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Chapter 439 0434 [Karei half-empty front seat]

The government army system and the mediocrity tune are complementary. Although the Tang Dynasty relied on this system to kill all parties in the early days, history has proven that it cannot last long.

Ju Ming adopted the two-tax system, which could not be matched with the government army system, so the people under his command were definitely not government soldiers.

However, in order to have strong morale as soon as possible, Ju Ming tried his best to use land to reward military achievements while distributing military pay. This approach could not only quickly form an army, but also save some military pay.

Judging from the military salary standards alone, the salaries of Ju Ming's soldiers were lower than those of the Song Dynasty Forbidden Army.

In areas where there is no wasteland to develop, you can also start from the temple fields. For example, the Chengdu garrison under Bai Qi received the temple fields of Zhaojue Temple. It was all fertile and mature land, and the number of rewards was definitely smaller.

On the contrary, it was Ju Ming's personal soldiers who received high wages but no land.

Three thousand heavy armored infantry, hundreds of musketeers, and hundreds of squatting gunners, these are the troops directly under Ju Ming. Currently stationed in Xiangyang, Ju Ming has promised to reward them with fertile land in the Central Plains!

Adjustments will definitely be made in the later period to increase the food and salary quota and no longer grant land rewards.

But at least in the early stages of the battle with the Jin soldiers, Ju Ming's soldiers were all small landowners or farmers with land. As long as rewards and punishments were clear, this kind of army composed of good family members had super combat effectiveness at all times and in all countries.

Ju Ming went north to inspect several military camps and reclamation areas, and then took Zhang Guangdao to inspect the border.

In the previous Battle of Jiangling, Zhang Guangdao had no outstanding military exploits and had been in charge of the entire Eastern Front battlefield, confronting Xiang Zhong's Eastern Route Army in Hanyang.

Zhang Guangdao, like Li Bao, is positioned as a handsome man, not an ordinary general.

"All the big and small passes are in our hands," Zhang Guangdao stood at the big pass and pointed to the Song Dynasty boundary in the north. "Our army can go north at any time, but it is not easy for the officers and soldiers to break in."

Daguankou was called Zengguan in ancient times. It was the seat of the Zang Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Chu Great Wall of the Warring States Period still remains.

Now there is no Guancheng. There is only a winding path between the two mountains. There is a square platform of several hundred square meters at the entrance of the passage. Zhang Guangdao built a fort here and it is also a commercial passage, which can collect a lot of money every year.

of tolls.

Shi Yuangong followed behind him on horseback: "There are no fewer than ten craftsmen hidden in Ye County. Half of them live in the back house of the county government and are servants of the magistrate of Ye County."

"The county magistrate is one of his own now?" Zhu Ming said amusedly.

Shi Yuangong introduced: "The county magistrate is called Lu Chu, and he was a Jinshi in the second year of Zhenghe. His brother Lu Rong also passed the Jinshi exam two years ago. His great-grandfather moved from Henan to Fujian to do business seventy years ago, but

He failed in business and fell into poverty and fell into the Chen family in Yongfu (Yongtai) County. Later, some of his descendants passed the Jinshi examination, so they changed their surname back to Lu, and now there are three Jinshis."

"It's not easy to marry three Jinshi scholars into one's wife," Ju Ming commented objectively.

In fact, the Yongfu Lu family passed nine Jinshi examinations in more than a hundred years from the end of the Northern Song Dynasty to the beginning of the Southern Song Dynasty. From the descendant of the son-in-law, he became a prominent family in Fujian.

Shi Yuangong said: "Lu Chu once studied with Mr. Zhimo (Chen Yuan), and he can be regarded as the same sect as the Generalissimo. He used to be a county magistrate in Guanzhong. After he was captured by our army, he claimed to be the Junior Disciple of the Generalissimo. If he secretly

After his release, he was willing to cooperate with our army. I spent some money to give gifts to Li Bangyan, and asked Li Bangyan to arrange for Lu Chu to be the magistrate of Ye County."

"You only want to cooperate but don't want to surrender?" Zhu Ming had an impression, and Shi Yuangong reported the matter.

Shi Yuangong said: "He is also a hedging bet and refuses to vote directly, but his administration is pretty good. The Song Dynasty court asked the prefect of Ruzhou to train troops to defend us, and the prefect of Ruzhou asked Lu Chu to train troops. Lu Chu took the training

The money and food are all used to resettle the refugees and prevent the number of refugees in the territory from continuing to increase. Nowadays, Ye County does not have decent officers and soldiers, but the people can barely live a living. As soon as our army arrives, Ye County surrenders immediately."

Ju Ming said: "Has Governor Ge of Ruzhou changed his attitude towards us?"

Shi Yuangong replied: "I still recite poems and write poems every day, practice Taoism, and travel around the mountains and rivers. I try not to collect excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes so that the people can survive. I sent Xizuo to contact him, but he neither wanted to cooperate nor ordered the arrest of Xizuo.


"It's quite good to be able to do this. He deserves to be famous all over the world." Zhu Ming did not expect all officials to join him.

The governor of Ruzhou was called Ge Shengzhong, and he passed the examination of macro-ci subject, and it was through this examination that Qin Hui turned around.

The macro-ci subject is a non-permanent subject of Enke. It can admit up to five people at a time and at least one person. Those who can get into this subject are all top-notch literati.

As for Ge Shengzhong, he was said to be able to write at the age of nine, master the classics and history at the age of fifteen, and pass the imperial examination at the age of sixteen.

Because of his high attainments in literature and art, and his proficiency in Taoist classics, Ge Shengzhong was highly appreciated by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty in his early years. Later, he strongly criticized and opposed Hua Shi Gang, so he was demoted and demoted by the emperor. A talented young man who was successful at a young age, he was in his forties.

Still serving as magistrate.

Today, Ruzhou, governed by Ge Shengzhong, is close to Ju Ming's territory, and the people are still being exploited by Xicheng.

He had completely lied down, pretending that he couldn't see anything.

It is impossible to recruit troops to defend against the red thieves. As long as he dares to spend money and food to train his troops, let alone whether he can guard against the red thieves, the people in his jurisdiction will definitely rebel first.

Ge Shengzhong was not willing to take refuge with the red thieves.

Even Ge Shengzhong did not want to offend the Zhu thieves, and he did not arrest Xi Zuo who was sent by Shi Yuangong to contact him.

Ju Ming smiled and said: "I will write him a letter personally."

Ruzhou, Zhoucheng.

Ge Shengzhong was half drunk again and rode his donkey slowly back to the Yamen.

Ge Li Fang couldn't stand it, so he helped his father get off the donkey and scolded him: "What if you fall down when you are drunk?"

"It's better if you fall to death," Ge Shengzhong said with a smile, "I don't want to take another look at this muddy world."

Ge Lifang said: "Then resign as soon as possible and go home to live in seclusion and practice Taoism."

Ge Shengzhong shook his head: "Although I am a vegetarian in Ruzhou's corpse position, it is better than others to be the governor. At least I can leave a way for the people of Ruzhou to survive. I just hope that the Zhu Thief will come soon, whether it is sacrifice or escape, so that this mess can be ended as soon as possible.

.I can only write lyrics and cultivate Taoism, and I also like to drink and have fun, so I cannot govern the country well. If the red thief has the ability, let him do it."

"If you think so, why doesn't father become a thief?" Ge Li Fang asked.

Ge Shengzhong said: "If you eat the emperor's salary, you cannot become a thief."

Ge Lifang said: "In his message, Zhu Thief said that the officials in the world do not eat the emperor's salary, but the people's fat and anointing."

"This is not wrong. We all live off the people's wealth," Ge Shengzhong said. "But in life, you must have some persistence. I can't do anything like a thief."

The father and son are not well-known in history books, but they left many poems to be passed down to future generations.

In fact, Ge Shengzhong knew how to govern the people, and he was also an educator. When he was the principal of a state school in Yanzhou, he personally wrote textbooks and not only asked students to learn Confucian classics, but also required them to learn laws, regulations, Jingmin, vassal towns, prosperity, food, etc.

There are many types of relevant knowledge, including military, civil affairs, commerce, and law.

Ge Shengzhong even knows some simple economics.

However, his knowledge and ideas could not be implemented at all, and they were always hampered by obstacles. Even when he was appreciated by Song Huizong, he only asked him to write lyrics all day long and discussed with him how to cultivate Taoism. The monarch and his ministers did not talk about how to govern the country at all.

"Mr. Sir, someone asked to see you and sent a letter." The old servant said nervously.

Ge Shengzhong looked at the servant's expression and knew that there was another person coming to contact him.

The red thief is becoming more and more unscrupulous!

"Please step back." Ge Shengzhong took the letter and said.

The father and son went to the study together. Ge Shengzhong opened the letter, read it and quickly read the signature. Then he was horrified and said: "This is an autographed letter from Zhu Thief. Light the candle quickly. This must be burned!"

Ge Li Fang said: "Father, don't burn it. My son wants to collect Zhu Thi's calligraphy treasures. Although Zhu Thie's poems are not many, they are all works handed down from generation to generation, and the calligraphy treasures are even rarer to see."

"What are you thinking about?" Ge Shengzhong didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Like his father, Ge Li-fang was once hailed as a child prodigy. He was proficient in classics and history at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and he especially liked Ju Ming's poetry and knowledge.

Ge Li Fang said: "Even if you have to burn it, you can still read what is written."

Ge Shengzhong read it carefully and found that the content was very simple and did not persuade him to surrender.

It started with words of admiration, first affirming Ge Shengzhong's academic achievements, praising him for his firm opposition to Hua Shi Gang, and then approving his kindness to the people. Then, in a tone similar to that of a student, Ju Ming asked Ge Shengzhong for advice on how to govern the people.

"How shameful," Ge Shengzhong said with emotion, "tens of thousands of refugees have poured into the territory of the Zhu Thief, and he can calmly settle them. Why does he need to ask me for advice on how to govern the people?"

Ge Li-fang took the letter and read it, and praised: "This is the demeanor of a truly virtuous king. Mr. Zhu has both political integrity and talent. He is known for his strong governance. He also occupies a huge land. He can still be polite to the virtuous and corporal, and humbly consult the enemy officials. As emperor, if

If I could be even half as good as Mr. Zhu, the country would not be like this."

Ge Shengzhong said: "He wants to win my heart!"

"So polite and virtuous a corporal, so open-minded, so what if I give him a heart?" Ge Lifang said, "When my father was an official in front of the emperor, did the emperor ever ask his father about government affairs?"

Ge Shengzhong shook his head: "The emperor only talked about poetry and calligraphy, and only asked me how to practice Taoism."

Ge Lifang said: "My father is full of knowledge, so he has the heart to waste it? Mr. Zhu's Taoist knowledge is actually similar to his father's ideas. My father paid attention to people's livelihood. In his early years, he wrote "Wealth and Power", "Food and Goods", "Jingmin"

"Three articles, aren't they exactly what Mr. Zhu said about Tao Yong Xue? Tao Yong Xue will definitely be a prominent teaching for the new dynasty. The principles that my father admired will be able to be popular in the world from now on!"

Ge Shengzhong was a little tempted and read the letter again.

Ju Ming's praise and admiration in the letter, and even his request for advice, made him feel respected, and gave him the urge to die for his bosom friend.

This was different from when he faced Hunjun. Although he was proficient in literature and Taoism, Hunjun always asked him for advice on these matters and did not talk about how to govern the country at all, which only made Ge Shengzhong feel extremely disgusted.

Ge Shengzhong often compares himself to Jia Yi, but he is so pitiful that he only misses the front seat in the middle of the night!

"Let me think about it again." Ge Shengzhong didn't mention burning the letters, let alone talking about the red thief.

This chapter has been completed!
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