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Chapter 593 0588 [Spring Breeze Proud Horseshoe Disease]

The Ming Dynasty etiquette system was established last year.

The grand ceremony of passing on the throne is ranked very high, second only to the emperor's enthronement, wedding, etc., and is at the same level as the military commander's triumph.

Therefore, all officials must wear court uniforms, which are crimson from top to bottom, without any birds or animals, to highlight unity, calmness and solemnity - only public uniforms are distinguished by color, and only seasonal uniforms are embroidered with birds and animals.

The hats are all worn with Jinxian crowns, and there are three kinds of hat beams: seven beams, six beams and five beams.

The prince, the three divisions, the three princes, the prime minister (including the privy envoys, etc.), when wearing the Qiliang Jinxian crown, they also wear the Diao Chan crown (cage scarf).

The censors of the Supervisory Council added Xie Chi horns to their crowns.

As the official rank changes, jade swords, jade pendants, brocade ribbons, etc. with different designs will also be hung.

Before dawn, hundreds of officials were already waiting.

Zhu Guoxiang was sitting in the Hall of Wende and yawning. Normally, his attendance at court would be postponed, but for such a large ceremony, he had to get up early.

"Officials, it's time for promotion." The eunuch came in and reminded.


Zhu Guoxiang yawned again, stood up and stretched to relieve his fatigue, and then walked towards Jiying Hall.

"The emperor ascends to the palace!"

"The emperor ascends to the palace!"


Sounds came one after another, and the band began to play music.

There was also the sound of whips and several more shouts in front of Jiying Hall, and hundreds of officials lined up to enter Jiying Hall.

The new scholars, still wearing commoners, stood collectively outside the hall waiting for the announcement.

A whole set of imperial examination procedures in the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty were established in a new etiquette system last year. It integrated the etiquette systems of the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties, but they were all different, and it all depended on the preferences of the Zhu family and his son.

Afraid that the Jinshi would not understand, a ceremony official from Honglu Temple was assigned to guide them.

The chaotic Jinshi Jiadi in the Northern Song Dynasty was also unified by the Ming Dynasty.

One armor and five people.

There are ninety-five people in the second class.

The rest are all top three.

The yellow list has been filled in, and Zhu Guoxiang personally wrote down the names of the top five.

After Meng Zhao, the Minister of Rites, organized the examination, he was not allowed to participate in setting the questions, invigilating the examination, and marking the examination papers, but now he could arrange the transmission of the examination.

He walked out of Jiying Palace and stood between the palace gate and Danbi. Behind him were the messengers and several guards responsible for holding the yellow list.

Meng Zhao opened the imperial edict and read out: "The Emperor of the Ming Dynasty said: On March 5, the second year of Hongwu, he will test the world's tributes. The first A will be awarded Jinshi and the rank, the second A will be awarded the Jinshi background, the third A will be the same as the Jinshi...


After the announcement was completed, Meng Zhao stood beside him.

The official came forward and opened the yellow list of No. 1 in person: "Hu Quan is No. 1 in No. 1, Hu Quan is No. 1 in No. 1..."

Amid the sounds of ritual music, the song was sung three times in a row.

Hu Quan was so excited that he was trembling all over and was led by the ceremony officer to Dan Bi's head.

This is a treatment that was not available in the old Song Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty established the etiquette system, and the number one scholar in the new subject can "take the lead".

Hundreds of Jinshi looked at Hu Quan's back with envious eyes.

This is the first number one scholar to be allowed to stand at the top since the Tang and Song imperial examinations!

After hearing the roll call, the remaining four people in the first class lined up and stood behind the champion.

The second and third place names are called one after another, but only the top ten of each can stand alone, and the rest still stand in their original positions.


Three hundred and fifty new scholars knelt down towards Jiying Hall.

During the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty, kneeling ceremonies were very rare and only appeared on a few important occasions. Usually, kneeling indiscriminately would even result in a deduction of wages.

The Zhu family and his son discussed repeatedly and believed that the ceremony of passing on the emperor must kneel down, firstly because the level of the ceremony was very high, and secondly, the relationship between king and minister was to be established before the Jinshi became an official.

These new scholars in front of us may kneel down to the emperor once in their lives.

And not just kneeling to the emperor, but also kneeling to worship the entire Jiying Hall, or in other words, kneeling to worship the country!

Next, is the release ceremony.

In the Song Dynasty, it was set after entering the temple to worship, and in the Ming Dynasty, it was set after offering sacrifices to the Confucius Temple. However, the father and son set it after passing on the legend.

First, in order to shorten the process, the etiquette should not be so complicated.

The second is to give Jinshi respect and allow them to wear official uniforms instead of civilian clothes when they formally meet the emperor for the first time.

Ming Liang is the most stingy person. He has to go to the Confucius Temple to borrow official uniforms to wear, and must return them after participating in various ceremonies. The age of those official uniforms may be older than the grandfather of the new Jinshi. Not to mention whether they fit or not, I don’t know how much.

Not having been washed for years, many public uniforms smell of mold and sweat.

Students who have rented academic uniforms to attend graduation ceremonies should know this very well.

Compared with the etiquette system of the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the father and son also made other changes -

The dish-releasing ceremony is cancelled. Who said officials have to eat meat?

I won’t hold a ceremony to honor Confucius as a new Jinshi scholar. Anyway, it was a thing that only emerged in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Everyone was led to the Shengping Tower next to it, where they received court clothes and changed clothes. This was much higher than the standard of changing clothes in the side hall in the old Song Dynasty.

Court uniforms are divided into several batches according to height, including five feet, six feet, seven feet, and eight feet. Among them, those with heights of six or seven feet are the most numerous, and new scholars can choose freely.

Boots and hats are similar and come in several sizes.

There is also a blank wat tablet, a Jinshi silk tablet, and a Jinshi hairpin flower.

"Congratulations to Brother Bangheng!"

"Same joy, same joy!"


The new scholars changed their clothes, put on their hairpins, and held wat boards to congratulate each other. Hu Quan, the number one scholar, was greeted most often.

Yang Ji, who came second on the list, said with emotion: "Compared with the old Song Dynasty, the Ming court was more kind to our scholars. Brother Bang Heng was able to stand out as the number one scholar, and we Shi Tan were also placed in Shengping Tower. These are things that were not available before.


"Yes, the emperor's kindness is so great, we should dedicate ourselves to your majesty and the court!" Everyone expressed their opinions one after another.

When they say this now, they should be sincere, and every one of them is still excited and grateful.

Everyone was chatting lively in Shengping Tower until the etiquette officer came in to remind them, and then they went downstairs to line up to see the emperor in Jiying Hall.

In this process, the kneeling ceremony is cancelled.

The routine of the new scholars bowing to worship and dancing was retained because Ju Ming thought it was fun for everyone to dance in the square together.

Li Hanzhang, the Minister of Civil Affairs, personally announced the appointment of the new Jinshi:

"Hu Quan, the first person in Jinke, was awarded the title of Chengwulang (from the ninth rank of Beijing official) and stayed in the cabinet to observe the government."

"Yang Ji, the second person in Jinke, was awarded Chengzhilang (a person selected from the eighth grade) and stayed in the cabinet to observe the government."

"Li Tong, the third person in Jinke, was awarded Chengzhilang and stayed in the cabinet to observe the government."

"Li Gongmao, the fourth person in this department, was awarded the title of Confucian scholar (selected from the eighth grade) and stayed in the Tongzhengyuan to observe politics."


Last year, the new dynasty etiquette system was formulated, and the civil and military official system of the Ming Dynasty was finally established.

The old Song Dynasty's system of selecting court officials, capital officials, and personnel was retained, and wages were determined based on this, which was equivalent to official titles.

As for the prefect and county magistrate, they are official positions and are not linked to salary.

The same goes for generals. Military rank is equivalent to professional title, which determines the salary; military position is a position, which determines real power.

The officials and Jinshi present had no reaction to the award of imperial emoluments, because the same was true for the new Jinshi in the old Song Dynasty. The number one scholar must be the lowest-ranking official in the capital, while the second-ranked and third-ranked scholar were the highest-ranking candidates.

But what is the situation of exclusively "watching politics"?

Li Hanzhang explained on the spot: "From now on, new scholars must observe the government for three months before giving corresponding orders..."

In other words, if you pass the Jinshi exam, you will be given a professional title and can receive a salary, but you will be assigned a position after internship.

There are five people in the first class, interning in the Cabinet and General Affairs Yuan.

There are ninety-five people in the second class, interns in the middle and senior departments of the central government.

A top three Jinshi, interning in lower-level departments of the central government and Kaifeng Mansion.

Li Hanzhang continued: "The second-class and third-class Jinshi must prepare for the exam during the period of observing the government, and they will be assigned to the mission after being selected..."

That is to say, the second or third class Jinshi will have to take an exam after the internship. After passing the specific government affairs examination results, combined with their first class Jinshi, they will be assigned to actual official positions.

Of course, if we say we are going to observe politics for three months, we will definitely shorten it as appropriate.

For example, when Guangdong is replacing a large number of officials, 60 new Jinshi will be thrown in next month.

And just like the old Song Dynasty, new scholars were basically not allowed to directly serve as county magistrates. They all started as county magistrates or the like, or as affairs officers of the state government, supervisory department and other yamen.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "During the period of observing the government, new scholars can live in Baolu Palace."

The Shangqing Baolu Palace built by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty specifically for Lin Lingsu was expanded on the original Baolu Palace and was even connected to the Yanfu Palace.

Now part of the building has been demolished and blocked from Yanfu Palace. It is used as a dormitory for new scholars - this shabby place can accommodate two thousand Taoist priests!

There are also some buildings in Tokyo that have been temporarily turned into dormitories for officials.

For example, Qishengyuan, which is next to the imperial city, was originally an official residence during the Five Dynasties period. Because Zhao Guangyi was born here, it was later rebuilt into Qishengyuan, where various imperial objects of Zhao Guangyi are enshrined, as well as Zhao Guangyi’s portraits.

Spiritual position, etc.

It covers an area larger than the Kaifeng government office and is now converted into a residence for officials of the Beijing Dynasty.

After announcing these, Xinke Jinshi thanked En and left.

Zhao Ding, who had been promoted to the governor of Kaifeng, personally guided them out of Donghua Gate. At the same time, officials posted yellow notices outside Donghua Gate.

Hundreds of horses were brought from Tiansi Prison and have been waiting outside Donghua Gate for a long time.

Zhao Ding smiled and said: "Master Zhuangyuan, please mount your horse."

In the crowd of countless people watching, Hu Quan put on his stirrups and sat on his horse. When he found that the governor of Kaifeng was actually holding the horse for him, he quickly said: "I can't do it, I absolutely can't do it!"

Zhao Ding laughed loudly: "This is His Majesty's decree. From now on, all the governors of Kaifeng will lead horses to parade for the new champion."

Hearing this, Hu Quan was so moved that his eyes were filled with tears, and he wished he could die to repay the king's kindness.

Other new scholars were also led by officials from the Kaifeng Prefecture and the Wucheng Military and Horse Division.

Zhao Ding introduced as he walked: "The spring breeze is so exciting that I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day. From now on, the new scholars will go south from Donghua Gate, along the Imperial Street and cross the Zhouqiao Bridge. The team will be divided into three, and the number one scholar will lead the team eastward.

, No. 2 will lead the team to the west, Tanhua will lead the team to the south, and finally return to Baolu Palace to meet up."


The commander of the Military and Horse Department of the Five Cities personally beat the gong to clear the way and shouted along the street: "The new Jinshi, the horses are paraded through the streets!"

A long procession went to Imperial Street, and the place where they passed was noisy and noisy. Tokyo residents helped old and young to watch the excitement.

In the old Song Dynasty, this process did not exist, and it could only appear in operas.

Now, opera has been brought into reality, and every Jinshi is excited and excited, riding a horse in Tokyo to usher in the highlight moment of his life.

Decades later, some people may be prosperous and others may be in despair, but today they must be deeply buried in their memories.

(I checked the information today and found out that in the Song Dynasty, there were two institutions: the Bachelor's Academy and the Hanlin Academy. The Bachelor's Academy was equivalent to the Hanlin Academy in the Ming Dynasty, and the official positions were all Hanlin bachelors, Hanlin imperial edicts, etc. The Hanlin Academy in the Song Dynasty raised

A group of officials in the fields of literature, painting, astronomy, medicine, and craftsmen, whose official positions were in such-and-such academy of the Hanlin Academy. It was a bit embarrassing, so it was assumed that the Zhu family merged the Academy of Sciences and the Hanlin Academy, and took away the power to write imperial edicts and other powers.)

(In addition, the Guangdong official who died in Dali Temple Prison in the previous chapter was actually a businessman who flattered eunuchs to buy officials and get promoted, so he was killed and his wealth taken away. What happened is not recorded in detail in the history books. This is a story.

An unsolved case during the transition between the two Song dynasties.)

This chapter has been completed!
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