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Chapter 557 0552 [Big Stone Forest Teeth]

In addition to Yu Yunwen, there were several young men from the orphan camp who accompanied Ma Kuo on his mission.

For example, Zhu Xiaozhong, adopted from Shaanxi, is sixteen years old this year. He studies every morning, practices martial arts in the afternoon, and occasionally goes to the school grounds to train with the soldiers.

Currently, the orphanage camp is located at Tianqing Temple in the north of the city, next to the military camp and school grounds. Some of the monks who were forced to return to secular life could not find a place to go, so they stayed to take care of the orphans.

These orphans come from Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Jingxiang and Gyeonggi. The total number has exceeded 500. Boys account for 70%, and girls only account for 30%. Because during famine seasons, girls are often easier to sell than boys, and parents also want to keep boys.

If not sold, Ju Ming will adopt the rescued orphans on a proportional basis.

Orphans that he did not adopt personally were placed in charity homes in various places.

The more than five hundred orphans who were adopted as adopted sons and daughters by Ju Ming are now only five, and they need to work extremely hard and be outstanding.

Outside Weizhou Gate, a team of hundreds of people was ready to go.

Ju Ming only accepted ten of the camels donated by the Gaochang Uighurs, and let them take the rest back by themselves, because they also gave back a lot of goods that needed to be transported.

However, all the fine horses presented by the yellow-headed Uighurs were accepted and they were given some silk and tea leaves in return. Several leaders would also give them armor when they were canonized.

Of course, they also donated other specialties, which were of roughly the same value as what Ju Ming gave in return.

This value is quite high, based on the price of goods in Kaifeng.

If it is transported to the Western Regions, its value will immediately double, and both the Gaochang Uighur and the Yellow-headed Uighur will make a lot of money.

The vassal will gain and Ju Ming will not lose. This is probably the case.

Ma Kuo, Yu Yunwen, Zhu Xiaozhong and others are all wearing gorgeous brocade robes, which were given by Zhu Guoxiang two days ago. They will take them off when they leave Tokyo and put them on when they arrive at the destination to show off the gorgeous clothes of the Ming Dynasty.

beauty of.

Ma Kuo still holds the Jieyang in his hand. This man has a hard-working life and spends most of his time on missions abroad.

He can speak Khitan and Jurchen dialect. It is estimated that if he travels around the northwest, he can also learn a few words of Tubo and Uighur dialect.

Xu Kangzong, the minister of Honglu Temple, came to see him off. Just before he was about to leave, Xiao Weili reiterated again: "Go back and tell the prince of the Ming Dynasty that Daliao and Xixia are countries of father and son, and Daliao and Ming are countries of brothers.

If the Ming Dynasty and Xixia were brothers, then they would have lowered their status and become the son of the Liao Dynasty!"

"What your envoy said makes sense, and I will definitely convey it to you," Xu Kangzong said seriously.

Yelv Dashi and his cronies were extremely hostile to Xixia. The two sides agreed to attack the Jin Kingdom together, but Xixia turned around and surrendered money to the alliance. They did not want to see Xixia feel better, let alone Xixia for a lifetime.

Representatives of Ming and Xixia are currently negotiating in Lanzhou.

It is estimated that Xiao Weili will deliberately stay in Lanzhou for a few days and verbally threaten the Xixia negotiators.

"Mom, please come back. The child will be back in two or three years." Yu Yunwen was saying goodbye to his mother.

Yu's eyes were red, and she held her son's hand and said, "You are still young, and it is your first trip to the Western Regions and Mobei. As a mother, how can you not worry? The amulet I asked for for you must be properly protected.

Carrying it with you will protect you from danger when you are outside."

Yu Yunwen grinned, patted his waist and said, "The amulet is in the sachet."

The sachet was sewn by her son's fiancée, and Mrs. Yu couldn't help but laugh: "When you come back, you will get married to the Wang family's daughter."

Yu Yunwen had already been engaged, and his fiancée was from the Wang family in Chengdu. In terms of relationship, she was a sister of Bai Qi's wife.

The Wang family in Chengdu is really full of in-laws, and they also have a bunch of sons-in-law in the capital.

After the south is pacified and the large clans that migrate to Shu are dispersed, the Wang family will be the first to be dealt with!

Ma Kuo is also saying goodbye to his wife. In the past ten years, they have been together less and farther apart. They have found every opportunity to reunite tenderly. Now they only have a son and a daughter. When the two children were born, Ma Kuo was far away in the North and had no home.


Zhu Xiaozhong and several other teenagers were also saying goodbye to their younger brothers and sisters.

These orphans come from various places and study, practice martial arts and play together all year round. Although they often have various minor conflicts, their relationship is extremely strong.

Xiao Weili looked back at the Tokyo city wall. The city tower was far more majestic than in the north. Nowadays, the dynasty has changed and there is a new atmosphere.

The Ming army should be able to withstand the Jin soldiers, right?

Xiao Weili was still frightened by the fighting ability of the Jin soldiers. Those barbarians in the ravine were so good at fighting, and even if they fought, they would not even lose their lives.

Mobei, Kedun City.

Yelu Dashi was reading in his tent when he heard rapid footsteps coming from outside. He put down his books and waited to receive the visitor.

The general Sa Ba opened the curtain and came in with a smile on his face and said: "Shan, there is a big happy event, the Jin man has lost his head."

"What are the Jin people doing?" Yelu Dashi asked.

Saba said: "The Jin people didn't know how to manage the grassland, so they copied the Meng'an Mou restraint. They forcibly re-demarcated the pastures according to the population, divided the tribes into groups, and selected obedient tribal leaders to serve as officials. In order to prevent

They rebelled and stationed troops 200 miles southeast of Jingbian City (near Hulunbuir City)."

Yelu Dashi looked happy: "How did the various tribes react?"

Sa Ba said: "The Tata'er tribe was willing to be lackeys for the Jin Kingdom and oppressed the other tribes. They were granted large tracts of grassland and were granted many titles of Meng'an Muke. The tribes were not only oppressed by the Jin people, but also by the Tata'er tribe.

, people fled westward one after another and came to join us. For those who did not escape, several tribes sent people to ask for help."

Yelu Dashi laughed and said: "The Jin people are indeed barbarians. They only know how to conquer the world, but they don't know how to govern it. I will first eat up the Jin Kingdom's garrison, and then unite all the grassland tribes to march south and regain our lost land of thousands of miles in the Liao Dynasty!"

The Jin Kingdom’s so-called digestion of the Liao Kingdom’s homeland was actually a bit naive.

In Han Dynasty, people shaved their hair to change clothes.

In the grassland, engage in fierce Anmoke.

Then station troops in important military locations, and at the same time support the puppet forces. Those who are disobedient will be killed by the puppets. If the puppets cannot be defeated, the Jin soldiers will take action in person.

On the Hulunbuir grassland, the Tatar tribe is a puppet force.

It can't be called a puppet, it can be described as a dog.

After the fall of the Liao Kingdom, the tribes here paid money one after another, and some new tribes took the opportunity to come to the prairie from the northern mountains.

They allied with each other and fought for pasture. When the Jin Kingdom tried to rule this place, the Tatar Tribe was the most obedient and cooperative. As a result, a large number of Tatar Tribe nobles were promoted to Meng'an Mouke chiefs, and the tribal power grew rapidly with the help of the Jin Kingdom.

The way the Jin State ruled the grasslands was actually very similar to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, but it was fundamentally different.

The Manchus and Qing Dynasties shouted that they were the Manchu and Mongolian families, and they ennobled Mongolian princes and married Mongolian nobles for generations. However, the Jin Kingdom only appointed military and political officials, neither canonized princes nor engaged in noble marriages, and even discriminated and oppressed these grassland tribes.

Everything has to be done both softly and hard, but Jin only comes with hard work, and will continue to do so until the end.

When it was found that Meng'an's restraint was difficult to implement, the Jin State later copied the Liao State's administrative system in the grasslands. However, the rule was too brutal, and the grassland tribes continued to resist. Later, they simply implemented genocide and "annihilated the Ding" of those disobedient tribes.

What is annihilation?

All the men taller than the wheel were killed, and the women and children were kidnapped and sold into slavery.

The Tatar tribe played the role of lackeys from beginning to end. For example, Genghis Khan's great-grandfather and great-uncle were captured by the Tatar tribe and presented to the Jin Kingdom for execution, and then murdered Genghis Khan's father.

Tatar, that is, Tatar.

The predecessor of the Wanggu tribe near Yinshan Mountain is now called White Tatar, that is, orthodox Tatar.

The Tata tribe in the Hulunbuir Grassland also says that they are Tatars.

Yelu Dashi sent a large number of light cavalry to the east and south to inquire about the news.

Soon we got the exact information that the Wugu Dilie (Hulunbuir Grassland) side was in chaos. The Tatar Tribe used the opportunity of the Jin Kingdom to promote the Meng'an Plan and went to war against the surrounding small tribes. They also reported those small tribes.

The tribe wanted to rebel and asked the Jin Kingdom's garrison to help fight the war.

Monan Mongolia will be much more stable if Meng'an Muke is also forcibly implemented.

Because it is not like the Hulunbuir Grassland, the original strength structure has collapsed and is about to be reshuffled. Monan Mongolia is still the same, the pastures have been marked out, and the nobles of various tribes sit together to discuss and compromise with each other.

Can fool Jin Guo's new policy.

Of course, it was just a fooling around. The nobles of the Monan tribes hated the Jin Kingdom’s new garrison!

At the same time, there is also a big news!

"Great Khan, Tokyo of the Song Dynasty was captured by rebels, and the Han people replaced a new emperor named Zhu." Sa Ba reported.

Yelu Dashi hurriedly asked: "How did Emperor Zhu treat the Kingdom of Jin?"

Sa Ba said: "There was a leader of the White Tatars who had a drink with the general of the Jin Kingdom. The Jin general was Wanyan Zonghan's man. When he was drunk, he cursed Wanyan Zongwang for his incompetence. He commanded an army of tens of thousands, but was forced to do so by Prince Zhu.

Retreat. I heard that... Wanyan Zongwang even killed a thousand Hezha Mengan!"

"This Prince Zhu is very capable!" Yelu Dashi slapped his thigh with joy.

Of course he knew how powerful Hezha Meng'an was in combat, and had killed many soldiers of the Liao Kingdom in fear. Now that Prince Zhu had eaten a thousand, if he wanted to replenish his training, there was no shortage of war horses, but heavy armor had to be thought of. And the additional riders may not be that strong.

Yelu Dashi hurriedly asked: "What other news?"

Saba said: "Some state capitals in Hebei and Hedong of the Song Kingdom were seized by the Jin Kingdom and established a pseudo-Song emperor."

Yelu Dashi sketched the situation in his mind. The farthest north and west were his own territory, the south and east were the semi-independent grassland tribes, the further south and east were the territories of the Jin Kingdom, then the pseudo-Song puppet regime supported by the Jin Kingdom, and finally the That Emperor Zhu and Prince Zhu.

"How did Xixia react?" Yelu Dashi asked again.

Saba said: "I heard that Xixia, on the orders of the Jin Kingdom, sent troops to capture many Han lands."

"This is an unfamiliar dog," Yelu Dashi gritted his teeth. "It is hard for Emperor Zhu and Prince Zhu to be attacked from both sides by the Jin Kingdom and Xixia. They must send an envoy to Gaochang to contact Emperor Zhu and make an appointment to attack Jin together next year. The country’s barbarians!”

Yelu Dashi still doesn't know that the confidant he sent to frighten the Nianba Ge tribe has gone to Tokyo as an envoy.

He also didn't know that Song Huizong was still in the southeast and had never been destroyed.

But just because Prince Zhu ate a thousand Hezha Mengan, Yelu Dashi made up his mind to form an alliance with the Ming Dynasty!

This chapter has been completed!
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