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Chapter 512 0507 [Waste Reuse]

Historians' evaluation of Gao Qiu can be summed up in just four words: a great deal is worth it.

That is to say, we did not do things that were harmful to the country and the people, but we did a lot of things that were ruinous.

He was thrown into the Western Army to gain military glory, and he never really commanded blindly. Moreover, his relationship with military generals was more harmonious than that of many civilian officials. Especially the promotion of Liu Qi can be regarded as a contribution to the Southern Song Dynasty as a general.

He engaged in real estate and opened companies in Tokyo. Although he occupied military camps and used soldiers, he also provided jobs for many imperial guards.

As for increasing the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army, does it still require Gao Qiu to take action? It has already been stretched to the point where it can no longer be stretched.

It would be impossible to replace Ju Ming with becoming a Taiwei. That would be a systemic collapse - there are thousands of military attachés working in Tokyo alone with salary.

Some of these temporary military attachés were awarded positions by the emperor, some were descendants of ministers, and some were officials bought with donations. Military expenses were used to pay these thousands of military attachés. Even if Gao Qiu was not greedy for half a penny, it would not be enough.

to the remaining soldiers.

As a Yuan Cong of Song Huizong, Gao Qiu did not mix with Cai Jing, Wang Fu, Liang Shicheng, and Tong Guan, which shows that he still has a little bottom line in life.

Moreover, Gao Qiu would try his best to repay those who were kind to him.

Liu Zhongwu distributed the military merits to Gao Qiu. When Liu Zhongwu was forced to take the blame for Tong Guan, Gao Qiu immediately stood up to protect him and supported Liu Zhongwu's two sons along the way.

Su Shi was very kind to Gao Qiu back then. When the three Su descendants were suppressed, Gao Qiu always took care of him secretly. He even asked Su Guo (Su Shi's third son) to get an official position. This was a political mistake and would make Song Huizong unhappy, and even more so.

Ming Ming offended Cai Jing.

Because Su Guo was inscribed on the Party Tablet, the imperial court prohibited him from serving as an official.

However, Gao Qiu actually took Su to see the emperor, and persuaded Song Huizong to make an exception and give him an official position, and gave him a tax collection job. With Tong Guan's constant recommendation, Su Guo has now been promoted to a prefecture general judge.

A somewhat bright person... a rotten person!

In the late Northern Song Dynasty when the apes were shining brightly, they were already considered scraps in the stinking heap.

"Come and sit down." Zhu Guoxiang waved.

Gao Qiu quickly climbed up and stepped forward, his butt carefully pressed against the edge of the chair.

Zhu Guoxiang smiled and said: "That year during the Dragon Boat Festival, I accompanied Zhao Ji to watch the dragon boats. The dragon boat rowing by the Forbidden Army Navy was particularly exciting and lively."

Gao Qiu said awkwardly: "He likes the excitement, so let him watch it."

"Why don't you call me a foolish king?" Zhu Ming asked.

Gao Qiu explained: "I scolded him once or twice in private, but after all, he is the old owner and it is not easy to talk to others."

This is true. Gao Qiu really felt that Song Huizong was a foolish king.

He was an old minister from Yuan Cong, but he was always suppressed by a group of "new people". Even when he fled to the southeast, he was rejected and abandoned halfway. How could this keep Gao Qiu from feeling resentful?

At the same time, Gao Qiu was a little nostalgic. It didn't matter if he scolded him a few times at home, but he still couldn't keep his face and slandered his old master in public. He was not like Li Bangyan who kept his mouth shut and was a coward.

Zhu Ming asked: "Now that the market is sluggish, there are very few people willing to buy PU. The Ministry of Revenue and the Kaifeng Prefecture have no idea. Do you have any method to get merchants to take the initiative to buy PU and run it?"

Gao Qiu replied: "Merchants buy poker just to make a profit. If there is no profit, no one will buy it. Now the whole city is under military control, and grain, wine, vinegar, and salt are sold in quotas. We can only wait until the control is relaxed next year. If so

Even if merchants are forced to buy poker, they dare not disobey."

"You don't need to tell me this truth," Zhu Ming said.

The problem now is that there is not enough supplies, and Tokyo must restore the market as soon as possible to allow more service industry workers to find jobs.

Hundreds of thousands of people are waiting to make money to eat!

It will probably be a little better when the snow melts in spring. Merchants from western Beijing and Huaihe River will definitely be actively bringing in more supplies to make money.

But if we want to truly return to normal, we have to at least wait until the summer grain harvest.

Gao Qiu bit the bullet and said: "I am relatively familiar with Tokyo. If I visit the merchants and lower the minimum price, I may be able to persuade some merchants to be willing to buy them. At least, I can recruit Fan Lou out."

"Fan Lou will leave it to you to attract investment. If things are done well, there will be important uses." Zhu Guoxiang said.

"I will do my best!"

Gao Qiu was immediately overjoyed and stood up to kneel down again.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Sit back."

Ju Ming wanted to ask a question: "You are doing very well in business in Tokyo. What do you think about the discussion?"

Asking questions about other things, Gao Qiu, who was good at it, immediately began to talk eloquently: "Take wine as an example, you can use wine, you can tax wine, and the official wine service must be abolished. Official wine cannot cause the government to charge more wine taxes.

It will only allow officials to line their own pockets. When the two saints founded the new dynasty, they should have sold off many official affairs."

Commercial taxes in the Song Dynasty were extremely complicated, and there were three types of wine taxes.

Kaifeng, Luoyang, and Shangqiu, the three capitals, do not charge alcohol taxes inside or outside the city, and they only use the purchase of tea and the music system.

That is to say, if the brewery is contracted to a monopoly (such as Fan Lou's contractor), the liquor tax is included in the contracting fee. The government then sells the distiller's yeast, and the contractor pays a tax when buying the distiller's yeast. The other liquor operators no longer pay liquor tax to the government.


And various state governments have adopted official liquor tax systems.

That is, there are state-owned wineries in both prefectural and provincial cities. Shops in cities and suburbs must go to state-owned wineries to buy wine. These state-owned wineries are also responsible for collecting wine taxes from counties and towns, and they act as both referees and athletes.

Fujian, Sichuan and other places are much more liberal. They adopt wine tax laws and allow private brewing by private households. Specific controls are slightly adjusted according to local government regulations.

Gao Qiu said: "The wine brewed by the official winery (state-owned winery) is of mixed quality, with too much wine and too little wine. They also buy and sell it by force, and pass it off as good quality. Merchants must buy wine from the government. This has led to the rampant private brewing.

The patrolmen collaborated with the smugglers, and the officials profited, while the official liquor business was often in deficit, and the government could not collect a few liquor taxes at all."

It is not only a tax issue, but also a security issue.

Both the United States and Russia have promulgated alcohol prohibitions. Alcohol is not banned anyway, but there is a side result: gangs have rapidly expanded their power through smuggling alcohol!

The Song Dynasty established a state-run winery system in various state capitals, which led to the large-scale gangs in the state capital cities being involved in alcohol smuggling and colluding with the inspection system.

Zhu Guoxiang asked about other business matters, and Gao Qiu quickly pointed out various tax loopholes. He was probably a habitual tax evader in the past.

Zhu Ming blinked at his father, and Zhu Guoxiang nodded without any trace.

Zhu Ming asked again: "Do you know anything about Guifan Tower?"

Gao Qiu said disdainfully: "They're just a bunch of rats in the ditch."

"You come and help exterminate those rotten rats." Ju Ming said.

Gao Qiu held up his hand and explained: "Marshal, although the rats are cheap, they are numerous. There are many ditches underground in Tokyo, running in all directions. Even if you send one or two thousand troops, it will be difficult to clear them out."

"Is ten thousand soldiers enough?" Zhu Ming asked.

Gao Qiu was startled and nodded subconsciously: "More than enough."

Ghost Fan Tower, also known as Wuyou Cave, is also the Tokyo sewer.

That is an underground city that has existed since the early days of the Northern Song Dynasty. A large number of illegals hide in it and often come to the surface to abduct children and kidnap women.

Many children grew up completely underground, and their outlook on life has been distorted.

Among the boys, the clever ones became pickpockets, the strong ones became thugs, and the stupid and weak ones became crippled and begged.

The girls, who are obedient and beautiful, are sold above ground to become prostitutes, while the disobedient ones are picked up underground.

During the siege of the city by Ju Ming's army, these rotten rats often came out of their caves to grab food, and they also took advantage of the situation on the day the city was breached.

Nowadays, the whole city's food control is under control, and you need to use your household registration to buy food. It is difficult for the rotten rats to survive, and security cases have occurred frequently in recent times.

Zhao Ding couldn't handle the pressure and couldn't spare the manpower to take care of it, so he could only ask Ju Ming to send troops to clear it out.

Ju Ming first sent hundreds of soldiers in, and found that the place was too big, winding and winding like a maze. Moreover, those rotten rats were tipped off and could always be transferred at critical moments.

Ju Ming said: "You used to be a Taiwei, in charge of the Tokyo Forbidden Army. Those Forbidden Army are a mixed bag, and they must have dealings with underground clubs, and also have friendship with the rotten rats in the underground. If you make use of these Forbidden Army, you can not be held responsible for the crimes in the past, but now you can make meritorious service.

You can also get reward money, and the more dens above and below ground you can provide, the better. You don’t have to intervene in the actual clearing, I will send troops down. If ten thousand troops are not enough, then twenty thousand troops!"

Gao Qiu muttered: "Twenty thousand elite soldiers, let alone humanoid rats, can kill all of them even real rats."

"I not only want to clean up the underground, but also the ground," Zhu Ming ordered. "Your task is to get the old Song Dynasty Imperial Army to confess and identify the hiding places on the ground. The Kaifeng Mansion will also cooperate. The Baojia Chief will lead the neighbors to conduct control at all levels, so that those

You bastard, there is no way to heaven and no way to earth!"

During the more than 160 years of the Northern Song Dynasty, sewers were cleared countless times. Hundreds or thousands of troops were often sent out, but nothing could be done about the underground world.

To clean the worry-free hole, it is impossible to just focus on the top and bottom, and it will not be effective if you focus on the top and bottom at the same time.

Tens of thousands of elite soldiers are needed to sweep the sewers, insiders need to confess their hiding places on the ground, and street offices are needed to carry out joint prevention and control among the people.

A three-pronged approach can achieve success.

After receiving the errand, Gao Qiu immediately rushed home happily and summoned his former subordinates.

Those Imperial Guards have all been demobilized and are now jobless vagrants, looking for a living on their own.

However, the conditions offered by Gao Qiu were that if you perform meritorious service, you can receive rewards, and if you perform great meritorious service, you can also be incorporated into the Five Cities Military and Horse Division.

Everyone was very excited after hearing this, and ran to inquire about the news. Soon the whole city knew about it. This actually didn't matter, the news must be leaked, because the battle that Ju Ming was going to cause was too big.

The Five-City Army and Horse Division is being formed. Jiang Yong, who was born in Daming Village, serves as the commander of the Army and Horse Division.

One thousand Sichuan soldiers were transferred in to serve as the backbone of the Five Cities Military and Horse Division, and another 1,500 local Tokyo soldiers were recruited as soldiers - all of them were outsiders who were not familiar with the situation inside and outside the city.

After they were formed, the first thing they did was to investigate the gangs inside and outside the city. Gao Qiu led his old subordinates to identify the gangs' dens.

Kaifeng Prefecture also issued notices encouraging the public to report suspicious persons.

At the same time, it was also announced that those who did not have a murder case in their hands could be exempted from crime if they surrendered to the government. If they committed meritorious services, those who did not have a murder case could be rewarded, and those who had a murder case could be given a lighter punishment.

For several days in a row, gang members were arrested everywhere.

Let the rats have nowhere to hide on the ground first, then force them underground and then wipe them out with an army!

This chapter has been completed!
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