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Chapter 408 0403 [Spring of the sixth year of Xuanhe]

(Originally, I still need to write a few more chapters to conquer the Nanxiang Basin, but many readers got impatient and simply passed it through. Some people are not happy if it is sketched, and some people don't like it if it is detailed. It is really difficult to agree with everyone.)

In the five years of Xuanhe that had just passed, the Song Dynasty was in a state of turmoil.

The blame on the battlefield needs to be shouldered by the teacher, and the political responsibility needs to be shouldered by Wang Fu. Because Wang Fu is the prime minister, if he does not shoulder the responsibility, the emperor will issue an edict to punish himself.

It is a foregone conclusion that Wang Fu will be dismissed as prime minister. The only thing that has not yet been determined is whether Cai Jing will be reinstated as prime minister or Cai You as prime minister.

Amid the drool from the ministers, Song Huizong finally stopped Hua Shi Gang.

However, Xicheng Station still exists, and a large number of landowners and farmers in Jingji, Jingxi, and Jingdong continue to pay taxes repeatedly.

Using real estate as an analogy, Xicheng Office's operation is to put your house in an uncertain state. As a homeowner, you have to pay property taxes to the local government; as a tenant, you have to pay rent to Xicheng Office.

In comparison, let’s not even talk about the situation in Sichuan. Let’s look at the barbaric Jin Kingdom.

Due to the decline in people's livelihood and the continuous uprisings, at the end of the year, the Jin Kingdom announced that all private loan interest rates were invalid, so that farmers would not live in despair and work hard. At the same time, the south of Xianzhou (Kaiyuan), Suzhou (Dalian Jinzhou), and Fuzhou were exempted.

To the north of the prefecture (Wafangdian), military rations should be paid to Nanjing (Liaoyang).

Jin Guo knows about tax cuts, and is more thorough than Zhu Guoxiang in reducing interest rates, forcibly exempting all original loan interest!

The Emperor of the Jin Dynasty also decreed that people who sold their sons and daughters were allowed to work hard to redeem them, and the buyers were not allowed to refuse.

Several imperial edicts were promulgated in succession to improve people's livelihood because the Kingdom of Jin was about to burst.

Although they made a lot of money by plundering the Liao Kingdom and blackmailing the Song Kingdom, they could not benefit the people at the bottom. And the original territory of the Liao Kingdom was a mess. The rebellions one after another and the endless refugees made the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom very angry.

It’s a headache, and we must manage internal affairs and restore people’s livelihood as soon as possible.

The Kingdom of Jin is not short of money, but it is seriously short of food!

If the situation is still the same after one or two years, then we can only send troops to attack the Song Dynasty and use war to transform the internal contradictions.

After the beginning of spring, the Jin State sent envoys to Yanjing to ask for the 200,000 shi of grain promised by the Song State.

Eunuch Tan Zhen served as the envoy of Yanshan Prefecture and told the Jin envoy: "It's hard to get two hundred thousand shi of food. That's what Zhao Liangsi promised privately. You can get food if you want it, but you have to come up with it in black and white, otherwise there will be nothing."

It’s hard to follow orders without any evidence.”

The Kingdom of Jin was furious, and this became an excuse for them to go south to attack Song Dynasty.

Xixia also surrendered to the Jin Kingdom.

When spring was warm and the flowers were blooming, Ju Ming returned to Hanzhong with his soldiers.

When we set off, we also received a secret letter from Li Bangyan. This guy's biological father died and he had to go home to worry about it for a while. He was temporarily unable to participate in the court battles and could not do anything to help Ju Ming.

"Is this the authentic painting of "Along the River During Qingming Festival"?" Zhu Guoxiang's eyes lit up.

When the father and son met again, they did not discuss major military and political matters, nor did they talk about the women sent by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Instead, they asked the soldiers to carry "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" and unfolded it to appreciate it carefully.

There may be more precious works of art, but they only recognize "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" because it is famous enough and carries a special sentiment.

Ju Ming said: "It's no different from what I saw online."

Zhu Guoxiang didn't understand ancient paintings either, so he just said: "Most of the ones on the Internet are copies from the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and they are definitely not as good as the originals."

"Can you tell the difference?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhu Guoxiang boasted: "After all, I have learned bamboo painting from Erniang (Wen Xiaomei), and I still have a certain appreciation for traditional Chinese painting. After I study for a few more years, I will definitely be a master of painting."

Ju Ming teased: "Would you like to learn the Slim Body again?"

"go away!"

Zhu Guoxiang laughed and cursed, put away the scroll, and asked everyone else to go out. Only the father and son were left in the room.

Zhu Guoxiang put away his smile and said: "I don't know how to be Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, and I don't even want to be the emperor. It will be very tiring to govern Sichuan. You are happy fighting on the front line, and I am going crazy supplying food and grass in the back. In addition, there are

Other government affairs, do you know how many hours I sleep a day?"

"Three hours?" Zhu Ming guessed.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "It's not that short. I sleep less than five hours a day. I am so busy that I have no private time at all. I don't have any free time until winter, and I finally get enough sleep every day. I thought about it carefully. I will build a country and become emperor in the future.

Let me enjoy being the emperor for a month. Then I will abdicate and become the supreme emperor. I can do whatever I want, and I will definitely be very free and happy."

Ju Ming said: "Have you ever thought about it, you have a team, and I also have a team. You want to abdicate, but your team may not be willing."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "So the scope of power and responsibilities must be strictly divided. I am determined not to touch the military, and you are determined not to touch the internal affairs. If there is overlapping power, those officials must be responsible for both of us at the same time. In this way, the emperor's position will be

If the handover can be smooth, the interests of those who have contributed to Conglong will not be harmed. There will definitely be some minor confusion, but overall it will be harmless."

"It's not that simple," Ju Ming shook his head. "Even the generals under my command have formed different factions in just one year."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "You just need to remember one thing, the two of us are our own people, and the rest are outsiders. If there is a problem, communicate in time and negotiate to resolve it before the conflict intensifies. If there are those who deliberately provoke conflicts between our father and son for personal gain, we

We must work together to kill him!"

"Communicate in time," Zhu Ming agreed with these four words and said with a smile, "I have something to communicate with you now. Song Huizong sent five concubines over. Which one do you like to keep?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "I don't want any of them."

"Really?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Don't look at the fact that I have one wife and two concubines now. They are all based on emotions. To put it more bluntly, if I want a woman, I won't find it myself. Do I have to pick one sent by Song Huizong?"

Zhu Guoxiang didn't say a word. If it were Concubine Liu An, she might consider it...

"Okay, I'll leave Master Li to listen to the music, and I'll keep Pei Yueli Chang'e to raise her, and the rest will be given in marriage to generals who have made meritorious services." Zhu Ming immediately revealed his true face. He fell in love with the most beautiful Pei Yueli Chang'e, but he couldn't bear to part with him.

Send Master Li out.

It’s not that I like Master Li that much, it’s just that she’s famous and has a special emotional bonus, so it’s just right to stay and become a singer. I will definitely not be a concubine in the future, and I will give her a concubine at most.

Zhu Guoxiang also thought about his cheap son: "Leave one for Bai Qi."

"What's going on over there at Bai Qi?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "The Gao family in Dali came to fight the autumn wind. They wanted to take advantage but were unwilling to pay too much. The Gao family drove the barbarians to fight. They once reached the north of the Dadu River and plundered Hanyuan Town. But the tough battle was left to the barbarians.

When we came to fight, the Gao family only took advantage of it, which caused the barbarians to become alienated. On our side, the Han barbarians worked together to defend their homeland and were willing to fight tooth and nail. Our army won a great victory and the enemy was defeated. However, we suffered heavy losses.

They are all barbarians, and Gao himself was not seriously injured."

He is also a disdainful person who only wants to eat meat and is unwilling to take the risk of being beaten!

Gao Liangcheng left an image in the history of Dali that was open-minded and generous, and good at managing domestic affairs.

He is open-minded and generous because he cannot monopolize the government. The internal conflicts in the Gao family are extremely serious. He is also a compromise product elected by the family meeting. He must carefully balance the various factions of the Gao family.

He was good at managing domestic affairs because he could not bully outsiders. Even when the thirty-seven tribes of barbarians revolted, it took him a lot of effort to lead troops to suppress it. Taking advantage of the transition between the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties, the Gao family expanded and consolidated its power beyond the Dadu River.

The power of the South.

When it is difficult to reconcile internal and external conflicts, in a few years Gao Qiangcheng will resign and live in seclusion, hiding behind the scenes as the sixth son as the "Taiwan Prime Minister".

Then, he deliberately condoned the internal fighting within the Gao family.

Various factions of the Gao family supported Duan Heyu's sons respectively.

The Gao family and the Duan family started fighting each other. When these people were almost dead, Gao Liangcheng suddenly ended his seclusion and proclaimed Master Yideng and his father as emperor.

At this moment, Gao Liangcheng had received news of the imperial court's defeat and was sending envoys to Hanzhong. While accepting the canonization of Song Huizong, he also wanted to make good friends with the Zhu family and his son, so as to leave himself a way out.

Zhu Guoxiang's administrative office was the former Lizhou Road Transfer Office.

Ju Ming's Marshal's Mansion was the original Xingyuan Mansion Yamen.

After communicating with his father, Ju Ming did not go back to the back house immediately. Instead, he looked through various military reports compiled by the left-behind officials in the Generalissimo's Mansion.

Li Hanzhang really offered the entire Suizhou as a gift. He took the initiative to contact Zhang Guangdao's troops and only borrowed 500 troops to get it done.

First, five hundred rebels were sent to attack Zaoyang County. Li Hanzhang pretended to abandon the city and fled to Tangcheng with some trusted archers. When the five hundred rebels arrived in Tangcheng, Li Hanzhang suddenly hijacked the county magistrate and forced the Tangcheng magistrate to surrender to the city.


Without stopping, he repeated his old tricks and captured Suizhou again.

Immediately afterwards, Li Hanzhang rode into the mountains alone and threatened to surrender the Suizhou uprising army that had been entrenched for a long time.

He also reorganized the Suizhou rebel army, with five hundred rebels as the core, and captured Yingzhou, which was empty of troops. The decision was decided by directly sending a message to Jingmen next door.

Because Jingmen Zhijun was scared to death, fearing that Prime Minister Zhong would lead his troops to kill him.

The news that Zhong Xiang proclaimed himself emperor had spread, and officials, scholars, monks, and landlords were killed indiscriminately. A large number of wealthy households fled to the territory of the Jingmen Army, describing Zhong Xiang as a man-eating demon king. The Jingmen Zhijun would rather surrender to the Zhu thieves than to

Never dare to surrender to the cannibal bell thief.

The current situation is that the Zhu family and his son occupy Yiling (Yichang) and a large area of ​​territory on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Zhong Xiang and his son occupied Yidu, Zhijiang, Jiangling, and a large area of ​​territory south of the Yangtze River.

The Jiangling here is not Jiangling County in later generations, but Jingzhou City!

Jiangling and Zhijiang are both on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

In other words, Prime Minister Zhong's capital of the Chu Kingdom was exposed under the nose of Ju Ming's territory.

This situation is very dangerous, and it is really "the emperor guarding the country." But Zhong Xiang is reluctant to give up, because Jiangling is richer than Xiangyang, and is the richest city on Jingnan Road and Jinghu Road.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, the entire Sichuan tax revenue had to be transported to Jiangling first, and then transported north to Tokyo.

All goods in Sichuan are also shipped to Jiangling first!

Zhong Xiang and his son are currently considering moving the capital, intending to forcibly move all Jiangling's population and property to Changsha for development.

In addition to the military situation in the Nanxiang Basin, the second place is southern Sichuan.

The uncles and nephews of the Yang family in Bozhou were still fighting among themselves, and sent their respective envoys to Chengdu to request official canonization.

Having not experienced the wave of Han migration in the late Song Dynasty, the Yang family in Bozhou was temporarily weak and was still trying to survive among the barbarians in southern Sichuan.

Gao Jingshan and Bai Qi jointly signed and wrote two letters at the same time. One was handed over to the Jinglue Mansion and the other to the Marshal's Mansion, requesting the canonization of Yang's uncles and nephews, ordering them to settle down in their respective roles, and provide them with a certain amount of money, food, and financial support.

They went to attack the barbarians.

The Jinglue Mansion has sent a reply from Zhu Guoxiang: "Yes."

Now we are waiting for Ju Ming's signature and seal. This kind of matter involving both military and political matters requires the consent of both father and son.

Zhu Ming also wrote the word "can" and sent the official document back to the Jinglue Mansion, and the canonization matter was handled by Zhu Guoxiang.

The Yang family of Bozhou was very happy in the Ming Dynasty, and now they have to rely on them to open up the situation in southern Sichuan. Because Ju Ming's next energy will be focused on capturing Jiangling, and even the consolidation of Dali Kingdom will have to stay behind.

This chapter has been completed!
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