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Chapter 499 0494 [One Hundred Officials]

Hanguang Hall, the banquet place, is west of Jiying Hall.

Today, Ju Ming hosted a banquet for many officials waiting for vacancies, as well as last year's new scholars, in preparation for their upcoming departure from Beijing to take up their posts.

Ju Ming planned to send these people to serve as county magistrates in the many prefectures and counties determined by the imperial edict. All the officials from the old Song Dynasty who surrendered to the city were recruited back and promoted, and they were not held accountable for their past crimes - they were all county magistrates. , how far can you go if you continue to do evil?

Shen Hui, last year's new top scholar, was also invited and sat at the front.

He first served as the school secretary, and Zhao Huan ascended the throne and was promoted to the book doctor. They were both low-level civil servants in the central department, and their salaries were so low that they suffered from starvation for a long time during the siege.

Zhou Zhilamo, who was second in the list, and Luo Mengjiao, who was the most beautiful girl, all participated in the banquet.

Zhao Huan and Bai Shizhong had the same idea as Ju Ming. When they first came to power, they also vigorously promoted new scholars.

Tanhua, who was supposed to be the second in the list of local officials, was first recalled to the capital by Bai Shizhong. After Zhao Huan ascended the throne, he was promoted to doctor of Taixue and Taixue Zheng.

Zhou Zhigao said with emotion: "I had a banquet here last year, and the person sitting there was still the Supreme Emperor. In just one year, things have changed and people have changed, which is really sad."

Luo Mengjiao sneered: "What kind of emperor? I only know that there is a false emperor in the southeast!"

"Zhao Ji brought trouble to the world and deserved death and the destruction of the country!" Shen Hui also said.

The number one scholar and third-ranked scholar appointed by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty all cursed him without showing any kindness.

To use Zhao Gou's original words to evaluate, Shen Hui is "a man of strong words but timid in his courage."

Commonly known as, talkative!

Shen Hui was able to force him into anything, even commanding the army in violation of regulations, and dared to teach Han Shizhong how to fight, but Han Shizhong didn't care about him at all.

He complained about anything he didn't like, and even after becoming the number one scholar, he acted like an angry young man. From top to bottom, he offended countless people. The emperor, civil servants, and military generals all couldn't stand him.

Luo Mengjiao was also unruly. In history, Chen Dong led the imperial students to knock on the que and asked Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty to punish the six thieves. Luo Mengjiao was the instigator behind the scenes. Later, he and Qin Hui were demoted to Jinghu and died because they refused to accept the climate. .Qin Hui hated him so much that he sent people to murder him. Only later did he find out that he had died of illness.

Compared to the two trolls, the No. 1 pick and the No. 3 pick, Zhou Zhilamo, the No. 2 pick, is much more normal. He is a capable minister and official who really works down-to-earth.

After crossing south, he served as the magistrate of Yihuang County.

There were numerous thieves in the county. Zhou Zhilamo believed that to suppress the thieves, the people must be fed. So he took only a few followers with him to investigate and visit each village and each household. He communicated deeply with the thieves, rebels and hungry people, and tried his best to solve their survival dilemma.

Without wasting a single soldier, the county's public security was stable, and rebels and bandits took the initiative to do good.

"The Generalissimo is here!"

Everyone stood up immediately, and when Ju Ming appeared, they bowed and shouted in unison: "Welcome the Generalissimo!"

Zhu Ming smiled and nodded, raised his hand and said, "Everyone, please sit down."

"Thank you, Marshal."

The average age of these officials is thirty-two years old, and they can be described as the real young ones. There are a hundred people in total, 60% of them are new scholars who have no jobs, and 40% are short-term officials who have no money to give gifts. The first, second, and third overall are exceptions. , the three of them do have official positions.

Zhu Ming sat down and said: "Among you, only ten of you are staying in the capital, and the rest are going to Hebei and Shandong. Nowadays, refugees are everywhere in every county, and thieves are emerging in endlessly. When you get to the place, you should suppress and appease it, and try to restore the livelihood of the people within your jurisdiction. .This banquet is for you all. Bring the food and drink!"

The food seemed a bit shabby. Each person had one meat dish, one vegetable dish and one soup, plus white rice. They were all served in small bowls. If there was not enough, you could add more. There was no wine, only tea.

The officials looked at each other in confusion. Wasn't Marshal Zhu too stingy?

Ju Ming said: "Now that there is not enough food, everything needs to be kept simple. Moreover, there is no wine in Tokyo, and it has to be transported from neighboring counties. I hope that in five years, you will gather together again, and then you can drink fine wine and eat delicious food, and the people of the world will also Able to live and work in peace and contentment.”

"The Marshal's concern for all people is a blessing to the world!" Shen Hui was the first to speak.

This top troll, who always starts to troll anyone he catches, actually flattered him today. It seems that Ju Ming really likes him.

Luo Mengjiao also followed suit and said: "The people in the city are restricted from purchasing food. If we have a lot of fish and meat, that is really not the case. The marshal is sharing the hardships with the people today, and he will definitely be able to share the happiness with the people in the future!"

Zhu Ming smiled and said: "Your name is Luo Mengjiao, right? I heard from Shi Yuangong and Li Bangyan that you were the one who secretly led and commanded the students at the Imperial Palace a few days ago."

Luo Mengjiao said: "The imperial students, the people, and the soldiers are all starving, but the foolish emperor and the traitorous ministers are well clothed and well fed. They cannot share the hardships with the people, so why should the people help them defend the city? The marshal can maintain Bian on the first day he enters the city. Liang Anding, compared with that faint king, he made a judgment."

Zhu Ming was very happy: "Don't stand up, just sit down and talk while eating. If you want to say anything, please say it freely."

Shen Yuanheng, who was so hungry that day that he could hardly even pick up a pen, took two mouthfuls of food and said: "I finally understand that people can do anything when they are hungry. The key to government is to keep the people well fed. Minister I am sent by the magistrate of Chengwu County, which has been at war for a long time and has been exploited by the West City. The government also imposes heavy taxes, and the people have already been unable to bear the burden. Please ask the marshal to exempt the levies from excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes. Next year, only half of the official tax will be collected. I will definitely bring great order to the whole county."

Zhu Ming nodded and said: "This is the same in all counties in Shandong and Hebei. Miscellaneous taxes are exempted and official taxes are reduced by half. In some places, depending on the situation, you can apply for full tax exemption. You and I can live a little worse, but at least we can We have enough to eat, but the people do not have enough to eat. I hope you will understand the sufferings of the people, be honest and honest, and do not want a place for fish and meat. Twenty years from now, there may be more than one prime minister, assistant, and important minister among you."

"I will obey the order of the marshal!" everyone responded excitedly.

Ju Ming has made it very clear that these one hundred people now belong to his inner circle.

As long as you are willing to work hard and don't take bribes and bend the law, you will definitely be promoted quickly in the future.

This is a bit like intervening in civil affairs. When Zhu Guoxiang comes to Kaifeng, Zhu Ming will take the initiative to explain the situation and give the list of these officials to avoid any suspicion between father and son.

Ju Ming picked up the teacup: "I'll give you a cup of tea instead of wine."

"Congratulations to the marshal!" everyone shouted while holding cups of tea.

After the meal, Ju Ming asked people to bring money and gave each person eighty strings of money.

When a new official takes office, the Song Dynasty court also has to send travel expenses. Even horses, grain, slaves, etc., which are usually converted into cash.

One by one of the hundred officials now, they are all poor.

If Ju Ming didn't give away the money, it would be forcing them to commit corruption. Eighty guan would be enough for them to survive for a while.

Anyway, Ju Ming is not short of money now, and he confiscated millions of dollars from his house, not counting various fixed assets and treasures and antiques.

"A humble composition, given to you all."

Just when everyone was collecting tolls, Zhu Ming wrote a poem: "Whoever is hungry is left to heaven. What you need to know about governing the country is like Xiaoxian. The fleet of corrupt officials is standing, and the god of thunder is beating the drum. Khotan is gone. Hongyang has passed away and the people are fine. , there will be a year when the drought is not coming. From then on, the nine states will be happy and happy, and the fish will be beautiful and the weather will protect you and you will never be wrong."

As the top pick, Shen Hui accepted it on behalf of everyone and was so happy that he couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

Ju Ming left with his entourage, and the officials borrowed pens and paper to copy, chatting happily while copying poems.

"Marshal Zhu is indeed a great sage, and he will be a sage for a generation from now on." Luo Mengjiao sighed in admiration. He especially admired Ju Ming for impeaching the six thieves.

Shen Hui said: "Have you forgotten? Marshal Zhu was a great Confucian before he started the army. He angrily scolded the foolish king and his traitorous ministers for causing harm to the country and the people. Now, naturally, he has to think about the people. We should work together to assist the holy king to create a prosperous age!"

Shen Yuanheng said: "Whoever can feed the people will be worthy of the title of sage."

Among this bunch of poor people, a kid from a wealthy family actually sneaked in.

Zhang Dun's direct grandson Zhangjie, although his Jinshi ranking was not high last year, he had the qualifications of being a favored scholar and could be superimposed on appointments when he was awarded officials, so he stayed in the capital and became a school secretary.

Ju Ming treated Zhang Jie equally and appointed him as the county magistrate.

At this moment, Zhang Jie's mood was a little complicated. He was a Jinshi appointed by Song Huizong, and the Zhang family was still under the rule of Song Huizong. Is it inappropriate to be an official and help the emperor's thieves?

It can only be said that Zhang Jie has not turned into a veteran yet, and now he has a little bit of a moral bottom line. This guy later framed Zhao Ding's son, and the process of Luo Zhi's crime was so outrageous that even Qin Hui couldn't stand it.

Although Zhu Ming is familiar with history, he doesn't know everything. He really doesn't know the bad things Zhang Jie has done.

Shen Hui started to brag again. He looked at everyone copying poems and patted his chest and said: "I am here to be the magistrate of Linzhang County. I will resettle the refugees in the first year, eradicate banditry in the second year, and build water conservancy projects in the third year. In this way, everything can be done." County governance!"

"You must be careful of those cunning old officials." Zhou Zhigao reminded.

Shen Hui said disdainfully: "Some petty officials just deceive the superiors and hide the truth from the inferiors. How can they escape from my eyes? You can make them obey by using some tricks."

Zhou Zhigao stopped talking. He was a descendant of Zhou Dunyi. Although his family fortune had declined, he was by no means comparable to ordinary gentry. He knew that the most important thing in being an official was to manage officials.

With his ability and means, he can easily manage a county. Now he only worries about his stepmother who is far away in Jiangxi.

He lost his biological mother when he was a child, and his stepmother treated him as her own. Later, his father also died, and his stepmother really lacked someone to take care of him at home.

"I hope Marshal Zhu will capture Jiangxi soon." Zhou Zhilamo was worried.

Back at his residence, Zhou Zhilamo watched the sky at night, hoping to see some signs, but unfortunately there was nothing unusual in the sky.

This man was not only a capable minister and official, who served as the Minister of Rites in the Southern Song Dynasty, but he was also an astronomer and the author of "Calendar", "Almanac", "Five-Star Test" and other books. The official calendar of the Southern Song Dynasty was written by Zhou Zhilao Revised.

"My cousin is stargazing again, what can we see?" Luo Mengjiao said with a smile. They rented a yard together.

Zhou Zhilamo shook his head: "There are no signs."

"Whoever is hungry has his way up to heaven," Luo Mengjiao quoted Ju Ming's poem just now. "There is no need to fear destiny. A man is born in this world. If he wants to do something, he must go against heaven. Today, the sea is flowing, and it is our generation that shows Time for fists and kicks!”

But Zhou Zhilamo said: "You can't achieve anything if you just go against the will of nature. It's better to act in accordance with the times."

Luo Mengjiao asked: "Aren't Zhu Jinglue and Marshal Zhu acting against nature?"

Zhou Zhigao smiled and said: "The two of them chose a good time to raise their troops, and they moved in line with the times."

Luo Mengjiao was startled: "Indeed, it's a good time. At that time, all the elite troops of the imperial court were in Liao, and there were no usable troops in the south. In just one year, they swept through the Sichuan Gorge."

Zhou Zhigao looked at the starry sky and said: "Although the stars are showing no signs, I feel that the prosperous age is coming, and we can both witness the grand hegemony."

This chapter has been completed!
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