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Chapter 38 0037 [Educated]

"Why is mother so happy?" Old Bai couldn't help but ask.

Mrs. Bai handed over the straw paper: "The Zhu family father and son who came from other places wrote poems to wish me a birthday. They wrote really well!"

Old Bai took it with both hands. After reading it, he felt good about it.

Even if it's not good, if my old mother likes it, it must be good!

The papyrus was then passed to the county magistrate Xiang Bi. The man smiled with a bit of disdain. Today was someone else's birthday party. Although he despised this poem, he couldn't belittle it in person. He only said: "The fourth

The sentence is acceptable."

Bai Chongyan, Li Hanzhang, and Zheng Hong also watched it one after another.

They thought it was okay, especially the last sentence, which simply turned decay into magic.

This brings us to the current situation. People who are good at poetry and those who are not good at poetry do not have strict requirements for oblique formats. However, people like Xiang Zhixian, who were born as Jinshi and are relatively good at poetry, cannot rub the sand in their eyes.

I always feel that this poem is unpalatable.

Don't take Li Qingzhao as an example. She said that Su Shi's lyrics were inconsistent with the rhythm, purely out of personal grudges and had nothing to do with literature itself.

And the resentment was not small. His father-in-law died due to political struggle, and his husband was arrested and interrogated. His father was exiled to Guangxi and died in depression after being allowed to return to his hometown. Li Qingzhao himself was not allowed to live in Kaifeng and returned to his hometown to live in seclusion alone.

My family and my natal family were completely at odds with each other, and they never had any contact with each other.

Even Li Qingzhao's marriage was a political product from the beginning.

All because her father was a student of Su Shi, and her father-in-law was Su Shi's mortal enemy. Song Huizong wanted to reconcile the old and new party struggles, and the Shu Party was the most suitable lubricant, so he let the two families get married. When the party struggle resumed, it was an instant tragedy.

"How well written is the pity for the hearts of parents in the world," Mrs. Bai asked Xiang Bi, "Can the county magistrate allow the Zhu family father and son to sit at the main table?"

Although Xiang Bi was reluctant, he smiled and said, "The guest does as the host does."

Erlang of the Bai family went to invite him in person, and soon found the father and son. He said with a smile on his face: "Please sit inside, you two."

"Thank you." Zhu Guoxiang said, clasping his fists.

Not only did the father and son pass, but they also brought the child with them, which made Bai Erlang somewhat speechless.

Arriving at the main table, Zhu Guoxiang cupped his hands and said, "I wish the old lady a happy birthday!"

Mrs. Bai said happily: "Not only do you write good poems, but you also look like a talented person. No wonder my daughter is looking for a wife."

The daughter of the king is looking for a wife?

The county magistrate Xiang Bi was confused and couldn't figure out where there was a daughter's country.

The insiders present were all suppressing laughter.

They didn't try to expose it, anyway, as long as the old lady was happy, ninety years old in ancient times could barely be considered a person of honor, and a person of honor could say anything.

Zhu Guoxiang explained: "What a daughter-in-law country is, it's just a dog's joke. The old lady shouldn't take it seriously."

Zhu Ming chuckled and said, "I was just talking nonsense."

Perhaps it was the birthday poem that was written in the heart of the old lady. No matter how much Mrs. Bai liked them, the smile on her face never faded: "Even if you tell nonsense, the story is also wonderful. Has Xiao Zhu Xiucai ever been married?"

?The old lady will help you find a good woman."

"Young man is determined to take the imperial examination. We will talk about marriage after he succeeds in the examination." Zhu Ming excused himself and refused.

Mrs. Bai said: "It's good to take the imperial examination. There are beautiful faces in the book."

When it comes to the imperial examination, Xiang Zhixian finally has a topic: "If you want to take the imperial examination, how can you govern?"

Ju Ming replied: "Yi."

Xiang Bi asked again: "Where did the master come from?"

Ju Ming said: "I traveled to various places to study and listen here and there, but I did not become a disciple."

Xiang Bi did not study the "Book of Changes" deeply and deliberately bypassed this book: "If you want to cure the major classics, you must not slack off on the minor classics. I am going to test you. What is the point of being shameless and unqualified?"

This is a test of "The Analects of Confucius".

Zhu Ming smiled and replied: "Ge is the best. If you follow the words and deeds, the people will have their own perceptions and feelings. If they are shallow, deep, and thin, and they are polite, then the people will be ashamed of the bad, and there will be

So that it is good."

Xiang Zhixian... fell silent.

Not only Xiang Bi, but also the entire table, everyone who had studied the Analects of Confucius seriously, all looked at Ju Ming without saying a word.

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

It was Li Hanzhang who was the first to break the atmosphere. He stood up, straightened his clothes, and bowed straightly: "I have learned a lesson!"

Bai Chongyan also reacted, stood up and bowed: "I have learned a lesson!"

"I can't take it seriously." Zhu Ming stood up and returned the greeting.

Zheng Hong, the little fat man, looked confused. Although he had studied "The Analects", when he asked the magistrate just now, he only intercepted four words. He didn't even understand the source.

Zhu Guoxiang didn't even need to observe carefully. With such a big reaction at the scene, his son must be showing off again.

Xiang Zhixian muttered: "Ge, Zhiye... is indeed a wonderful explanation and thought-provoking."

In the late Northern Song Dynasty, the mainstream interpretation of the word "ge" was "zheng". Shame and Ge meant correcting people's ideological and moral concepts and guiding them in the direction of good.

Zhu Xi's explanation for this is to let the common people have a sense of right and wrong, and actively pursue and do good. This sentence instantly elevated this sentence to a new level.

Lao Bai was silent all the time. His level of "The Analects of Confucius" was only a little better than Zheng Hong's, and he couldn't remember it because he was too old. At this moment, he was observing everyone's reaction. He still didn't understand anything, so he immediately praised: "Little Langjun"

Good knowledge!”

Xiang Zhixian was still a little unconvinced. How could a young man without the guidance of a famous teacher come up with such a wonderful theory?

Xiang Bi thought about it carefully and asked again: "The Master said: If you don't think about it yet, how far away can you think about it?"

Ju Ming quickly replied: "The sage has never said that it is easy to make others proud, nor has he ever said that it is difficult to stop others from progressing."

Xiang Bi clapped his hands fiercely: "You are a disciple of Luo School!"

Luoxue is the school of thought of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi.

Zhu Ming said: "I have admired Mr. Ercheng's name for a long time, but it's a pity that I never got the chance to meet him."

Li Hanzhang suddenly said: "Xiang Zhixian, 'A gentleman cherishes virtue, and a villain cherishes soil. A gentleman cherishes punishment, and a villain cherishes benefits.' Zhu Dalang interpreted this sentence as 'public and private'. I also went to Luoyang to study, but there is no Luoyang school.

This is the solution."

"Public and private, public and private..." Xiang Bi thought carefully and suddenly burst out laughing, "Hahaha, I can teach you a child, would you like to study under me?"

What the hell?

Everyone at the table was dumbfounded. They had seen such shameless people before.

Zhu Dalang has learned a lot from others. Every interpretation of "The Analects of Confucius" is unique and thought-provoking. However, you want to accept others as your students for no reason. Have you taught anything? You just want to take advantage of others!

But the magistrate took the initiative to recruit apprentices, and Ju Ming really didn't know how to refuse.

Seeing Zhu Ming in trouble, Li Hanzhang said: "I think Zhu Dalang is very talented and I am about to introduce him to my father!"

When Xiang Bi heard this, he smiled awkwardly. How dare he compete with the state magistrate to steal his apprentice?

The fat man Zheng Hong came out to smooth things over: "I've known for a long time that Zhu Dalang is very knowledgeable. Not only is he knowledgeable, he also tells stories well. Every time I listen to his stories, I can't sleep at night."

Liang Xuexue, the private school teacher of the Bai family, was sitting next to the main table.

This old gentleman, usually blind and deaf, ignored the students' quarrels. At this moment, he suddenly stood up and approached tremblingly: "Mencius said: 'A wise man uses his enlightenment to make others enlighten; now he uses his faintness to make others enlighten.

, make people enlightened. Can Xiaolangjun have a new interpretation of this sentence?"

"I don't know if it's new or not, and I've never been a teacher," Zhu Ming said. "I think we can quote the words of the Book of Rites to explain that the way of a university is to show your virtues and apply them to the world. It has

Those who are disobedient will be rare.”

There was dead silence again at the main table.

Even Xiang Zhixian was not calm anymore and sat there looking at Ju Ming stupidly.

At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, "The Great Learning" had not yet been written as a separate book. It was only a part of the "Book of Rites", but it was already highly praised by many great Confucian scholars.

The people here seemed to have encountered a ghost. They never dreamed that this sentence from Mencius could be explained by quoting Chapter 42 of the Book of Rites.

If this sentence is tested during the imperial examination, the answer given by Zhu Ming, as long as the article is not too poorly written, will definitely shock the marking officials!

Liang Xuexiu opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, thought about it carefully, cupped his hands and said, "I have learned a lesson!"

Old Bai couldn't help but want to roll his eyes, and he already started to curse in his heart: I paid you a salary to teach in my house, but you pretend to be deaf and mute, you can fucking hear me.

No matter how shameless Xiang Zhixian is, he is still a Jinshi. This time he was really convinced and said with emotion: "Xiao Langjun is really a genius in Confucian classics who has not been seen in a century. He can have such knowledge without having to learn from a famous teacher!"

It’s okay not to accept it.

If we say that the previous answers may still be due to the active thinking of young people, then using the "Book of Rites" to explain "Mencius" in the end is definitely not a fluke, but Zhu Ming has thoroughly read the "Book of Rites" and "Mencius".

What's more, Ju Ming said that his original classic is "Yi", so "Book of Rites" is only an elective course.

If you can thoroughly study the elective courses, how can you pass the major courses?

Zhu Guoxiang has been observing his words and expressions, and he feels a little bad at this moment. His son seems to be overdoing his pretense.

This chapter has been completed!
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