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Chapter 455 0450Who loses and who wins?

"More than 600 people were injured. More than 500 people suffered minor injuries, all of which were arrow wounds and gunshot wounds. They would be fine after two or three days of rest. Nearly 100 people were seriously injured. In addition to those who fell off their horses and were trampled, they were hit by blunt objects."

"Most of the dozens of seriously injured soldiers have broken bones. It depends on how well they recover."

"More than eighty people died in the battle..."

After listening to the battle report, Zhang Guangdao couldn't help but frowned: "Twice the number of troops, attacking from three sides, or luring the enemy to set up an ambush, why are there so many casualties?"

We have already interrogated the prisoners and found out that the one who was beaten was Yaoshi Guo.

Guo Yaoshi's troops are so powerful, so what if the Jin soldiers are elite?

If it were officers and soldiers who were ambushed by the rebels like this, they would probably collapse on the spot. In that case, the casualties of the rebels would be in double digits at most, and most of them would be minor injuries.

Zhang Guangdao had only fought with officers and soldiers, but now he was suddenly facing the Jin people, and he was starting to feel frightened.

The main reason is that we can’t figure out what’s going on with the enemy!

Yu Dian, whose neck was bandaged with gauze, said with lingering fear: "Guo Yaoshi is really a fierce general. He is very strong and shoots very fast. I was almost stabbed to death. The cavalrymen under him are also brave and fearless of death."

, and he’s so good at equestrian skills that it’s hard to deal with him.”

After saying this, the generals present all had solemn expressions. It would be very difficult to fight the next battle.

Deng Chun, who had always been taciturn, now spoke out to comfort him: "Not all of the cavalry under Guo Yaoshi were not afraid of death. Most of them collapsed on the spot and only knew how to escape on horseback. The really powerful ones were the hundreds or even thousands of soldiers around Guo Yaoshi.

I guess that’s all the real Jin soldiers do.”

"I hope so." Chen Ziyi muttered.

Zhang Guangdao smiled and encouraged morale: "No matter how powerful the Jin soldiers are, can they still have three heads and six arms? Since they have one head and two arms, why are they afraid of his eggs? If the enemy fights hard, we can fight hard too!"

The rebels were confused by the Jin Bing's combat effectiveness, and the Jin Bing were also pondering this issue.

"How can the Song soldiers be so elite?" Wanyan Zongwang asked, "What flag are they flying?"

Pharmacist Guo said: "The military flag is 'Tengxiang' and the general's flag is 'Deng'. These are the cavalry that lured me. As for the cavalry who came out of the woods, the military flag is 'Wuxiang' and the general's flag is 'Chen'."


Wanyan Zongwang asked: "Among the Song armies, are there Tengxiang and Wuxiang armies? Are there any fierce generals named Deng and Chen?"

"It seems there isn't," Pharmacist Guo shook his head in confusion, and added, "Maybe there is, but I haven't heard of it."

"Go and arrest someone immediately and ask!"

Wanyan Zongwang finally paid attention to it. Not to mention how much he needed to know about the enemy, he at least needed to understand who the opposing general was.

Under the eyes of the Tokyo defenders, two to three thousand Jin cavalry rushed to the residential areas outside the city and began to arrest people.

Many people had fled with their families, and some even went to seek refuge with Zhang Guangdao.

Zhu Ming ran a coal shop in the southern suburbs, and all the nearby residents had met him. Residents in that large area went south to join the rebels one after another. They claimed to be Zhu Tanhua's old friends and prayed to Zhang Guangdao for food or to help carry supplies.


But most people outside the city cannot leave. They have to work every day, otherwise they will go hungry.

Jin soldiers rushed to residential areas and did not bother the lower class people, but only arrested shopkeepers and shopkeepers.

Because those who do business are the most knowledgeable, most ordinary people will not be able to find out the news.

After questioning dozens of people one after another, they all said they were Zhu Tanhua's soldiers.

"Zhu Tanhua..."

Of course Wanyan Zongwang had heard of Ju Ming, who was the envoy to congratulate Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty on his birthday and brought the news back to the Kingdom of Jin.

But he only knew that Ju Ming occupied Sichuan and that he was a Jinshi. Other details were completely unknown.

Shi Li Aijian said: "You can send an envoy to contact the Zhu Thief and ask him what his intentions are. Perhaps you can use high-ranking officials and generous salaries to bribe him to besiege Kaifeng together."

Wanyan Zongwang shook his head: "After losing a battle, if you try to bribe this person, he will be rampant and difficult to control. You must beat the red thief painfully and let him know how powerful Da Jin is, then you can truly conquer him for your own use. Of course,

An envoy still needs to be sent to find out whether this person is real or not. Who is willing to send an envoy to find out the news?"

Shi Liai said: "I would like to go there."

Wanyan Zongwang said: "Sir, please don't take risks. Let someone else handle such a trivial matter."

A young man stood up and said: "I will go for my father!"

"Very good, go ahead." Wanyan Zongwang smiled in approval.

This man's name is Shi Jian, and he is Shi Li'ai's eldest son.

Royal Palace.

A eunuch ran in, and Zhao Huan hurriedly asked: "Who loses and who wins?"

The eunuch replied: "Your Majesty, I don't know who won. I only know that the red thieves retreated south, and the gold thieves quickly chased after them. Just now, there were gold soldiers who went outside the city to arrest the people, and I don't know what they were doing.


Li Gang came out and said: "Your Majesty, the Jin Kingdom has only sent the Eastern Route Army, and the Zhu bandits have only sent 20,000 to 30,000 forwards. No matter who wins or loses now, the result cannot be seen. After ten months, both sides will definitely gather their troops.

Two to three hundred thousand people are facing each other. The imperial court should take the opportunity to train its troops. No matter who wins in the end, the officers and soldiers can defend the capital."

"This is a plan for the country!" He Su had already rushed back from other places and arrived in Tokyo before the Jin soldiers crossed the river. He is now the boss of the censors.

Li Bangyan was a little anxious: "You have to know who won this battle, so you can know which side has a greater chance of winning, and the subsequent peace talks can also prioritize."

In fact, everyone wanted to know the result. Wu Min suggested: "It is better to send an envoy each to Jin Camp and Zhu Camp to find out the truth."

"Yes," Bai Shizhong immediately agreed, "By the way, what do they want if there is a peace talk? Well... I said this not because I am afraid of the enemy and want to surrender, but because I know myself and the enemy so that future peace talks will not fall behind.


"Who wants to go there?" Zhao Huan asked.

The ministers fell silent for a moment.

Of course it's no problem to go to the Zhu Thief's camp, but the Jin soldiers are blocking you in the middle. What if you are caught by the Jin soldiers on the way?

Li Gang, Wu Min, Nie Shan and others are even less likely to leave the city. They have the important task of guarding Tokyo.

He Su held up the wat board and was waiting for Mao Sui to recommend himself, but Zhao Huan had already begun to call the names: "Vice Minister Zhang will go to Jinying, and Huang Shizhi will go to Zhuying."

Zhang Bangchang and Huang Qian were as good as mourning, as if they were chosen to die.

Zhang Bangchang said with a mournful face: "Your Majesty, I am the deputy prime minister. For such trivial matters, just send another foreign minister."

Zhao Huan was furious, slammed the seat and said: "Is it a trivial matter that all the thieves and bandits are approaching the city? What are your intentions!"

Zhang Bangchang hesitated to speak, and finally said weakly: "I obey the decree."

Huang Qianshan looked at the emperor, then at Zhang Bangchang, and then bowed and accepted the order.

Everyone knew that the emperor was seeking personal revenge!

Li Gang wanted to give advice, but at this time, a ruler should not act on his own initiative.

But it was said that Zhang Bangchang rode out of the city and went straight to Jinying.

Huang Qianshan, on the other hand, rode west and made a large circle, covering half the county, before heading south to look for Zhang Guangdao, fearing that he would be caught by the Jin soldiers on the way.

Zhang Bangchang explained his purpose and was quickly taken to see Wanyan Zongwang.

"The land of Youyun is all owned by the Kingdom of Jin, and an additional two hundred thousand coins will be added every year. Can the second prince withdraw his troops?" Zhang Bangchang casually threw out a condition. In fact, he had nothing to say. He knew that this would not be successful.


Wanyan Zongwang sneered: "Your Excellency, are you here to play a trick on me?"

Zhang Bangchang quickly explained: "I dare not, this is the intention of our country's monarchs and ministers, not what I said alone."

A red thieves came to disrupt the situation. Wanyan Zongwang didn't really want to fight now, and actually made a condition: "Cede the three towns of Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian, plus one million yuan of money and five hundred thousand stone grain! Take it!"

If you show these, you will naturally withdraw your troops."

Zhang Bangchang said: "These three towns are not trivial. I dare not speak nonsense. I must go back and report to the court. The emperor and ministers in the court all want to surrender to the red thieves in the south. I am afraid they will not be willing to cede land to the Jin Kingdom."

"What do the red thieves mean?" Wanyan Zongwang bluffed, "Yesterday I sent a thousand cavalry and killed tens of thousands of red thieves and fled."

Zhang Bangchang believed it to be true and was immediately horrified.

Back in the city, Zhang Bangchang reported truthfully and exaggerated the results of the Jin soldiers' victory, saying: "The Jin soldiers sent out only a thousand cavalry, but they killed tens of thousands of Zhu thieves and fled."

Li Bangyan said: "This must be the gold man's intimidation and lies."

Zhao Ye said: "It may be true. The Jin people can defeat the Liao soldiers, the Liao soldiers can defeat the officers and soldiers, and the Zhu thieves can also defeat the officers and soldiers. The Zhu thieves' army may have the same combat power as the Liao soldiers, but it is definitely not the Jin people's."


This statement makes sense, and the logic is clear and strict. Even Li Gang somewhat agrees with it. After all, the red thieves have only fought with officers and soldiers.

If Song Huizong was the emperor, Zhao Ye would never dare to say such things, because directly admitting that officers and soldiers are trash!

But Zhao Huan, the new king, had no prestige at all, so the ministers could say whatever they wanted.

Li Bangyan couldn't help but mutter, if Ju Ming's troops really didn't stand a chance of fighting, how should he make a decision?

Nie Shan said: "Huang Shizhi hasn't come back yet, and it won't be too late to wait until he comes back before drawing a conclusion."

Li Gang said: "No matter whether the Jin soldiers defeated the Zhu bandits or not, they must not cede the three towns of Taiyuan, Zhongshan, and Hejian. If these three towns are lost, the northern barrier will be completely gone. The Jin people will come wherever they want in the future, and the Song Dynasty will never have peace."


Zhao Huan looked at Geng Nanzhong and then at Li Bangyan.

Li Bangyan quietly suggested that the entire west of Tongguan should be ceded to Ju Ming. That would be a much harsher cut than the Jinren.

When Zhao Huan was discussing with Geng Nanzhong, Geng Nazhong was noncommittal. He only said that he needed to wait and see how the situation changed, and that he could not talk about ceding territory and seeking peace.

Wu Min followed suit and opposed the ceding of land: "The inheritance of our ancestors must not be lost in our hands!"

Zhao Huan quickly comforted him: "I am not that stupid king."

In the city of Tokyo, the monarchs and ministers were waiting for Huang Qianshan to come back and wanted to know who had won the battle.

But Huang Qianshan circled half of the county and went south, how could he come back so quickly?

At this time, Ju Ming finally arrived with his army and met Zhang Guangdao north of Xianping County (Tongxu).

And the first Qinwang army, led by Zhang Shuye, gradually approached Kaifeng.

At the beginning of the Jin soldiers' march southward, Zhang Shuye went to Shu and requested that he lead troops to cut off the Jin soldiers' retreat and allow the Western army to go to King Qin to defend Kaifeng. In this way, the Western army dragged the Jin soldiers out of food, and Zhang Shuye led his troops to cut off the return route, which could

The Jin soldiers who advanced alone were defeated and the whole army was wiped out.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty refused to listen and appointed Zhang Shuye as the general manager of the eastern capital, and quickly led his troops to King Qin of Kaifeng.

Zhang Shuye's troops are quite large, totaling more than 30,000 people, half of whom are rural soldiers and the other half are rebels who have been recruited. Both rebels and rural soldiers have at least one year of combat experience.

In order to deal with Ju Ming's army, Wanyan Zongwang led his entire army to press southward. He only sent scattered cavalry to the east of Kaifeng to rob the people of their newly harvested wheat.

Zhang Shuye and his two sons fought and advanced and successfully arrived outside Tokyo.

Zhao Huan was overjoyed when he heard this and went out to Chaoyang Gate to receive him in person.

Chaoyang Gate is the outer city gate!

The battle situation becomes more and more complex.

Now, there are a total of 50,000 troops in Tokyo, commanded by Li Gang, Zhang Shuye, Liang Fangping and others. Even Song Jiang has been recruited again by Zhang Shuye.

From the south, Zhu Ming came personally, and military generals with famous historical surnames came, including Wang Zhen, Wang Yuan, Han Shizhong, He Ji, Wang Xun, Zhong Yanchong and others.

Jin Bing was caught in the middle, Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Zongbi (Jin Wushu), Wanyan Zongjun, Wanyan Talan, Wanyan Chamu, Guo Yaoshi, Liu Yanzong...

This chapter has been completed!
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