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Chapter 400 0395 [Withdraw before fighting] (For the leader, the autistic cat

(Miga update)

Forty percent of the soldiers under Xin Xingzong were imperial troops, and sixty percent were Xiang troops and rural soldiers.

Not all of the Forbidden Army is in Tokyo. Since the reform of the military system in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty, the largest Forbidden Army is the Xuanyi Army, with more than 170 battalions, stationed across the country, and soldiers recruited from local areas.

It's just that, only a few years after its establishment, the Xuan Yi Army encountered collective resistance from civilians and military generals, and now it has become no different from an ordinary Xiang army.

The imperial troops in Xin Xingzong's hands mainly came from Gyeonggi Road.

The Imperial Guards in Tokyo are naturally the big ones. Ever since Captain Gao took charge of the Imperial Palace, he has made the Imperial Guards in the capital very impressive.

Faced with the financial dilemma of the Forbidden Army, Gao Qiu developed a new idea: real estate!

He used the land near the military camp, and even part of the military camp and school grounds, to build high-end villa communities.

It is backed by the capital, has convenient transportation, beautiful scenery, and military protection. It is a top-notch real estate project. Some of them live in it, some of it is given away to others, and some of it is sold to external parties. Gao Qiu, a real estate tycoon, is doing well.


Even when building a house, there is no need to hire a construction company, because there are many professionals in the Forbidden Army.

If you need a carpenter, there will be a carpenter, if you need a mason, there will be a mason, and there is no shortage of masons and decorators.

Even though Gao Qiu knew how to make good use of the Forbidden Army who really didn't know how to build, he opened a dyeing workshop, a slaughterhouse, a blacksmith shop, established various private enterprises, and assigned the Forbidden Army soldiers to work, which not only increased production and income for himself, but also for the soldiers.

Provide a living.

The Imperial Guards in Tokyo have turned into a comprehensive diversified business group company.

Naturally, the entertainment industry cannot be spared. In addition to making money from daily performances, it can also be used when the emperor comes to inspect. In the military camp, colorful flags are fluttering, gongs and drums are loud, and various entertainment programs are performed in turn. Song Huizong gives a thumbs up.

At this moment, there is a group of people like this in Xin Xingzong's camp.

As for the Shengjie Army formed by Tong Guan, it is still stationed in Xiangyang. If the battle on the front line is unfavorable, Tong Guan will bring the elite Shengjie Army to personally supervise and direct the battle.

Of course, Xin Xingzong's personal soldiers also belong to the Victory Army sequence, and their combat effectiveness is still "very strong".

"Capital, the navy was attacked at night."

"I know, I will report it at any time. Send an order to all battalions to strengthen their vigilance and keep their spirits up!"

After eating too much and losing the battle, Xin Xingzong also made progress and knew what his subordinates were.

Therefore, outside the camp, earth was excavated to build a barrier. The outside was sprinkled with caltrops, and alarm bells were hung everywhere. Sentries were patrolled two miles away from the camp to guard against night attacks by bandits.

Zhang Guangdao personally led three thousand elite troops and cooperated with the navy to attack at night.

Silently, I killed two groups of sentries, but it turned out that there were hidden sentries hidden behind the rocks. I beat the gong to call the police and ran away like crazy.

In fact, because the navy was attacked at night, the camp had already been alerted, and the officers and soldiers lit torches and braziers one after another in the camp.

Zhang Guangdao was delayed in handling the sentry post, so a night attack was no longer possible.

"Hold more torches, beat the drums and shout!"

The torches prepared by the rebels were stuck on the ground and lit. When they were still more than a mile away from the official camp, they started beating gongs and drums and shouting wildly.

Although there were many officers and soldiers, they could not figure out the details and were so frightened that they hid in the camp and did not dare to come out.

Unlike He Guan's imagination, Xin Xingzong did not suffer heavy losses. He relied on the camps and barriers to barely control the army from falling into chaos.

The commotion continued like this until dawn, and the burning warship had drifted away.

Qu Fangping led the rebel navy and captured more than 50 enemy warships, large and small, and burned more than 20 more. It was not that he did not want to continue the pursuit, but the rebel navy was also blocked and had to accept prisoners and warships.

Can watch the remaining enemy ships escape.

Those officers, soldiers and warships escaped too fast!

When counting the losses on our side, a small warship of 50 tons sank. According to the report of the soldiers who jumped into the water to escape, it was hit and sunk by a large enemy ship.

Among the rebel sailors, 14 were killed, 75 were injured, and 229 were missing.

Until noon, some missing people came back one after another. Most of them were warriors who drove fire ships to attack the enemy. After jumping off the ship, they swam ashore along the rapids and walked back over the mountains and ridges from the lower reaches.

Including the warriors who jumped into gangs to seize the ship, if they were injured and fainted and fell into the river, they would probably never come back, or even float downstream and their bodies would not be found.

"General, I sold grain to Mr. Zhu last winter and I still sold grain last winter," Tao Desheng knelt on the ground and shouted, "I still have a share of the credit for the military rations that the general eats!"

This guy was blocked by a friendly warship and unable to escape, he quickly surrendered with the entire ship.

Qu Fangping didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he took the warship and prisoners back with him.

Prisoners need to be carefully screened, and those from Nanxiang Basin can be kept.

As for the sailors from other places of origin, they were all stripped naked and put back, wasting the enemy's rations and weakening the enemy's fighting spirit.

However, it was said that Zhang Guangdao led 3,000 people and called for formation from dawn to dawn, and even retreated a certain distance after dawn.

Seeing the officers and soldiers opening the gate of the camp and seeming to want to come out to fight, Zhang Guangdao immediately led his troops to flee.

Xin Xingzong ordered a pursuit, but the officers and soldiers left the camp too slowly, and the rebels had long since fled.

Upon learning that the navy was defeated and fled, the infantry quickly fell into panic.

What to do if the entire navy is wiped out?

The follow-up army supplies could not be transported, and these soldiers could not leave. Even if Zhang Guangdao did not come to pursue them when they withdrew, they would have to cross half of Shennongjia before returning to Yunxiang County (Yunxian County) along the Han River.

Moreover, it is not possible to walk along the river bank the whole way. There are many places where we cannot march and we have to go deep into the mountains and old forests.

Xin Xingzong came to the riverside and looked at the empty river. His whole body fell into a state of sluggishness.

Counting the accompanying soldiers and civilians, he now has more than 40,000 troops, all of which are left here unable to advance or retreat. The thieves and bandits do not need to fight head-on, just wait for them to eat up all the food.

After a long time to recover, Xin Xingzong returned to the camp and immediately ordered: "Use all your strength to build siege equipment and capture the bandits' fortress!"

He was forced to work hard, otherwise he would starve to death.

At this moment, more than 800 prisoners were released naked by the rebels. Not to mention their weapons, even their clothes were stripped off, leaving only a pair of underpants on their bodies.

Xin Xingzong also had to accept it, consuming the already difficult military rations.

Two days later, He Guan gathered up the scattered warships and fought back to meet the infantry.

Even though they suffered a defeat, the officers, soldiers and navy still barely had the upper hand!

Xin Xingzong was overjoyed and wished he could hold He Guan in his arms and cry bitterly.

He personally boarded the ship and said to He Guan: "The morale of the army is not available, and the place is dangerous. We must go back by ship and attack with the whole army from Zhushan."

Near Zhushan is where Shangyong City was located during the Three Kingdoms period. You can cross mountains and ridges to attack Pingli County.

As long as Pingli is defeated, we can attack Jinzhou City.

At this moment, Xin Xingzong's elder brother Xin Qizong was fighting Guan Sheng in Zhushan.

He Guan said: "The remaining warships cannot transport tens of thousands of troops to leave, and grain transport ships from the rear must be mobilized. If the troops are evacuated in batches, and the bandits take the opportunity to attack the camp, wouldn't the remaining troops be in danger?"

Xin Xingzong said: "We don't care about that many. The only ones left behind are rural soldiers and civilians. We can't count on them in a real war."

He Guan asked again: "What if the bandit navy comes to kill the infantry when they board the ship?"

Xin Xingzong said: "Get on the boat at night!"

He Guan advised: "Please, Commander-in-Chief, continue to stay and fight. The navy will definitely fight hard."

Xin Xingzong asked: "If the navy is defeated again, how can these tens of thousands of infantry troops go back? If they cannot capture the enemy fort, they will have to wait to starve to death!"

He Guan was speechless.

At this time, Xin Xingzong also understood that the improvised naval force was unreliable. All he had to do was suffer another massive defeat in a water battle, and all his troops would be ruined.

Neither Tong Guan, Cai You, nor the Xin Xingzong brothers had been to Shennongjia in person before the war.

They didn't know how dangerous it was. They only knew that Jinzhou's wealth, tribute, and gold could be transported to Xiangyang through the Han River. So they made a battle plan and led the navy to rush in and kill them recklessly.

Some local officials also tried to persuade him, but Tong Guan and Xin Xingzong only thought that he was afraid of the enemy and was timid.

After that, no one tried to persuade them any more. They all took a chance on the outcome of the battle, believing that the officers and soldiers' warships were large and numerous, and they would definitely be able to suppress the pirate navy, thereby ensuring the safety of waterway transportation.

On a hill on the west bank of the river, Zhang Guangdao was observing the enemy's situation with a telescope, and beside him stood generals Sun Lan, Xu Ning, Qu Fang and others.

Qu Fangping said: "The officers, soldiers and navy have been frightened to death. Do you want to go over there and fight in the daytime?"

Zhang Guangdao shook his head: "Our family background is too poor, and we are not as rich as the officers and soldiers. The previous night attack was a last resort, and now there is no need to risk our lives. The navy is always on standby, and more sentries are arranged on the mountains on both sides of the strait to wait for the next batch of grain transport ships for the officers and soldiers.

Come here, while the enemy is carrying food to the shore, the rebel navy will kill them immediately!"

Xu Ning said: "The enemy general is a tortoise. After tens of thousands of people came here for more than half a month, they only came out of the camp once to call for battle. They were beaten by several rounds of artillery and dared not come back again. I saw the officers and soldiers flying the Xin character flag,

I'm afraid it's the brothers from Xin Qizong who are leading the troops."

Xu Ning, the golden gunner, does not have a golden gun, he only uses an ordinary infantry spear.

After living in Tokyo for so many years, Xu Ning has long admired the names of the five Xin brothers.

Xin Xingzong in history can be regarded as having a legendary life. He was the boss of Han Shizhong and Song Jiang, and took away all the military exploits of Han Shizhong and Song Jiang!

Taking everything away means leaving nothing behind and not even bothering to compensate.

Xin Xingzong commanded the most elite forbidden army (Shengjie Army), but he never fought with any decent staff from beginning to end. The only military exploit he could obtain was that Zhao Gou planned to move the capital to Hangzhou, and Xin Xingzong took the elite to Hangzhou to eliminate banditry.

But he rose steadily because he was always by Zhao Gou's side.

Several brothers all held high positions, some were in charge of external conquests, some were in charge of the emperor's personal army, and some went in and out of the inner court to convey secret orders.

That night, Xin Xingzong led the main force out of the camp and asked the rest of the troops to guard the camp. He said that he was leading troops to attack the enemy fortress at night. Since he did not bring any food supplies, the troops who stayed behind believed it and had no idea that they had been betrayed.

The sentry lying in the mountains on the north bank saw the shadows in the distance and immediately ran back to report the news.

This chapter has been completed!
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