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Chapter 302 0297 [Fang La Uprising]

Offering flowers and stones also competes with each other.

Zhu Meng is just the most famous one. Shengzhang also contributed after he went on his own, as did Wang Yongcong, Yu Xian, Lu Jian, Ying Andao and so on.

Song Huizong felt it was too confusing, so he selected six people to be responsible for different processes. For example, Zhu Meng was responsible for searching for rare objects, and Wang Yongcong, Yu Xian and others were all under Zhu Meng's management. Another example was Huainan Transport Magistrate Sun Mo, who was specifically responsible for it.

The order of transporting flowers and stones.

In the fierce competition, Hua Shi Gang's content is innovative.

It doesn’t have to be expensive, the core idea is to be novel!

For example, olives were something the emperor had never seen before. After a small olive seedling arrived in Tokyo, Song Huizong beamed with joy.

Song Huizong also understood that Hua Shi Gang was disturbing the people, so he put Cai Jing in charge of the management, strictly prohibiting digging graves, demolishing houses, plundering private property, etc. But Cai Jing could not control it at all, because Zhu Meng had already surrendered to Tong Guan, and he did things without any scruples.

Qingxi County, Bangyuan Cave.

Bamboo and wood lacquers are abundant here, and there are many kinds of wood in the mountains. It is a place that should be focused on by the Feng Bureau.

Zhu Meng did not even send people to the countryside himself, but asked the Qingxi County magistrate to pay tribute. The county magistrate sent out officials to arrange tasks for Li Zheng and Baojia Chief, and took the opportunity to extort excessive collections.

"You have done so many evil things, what else can you say?" Fang La grabbed Li Zhengfang Youchang's collar.

Fang Youchang's hair was disheveled, his nose and face were bruised and swollen after being beaten, and he just kept begging for mercy.

"He's a coward too!" Fang La chopped him off with a knife.

Then the Fang family's belongings were moved away and the house was burned down.

He did not go to attack the county town, but went home to gather believers and contact other believers in the county.

Within ten days, tens of thousands of people participated, plundering wealthy households and killing those in charge of collecting Huashi Gang, Li Zhengbaojia.

Fang La called himself "Shenggong" and Jianyuan was "Yongle". He appointed officials and generals, and they were divided into six grades with their heads wrapped in red scarves.

Zhang Huiyan, the magistrate of Muzhou, sent two Zhejiang soldiers and horses to supervise Cai Zun, and led 5,000 soldiers and horses to suppress it.

Cai Zun was defeated and died, and many soldiers took refuge with Fang La.

That month, Fangla took advantage of the situation and captured Qingxi County. The next month, Fangla captured Muzhou City, and then divided his forces to capture Shouchang, Fenshui, Tonglu, Sui'an and other counties.

After Cai Zun buried five thousand soldiers and horses, the prefectural and county cities were as if they were made of paper.

After occupying the entire Muzhou, Fang La personally led his troops into Shezhou and bypassed the state city to attack Xiuning County.

After a fierce battle, Fang La captured Xiuning County.

He heard that the county magistrate Ju Sifu was a good official, so he decided to take it as his own. He first captured the chief clerk and the superintendent, and killed them in front of Ju Sifu. Then he threatened: "If you don't surrender, this is what will happen to you!"

Ju Sifu's expression did not change: "Since ancient times, there have been no demons and thieves. Now it is not that I surrender to you, but that you should let me go. When I report to the court, maybe you can spare your life. I will not be a thief."

Yeah, either let me go or kill me!"

Since threats were ineffective, Fang La tried to persuade him, but Ju Sifu refused.

Fang La could only say: "You are a good official. I heard that none of the previous Xiuning county officials were as good as you. I rebelled because I couldn't stand being coerced by corrupt officials. Since you are not a corrupt official, how can I bear to kill you? Go ahead."

Ju Sifu fled Jiangnan and was quickly promoted to the post of magistrate of Muzhou. The imperial court asked him to quickly lead troops to fight back.

However, Ju Sifu was injured when he was defending the city. His injuries worsened as he traveled all the way, and he died before he could get the troops.

Fang La then led his army to surround Shezhou City. The guard Guo Shizhong was known as the "Famous General in the Southeast" and also had the nickname "Bing Guansuo". Guo Shizhong died in the battle and Shezhou was defeated.

Then, the rebel army divided into three groups.

They went all the way north to attack Ningguo and all the way south to attack Quzhou. Fang La personally led the main force to march eastward to Hangzhou.

Fuyang and Yuhang counties were defeated one after another, and Fang La's army quickly surrounded the city of Hangzhou.

Wang Fu, the transport envoy on the two Zhejiang roads, Qian Deyu, the deputy transport envoy, Zhang Yuan, the punishment envoy, Zhao Ting, the prefect, and Li Daochong, the general judge...all the officials fled first in fear of fighting.

Zhu Meng naturally ran faster!

At the beginning of Fangla's uprising, Zhang Yuan had already reported to the court and asked for the deployment of troops to suppress it. Moreover, he sent an urgent document and it was quickly sent to Tokyo. In exchange, he was reprimanded by the court. Wang Fu blamed him for "making trouble for Emperor Zhang".


Well, the traitorous party is still covering up the civil unrest and doesn't want the emperor to know about it.

It wasn't until the fall of Muzhou that we finally couldn't suppress the news, and we are currently mobilizing troops from Gyeonggi and surrounding areas.

Li Daochong first fled to Chongde, and then to Xiuzhou (Jiaxing). He was on the verge of tears. He made a lot of money in Hangzhou, but now he has thrown it all to the rebels. Why not stay in Jinzhou and work with Ju Ming?

Woolen cloth.

Chen Jian, the Zhizhi envoy, and Zhao Yue, the integrity envoy, did not escape and stayed in Hangzhou to organize soldiers and civilians to defend the city.

On the day Fang La's army besieged the city, there was a rebellion in Hangzhou. After the internal and external cooperation, both Chen Jian and Zhao Yue died in the rebellion.

Fang La entered the city and issued his first order: "dig up the ancestral grave of old traitor Cai Jing!"

From the fall of Shezhou to the fall of Hangzhou, it actually took less than ten days, and several county towns were destroyed in the process. There was almost no fighting. The rebels were on their way the whole time, just taking over the city.

At the same time, various rebel armies raised troops to respond.

For example, Shi Sheng from Suzhou, Lu Xing'er from Gui'an, Zhu Yan and Wu Bang from Lanxi, Lu Shinang from Xianju, Qiudao from Shan County, Chen Shishi from Fang Yanshan, etc. all committed suicide and fell into the city to seek refuge with Fang La.

Historically, when the Fangla Uprising was at its peak, it only reached Guangde and Jiaxing in the north.

In this time and space, they captured Guangde Army, the entire territory of Huzhou and Xiuzhou. They also occupied Suzhou and Kunshan. When they marched into Wuxi and Changshu, Tong Guan finally came with his officers and soldiers to conquer.

As for the southern army, it has already reached outside Wenzhou City.

Fangla now occupies 63 counties in Kyushu.

However, the rebel army had a fatal flaw: it developed too fast, had not fought many serious battles, its combat effectiveness had not improved much, and it was seriously lacking in armor and equipment.

They don't have a clear strategic plan, so they attack wherever they go. Anyway, there are cities everywhere waiting for them to occupy.

The local troops of the imperial court, as well as a large number of officials and refugees, fled to Wuxi and Changshu, where they were hard to attack. Fang La actually stopped fighting and instead of going all the way to the Yangtze River, he personally led the main force to expand southward.

Brother, you are rebelling. How can you avoid difficulties when you encounter them?

Tong Guan led his troops southward and found that the natural dangers of the Yangtze River were still there. He breathed a sigh of relief and divided his troops into two groups to attack the rebels.

When leaving Beijing, Song Huizong gave Tong Guan many blank imperial edicts, all stamped with the emperor's seal, and he could fill them in as he pleased.

Tong Guan first called for peace, hoping that Fang La would surrender.

When the recruitment failed, Tong Guan helped Song Huizong issue the "Edict of Sin", seriously reviewed the emperor's faults, and announced the abolition of the Yingfeng Bureau and the suspension of the Huashi Gang.

People's hearts are now at peace, and the people are waiting to destroy Fang La and then live in peace.

The official army on the west route, Liu Zhen, and Yang Keshi besieged Jianping (Langxi) and recovered it in five days. Thirty thousand rebel troops went north from Guangde to rescue, and fought with the official army on the way.

The rebel army, which lacked soldiers and armor, lacked training, and had inconsistent orders, almost collapsed at the first touch when it encountered the well-armed and well-organized official army.

Guangde's army quickly recovered the entire territory. Liu Zhen led his army to attack Changxing, and Yang Keshi led his army to pass through Meixi Town. The two planned to attack Huzhou City in two directions.

In only half a month, the entire territory of Huzhou was recovered.

The official army on the East Route, led by Tong Guan personally, recovered Suzhou in ten days, and the Kunshan uprising army surrendered directly. Then they recovered Wujiang, and took Xiuzhou, Jiaxing, and Huating along the canal. They were also recovered by the official army.

When Fang La got the news and led the main rescue force, the army had already recaptured Chongde, and the next target was Hangzhou.

The fighting reached this level, and even the elite Western Army had not yet arrived on the battlefield, and had not even crossed the Yangtze River after arriving from Shaanxi.

The only good thing is that in this time and space, Fang La rushed back to Hangzhou with his army in time. He built fortifications and prepared sufficient supplies. He defended the city and fought a war of attrition with Tong Guan.

Tong Guan continued to attack the city for more than ten days, but he was also helpless against the city of Hangzhou.

One of the generals suggested: "Mr. Minister, Ju Ming of Lizhou presented me with a flat cannon, which can throw more than a hundred kilograms of boulders. Your Majesty ordered the craftsmen to build it, and it is indeed astonishingly powerful. Among the craftsmen accompanying the army this time, there are people who know how to make flat cannons."


Tong Guan said quickly: "Let the servants cut down the trees and build more cannons!"

Today, the imperial court has three prime ministers: Cai Jing, the "public prime minister", Tong Guan, the "lady prime minister", and Liang Shicheng, the "hidden prime minister".

The concubine is the mother, and Tong Guan is mocked as an eggless eunuch, but no one dares to call her that to her face.

Tong Guan was wasting his time with Fang La in Hangzhou, but the West Route Army was winning consecutive battles.

Liu Zhen and Yang Keshi quickly regained the entire territory of Huzhou. They defeated Yuhang and marched from the west to join Tong Guan in Hangzhou.

The Shaanxi frontier army finally arrived.

They first went to Jiangnan Road to suppress bandits. Han Shizhong followed Liu Yanqing and was responsible for attacking Jiangnan East Road, which is the area in southern Anhui.

Han Shizhong partnered with pioneer Wang Yuan. The two fell in love with each other and became brothers by tying the knot.

Both brothers were fierce generals and quickly recaptured Shezhou and approached Qingxi County, the site of Fangla's uprising.

Hangzhou was attacked by officers and soldiers for many days, and was attacked by artillery fire. When he heard that Qingxi County was in danger, Fang La had no choice but to lead his troops to break out.

Tong Guan regained Hangzhou.

Fang La did not flee south, but ran back to his hometown of Qingxi County to confront Wang Yuan and Han Shizhong.

So far, the southern rebel army has not come to rescue, but has captured the entire territory of Taizhou. The eastern rebel army continues to attack Mingzhou (Ningbo).

They nominally follow Fang La as their master, but in fact they are not very obedient and only want to expand their territory.

The rebel army seems to be powerful, but it is actually a mess.

Their only effect was to make the Song Dynasty's finances even worse, and the land of wealth in the southeast was riddled with holes.

Fang La's defeat is only a matter of time.

Elite border troops have arrived from Jiangxi and cut off Fangla's territory. Qingxi County will soon turn into an isolated city.

Of course, it is estimated that it will take half a year to completely wipe out the rebels.

Ju Ming is always paying attention to the situation in the southeast. Unfortunately, Lizhou is too remote and the news lags behind for several months.

Yu Wenchang had already gone to Chengdu to take office, but the new magistrate of Lizhou had not yet arrived, and Tongpan did not dare to steal the limelight from Ju Ming. The entire Lizhou was actually firmly controlled by the magistrate.

Song Huizong asked Ju Ming to write a letter of repentance, but Ju Ming sent a letter of remonstrance.

He elaborated on the ills of the world, detailed the gains and losses of governance, and said that if one Fang La was wiped out, a second Fang La would rise again. He asked the emperor to remove the traitors, rectify the officials, stop the troops and cease wars, and treat the people well.

And they called them by name one by one and directly said who was the traitor!

This chapter has been completed!
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