.

Although Wang Anshi did not explain it clearly, he was also trying to understand all things and exhaust all principles, but the various principles were not connected in series. He paid more attention to practical effects.

Cheng Yi also complained about this, which roughly means: "When Wang Anshi was young, he boasted that he could understand all things and unify them, but later he denied himself as a scholar, and his academic achievements in his later years were even more fragmented."

Zhu Ming inspired Chen Yuan to write "Ge Wu Lun", which paid attention to both theoretical summary and practical effect, which is equivalent to combining Cheng Yi and Wang Anshi.

Therefore, Song Huizong said that Zhu Ming was cooking porridge, Luo Xue took some, Xinxue took some, and threw them into the pot to cook together.

Cai Jing sat on the chair without moving, and raised his right hand.

Cai You immediately brought out other evidence of guilt, which was excerpts from Ju Ming's lectures at Jinzhou Prefecture.

Song Huizong read it carefully and his expression finally turned unhappy.

Wang Anshi annotated two books, "The Essentials of the Book of Rites" and "The Invention of the Book of Rites". The imperial court promoted the former, while Cai Jing deliberately hid the latter. Because the latter contained many "false words" and many of his views were extremely radical and could even be called rebellious.


Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty had not read "The Invention of the Book of Rites". Even if he had, he would have been angry after reading Ju Ming's lectures.

Because no matter how rebellious Wang Anshi was, he did not dare to say it directly. He only inspired readers to think. It was like poking through the window paper so that readers could peep.

Ju Ming said it clearly, which was equivalent to kicking the door open.

"What a great king who gives a humble minister a gift, how courageous!" Song Huizong was touched.

He crazily admires Taoism and Taoism. Not only does he really like it, but he also wants to establish his own legal authority.

He admitted that what Ju Ming said made sense, and that the original meaning of the "Book of Rites" was probably what Ju Ming said. However, he must not tell it, let alone tell it to the scholars!

Precisely because what he said made sense, Song Huizong was convinced that it was Ju Ming who told the story and it was not a random frame-up by Cai Jing and his son.

According to the traditional annotation, that sentence gives the rationality of the Hua Shi Gang. That is to say, if an unpaid minister has good things, he should present them to the monarch, and it is appropriate for officials and the common people to present the Hua Shi Gang.

But once Zhu Ming changed the interpretation of the scriptures, the Hua Shi Gang deviated from benevolent governance, and officials who presented the Hua Shi Gang became the remnants of the people!

Cai You remained silent and presented some of Ju Ming's poems.

Based on the content of the lecture, and reading Ju Ming's subsequent three poems, Song Huizong immediately understood what he meant. The Tanhualang he appointed, the minister he promoted and promoted, actually wrote a poem to satirize himself, comparing him to the dim-witted Qi in his later years.

Duke Huan even used the phrase "corpse in bed".

The poem written to Li Shishi also hinted that the Song Dynasty might be destroyed if the chaos continued.

"I am dead in bed!" Song Huizong was extremely angry.

King Zhao Kai of Jia has already finished reading "The Great Learning" and is currently reading "Tao Yongce". Although he is talented and intelligent, he doesn't understand Luo Xue and he really can't understand the key points.

He simply stopped reading and took the excerpts of the lecture from the emperor.

Scanning a few lines of text, Zhao Kai said angrily: "When a minister presents something to the emperor, it is called Xian. How can a gift from a minister be considered as Xian? This person has no regard for the emperor and should be severely punished!"

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty said to the eunuchs accompanying him: "We have drafted a decree to prohibit the destruction of "The Great Learning Chapters" and "Tao Yongce". Anyone who dares to keep these two books privately or spread them will not be allowed to participate in the imperial examination for life. Those who already have official status will be demoted.

Demoted. Ju Ming, the magistrate of Jinzhou..."

Li Bangyan and others waited with bated breath to hear the emperor's remarks.

Zhu Ming was a civil servant and a court official. The Song Dynasty treated scholars favorably, so court officials could not be beaten to death with one blow.

Especially for those who are convicted of crimes based on words, there must be room for punishment.

After thinking for a long time, Song Huizong said: "Ju Ming, the governor of Jinzhou, specially demoted six officials and demoted him to the county magistrate!"

With the special demotion of six officials, Ju Ming's salary official was demoted to Chengwulang, and he became the lowest official in the capital from a court official.

At any rate, he kept his official status as a Beijing official and did not directly become a candidate.

Cai You left the palace in a happy mood and sent someone to find Meng Kui, the minister of official affairs.

The emperor only said that Ju Ming was demoted to the county magistrate, but did not specify where he was demoted. Moreover, Zhu Guoxiang was not implicated, and Ju Ming still had a chance to recover. He had to find a good place for Ju Ming to stay.

In the evening, Meng Kui went to Cai You's house to see him.

Meng Kui is the eldest brother of Meng Yuanlao, the author of "Tokyo Dreams", and he will preside over the construction of Gen Yue in two years.

His father, Meng Changling, was Cai Jing's right-hand man.

Although Meng Changling was a traitor, he was also a capable minister. He built permanent pontoons, which solved the problem of business travel on both sides of the Yellow River in Tokyo during high water periods. He also supervised the construction of several canals - although they were all for tax collection and transportation.

It’s a complex structure, but it does facilitate transportation.

Meng Kui asked: "How about finding a small remote county?"

Cai You said: "It is best to go to a small county that is poor, remote and prone to trouble."

Meng Kui got the idea and said with a smile: "I can be the magistrate of Hanyuan County in Lizhou."

"Hold on!"

Cai You clapped his hands and praised: "You can be of great use!"

Lizhou belongs to Shangzhou, not because there are many registered residences, but because the strategic location of the border is important.

However, there is only one county in Lizhou, namely Hanyuan County. Xia County is very poor.

In Lizhou, there are less than 3,000 Han households, about 16,000 people. There are also 3,000 Yi Yi households, about 18,000 people.

The rest are all barbarians, totaling 300,000 to 400,000 people.

The barbarian tribes frequently attacked each other and even came to plunder the Han people.

In other words, after Ju Ming left, he belonged to Fuguo County. He could not decide anything in that one county in the entire state. The Han and Yi people combined numbered 30 to 40,000, but they had to face the surrounding 300,000 to 400,000 people.


Both oil and water belong to Zhizhou, and they have nothing to do with Ju Ming, but they have to share the responsibility when something goes wrong.

Cai You said: "Li Daochong is very effective in doing things. Find him a good job. I will recommend him some day."

Ju Ming's punishment quickly spread throughout the capital.

The reason why it spread so quickly is purely because of the academic ban.

The study of "Tao Yong" was denounced as a banned study, and "Tao Yong Ce" and "Academic Chapters and Sentences" were listed as banned books.

This kind of thing has not happened for more than ten years. The last time it happened, Luo School and Shu School were banned.

So eye-catching!

The vast majority of officials in the imperial court and the vast majority of scholars in Tokyo only know what kind of Taoist learning is available precisely because of the imperial court's ban.

All readers find it incredible.

This little-known Taoist study actually attracted the attention of the emperor and received the same treatment as Luo study and Shu study.

Therefore, officials and scholars asked each other what Tao Yongxue was.

Cai Jing also sent officers to search for books in Taixue, and found several handwritten copies of "Tao Yongce". By the way, they also found some books on Luoxue and Shuxue...

It's okay if I can't help it, because banning it will make Ju Ming famous.

After the limelight passed, "Tao Yongce" first accelerated its spread among Taixue.

Many Tai students used their spare time to secretly read books on Luoxue, Shuxue, and Taoism. They read whatever the imperial court banned, mainly for stimulation.

Some people even want to buy "The Comprehensive Meaning of University Chapters and Sentences" and want to know what is written in it.

By chance, Ju Ming sent a copy to Chen Dong.

Southern suburb, Taixue new campus.

Chen Dong had been promoted to Imperial College, and he went to Zhu Tanhua's charcoal shop to pick up the package. He opened it on the spot and found that it was a banned book. He was overjoyed, but did not dare to say anything, so he put it in his arms and quietly took it back to school.

Students in the upper dormitory have different treatment, and the dormitories have been upgraded to double rooms.

"In response, look at what this is!" Chen Dong took it out like a treasure.

Wang Junyi glanced at the cover and said in surprise: "University chapter..."

"Keep your voice down!" Chen Dong reminded quickly.

Wang Junyi lived in Kuaiji (Shaoxing) and was the 30th direct grandson of Wang Xizhi. The detailed genealogy cannot be faked. He later had a cousin named Wang Zuo, who was Zhu Xi's top scholar.

Wang Junyi studied new learning in school, but privately he was a disciple of Luo School.

The two closed the doors and windows and read together. The more they read, the more excited they became.

Wang Junyi said: "Zhu Jinzhou is truly a great Confucian of his time!"

Chen Dong said angrily: "It's a pity that you can't be tolerated by the traitorous party. Your Majesty is really stupid!"

Wang Junyi said: "Once this book is published, it can be passed down to all generations. The Three Cardinal Guidelines and Eight Eyes are the standards for Confucian scholars in the world."

“It needs to be seen by more people,” Chen Dong said.

Wang Junyi came up with a way: "You and I will copy it with our left hands, bind it, and throw it away everywhere in the Imperial Academy."

Chen Dong said: "I know that there are two scholars and one professor who also practice Luo Xue privately. You can throw this book away in front of their house."

Wang Junyi said: "There are some classmates in the upper dormitory. They are also reading banned books. They can also be stuffed into his dormitory."

Not only did the two of them copy it with their left hands, but after binding it into a book, they wrote a line on the title page: "I also ask you to copy and spread this true Taoism."

More and more students joined the ranks of copying, and it only took a month for the "Shuyiyi of University Chapters and Sentences" to spread from the upper house to the inner house, and even appeared sporadically in the outer house.

There are also those who don’t mind it being a big deal and write on the gates, latrines and walls of Taixue: The three principles are to show clear virtues, be close to the people, and strive for perfection.

Organize the family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world. This path of sages and sages, the rope of a gentleman, must be observed.

Banned books spread much faster than normal books.

By the end of autumn, even the court officials had come into contact with the "Sparse Meanings of Great Learning Chapters and Sentences".

Some students were unwilling to be left alone. After copying the books, they selected officials with relatively good reputations, sneaked to their houses, and threw them into the wall. Or they threw the books outside the door, knocked on the door, and fled immediately.

The imperial court bans those in the imperial court, and everyone sees what they do.

In less than half a year, the scholars in Tokyo were talking about knowledge, talking about three principles and eight eyes, but practicing Qi Zhiping when they were silent.

In the mouths of scholars, Zhu Ming is no longer called Zhu Tanhua or Zhu Xuezheng, but is called Zhu Jinzhou or Zhu Daxue.

Some Beijing officials wrote letters to relatives and friends, and would also take the initiative to recommend "The Great Learning Chapters and Sentences", saying that this book can be read critically, and it is best for the younger members of the family to also criticize it.

This chapter has been completed!
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