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Chapter 457 0452 [Operating like a ghost]

When Zhao Huan got the "Essay on Pursuing Gold", he was suddenly worried and happy.

Fortunately, Zhu Thief understood the righteousness well and even claimed to go north to fight against the Jin Dynasty.

No matter what his true thoughts are, after this statement is issued, the Red Thief and the Golden Man will never join forces to attack Kaifeng.

What's worrying is that Zhu Thieves clearly wrote in black and white that all the troubles were caused by Song Huizong.

Zhao Huan also admitted this in his heart, but the sentence "the ancestral temple cannot be worshipped" in the article already showed the attitude of the Zhu thief, who was determined to destroy Zhao Song Guo Zuo.

They even talk about the subjugation of the country and the subjugation of the world separately, claiming that they are here to protect the world and save the people, but the loyal ministers of the Song Dynasty are only protecting the country. The Zhu thieves now occupy the great righteousness and are the guardians of China; the loyal ministers appear to be in style.

Too low, just a gatekeeper of the same surname of Zhao and Song.

"The red thief's intentions are so vicious!"

Li Gang saw this and immediately cursed. He didn't think that the world would be destroyed. As long as the troops of Qinwang from all walks of life arrived in Beijing, they would definitely be able to drive away those Jin people. If it weren't for the Zhu thieves to disrupt the situation, the imperial court would have won long ago.

The thief is just making alarmist remarks and creating great righteousness for himself out of thin air!

Nie Shan, the governor of Kaifeng, has enjoyed various performances recently. Although he is qualified to come to the meeting, his background is too shallow and he cannot speak, so he is almost an outsider.

On the contrary, outsiders could see more clearly that without Ju Ming, the emperor and ministers in front of him would probably have destroyed the world based on their cunning actions.

Nie Shan thought this statement was very well written, and he especially liked the theory of subjugation of the country and subjugation of the world.

Qin Hui was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War. He could come to the capital hall for meetings, but he was ranked at the bottom. Although this guy was not a strong-willed man, he still had a bottom line at this time. He was not like a white man just because he had an old relationship with Ju Ming.

At that time, Li Bangyan and Huang Qianshan secretly betrayed the country.

He Su lowered his head and said nothing. He was planning something more important.

Li Bangyan's focus was different and he couldn't help but ask: "In the battle ahead, who will lose and who will win?"

Huang Qianshan replied: "The Zhu Thief certainly won. Guo Pharmacist led thousands of elite cavalry to pursue, but was ambushed and defeated by the Zhu Thief. Guo Pharmacist only escaped with his body, and almost all of his cavalry were annihilated."

Zhang Bangchang said: "The news I found out is that the Jin people won."

Huang Qianshan said with a smile: "The Jin people are so rampant that they dare to go deep into Kaifeng alone. If they really win, will they move to another place and camp? I'm afraid they would have killed them in a decisive battle with the Zhu thieves!"

When everyone heard this, they all thought it made sense.

Zhao Huan also nodded and said: "It seems that the Zhu family must win, and the Jin people cannot defeat them."

Wu Min worriedly said: "If the Zhu Thief can easily defeat the Jin people, who can destroy him after the Jin soldiers withdraw? The Jin people are not susceptible to ringworm and scabies, but the Zhu Thieves are the most serious problem!"

"This is absolutely true!" Geng Nanzhong agreed.

Zhao Ye suddenly said: "Since the Jin people are suffering from scabies, can we take the opportunity to join forces with the Jin soldiers to wipe out the traitors in the capital?"


Zhang Shuye became angry and cursed: "All Zhu thieves know how to issue a proclamation to fight against the Jin Dynasty and occupy the great cause of China. This proclamation spread all over the world, and everyone knows that he is a hero. The imperial court unites with the barbarians and foreign invaders to eliminate internal troubles. Where is the majesty of your majesty?"

Do we still need the people’s support in Song Dynasty?”

"Ju Ming is just a thief. How can he be a hero? Does Mr. Zhang have any dealings with Zhu Ming?" Zhao Ye immediately responded.

The positions of these traitorous officials are constantly changing.

Zhao Ye had previously considered surrendering to Ju Ming, but now that Zhang Shuye had arrived with King Qin's army, and Jin Bing and Ju Ming were restraining each other, Tokyo City would definitely not be breached, so he suddenly came up with the good idea of ​​"joining forces with Jin to kill the thieves".

However, Zhao Huan actually felt that this plan was feasible.

Because Ju Ming had just won a great victory and the Jin people were defeated, it seemed that the Jin people were weaker. Then the Jin people must have withdrawn. Instead, Ju Ming threatened his throne. Zhao Huan believed that the top priority was to kill Ju Ming.

Combining gold to kill thieves means uniting the weak to fight against the strong, and mastering the essence of vertical and horizontal skills!

In order to build momentum for the Zen position, Huang Qianshan kept bragging about Ju Ming's military strength: "The main force of the Zhu Ming has arrived. There are 100,000 soldiers and horses in the north of Xianping County, all of them are well-armed and powerful soldiers. The Zhu Ming also invited the ministers to see the wounded barracks.

It’s really the only thing I’ve seen in my life.”

Zhang Shuye was very interested in this and asked: "How about the wounded barracks?"

Huang Qianshan said: "Lime was spread on the ground inside and outside the wounded soldiers' camp, which was called disinfection. Every morning and evening, there must be a dedicated person to sweep the ground, and windows were opened for ventilation to ensure easy breathing. The wounded soldiers had tofu to eat and soy milk every day.

You can drink, although there are people who have lost hands and feet, they are talking and laughing constantly, and there are no injuries such as crying and crying in frustration."

"Is every statement true?" Zhang Shuye was horrified when he heard this.

He is a man who knows soldiers well. If the wounded barracks can really achieve this level, then the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the Red Thieves is unimaginable.

Huang Qianshan suddenly laughed: "More than that? There are nuns and female nuns serving the wounded soldiers."

"Nuns and nuns are in the military camp? I'm afraid they are camp prostitutes," Yu Wencuizhong said.

"No," Huang Qianshan explained, "Zhu Guoxiang investigated all the monks under his jurisdiction who had not given the ultimatum and ordered them to return to secular life. Those who could not find a living were resettled to open up wasteland. Those monks who did not want to return to secular life, were forced to return to secular life and did not engage in production, arrested them.

If they refuse to change their ways three times, they will be sent to mining. If nuns and nuns are still unwilling to return to secular life, they will learn medical skills and go to the military camp to take care of wounded soldiers. If any soldiers molest them, they will be revoked from the military immediately upon verification."

These were all told by Zhu Ming to Huang Qianshan, and Huang Qianshan talked eloquently about them as political talk.

Li Bangyan also found it strange: "If a group of nuns go in and out of the military camp, won't they cause trouble?"

Huang Qianshan said: "There will be no chaos. The thieves and soldiers respect them. Especially those who have been injured. When they see nuns and nuns, they will salute and call them female bodhisattvas and goddesses. If there are those who return to secular life after joining the army, thieves

The soldiers rushed to hire matchmakers, and the emperor also strictly ordered married people not to seek marriage. Some sects of nuns and nuns were allowed to marry, but there were so many matchmakers that they all married the wifeless officers."

The kings and ministers of the Song Dynasty were extremely interested in this and asked about the ways of the nuns in the Red Thieves Army.

After the meeting, the important ministers dispersed.

He Su and Li Gang started to cause trouble!

The reason was that Li Gang was training the army, and Bai Shizhong actually put people into the army in order to obtain part of the military power of the Tokyo garrison. Moreover, as the prime minister, Bai Shizhong forcibly withheld the newly collected taxes in Tokyo, saying that they were retained.

The purpose of distributing salaries to hundreds of officials was actually to block military expenditures and force Li Gang to submit.

After discussing with He Su, Li Gang decided to settle the old and new accounts together.

Now that the situation is somewhat stable, the Jin soldiers and the Zhu thieves are wary of each other, giving them just enough time to clean up the court.

While He Su asked the imperial censors to impeach, he also organized imperial students to knock on the palace gates, targeting the old officials left behind by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty and bombarding them indiscriminately.

Zhao Huan had long hated these people, and without consulting Geng Nanzhong, he issued an order to remove Bai Shizhong and Li Bangyan. Then he promoted Geng Nazhong to the left prime minister, He Su to the right prime minister, and Li Gang to deputy prime minister and in charge of the Privy Council.

Bai Shizhong and Li Bangyan were confused, so they just went home and took a nap. When they woke up in the morning, they were no longer prime ministers.

"How could the emperor be so heartless?" Bai Shizhong said angrily.

Li Bangyan said: "We cannot sit still and wait for death. We must join hands with the old officials to advance and retreat together!"

The two secretly contacted Zhang Bangchang, Huang Qianshan, Zhao Ye, Tang Ke, Yu Wencuizhong, and the old censors who were suppressed by He Su, and impeached He Su, who was the same year as the Zhu Thief and had a close personal relationship in the early years. Li Gang was even the brother-in-law of the Zhu Thief.

, never be entrusted with heavy responsibilities.

At this moment, Geng Nanzhong suddenly took action and teamed up with Wu Min to attack He Su.

The new ministers promoted by Zhao Huan actually started fighting among themselves!

The reason is that when He Su impeached the left and right prime ministers, he did not even say hello to Geng Nazhong. Moreover, He Su and Li Gang joined forces and their reputations were too high. The newly promoted provincial officials all listened to He and Li and did not regard Geng Nazhong at all.

Keep it in mind.

Wu Min thought that his hard work was a great achievement, and he was the one who recommended Song Huizong to abdicate. Now he has neither the Privy Council nor the left and right prime ministers, and only serves as a mere deputy prime minister.

The two hit it off immediately and started working together on He Su.

Within two days of He Su's appointment as right prime minister, Zhao Huan could not bear the pressure and demoted He Su to become deputy prime minister.

But Wu Min came to power, which attracted too many people's objections. He was only approved last month. Isn't it nonsense to be the right prime minister this month?

Wu Min then discussed privately with Geng Nanzhong: "He Su and Li Gang are highly respected by people in the country. You cannot suppress them at all. They must unite with the emperor's old ministers."

Geng Nanzhong, as the emperor's late emperor Yuancong, should have enjoyed a transcendent status. Now he was not satisfied with being the left prime minister, and actually wanted to completely control the court. So he teamed up with Wu Min to re-recommend Li Bangyan as the right prime minister, and also said that Li

Kunihiko did no evil.

Zhao Huan had to give Geng Nanzhong face, so he could only reluctantly agree.

Geng Nanzhong was afraid of affecting his reputation, so he asked Wu Min to stand up and request that Li Bangyan be reinstated.

After Li Bangyan resumed his position as the Right Prime Minister, He Su once again launched an attack and brought out a bunch of black materials about Li Bangyan - nothing more than occupying private houses, corruption, and relatives and friends using his power to bully the people. This was nothing but childish for a prime minister.

He Su had a strong foundation in Yushitai, and even Geng Nanzhong couldn't hold him back under full fire.

So, the prime minister was changed again!

When Li Bangyan was dismissed as prime minister, he recommended Tang Ke to be the right prime minister.

Although Tang Ke was an old party member of Cai Jing, he had a lot of political achievements and could definitely be called an official. Moreover, he offended eunuchs and Wang Fu, and was demoted to local officials twice. His reputation was among the traitors.

It is not considered bad, and can even be recognized by upright ministers.

Li Bangyan's recommendation is in line with the appetite of all parties.

In a matter of days, a lot of prime ministers were changed.

After Tang Ke became prime minister, the first order he issued immediately shocked everyone.

This secret order ordered King Qin's troops from all walks of life not to move rashly, especially not to reach Tokyo, lest something unexpected happen and the Jin people and Zhu thieves join forces to attack the city.

The secretly released official document was quickly exposed, and He Su impeached Tang Ke again.

Tang Ke was also dismissed as prime minister, and Li Gang was replaced as right prime minister this time...

Li Bangyan was also confused. He and Zhu Ming exchanged glances, but he did not dare to order King Qin's army to stop.

Where did Tang Ke get the courage?

Haha, Tang Ke was actually a member of Song Huizong, Cai You, and Tong Guan. Song Huizong wrote a letter asking him to dismiss King Qin’s army!

This chapter has been completed!
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