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Chapter 315 0310 [Kicking over the earthly road with two kicks]

One after another, gifts were carried to Qixing Academy, all given by officials and wealthy households in Guizhou.

It seemed that Ju Ming had seen all kinds of luxury items from Zhongzhong, so wealthy households often chose to give away souvenirs.

Zhu Ming didn't bother to refuse, so he just accepted the offer.

"What kind of wine is Laojiu? Why do every house give a jar of it?" Zhu Ming asked, looking at the gift list.

Cai Yi, Shang Yongzhi and other officials also came to celebrate. The former said: "The brew made from wheat koji is a specialty of Guangxi, especially in Guizhou. The families of the gentry must brew it every year, and use it for weddings and funerals, and for entertaining distinguished guests." liquor."

Shang Yongzhi said: "The previous reception was successful, so I drank old wine. There is also an ancient spicy spring, medicinal wine, made by the barbarians in the mountains. It is reddish in color and can prevent miasma."

Ju Ming found all kinds of local gifts to be strange.

He actually saw Hulusi, whose appearance was similar to that of later generations, except that people in the Song Dynasty called it Hulusheng.

There is also a Lusha, which has eight vertical pipes and one horizontal pipe, similar to a panpipe. I heard it is a musical instrument of the Yao people.

Among the gifts, most of them are Yao goods.

In the Song Dynasty, the Yao people were often written as "Yi people" or "Yao people". The Shuyao people around Guilin had not yet been included in the government rule and did not need to pay taxes and serve, so they lived in harmony with the Han people. They often went down the mountain to sell goods, and merchants carried them there. Sold in the north, everyone gets what they need.

Asking Zhang Boring, Li Bao, Guan Sheng and others to move all the gifts to the warehouse, Zhu Ming asked Zeng Xiaoduan: "How many students have signed up locally?"

"There are seventy-six people," Zeng Xiaoduan said, "the oldest is 28 years old and the youngest is 13 years old. There are even scholars studying in prefectural schools and county schools."

On the same day, after celebrating the inauguration ceremony of the academy, Ju Ming started his first trip.

Not far away, it's on the other side of Qixing Mountain.

Cai Yi and Shang Yongzhi led the team, and Zhu Ming led many students to take a boat trip to Longyin Rock.

You can go boating straight into the cave, which is tall and vast inside, with traces of a dragon hidden on the top of the cave.

Ju Ming didn't see much of it, but Cai Yi insisted that it was in the shape of a dragon, and it had the swaying effect of water. After staring at it for a long time, Ju Ming could only admit that it was a dragon, so that it could match the scenery.

A stone's throw away from the boat, there is a cave door in front of you, and you encounter a temple halfway up the mountain.

The abbot, an old monk named Yizhen, put his hands together and bowed: "Longyin Temple is adjacent to Qixing Academy. Zhu Shan will often come here to drink tea from now on."

"Easy to say." Zhu Ming smiled.

He doesn't hate any religion, as long as he doesn't get too involved in worldliness.

This Longyin Temple is good. It does not build any temples or annex land. It uses a cave as a Buddhist temple and lives by collecting incense money. There are only a few monks in total.

There was a Buddhist niche carved into the rock wall. Zhu Ming followed the customs of the country and went to pay homage a few times.

Then he went to visit other places. Monk Yizhen pointed to a corner of the cave and said, "There are hiking poles over there."

It is estimated that people often come to visit, so Longyin Temple has prepared a bunch of hiking poles and provides them to tourists for free. Anyway, he has enough money from incense.

Zhu Ming and his students all went to get their sticks, and Cai Yi and other senior travel friends came prepared.

We visited Zeng Gongyan and other famous places one after another.

Fang Tingshi had a great time. He had not been here much before, so he seemed to be getting sucked into being a travel companion.

Fan Zhiming, on the other hand, kept asking around. When he was collecting wine taxes in Yuezhou, he also liked to travel around, and also wrote history and humanities into his books.

It was already dark after climbing only one mountain peak. There was also a village in the mountain where people went to fill their stomachs.

The so-called village only consists of a dozen or so households.

But my life was pretty good. I often entertained tourists and prepared meals to earn some extra money. Officials didn’t come to exploit me. Otherwise, where would the prefect find a place to eat and stay when traveling in the mountains?

"Woof woof woof!"

As soon as Zhu Ming entered the village, the native dog started barking.

Dogs also bully the weak and fear the strong. Seeing that there are so many of them, they only bared their teeth and barked from a distance, and did not dare to rush towards and bite anyone.

Shang Yongzhi was very familiar with this place and had sent his entourage to prepare in the afternoon. They brought their own drinks, lit a bonfire in the village, and the villagers brought rice in baskets.

Some of the people accompanying him were good at folk arts, and they even sang slang songs to add to the fun.

After dinner, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, but the trip was not over yet. Cai Yi took Ju Ming for a night cruise on the Li River.

These Guizhou officials really know how to enjoy themselves.

They had already prepared the boat, and there were local famous prostitutes on the boat. Many students were crowded in the cabin, and even the imperial students were happy.

Traveling around mountains and rivers can always make people forget their sorrows.

Several jars of old wine were brought out, everyone toasted to the banquet, and then the drinking orders began.

Half drunk, Cai Yi said: "I had a great trip today and I haven't written a poem yet. I will write one now and I will have it carved on the rock wall."

"Yes, yes," Shang Yongzhi quickly agreed, and said proudly, "I have carved six poems on the rock walls near Guizhou."

It's embarrassing to say that if you engrave words on tourist attractions, you will have to pay a fine after hundreds of years.

There were only a few local students who followed, and they all looked at Ju Ming at this time.

They had known that Mr. Zhu was good at diction. They had also read masterpieces in the past few days and now they were waiting for Zhu Ming to show off his skills.

Even the famous prostitutes who sang the songs cast their eyes expectantly.

Ju Ming said: "I dare not disrespect your kindness and use pen and ink."

The famous prostitute immediately stood up, studied ink, and looked at each other with paper and pen in hand.

Ju Ming was drunk and was too lazy to make major changes, so he just made do with what he could use: "I was born in the same family by nature. I entered Guizhou with a bamboo stick in my hand. The rice basket faced the dawn to welcome the waning moon, and the song board faced the wind and sang late autumn. I kicked over the earthly road with both feet.

, carries all the sorrows of the past and present on one shoulder. Now that there is no need to complain, why should the village dog bark endlessly?"


The people around him cheered.

No one cared that it was late winter, not late autumn as in the poem.

This story is about a meal at the village community before, mixed with Ju Ming's life experiences, describing the situation, describing the situation, and blending the truth with the truth.

On the surface, they are complaining about village dogs, but in fact, they are mocking the traitors.

Fan Zhiming was probably drunk, so he tilted his body and said, "I am not that free and easy. As the deputy envoy of regiment training, I receive a salary from the imperial court, and I am still receiving the food that comes from me."

Cai Yi said: "Choose a good place tomorrow and carve this poem on Qixing Mountain."

Ju Ming had a great time today and got very drunk, then fell asleep in the boat.

The next day, I returned to the academy and started getting down to business.

He wants to write school rules and regulations, which prohibit gambling and the like. They are relatively loose and will not interfere too much with students' words and deeds.

There is also the matter of class division. There are some underage students who cannot be taught by Ju Ming himself. Just put them into junior classes and let the junior students take turns teaching.

Also make sure the class schedule and subjects are determined, and physical exercise cannot be delayed.

The set of physical skills taught by Xue Daoguang is treated as gymnastics for students to practice, and they must do a set every morning.

In each class, the students elect a squad leader, who rotates every month. They also elect a student president to help manage the school. These arrangements are also found in Taixue, and they are not something Ju Ming came up with.

The property donated by wealthy households was managed by the students, and Ju Ming did not take it for his own use.

Even for the school meals, we don't plan to hire a cook, and the students will take turns cooking. Ju Ming and the students' entourage can help, and those who are willing to study can also come to the class.

Teachers and students work together to run the school, and the style of study is very liberal. It pays attention to labor practice and usually helps with farming.

New Year's Eve arrived in a blink of an eye, and Zhu Ming celebrated the New Year with the students.

There was also a Lantern Festival in Guizhou, and Cai Yi and his gang of officials forced Ju Ming to watch the lanterns.

Just as the Lantern Festival ended, the Seven Star Academy officially opened, and an official ship arrived in Guizhou.

The official messenger delivering the official document went straight to the prefecture and county government offices.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty issued an imperial edict to officially abolish the Sanshe Law!

The state schools and county schools across the country, if they existed during the Yuanfeng period, will still be maintained. The official schools built after Yuanfeng, as well as Piyong, Zongxue and all the academic officials promoted by various roads, will all be abolished.

In other words, the four-level education system has returned to the state of the Yuanfeng period, and Cai Jing's academic reform has been completely abolished.

All students were dismissed and teachers returned to Beijing to wait for vacancies.

Taixue still implements the three-partition method. You can continue to take the Taixue examination, but it will no longer continue to recruit students from outside.

The principals and teachers in Guizhou were dumbfounded. They were not laid off, but it was worse than being laid off directly.

After the abolition, he can still return to Beijing to fill the vacancy.

Doing this now is equivalent to being left out in Guizhou. Their students can no longer be promoted, and they all have to take the imperial examination, and their political achievements are judged by the number of Jinshi admitted.

After the news spread, a large number of scholars dropped out of school and went back to private schools.

Because the subjects taught in the state school are in a mess, and are even more complicated than those taught in Ju Ming's Qixing Academy. They include "Tao Te Ching", "South China Sutra", "Lieh Tzu" and other courses, which were all forgotten to be cancelled.

After some scholars dropped out of school, they came to Qixing Academy to attend classes, and Ju Ming became increasingly prosperous.

There just weren't enough teachers, and he and Fan Zhiming couldn't teach him.

Moreover, there is a lack of school buildings and dormitories, so subsequent students cannot live on campus.

Fan Zhiming was already speechless to the court and couldn't help complaining: "This time, the law has been abandoned three times without any warning. How can the teachers and students of the official school adapt? Many government orders have been promoted and abandoned at times. This is not the way to govern a country!"

Ju Ming smiled and said: "The imperial court is short of money. The official education system will be returned to the Yuanfeng system. More than half of the schools in the country will be abolished, which can save countless money every year. And what is abolished is Cai Jing's political achievements. Of course, Wang Fu will try his best to promote it. This is the responsibility of the monarch and his ministers.

The idea is that the emperor wanted to save money, and Wang Fu wanted to attack Cai Jing."

It's not a big deal here in Guangxi, but the people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are going crazy.

Although the Fang La Uprising has not been completely suppressed, there is basically no chance of a comeback. Even Fang La himself fled to the mountainous areas of Jiangxi and Fujian.

Therefore, Song Huizong couldn't wait to restore the Yingfeng Bureau, and Hua Shigang started it again.

In order to raise military expenses for Tong Guan, Chen Hengbo, the economic envoy of Zhejiang and Jiangdong, suggested collecting economic money in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

That is to say, an additional tax on the sale of wine, houses, and land, an additional tax on the headman's money in addition to the regular tax, and some other items of tax.

The targets of the tax increase cover all walks of life, businessmen, landlords, citizens, and farmers. No one can escape.

The people of Jiangsu and Zhejiang were in such a miserable state. They were first looted by Fang La and then by the officers and soldiers. They had already suffered heavy losses, but the imperial court actually increased taxes like crazy, and even restored the damn Huashi Gang!

Where is the promised edict against sinners?

Tong Guan himself has returned to Tokyo and asked his subordinates to continue to hunt down Fangla's remaining soldiers.

Tong Guan agreed with the collection of economic money. After all, war does require money.

But the sudden restoration of Hua Shi Gang made even Tong Guan find it unbelievable and advised Song Huizong: "If people in the Southeast are not in a stable position, will they do this again?"

Song Huizong was furious, and Tong Guan was convicted for this, so he had to redouble his efforts to please the emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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