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Chapter 442 0437 [Wu Qibuys decision]

Winter turns to spring and the snow melts.

Zhang Juhou even spent the Spring Festival in the reclamation area. He wanted to know how the lower class people celebrated the New Year.

But the farmer told him that now it is called the New Year. In the past, it was just celebrating the New Year.

Because farmers cannot afford to pay heavy taxes, or tenants cannot pay rent, they must borrow usurious loans from landlords. Every New Year's Eve is approaching, and landlords will inevitably send people to collect debts. Even if they know that the borrowers cannot repay, they still have to force them symbolically.

, to remind farmers to remember the kindness of their creditors.

The encounter between Yang Bailao and Baimao Nu does not often happen in the real world, because landlords rarely push farmers to death.

Unless the landlord is eyeing the farmer's land, or the farmer's daughter. In this case, he will frantically collect debts and force the farmer to hand over something.

Under normal circumstances, the landlord is still very "kind".

When Zhang Juhou was writing the script, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty also issued a decree: two rivers were pardoned, and thieves and bandits among the refugees in the west of Beijing, as well as refugees and rebels who returned to their hometowns to farm, would be exempted from taxes for one year.

I have to say that Cai You did something personal.

Eunuch Li Yan's Xicheng office also cooperated with the policy. The refugees who had just returned to their hometowns could not squeeze out much profit anyway. They gave the returning refugees tax exemption for one year, so that they could work hard and exploit the land again next year.

Then, Cai You once again promoted good governance, abolished the Changping Division across the country, and no longer allowed the Changping Division to plunder the people.

Then, the old system of the three central provinces was restored so that the court could operate normally.

These two operations are beneficial to the country and the people. If they had been implemented ten years ago, perhaps Cai You would have achieved some results.

However, implementing it now is tantamount to self-destruction and can only have the opposite effect.

The Changping Department is one of the three major local agencies. If it is suddenly cancelled, how will so many officials be accommodated?

Moreover, because the Changping Division has abundant oil and water, all its officials have backgrounds. If their yamen are suddenly abolished, these people will inevitably compete for other important positions, squeezing out the few officials who can still do their jobs.

As for the three provinces that were dysfunctional by Song Huizong, Cai You suddenly wanted to let the three provinces return to power. The first reaction of the officials in the three provinces who gained power was not to do business for the court, but to fight for power within the department.

There is also a crazy struggle for power with the departments!

The central government became more chaotic, and officials from the three provinces began to flatter Cai You, hoping that they could gain more real power.

Cai You made these good governance decisions because he obviously couldn't handle the bad situation and was eager to restore order at the central and local levels.

But good intentions lead to bad things. The same policy, implemented under different circumstances, achieves exactly the opposite effect.

Song Huizong couldn't bear it anymore, so he agreed to return power to the three provinces.

He even planned to restore Yuanfeng's old law and completely declare that his "reform" had failed - Song Huizong had done all these tricks in the past years under the guise of reform, and held high the banner of Wang Anshi, ruining Wang Anshi's reputation.

In February, grassland tourism expert Yelu Yanxi traveled from the grassland to the desert without waiting for the snow to melt, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the great rivers and mountains.

It's a pity that Emperor Tianzuo didn't go well when traveling. There was always a guy named Wanyan Loushi chasing him. After wandering around the desert and grassland, Emperor Tianzuo ran to Shanxi again, where he was finally killed.

Yan Loushi catches up.

Emperor Tianzuo was captured and the Liao Kingdom was destroyed!

The capital of the Jin Kingdom had just been renamed Huining (Harbin), and the imperial city was still under construction.

The imperial city has not yet been repaired, let alone the palace. A group of Jin nobles are currently recuperating in Tokyo (Liaoyang).

"Your Majesty, the Lord of Liao has captured him, and we should attack the Song Dynasty with all our strength!" Wanyan Zonghan encouraged him to take action. This guy was called Nianhan by the Song people.

Jin Taizong Wu Qimai was noncommittal and turned to look at Prime Minister Wanyan Xieye: "What do Bo Jilie think?"

Wanyan Xie didn't care, and replied: "It's okay to fight, or not to fight. It's OK to fight this year, and it's OK to fight next year."

The older generation of the Jin Kingdom were really not active in attacking the Song Dynasty. They were old, and they destroyed the Liao Kingdom, and they also grabbed enough women and property. Each of them was in a high position, so they could enjoy their old age in peace.


Those who can’t wait are all the younger generation!

Wanyan Zongwang said: "If you want to fight, do it quickly. The envoy to congratulate the Lord of Song Dynasty on his birthday has returned. The envoy reported that many refugees can be seen in the suburbs of Tokyo in Song Dynasty, and thieves are everywhere in Hebei and Shandong. There is also a red thief.

Occupying Chuanxia and Jingnan Road, we defeated the four groups of officers and soldiers sent by the Song Emperor. Another bell thief proclaimed himself emperor on Jinghu Road. Going south at this time, it will be difficult for the Song army to resist!"

"Get the map." Wu Qimai called.

The waiter immediately brought a map of the Northern Song Dynasty, which was captured from the Liao Kingdom. It only roughly outlined the various roads and road governance of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Wanyan Zongwang stepped forward, pointed to the map and said: "There are a total of twenty-three roads in the Song Dynasty, five are occupied by red thieves, and two are occupied by bell thieves. I heard that the four roads in Shandong and Hebei are also full of thieves and bandits. Let's put it this way.

, there are only twelve armies left in the Song Dynasty, and their military strength is even less than when they conquered the Liao Dynasty."

Wanyan Zonghan said: "Since Zhong Thief has proclaimed himself emperor, there is no need to worry about him. Zhu Thief has not yet proclaimed himself emperor or even king. We can consecrate Zhu Thief as the Prince of Hanzhong County and order him to send troops from the south to attack the Song Dynasty. Wait until Kaifeng is conquered.

, you can also support the Zhu Thief to become the emperor, let him rule the Han Dynasty, and contribute annual coins and taxes every year."

Prime Minister Xie Ye said: "If we don't want to fight, we won't fight. If we want to fight, we will destroy the Song Dynasty. Make Kaifeng the Nanjing of the Jin Dynasty. We all will move there. The Han family system is still excellent, and the men of the Jin Dynasty can learn from it."

Speak Chinese, read the history books and classics of the Han people. Conquer the Han people as subjects and let them farm the land for us. They can pay taxes and contribute a lot of wealth every year. But there is one thing that cannot be learned. The civil servants of the Song Dynasty looked down on the generals and made them miserable.

I won’t even know how to fight anymore.”

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Wu Qimai had more things to consider. He only said: "The matter of moving Nanjing to Kaifeng can be discussed later."

The system of the Jin Kingdom was perfected in the hands of Wu Qimai. If we use the Manchu Dynasty as a metaphor, Wu Qimai played the role of Huang Taiji.

He rarely fights in person anymore, and now only does two things: one is to regain power, and the other is to govern the people.

The prime minister (Bo Jilie) had too much power, and Wu Qimai was waiting for Xie Ye to die of illness.

If Xie Ye dies of illness, the power of the new prime minister will be reduced again by Wu Qimai, greatly strengthening the emperor's centralization of power in the Jin Kingdom.

Under the repeated instigation of the young nobles of the "Zong" generation, Wu Qimai finally made the decision: "In April, we sent troops to the Han Dynasty, just in time to catch up with the Han'er harvesting wheat. This time we went south, mainly to plunder property.

, especially food should be brought back in large quantities. Although the Song soldiers are weak, but the country is large, I am afraid they will not die suddenly. Just like hunting, when encountering tigers and bears, you must first shoot a few arrows to bleed them. Sick beasts are also beasts, etc.

Only by draining the beast's blood can we truly hunt it home."

In fact, Wu Qimai decided to attack the Song Dynasty. In addition to robbing property and food and passing on domestic conflicts, he also wanted to digest and integrate the remaining forces of the Liao Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Jin has expanded too fast in the past few years, doubling and doubling its land area, and it still has indigestion problems.

Although the remnants of the Liao Kingdom and the local tribes of the Liao Kingdom nominally submitted to the Jin Kingdom, it was difficult for Wu Qimai to rule effectively.

Through fighting, we can integrate those semi-independent forces in the process of attacking the Song Dynasty!

The foundation of the Jin Kingdom was too weak. Although its military strength was strong, in terms of internal affairs, it was far inferior to the Manchu Qing Dynasty before entering the customs.

Let's put it this way, under the reforms of Huang Taiji in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, various ethnic groups in the Northeast have pieced together the concept of Manchu, and the status of Manchu is higher than that of other ethnic groups. In the Jin Kingdom under Wu Qimai's rule, there were countless Jurchens who were giving others

The Jurchen slaves need to be redeemed as slaves of other ethnic groups in order to transform Jurchen slaves into free people.

From the Aguda era until Wu Qimai's death from illness, Jurchen slaves were redeemed for the people.

In today's Jin Kingdom, it is possible that the wealthy Han families also have a large number of Jurchen slaves!

Wu Qimai did not dare to mess with the powerful people of various clans, so he could only look for various opportunities to attack. Once he messed up, the Jin Kingdom would inevitably be full of rebellion, and those powerful families were local snakes that had developed for hundreds of years.

In early March, the Jin Kingdom began domestic mobilization and ordered the wealthy families from all over the country to lead their troops south to attack the Song Dynasty.

The Jin soldiers did not even have enough food and grass, so they were waiting to go to the Song Dynasty to harvest wheat.

At the same time, they comprehensively expelled the Song envoys and guarded the pass to prevent the Song people from entering. The reason was that the Song Dynasty defaulted on debts and refused to provide food, and also accepted the traitorous generals of the Jin Dynasty. From then on, it severed diplomatic relations with the Song Dynasty.

Song Huizong was shocked and sent envoys again to the Jin Kingdom to restore diplomatic relations.

This time, the Song envoy was unable to enter and was blocked outside Lulong Fortress, unable to detect that the Jin Kingdom was mobilizing troops.

Tong Guan, Cai You and others vaguely guessed that there would be changes in the Jin Kingdom, and ordered the Song Dynasty's border generals and ministers to prepare for defense. Their idea was very simple, which was to use fortified cities to prevent the Jin soldiers from marching southward.

After the golden soldiers are exhausted, they can use some money to negotiate a peace. At most, the annual coins will be increased a little.

The Song Dynasty also had the same strategy when dealing with the Liao Kingdom and Xixia. Could it be that the Jin soldiers could still reach Kaifeng?

As long as the Jin soldiers do not cross the Yellow River, Tong Guan and Cai You will be confident in negotiating peace!

In February, Zhang Juhou's first script was released, called "Xia Nanyang".

The plot incorporates a large number of real-life materials and tells the story of a once-engaged peasant man and woman who, due to government exploitation and oppression by evil gentry, fled to Nanyang to reclaim wasteland.

In the end, the heroine died on the way, and the hero's wife also died. Both parties' families were ruined. The hero married the heroine's sister and lived a promising new life in Nanyang.

The actor's younger brother also joined the Sichuan Gorge Rebel Army and made great contributions in the Battle of Gangneung with bravery and fearlessness.

After Zhu Ming read it, he praised Zhang Juhou greatly: "It's very well written. Sir, please go back and arrange it, and show it to my soldiers in Xiangyang first to see the effect. By the way, the title of the play will be changed to "Nanyang Dream"."

"I must have arranged it carefully!" Zhang Juhou solemnly handed over his hand.

This chapter has been completed!
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