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Chapter 574 0569 [Embroidering the bright flag overnight]

Those who know the current affairs are heroes, but only Monk Guanghui is half a hero.

Tozenji does not rely on farming to make a living. The land annexation is just incidental. It mainly makes money by doing business and loan sharking.

They divided nine-tenths of the land and donated all the grain to Li Bao. This did not shake the foundation of Dongzen Temple. Because they did not give them a penny, and they also held on to the factories and shops.

Beichan Temple and Nanchan Temple, on the other hand, were not even half talented. They did not give him any money, land, or stores. They only dedicated half of their grain reserves to Li Bao.

The temples inside and outside Fuzhou City all look like this.

Li Bao killed Xichan Temple until the blood flowed into rivers. They still took chances and only gave them a lot of food.

For temples further away, people pretended not to know anything.

Li Bao didn't have time to deal with the monks. He had to take a sea ship to Quanzhou and wait in Quanzhou City for Xin Xingzong to surrender.

As for the thousands of temples and temples in Fujian, just report them truthfully to the court.

Based on the attitude of the emperor and the prince towards Buddhism and Taoism, Li Bao believed that these guys would be miserable and he just needed to get military rations and forget about it.

Li Bao and Xin Xingzong are about to arrive in Quanzhou, but what is Quanzhou Prefect Chen Yuanlao doing?

He is playing with his friends!

There was an honor guard in front to clear the way, followed by a large number of guards, as well as temporary handymen from the Xiang army.

When this old man went out of the city, he was accompanied by more than three hundred people.

Arriving at a mansion on the outskirts of the city, Chen Yuanlao opened the car curtain, waved to his friend and shouted: "Old man, please get in the car and sit with me."

"The governor is really elegant!" Li Bing stepped forward, followed by a group of servants.

Although officials in the Song Dynasty also avoided their place of origin, they did not enforce it strictly. Usually it was just a matter of different roads, and there were often people from the same road but from different states.

Chen Yuanlao, the governor of Quanzhou, was born in Fuzhou next door.

Li Bing's ancestral home was in Jeju, Shandong, and he moved to Quanzhou with his father since he was a child. He had already been a Hanlin bachelor. When he was sent abroad, he encountered a military disaster and heard that Tokyo was gone, so he simply returned to Quanzhou to travel in the mountains and forests.

Li Bing got on the carriage and said casually: "I heard that many maritime merchants escaped from Fuzhou a few days ago."

Chen Yuanlao said angrily: "That traitor Tong Guan went against the grain. He found a clan member from nowhere to support the puppet emperor, and even robbed the maritime merchants doing business in Fuzhou. I have already asked those merchants, Tong Guan

I just forced the gentry and temples to provide food, but I didn't dare to fight with swords like we did with maritime merchants."

Li Bing sighed: "Last year, the situation was unclear, so I gave up my official position and returned to Quanzhou. Now it is clear. The old Song Dynasty will be destroyed, and the new Ming Dynasty will be unstoppable. Brother Danian, do you have a plan?"

"What else can we plan?" Chen Yuanlao said, "The Xiang army in Quanzhou has been depleted for a long time. If Tong Guan comes with his troops, he will summon monks and soldiers from all the temples to fight to the death like he did last time when he refused food. If they are soldiers from the Ming Dynasty, then

Immediately open the city to welcome them. Whether it is defending the city or dedicating the city, it is all to ensure the safety of the people of Quanzhou."

Li Bing immediately complimented him: "Brother Danian cares about the people, and I admire him very much."

Chen Yuanlao smiled and said: "When the heavenly soldiers of the Ming Dynasty arrive, it is inevitable that talents will be needed to govern the place. When the time comes, I will definitely recommend good brothers to do the work."

"Then thank you, Brother Danian," Li Bing said, stroking his beard. "It seems that we, the old ministers of the previous dynasty, should have left the two masters alone. But how can that faint king be like a human master? He is as cruel as Jie and Zhou, and he deserves to die and the country will be destroyed!"

Now that the Ming Dynasty has the Holy Emperor in the court, how can all the benevolent people in the world not assist the Ming Emperor?"

"That makes sense." Elder Chen nodded and said.

Chen Yuanlao had three major hobbies in his life: Buddhism and Taoism, writing poetry, and running schools. He also used Guan Zhong's famous saying to write, "Ten years to grow trees, a hundred years to cultivate people."

From then on, these eight words were used exclusively in the field of education.

The two chatted all the way and soon arrived at Yanfu Temple.

How can I say this temple? It has become a group!

It was built in the early years of the Western Jin Dynasty, and by the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, it had a history of nearly 900 years. It has 54 courtyards, and has merged with more than 50 surrounding Zen monasteries to form a group-operated Zen forest.

The total area of ​​Yanfu Temple is larger than the Xichan Temple in Fuzhou inspected by Li Bao!

When Chen Yuanlao and Li Bing arrived outside the temple, they were immediately greeted by monks who knew the guest. Soon after entering the temple, they met the abbot, Zen Master Huisui.

The three of them went to the abbot's room together, where Zen Master Huisui personally made tea to entertain the guests.

After talking about the past and present, Zen Master Huisui said: "To pray for wind this winter, we still have to kill animals, which is really contrary to the meaning of mercy. The poor monk wants to use the Buddhist precepts to change the Taoist rituals in Zhaohui Temple, and pray in the future

The wind does not kill any living thing, but only uses various kinds of vegetarian food to sacrifice it."


Chen Yuanlao was a little embarrassed and said: "I have no objections, but I am afraid that those maritime merchants and ship owners may have some objections."

Zen Master Huisui said: "Then when we set up the water and land monastery next year, we will invite all the great ship owners to discuss it."

Zhaohui Temple is the Tongyuan Temple.

At this time, Mazu belief was not yet mainstream, and the officially recognized Poseidon was King Tongyuan.

In Quanzhou, every year in summer and winter, sacrifices are made to King Tongyuan to pray for a stable monsoon.

Tongyuan Wang Temple was originally a Taoist temple, but now it has been annexed by Yanfu Temple.

The Buddhist temple not only successfully merged with the Taoist temple, but also wanted to modify the Taoist sacrificial rituals in accordance with Buddhist precepts... This shows the strength of Fujian Buddhism!

Chen Yuanlao immediately changed the subject: "Tong Guan, that guy, plundered Fuzhou merchants a few days ago, and will probably send troops to Quanzhou to collect grain. The old Song Dynasty court is gone, and we must not help Zhou to do evil again. I have sent soldiers to fight on both the sea and the land.

We are on guard duty, and if we encounter Tong Guan's army, please ask Yanfu Temple to send out monk soldiers to help."

Zen Master Huisui said: "Amitabha, Tong Guan is so ruthless that all living beings in Fujian are in ruins. Although our Buddha is compassionate, he also has angry eyes. If Tong Guan sends troops again, the monks of Yanfu Temple will definitely help him with all their strength!"

"Then please leave it to Zen Master!" Chen Yuanlao immediately felt relieved.

The two of them had a vegetarian meal in the temple and left respectfully.

On the way back to the city, nearly half of the people I met were monks.

Some people are not monks, but deliberately dress up as monks. Or they may have bought a Buddhist certificate and don't even shave their hair, and show themselves like a monk when they go out.

There are also many craftsmen, laborers, and tenants who devote themselves to the temple, all dressed as monks.

Chen Yuanlao and Li Bing are accustomed to this. One of them has lived in Fuzhou since childhood, and the other has lived in Quanzhou since childhood. They have long been accustomed to it.

Returning to the Yamen, Chen Yuanlao handled some official duties, then walked to the back house to lie down and rest.

He has sent his confidants to Zhejiang to find out what the situation is there. If the Ming Dynasty soldiers enter Fujian, he will change his banner as soon as possible.

Chen Yuanlao was an official fan, and his poem about becoming an official is very famous: Leading the immortals up to the purple sky, the clouds gradually follow each other. The peach blossoms penetrate through the three layers of waves, and the osmanthus climbs up to the first branch. The Langyuan is even more unstoppable, the apricots

The poems written after the garden are all written. A man should be distinguished like this, and his sleeves full of fragrance will be known to the world.

No matter it is the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, as long as it does not affect his official career, it is fine.

"My lord, my lord..." The servant came running in with a soldier.

Chen Yuanlao opened his eyes in confusion and asked, "What's the matter?"

The soldier on the other side said: "Seven or eight ships suddenly sailed to the mouth of the Jinjiang River. They all hung strange flags, and many soldiers got off the ships!"

"What flag is it?" Chen Yuanlao asked.

The soldier said: "It looks like a painting of the sun and moon."

"Flag of the Sun and Moon? The Heavenly Soldiers must be coming!" Chen Yuanlao stood up suddenly, "Hurry up and gather the officials in the city and follow me out of the city to meet the Heavenly Soldiers!"

Various government offices in Quanzhou City soon became agitated, and many officials gathered with their subordinates.

Under the leadership of Chen Yuanlao, they left the city happily.

Li Bao originally thought that it would take some effort for him to attack the city, but he saw Quanzhou officials beating gongs and drums to welcome him, and even local wealthy businessmen came to join in the fun.

"The customs of Fujian are amazing!" Li Bao said with emotion.

Chen Yuanlao was confused at this time. He didn't know why the Ming army came to Quanzhou. It was like a divine army descending from heaven.

However, Li Bao sent troops too quickly. In addition to chasing Tong Guan, he was only delayed for one day while inspecting Xichan Temple.

The officials here in Quanzhou didn't even know that he had captured Fuzhou!

"Old Chen, the governor of Quanzhou, led the officials of the state to pay homage to the general!" Elder Chen still wanted to save face, he just bowed and did not kneel down.

Li Bao asked: "Did Xin Xingzong bring troops?"

Chen Yuanlao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "Xin Xingzong is in Fuzhou."

Li Bao said: "I just came from Fuzhou and Tong Guan is dead. Xin Xingzong led his troops to escape, probably to Quanzhou."

Chen Yuanlao was shocked and said quickly: "Please ask the general to take action to protect the safety of the people of Quanzhou."

"You don't have to worry about this." Li Bao said.

Chen Yuanlao said: "May I ask the general your name?"

Li Bao held his head high and said: "Marquis Cao of the Ming Dynasty, General Yunhui Li Bao!"

The Ming Dynasty now only granted five marquises, and they were all titled after their respective hometowns.

However, the titles of Shi Yuangong, Zhang Boring and Yang Zhi all came from the name of the county. Only Zhang Guangdao and Li Bao had their titles come from the name of the state.

Li Bao's hometown belonged to Caozhou in ancient times, so he was named Caohou.

As for General Yunhui, in the Northern Song Dynasty, he had the title of Wusan, but in Ju Ming's case, it was a military rank (from the third rank).

After destroying the country and returning to Beijing this time, Li Bao's military rank is expected to be promoted three levels in a row, from a second-level "national-preserving general". (Yang Zhi has been promoted to a third-level champion general because of his heavy losses to the Xixia army.


Of course, there will definitely not be no rewards. In addition to military ranks and titles, there are also various promotions and honorary titles. All rewards have been upgraded, and another set of honorary positions can be created to award rewards!

Although Quanzhou officials did not know what was going on in the north, they learned a lot about the Ming Dynasty from passing merchants.

In front of me is Li Bao, one of the five princes of the Ming Dynasty?

Chen Yuanlao's body instantly shrunk by three points, his attitude became more respectful and attentive, and he said with a smile on his face: "General, please enter the city quickly, I have prepared the bright-character flag. But I don't know that the new dynasty has a sun and moon flag, so I just let him

Someone embroidered a clear character on the flag."

Li Bao found it very interesting and asked: "Did you just embroider the flag recently, or have you already embroidered the flag a long time ago?"

Chen Yuanlao said with an upright face: "The old Song Dynasty court was unruly, and the new Ming Dynasty obeyed the people. I have been embroidering the Mingzi flag for a year."

Li Bao scolded: "Fart, the name of the new dynasty is Ming Dynasty, it has not been a year since this matter was announced to the world!"

"Uh..." Chen Yuanlao was suddenly at a loss for words.

This chapter has been completed!
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