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Chapter 483 0478 [Tie a scarf as a number]

Tokyo, Tokyo.

Li Ruoshui, the minister of the Ministry of Personnel and the acting Yin of Kaifeng Prefecture, was making a work report at the moment: "Your Majesty, I have reorganized the security guards and arrested the fine workers in each chamber. I have also cooperated with the Ministry of Rites to seal the Sifang Pavilion and prohibit Shi Yuangong from contacting the outside world. However,

Zhu Guoxiang had lived in Tokyo for several years, and Zhu Ming had many old contacts in the court, so it was really difficult to find out who was secretly collaborating with the thieves."

Geng Nanzhong said angrily: "In the past two or three days, more than ten barracks in the city have received deceptive words from bandits. Can't we catch any of them if they are so rampant?"

"Food is in short supply and people's hearts are wandering," Li Ruoshui said. "I suspect that many soldiers and civilians will deliberately cover up the secret work even if they discover it. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to investigate."

Geng Nanzhong became increasingly dissatisfied: "You, the governor of Kaifeng, can't even catch a few details, so what use can you have?"

Li Ruoshui did not give Geng Nanzhong any face, and immediately retorted: "It is not the responsibility of the Kaifeng Prefecture to conduct detailed inspections. Please let the Imperial City Department handle it."

Whether it is the Imperial City Bureau of the Song Dynasty or the Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty, it is not possible to show off one's power just by showing off one's name. It requires a large number of grassroots clerks.

The soldiers of the Imperial City Division are composed of "Bixiangmaoshi", that is, they come from the eight positions of Pengri, Tianwu, Longwei and Shenwei.

After these soldiers were selected into the Imperial City Division, they were no longer affiliated with the Imperial Division.

The promotion of the Imperial City Secretary was initially held by eunuchs or military generals, and later it was stipulated that eunuchs could not get involved. However, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty broke all the rules and first let eunuchs promote the Imperial City Secretary, and then asked King Yun Zhao Kai to take up this position.

Like his father, Zhao Kai spends all his time engaged in artistic creation. How can he care about the army?

The Imperial City Imperial Guards, who numbered in the thousands, could only afford two thousand people on empty pay. If some of the Imperial City Imperial Guardsmen were not also responsible for serving as the emperor's palace guards, there would probably be only a few hundred people left to make up the number.

After Zhao Huan succeeded to the throne, he immediately dismissed Zhao Kai from his position in the Imperial City Department.

At the same time, he still did not trust the soldiers of the Imperial City Department, so he re-selected from among the newly recruited Imperial Guards from the Front Department. Although two thousand were selected, they were all palace guards and there was no manpower responsible for the capital's espionage.

After being reminded by Li Ruoshui, Zhao Huancai said: "In order to revive the Imperial City Division, the number of soldiers must be expanded to 5,000."

None of the ministers responded. This matter was too sensitive and involved a political struggle.

Because the Imperial City Division had too much power and could in principle control the Imperial Palace Division and the Kaifeng Mansion, no one could figure out who Zhao Huan would put in charge.

As expected, Zhao Huan asked: "Sun Zhen is not worthy of being promoted to the Imperial City Secretary. Do you have any talents to recommend?"

This position is a hot potato, and it is difficult to investigate in detail.

But Geng Nanzhong still couldn't resist the temptation and wanted to push his close confidant: "Dali Temple Minister Zhou Yiwen is worthy of reuse!"

Li Ruoshui immediately objected: "Zhou Yiwen is good at writing poems and lyrics, but he can't even judge cases. How can he be promoted to the Imperial City Secretary? I recommend Huang Guinian, a member of the Ministry of Civil Affairs!"

Wu Min said: "Anyone can do it, except Huang Guinian. When Zhu Ze was the governor of Puzhou, Huang Guinian was his subordinate official. I heard that the two had a close personal relationship. Let Huang Guinian promote the Imperial City Secretary."

, I’m afraid that everything in the Imperial City Department is also meticulous.”

Huang Yaoshi was rejected just like that.

Zhao Huan asked other ministers, but no one was willing to get involved, so Zhou Yiwen was put on the shelf.

What kind of person is Zhou Yiwen? If the city of Tokyo is destroyed, the gold will drop directly!

The imperial meeting ended, and Li Ruoshui left angrily.

Sitting on the carriage, Li Bangyan made no secret of his words and deeds, and greeted with a smile: "Qing Qing, please come up and talk."

Li Ruoshui didn't bother to avoid suspicion and just got into Li Bangyan's carriage.

The other ministers couldn't help but look sideways when they saw it. The acting Kaifeng governor was actually getting involved with Li Bangyan.

In fact, the two had conflicts before.

At that time, Cai Tiao had sole power, and Li Bangyan, as the right prime minister, had no power. He was so angry that he wanted to resign and go to Ju Ming.

After the resignation report was typed, Li Ruoshui came to Li Bangyan and advised: "The ministers should serve the emperor according to the law, and stop if he can't do it. Although this is the teaching of the sages, you have won a good reputation, but the people suffered in the hands of treacherous ministers. You should stay here

The center recommends talented people and clears away the filth... bala bala."

After being criticized and discouraged, Li Bangyan was very impatient, and the two even quarreled because of this.

It can be seen that Li Bangyan's reputation is not bad, and he has high hopes from upright ministers.

Not only Li Ruoshui, but also Li Gang, Qin Hui, He Su and others also hoped that Li Bangyan could bring order to the chaos.

It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

The carriage rumbled forward slowly.

Li Bangyan said: "Do you want to bring Qingqing's family here? The Jin people are raging in Mingzhou, and it is really dangerous there."

"No need, they have already moved into the city." Li Ruoshui said angrily.

Li Ruoshui's hometown is in Mingzhou, and it is now being robbed by the Jin people.

It was precisely because of this incident that Li Ruoshui hated the "Lianjin Sect".

Historically, Li Ruoshui was executed at Lingchi on the order of Wanyan Zonghan because he denounced Wanyan Zonghan and repeatedly refused to be recruited by the Jin Dynasty. He should be the most miserable civil servant in the Northern Song Dynasty.

In addition to his integrity when facing the Jin people, Li Ruoshui is also famous for one thing. He personally witnessed the recruitment of Song Jiang and wrote poems to satirize him.

The poem goes: "Last year, when the Song River came from Shandong, they invaded the city walls during the day. They killed people one after another and cut grass like nine layers. They were so miserable when they heard about it. A big book with yellow paper flew out, and thirty-six people paid homage to it. The ferocious soldiers were fat and arrogant.

The ladies looked at it sideways and were still horrified. This year, from Yangjiang to Hebei, the battle formations were laid out and they looked at the previous work..."

Whether it's Songjiang in Shandong or Yangjiang in Hebei, they are all giant bandits who kill a lot of people, but they suddenly get official status and are treated very well.

Li Bangyan probed: "How does Qing Qing view the Zhu Thief?"

Li Ruoshui asked expressionlessly: "Your Excellency, you are already Zhu Chenggong's man, right?"

"Haha." Li Bangyan neither admitted nor denied it.

Li Ruoshui said: "I have an official named Huang Guinian who worked with Zhu Chenggong in Puzhou. He highly praised Zhu Chenggong in private. When His Majesty came to the throne, I made dozens of suggestions, although none of them were adopted.

As a result, I was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. Your Majesty has favored me for promoting me, so it stands to reason that I should die to serve the country. But there are some things that are more important than being loyal to the emperor and serving the country!"

Li Bangyan said: "The people are the most valuable, the country is the second most important, and the king is the least important."

Li Ruoshui nodded: "I will help Na Zhu successfully capture Tokyo. When the time comes, I will commit suicide and die for the country. In this way, I will have both loyalty and justice."

"Why is this so!" Li Bangyan said in shock.

Li Ruoshui sarcastically said: "People like you can't understand it."

The two went to Li Bangyan's residence, and Li Ruoshui sent someone to invite Huang Guinian.

Also coming with him was Qian Boyan, who, like Li Ruoshui, was also the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

According to historical facts, after Song Jiang surrendered and revolted, he was hunted and killed by Qian Boyan. Qian Boyan also recruited more than 100,000 bandits from Shandong, so he was transferred to the central government for his meritorious service, and he was known as the "Head of the Zhongxing Pastoral Guard". Regardless of whether he led troops

Whether it is fighting wars or managing local affairs, this person is quite talented.

"Just how many of us are there?" Qian Boyan asked.

Li Bangyan smiled and said: "I have another confidant who will know when the time comes."

Huang Guinian said: "Marshal Zhu had great ambitions when he was in Puzhou. He will definitely be able to rebuild Kyushu in the future. We can make an alliance and welcome Marshal Zhu into the city together!"

"It's a pity that I don't have any soldiers in my hands," Qian Boyan said.

Li Ruoshui said: "In the past few capital meetings, Zhong Shizhong has stopped making suggestions, and he must have given up on the emperor. Zhong Shizhong is related to Marshal Zhu by marriage, and he has a lot of troops in his hands, so he can contact him to start a rebellion.


"Who will persuade me?" Li Bangyan asked.

Huang Guinian then recommended himself: "I'm here to persuade you. If you are caught by the cultivators, you will not be implicated in the crime."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" Li Bangyan said happily.

Li Ruoshui asked: "Who can talk to Zhang Shuye?"

Qian Boyan said: "Sun Fu is from Haizhou. There are bandits in his hometown and he wants to end the chaos as soon as possible. Zhang Shuye once served as a prefect in Haizhou and has friendship with Sun Fu's brothers. He can ask Sun Fu to persuade him.

Zhang Shuye."

The Liujia magic soldiers guarding Tokyo were created by He Su and Sun Fu.

This person seemed to be stupid and incompetent, but they really had no choice but to go to the doctor in a hurry because Tokyo had run out of food and grass at that time.

Afterwards, He Su and Sun Fu all committed suicide and martyred their country.

That night, Huang Guinian went to visit Master Zhong: "Excuse me, Zhongdu, can the city of Tokyo still be defended? Can the Jin people really help suppress the bandits?"

"Do your best and obey destiny." The seed master said ambiguously.

Huang Guinian said with a smile: "I'm afraid I want to defend myself and my soldiers don't want to fight anymore."

There was no answer from the planter, which was regarded as acquiescence.

In the past few days, a large number of notes have appeared in the Zhong Family Army's barracks.

Many soldiers of the Zhong family army were released by Ju Ming and returned to their hometowns. They all remembered Ju Ming's kindness.

What's more, the daughter of the Zhong family is married to Ju Ming. At this critical moment, the Zhong family's army regards Ju Ming as his uncle.

Since he is his uncle, why should he fight?

How wonderful it would be to help my uncle conquer the world!

This change in military morale can be felt among the troops.

On the day when the bandits attacked the city, countless soldiers defected, and there was no way for the army to restrain them.

The various tricks of the ignorant emperor and traitorous ministers have also made Master Zhong feel discouraged, and now he has a feeling of being broken.

Love so and so, I will lie down flat.

If a soldier wants to surrender to a thief, it is difficult for him to control it, and it is not considered disloyal to his master.

Huang Guinian said: "On the day when Marshal Zhu attacked the city, please wear a scarf on your left arm as a signal to avoid hurting your own people. Zhang Shuye's army also has many villains anyway. You don't want to fight with the Shandong soldiers, right?"


The grower was noncommittal and seemed to be still considering it.

Huang Guinian felt relieved and said with a smile: "Farewell!"

"I won't give it away," said the planting master.

It's done!

Sun Fu also found Zhang Shuye: "Brother Ji Zhong, the morale of the army is not stable."

Zhang Shuye already had a headache. The Shandong soldiers he brought had a mixed composition and were discriminated against by the Tokyo soldiers.

Although the salary of the Shandong soldiers has improved a lot after he took charge of the army again, the soldiers have already been separated from each other. In the past few days, there have been detailed notes left, and the various units of the Shandong soldiers are ready to move, and a spark can ignite a powder keg.

Especially Sun Lie and Song Jiang, they will definitely turn against each other when Ju Ming attacks the city.

"Brother Ji Zhong, if the Jin people really help the court to repel the Zhu thieves, what will it be like at that time?" Sun Fu asked.

Zhang Shuye said: "If the Zhu thieves are not killed by the formation, they will definitely retreat to Nanyang and Hanzhong with their remaining troops. The imperial court can at most recover the Huaihei and Shaanxi provinces, and they will make a comeback in a year and a half. However, Zhang Xiaochun and Yang Weizhong of Taiyuan will

He will be denounced as a traitor by the court, and Taiyuan will definitely fall into the hands of the Jin people. The Jin people are cruel and greedy, and if they take Taiyuan and Zhongshan, their appetite will become bigger and bigger. By that time, the country will not be a country, and the people will not know how many people will survive."

"What are Ji Zhong still hesitating about?" Sun Fu asked.

Neither Zhong Shizhong nor Zhang Shuye wanted to be a thief.

What made them change their thinking was not the persuasion of Huang Guinian and Sun Fu, but the fact that the army was gradually losing control.

It would be okay if the Jin people besieged the city, but there are Han rebels outside!

Since they are not from a different race, why can’t they change dynasties?

The Shaanxi soldiers and Shandong soldiers in Tokyo were in war in their hometowns, and they were hungry and discriminated against in Tokyo. Under such circumstances, who the hell is willing to fight for the emperor?

What's more, Marshal Zhu was very kind and righteous to the Shaanxi soldiers, and he and the Shandong soldiers were both from the rebel army. The Shaanxi and Shandong soldiers surrendered without any psychological burden.

All the soldiers want to surrender, what's the use of fighting if the general wants to fight?

Sun Fu said: "You can wear a scarf on your left arm as a nickname. It doesn't matter what color it is. The one who wears a scarf on the left arm is one of your own."

Zhang Shuye sighed. He always claimed to be a loyal minister, but he turned out to be a traitor when he got old.

However, the emperor changed frequently, and traitorous ministers fought for power and gain. There was really no way to recover.

Li Bangyan is not much better, his work is not reliable at all.

I don’t know who spread the news, but before Ju Ming had time to attack the city, "wearing a scarf on his left arm as a sign" spread in Tokyo.

First, many civil servants prepared gauze scarves early.

Gradually, the nobles also knew about it.

Then came the merchants and their servants, then the scholars and the common people.

The soldiers and sergeants of the army were kept in the dark because the generals kept it secret, and they had to hear about it from the people.

Every household prepared a piece of cloth to tie on their left arm on the day of the siege...

(After taking medicine, I feel depressed and want to doze off. I feel hazy all day long. Please change the update time, update at ten in the morning and update at five in the afternoon. Try to ensure that it is published on time.)

This chapter has been completed!
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