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Chapter 411 0406 [Popcorn]

In March of Yangchun, the first batch of refugees had opened up wasteland in Nanyang Prefecture and Xiangyang Prefecture.

Soybeans are mainly grown, and the third month of the lunar calendar is suitable for spring sowing. After the summer harvest, there can be another summer sowing. For subsequent refugees, autumn sowing can even be done.

Leguminous crops are very suitable for land reclamation and can also accumulate fertility for the soil.

As early as last autumn and winter, Zhu Guoxiang was stocking up on beans and shipped them to new areas in winter and spring.

Before Ju Ming launched his army, Sichuan was levied and plundered by the imperial court.

Raising troops to rebel and dealing with the encirclement and suppression, combined, took up to a year and a half, during which a lot of food was consumed. Now there are still 100,000 soldiers, and rations and seeds have to be distributed to the refugees. The granaries in various prefectures and counties are all empty.


Fortunately, we captured a large amount of enemy food and grass when we defeated the various officers and soldiers, otherwise we would have been even more stretched this year.

Currently, the war bonds issued by the Sichuan Gorge Economic and Strategy Office still owe the people more than 300,000 shi of grain.

This year we must guard against a run on bonds by wealthy households, so Zhu Guoxiang plans to issue a batch of "enriching people's bonds". People who bought "war bonds" last year will no longer need to buy "enriching people's bonds" if they do not cash them this year.

Dean Zhu can only postpone it for one or two years, and then he can get through the difficult period smoothly. Especially for corn and sweet potato, after the planting of corn and sweet potato is promoted throughout Sichuan!

The gentry and landlords had no choice but to endure, fearing that Mr. Zhu would be driven into a panic and he would start to divide the money directly. At that time, the grain would still have to be handed over, and they would not even be able to get a bond certificate.

"Marshal, this is from the Imperial Palace." Bai Sheng held out two small jars as if offering treasures.

Ju Ming patted the seal on the can and looked at it. There was a can of rock sugar and a can of brown sugar. He couldn't help but ask: "Where did my dad get it?"

Bai Sheng explained: "My husband didn't want the tribute from Suizhou, but he returned it last year. But Suizhou sugar-shuang households sincerely contributed, and asked the government to send it again this spring. My husband accepted it and canceled the tribute."

The system does not allow any official to collect tribute."

Suining was the main producer of rock sugar in the Northern Song Dynasty. After being listed as a tribute, most of the sugar frosting households there were forced to go bankrupt.

Ju Ming raised troops to occupy Sichuan, and the sugar frost households suddenly had hope in their lives.

It's a pity that the rock sugar technology is too primitive, and the output is only a small amount every year. It is a by-product of making brown sugar.

The method of drenching yellow mud with water and sugar in "Tiangong Kaiwu" is 100% based on hearsay.

With Ju Ming's poor science knowledge, when he first read this, he subconsciously thought it was impossible. Because charcoal can be used to absorb impurities, and yellow mud water cannot react chemically, yellow mud water has no physical or chemical effects.

So I searched for videos and information, and sure enough, no one had successfully restored it.

Later, Ju Ming searched for historical papers. Some scholars conducted research on ancient white sugar and concluded that it is a kind of brown sugar that is lighter in color than brown sugar...

Ju Ming also searched for the modern sugar production process and found that a centrifuge was a good solution, mainly because it was difficult to prepare phosphoric acid or sulfurous acid in ancient times.

After getting off work in the evening, Zhu Ming returned to the back house carrying two cans of candy and found that Zhang Jinping had returned from Chengdu.

"Why don't you send someone to tell me?" Zhu Ming said happily.

Zhang Jinping said a blessing: "My husband is busy with business, so it is inconvenient to disturb him in the front hall."

Ju Ming had a whim: "I just got a can of icing sugar and a can of brown sugar. I called them all over and asked my husband to make delicious snacks myself."

Not long after, Zheng Yuanyi, Zhao Fujin, and Zhao Fujin arrived. Li Shishi and Pei Yueli Chang'e had also moved in two days ago.

Zhu Ming thought Pei Yueli's Chang'e's name was too long, so he changed it directly to Pei Chang'e.

The relationship between the girls can't be said to be harmonious, nor can it be said to be tense, it's just like that anyway.

On the other hand, Zhao Fujin is so innocent and innocent that people are not wary, and everyone thinks this little girl is pretty good.

I saw Ju Ming get some corn and pound the brown sugar into powder.

Then bring the iron pot and stove. After the iron pot is heated, add some lard, stir-fry the corn evenly, then cover the pot, use firewood and fry slowly over low heat.

When you hear a bouncing sound in the pot, shake the pot until there is no sound.

Ju Ming opened the lid of the pot and a smell of aroma hit his face.

The brown sugar has been grated and added over low heat. Mix well until the brown sugar melts and coats the popcorn.

"Come and have a taste," Zhu Ming stretched out his hand to grab it, then suddenly retracted it, blowing his fingers and saying, "Phew, it's so hot!"

When the temperature dropped slightly, Ju Ming grabbed two and stuffed them into his mouth. It was the same taste in his memory.

He was extremely satisfied with his "cooking skills". He had only seen people make popcorn before, but he never expected that he would succeed on his first try.

Zhang Jinping asked the maid to bring a few pairs of chopsticks, picked up one and tasted it, nodded with a smile and said: "It's delicious."

The wives and concubines all tried it one after another, and even the maids got some.

Corn finally had a new use. Ju Ming said to Zhang Jinping: "Invite a few officials and their families to come as guests and show them. This product can be widely spread. Today's rich people only eat young corn. Let the rich have a taste."


Zhang Jinping smiled and said: "Is this called popcorn? It's quite appropriate. After the officials and women taste it, they will definitely go home and let the cooks fry it. It will appear on the streets in less than a month or two."

Master Li immediately complimented: "The marshal and his wife really care about the people. Whenever there are good things, they must share them with all the people."

This flattery made Zhang Jinping feel comfortable, and his impression of Li Shishi changed a lot.

Zhang Jinping said: "Our ancestors accidentally acquired the method of smelting copper with gall alum. After improving it, they never kept it secret and dedicated it to the imperial court to promote the world."

Master Li didn't know what gallbladder smelting copper was, but he continued to praise: "Unexpectedly, the art of gallbladder smelting copper was donated by my ancestors. This has benefited all people, which is really admirable."

Zhu Ming glanced at Li Shishi. This singer was good at creating atmosphere. She made Zhang Jinping feel happy when they first met.

The next day, Zhang Jinping went to Mrs. Yan's place and presented the popcorn recipe to the old lady, and then invited several officials and their families as guests.

When Ju Ming took his family to Xiangyang, popcorn had already spread among the upper class in Hanzhong and quickly spread to middle- and lower-class families.

The common people at the bottom can't afford brown sugar, so just don't mix it with sugar.

Anyway, the price of corn is cheap, and children from poor families finally have another snack to eat. If they are greedy, they will ask their mother to buy some popcorn, and they will immediately have happy childhood memories.

In fact, popcorn has been around since the Song Dynasty and was made from rice. The official name is Bolou, and it is commonly known as glutinous rice popcorn. It was first recorded in the early Southern Song Dynasty.

The official ship headed east and stopped at Yangzhou.

After receiving the news, the wealthy people here came to visit one after another, and they automatically arranged the order.

Zheng Lan dragged his old body and bowed: "I am an old man, I would like to pay my respects to the Generalissimo!"

Zhu Ming helped him personally and said with a smile: "No need to be polite, O Weng."

The old man stood up straight, smiling so hard that his face wrinkled, and he deliberately glanced at the other tribes.

Min Wenwei immediately bowed: "My Excellency, Min Wenwei, pays homage to His Excellency the Grand Marshal of Sichuan Gorge!"

Zhu Ming nodded and asked, "Brother Min (Min Zishun) hasn't returned home yet?"

Min Wenwei said: "Reporting to the Generalissimo, my nephew has been sent to Guangnan under military supervision. Although the court promised to release him, it will take at least a month before he can come back."

"After I come back, I will be put to good use." Zhu Ming promised.

Min Wenwei was overjoyed when he heard this and asked tentatively: "Nowadays, official schools in various places have been suspended, and there are fewer and fewer students in private academies. I wonder when the imperial examination will be resumed by Mr. Jinglue?"

"Three years later." The Zhu family and his son have already discussed it and will announce it to the public soon.

Nowadays, the government under Zhu's rule mostly employs old officials from the Song Dynasty and old officials.

Veteran officials are more popular than scholars because they can get started immediately. However, they also have disadvantages. Corruption is more serious than scholars. They are all old-timers who can take advantage of various loopholes to make money.

Although young scholars have no political experience, they still have some ideals and ambitions. Generally speaking, they are not as corrupt as the old officials.

Zhu Guoxiang has established a Supervisory Council, and the angry youth Chen Dong serves as the censor of the capital, responsible for detecting all kinds of corruption and malfeasance.

From last year to this year, more than 70% of the corrupt officials sentenced to death were old officials.

More than ten people were executed in succession and more than forty people were exiled to southern Sichuan. Four of them were shoguns and county magistrates.

Every time a person was executed or exiled, Zhu Guoxiang would send the case details to all prefectures and counties in the form of official documents. Now the corruption has finally subsided, at least it is no longer so blatant, and everyone is quietly taking advantage of loopholes to make money.

Min Wenwei was ecstatic: "Is the imperial examination really going to be resumed in three years?"

Ju Ming disclosed the information in advance and said: "Students from each county first go to the government to take the imperial examination. This is the government examination. Those who pass the exam will go to Hanzhong and take the exam again. Those who are admitted can become officials."

Thanks to the proliferation of Jinshi during the Huizong era of the Song Dynasty, neither the Zhu family nor his son had to make any reforms.

Anyway, just like the imperial court, it is not easy for a new scholar to even be a county magistrate.

Only those ranked at the top can be county registrars, while those ranked at the bottom are all low-level officials who have to accumulate experience and political achievements little by little.

In the future, when a new dynasty is established, only the number one scholar, the second best scholar, and the third best scholar can be directly awarded the official position of county magistrate.

When the elders of other families came to pay their respects, Min Wenwei took a step back, thinking about how to expand his influence.

Today's territory, Chengdu has the most cultural heritage, followed by Yangzhou.

And the Yangzhou Academy run by Min Wenwei has the best teaching quality. He can train students to become officials and become the literary masters of that generation in the future.

After meeting the local wealthy people, Zhu Ming said to Min Wenwei: "The Hanzhong imperial examination will test mathematics, law, famine relief, and water conservancy, and the official documents will naturally be retained. As for the Confucian classics, I have annotated "The Great Learning" and "The Doctrine of the Doctrine"

"Yi", as well as the revised "Tao Yongce", these are all required exams. Chief Min Shan, I'm afraid you need to read more books."

Min Wenwei was startled, then said bravely: "The knowledge of the Generalissimo is naturally the best in the world. Not to mention all the people in the Sichuan Gorge, even the scholars in the Song Dynasty should learn from it."

"Hahaha," Zhu Ming laughed, "Chief Min Shan is indeed very knowledgeable and can distinguish between good and bad academics."

Min Wenwei seemed unable to hear the irony. His future teaching content will be whatever Zhu Ming said, and he must also achieve the first place in Hanzhong!

This chapter has been completed!
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