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Chapter 313 0308 [Guangxi yet to be developed]

No matter how restless other officials are, they still have to go to the Yamen to attend their duties.

Zhu Ming and Fan Zhiming had nothing to do all day, so they met to go to Qixing Mountain to relax and select a site for the construction of the academy.

Qixing Mountain is located in the east of Guizhou City, on the other side of the Li River.

The two of them walked to the ferry with their personal entourage.

Not far out of the city, I saw more than a dozen barbarians coming together. The men had hair buns like vertebrae and wore striped robes; the women's tops and skirts had extremely fancy patterns.

Both men and women were armed and barefoot.

They are probably here to sell goods, and the goods are a bit scary.

The men were carrying a brown bear. Because it was too big, its limbs were cut off and carried separately.

This thing is called "human bear", which is also "罴".

Ju Ming watched for a while and asked curiously: "Which ethnic group are these from?"

Fan Zhiming said: "Yao people."

"Are there many Yao people in Guizhou?" Zhu Ming asked.

Fan Zhiming said: "In the surrounding mountains, there are all Shuyao people who can speak Chinese. In the mountains farther away, there are mostly Shengyao people who are not convinced by Wang Hua. The Shuyao people have a gentle temperament and often come to the city to sell native goods. But the Shengyao people are extremely violent.

, every time they go down the mountain to plunder, the Han people suffer a lot."

Ju Ming asked, "Can you farm?"

Fan Zhiming said: "The cooked Yao are good at farming and have a variety of corn, beans, and potatoes, just like the Han people. The raw Yao cultivate slash and burn farming, supplemented by hunting."

The Yao people here don't grow rice because they all live in the mountains without paddy fields, so life is relatively difficult.

Perhaps seeing that they were better dressed, the Yao people actually stepped forward and said, "My lord, do you want to buy a human bear? The meat is very delicious and the skin is strong."

Ju Ming did not eat bear meat, so he said: "What other local products are there?"

Several Yao women immediately put down their backpacks.

Zhu Ming took a look and saw that there were linen and other daily necessities, as well as many handicrafts.

"What is this?" Ju Ming picked up a black stone.

A Yao woman said: "talc."

Fan Zhiming said: "talc is a tribute from Guizhou. It can be used as medicine and decoration. It comes in black and white, and is as smooth as jade."

In fact, it is a silicate mineral. The Yao people have no use for it, but the Han people like it very much.

These talcs are polished and oiled to look like jade.

Ju Ming found it interesting, so he bought two of them.

Continuing to walk to the river, Fan Zhiming said: "Guizhou has a heavy humidity. Talc can remove moisture and is also a good medicinal material."

There were several stone tablets erected in front of the road. Zhu Ming didn't pay much attention when he came, but now he saw various prescriptions engraved on the tablets. He couldn't help but ask: "Why do you erect a tablet with prescriptions engraved on it beside the road?"

Fan Zhiming explained: "At the beginning of the founding of the Song Dynasty, Guangxi was not yet civilized. Chen Gongyaosou served as Guangxi's transshipment envoy. He first dredged the Lingqu canal and the Lijiang River, and then promoted the cultivation of rice and ramie in Guangxi. At that time, medicine was not developed, and the people in Guangxi were killed when they got sick.

Chickens prayed to God for blessing. Chen Gong sent people to collect prescriptions, carved tablets and erected them in various places to facilitate the people to copy them, and then medicine spread in Guangxi."

"What a capable minister!" Zhu Ming couldn't help but sigh.

He knew about Chen Yaosou before time travel, but not because of his achievements in governing the people. It was because Chen Yaosou was a Sichuan native. After the Chanyuan Alliance, he suggested that the emperor move the capital to Chengdu, and was scolded by Prime Minister Kou Zhun.

Fan Zhiming said: "Unfortunately, Guangxi still has a lot of miasma, and it is difficult for Han officials and people to penetrate into the barren area."

Guangxi is prone to diseases, and there are more than one or two officials promoting medicine.

For example, Fan Min, the magistrate of Yongzhou (Nanning), discovered that after the people got sick, they only worshiped gods and refused to seek medical treatment. So he posted a notice that anyone who wanted to see a doctor could ask him to reimburse the medical expenses, and he paid for it out of his own pocket. He also posted notices at various shrines.

On it, many medicinal prescriptions are engraved, which can be seen by patients who worship the gods.

The most troublesome thing is undoubtedly the miasma.

In the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the mortality rate of officials sent to Guangxi reached 70%.

When Chen Yaosou left Beijing to take up his post, his friend wrote him a farewell poem. The general content is: The miasma in that poor place in Guangxi is very serious. I feel like I am heartbroken when I send you out of the gate of Tokyo. Brother, you should take care of yourself.


Seventy-eight out of ten soldiers stationed in Thuan Chau (Gaoping Province, Vietnam) died of illness, and even the prefect of the province was seriously ill.

More than ten years ago, Wang Zu expanded 1,500 miles of land, built cities and mobilized troops to garrison. In just one year, nearly half of the soldiers died. When he was promoted to Minister of War, all the soldiers who survived fled. The barbarians came back and often went out to plunder.


After crossing the Li River by boat and arriving near Longyin Rock, Fan Zhiming pointed ahead and said: "In summer, Qixing Mountain also has miasma. If you give lectures here, you must not go too deep into the mountain. You must build a house at the foot of the mountain."

Ju Ming was quite puzzled by this: "What exactly is miasma?"

Fan Zhiming said: "Diseases in the south are all called miasma, but they do not exist in the north."

It is probably the general name for some tropical diseases, such as malaria, dysentery, hemorrhagic fever, sand louse fever, etc. Some are transmitted through mosquitoes, and some are transmitted through water sources.

Fan Zhiming said: "In fact, drinking more hot water instead of raw water can prevent diseases. But it requires long-term education and cannot be achieved overnight."

Zhu Ming was surprised and said: "You also know that drinking hot water can prevent diseases?"

Fan Zhiming smiled and said: "Everyone knows about the southeast."

The ancients were not fools. Maybe they didn't understand the principles, but they knew how to observe and summarize.

"Chicken Ribs", written in the late Northern Song Dynasty, has detailed records: "The world says that the water in the northwest is good but the wind is poisonous, so people are mostly injured by the wind, so even if the water is cold, there is no harm. The opposite is true in the southeast. Even if you look closely at the roads, people will also be injured.

You must drink boiled water and lie down with your head facing outward..."

In the concept of people in the Song Dynasty, people in the northwest should pay attention to wind protection to prevent wind evil from entering the body and getting sick. It does not matter whether they drink hot water or not. In the southeast, even ordinary people must drink boiled water when walking on the road.

Pay attention to ventilation to prevent heatstroke, and sleep with your head facing outside.

When Chen Yaosou was governing Guangxi, in order to prevent miasma, he also paid attention to heatstroke prevention and drinking water safety.

He asked the people to plant trees on both sides of the official road for shade, and build pavilions every twenty or thirty miles so that pedestrians could cool down and quench their thirst for free. He also taught Guangxi people to dig wells. Well water is cleaner than river water and can effectively prevent parasites and bacteria.


Nowadays, drinking hot water has become a consensus, and the mortality rate of Guangxi officials has been greatly reduced.

But the ordinary people in Guangxi, as well as the soldiers, have not developed the habit of drinking raw water after scooping it up, and they were infected without knowing it.

There were farmers at the foot of Qixing Mountain. Zhu Ming walked up and knocked on the door of the farmyard.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, there is not much farm work, and there are people at home.

Seeing that they seemed to have a good background, the farmer was a little scared and received them uneasily.

Ju Ming smiled and held up his hands: "We are visiting Qixing Mountain and we are thirsty on the way. Can we ask for a bowl of water?"

"Your Majesty, please come in quickly." After hearing that they were just here to ask for water, several farmers became enthusiastic.

The old woman came out carrying a clay kettle and a clay bowl in her hand.

This is obviously a cold drink, otherwise there would be no need for a kettle.

Ju Ming sat down to do some household chores. He first asked them how many people there were, and then how the harvest was this year.

After chatting for a long time, Zhu Ming finally asked: "Do the people in Lingui know how to boil water before drinking it?"

The old farmer replied: "The government ordered you to drink boiled water, saying that drinking raw water will make you sick. We are close to the city, so everyone is very obedient, but those farther away are not obedient, and the government is too lazy to take care of it."

Ju Ming continued to ask, probably understanding what was going on.

It's purely a matter of concept. In the Han Dynasty, there were already porous stoves that could heat several pots at the same time. When cooking, you could just boil water and there was no need to waste more firewood.

Jiangnan was developed early, miasma was no longer a problem, and the people also had a better sense of hygiene.

Here in Guangxi, we still have to slowly educate ourselves.

As for the reason why the death rate of soldiers is high, it is probably because they went deep into the barbarian land. The environment there was indeed too harsh and it was difficult to adapt to it for a while.

Ju Ming planned to compile a hygiene pamphlet and spread it as an elementary school textbook in the future, so that children can also know about it.

"Is there any suitable place nearby where we can easily level the land and build a house?" Zhu Ming asked again.

The old farmer asked: "Sir, should you cut down trees yourself to clear up wasteland, or should you buy ready-made land?"

Ju Ming said: "Anything is fine."

"You can go to Yuan Pei to buy land," the old farmer suggested.

Ju Ming gave a few coins and asked the old farmer to lead the way.

The Pei family was a wealthy family in the neighborhood and had produced Jinshi scholars, but their land holdings were not large and they were mainly engaged in the freight business.

"Greetings to Fan Tuanlian!" Mr. Pei greeted when meeting him outside.

Fan Zhiming smiled and said, "Do you recognize me?"

Pei Yuanwai said: "The former prefect visited Qixing Mountain, and Fan Tuanlian was also there. Cao Canjun broke his leg and went down the mountain on a bamboo carriage. The person carrying the bamboo carriage was my servant."

Fan Zhiming introduced: "This is Mr. Zhu Mingzhu, who was a prostitute in the fifth year of Zhenghe. Mr. Zhu plans to give lectures in Qixing Mountain and find a piece of land to build an academy. What good place is there for you?"

Ju Ming said: "You give me a flat piece of land, and other wealthy families donate some money, and together we build an academy. All the children of the clan can come and study."

Pei Yuanwai's eyes lit up: "I am willing to donate my land!"

Guizhou had a number one scholar in the Tang Dynasty, its cultural context declined during the Five Dynasties, and the Northern Song Dynasty was in a period of recovery.

So far, there is not even an academy. Apart from official schools, there are only private schools.

The academies in Guizhou did not appear until the Southern Song Dynasty.

Ju Ming added: "It will only take a few thatched huts in the beginning. I will move here after the Chinese New Year."

Yuan Pei immediately promised: "Before the Lantern Festival, the hut will be built, including the furniture!"

"Take me to see the land." Zhu Ming said.

The entire Qixing Mountain is a large scenic area with many mountains and scenic spots.

The most famous one is Zeng Gongyan, which was developed by Zeng Bu. There are temples nearby. The wealthy people in the city like to visit here.

The address of Ju Ming's academy is to the south of Qixing Mountain.

With a mountain peak to the north, a lake to the east, and the Xiaodongjiang River not far to the west, this is a holy land for retirement.

At noon, we had dinner at Pei's maternal home. All his children and nephews were called over. There were more than ten people in total, all of whom wanted to study in the academy.

Because Fan Zhiming had already let slip that he would also give lectures.

One is ranked second and the other is ranked third, and they are teachers, but aren’t students rushing to sign up?

More than half a month later, Chen Dong and the others finally arrived.

Twenty-seven expelled imperial students marched into the city with their entourage and went straight to the county government office. When they revealed their identities, they caused a sensation instantly!

(Some book friends pointed out that Fan Zhixu and Fan Zhiming were biological brothers, so Fan Zhiming should also go home for the funeral. Alas, let’s just treat them as clan brothers. It’s difficult to modify the plot after it has been written.)

This chapter has been completed!
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