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Chapter 599 0594 [Five Elements of Virtue]

When Li Qingzhao was summoned for the first time, it didn't attract much attention because it was her job.

But the second time I entered the palace to play mahjong, it seemed very unusual.

At least it is certain that she has an excellent relationship with the queen and the concubine!

The person who responded the fastest was Ms. Wang, who came to visit with a noble gift and opened her mouth to say "Sister A", who was short.

Li Qingzhao treated her coldly throughout the whole process. It was not until Wang left that he said: "The gift is too expensive, please take it back, madam."

"We are all one family, how important are gifts?" Wang said with a smile.

Li Qingzhao said: "It's better to distinguish clearly."

The gifts were carried out directly by the servants, and the side door was quickly closed. Wang stood outside the door with a grim expression.

These cousins ​​had a good relationship when they were young, but had a very bad relationship when they grew up.

Historically, Li Qingzhao was imprisoned for a divorce case. He would rather ask his ex-husband Zhao Mingcheng's cousin Qi Chongli for help instead of dealing with Qin Hui and his wife. Moreover, Qi Chongli was Qin Hui's political enemy!

When Li Qingzhao was in his sixties, he attended a gathering of married women and wrote an article to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. He wanted to send it to the harem to flatter the emperor and queen. At that time, Qin Hui's brother Qin Zi was in the Hanlin Academy and directly blocked Li Qingzhao's article and only wrote a routine

He rewarded Li Qingzhao with money and prevented his praise articles from being seen by the emperor.

This can no longer be explained by the unfamiliar relationship, they are complete enemies!

Li Hao was sitting in the carriage and suddenly felt worried when he saw Mr. Wang walking away.

He entered the house and saw his sister, and said, "That Mr. Wang is very scheming. It would be better not to offend my sister."

"I don't want to offend her, let alone accept her heavy gift," Li Qingzhao said. "Once I accept it, I don't know what will happen to me in the future."

Li Hao didn't say much anymore. He was an honest man who could be fooled.

Li Qingzhao asked: "Why do you have time to come to my place?"

Li Hao's expression was a little embarrassed, and he chose to tell the truth: "The DPRK and China are debating the matter of moral destiny, and the officials did not give an explanation. I heard that my sister was summoned twice, and my colleagues... my colleagues asked me to ask my sister to inquire."

"What's so good about Deyun?" Li Qingzhao asked puzzledly.

Li Hao said seriously: "The most important affairs of the country are military affairs and sacrifices. Morality is related to sacrifices and must be determined. Otherwise, how will sacrifices be carried out in the future?"

Li Qingzhao said: "The officials have their own deep intentions, so it's better not to mix them up randomly."

"I'm not meddling in it randomly, but I just want to ask my sister to find out what the officials think about the fate of this dynasty." Li Hao said.

Li Qingzhao shook his head: "You cannot spy on the emperor."

In the beginning, good luck was determined based on the mutual restraint of the five elements.

Later, a certain man gave in and changed his fortune to the Five Elements Mutual Prosperity.

According to the theory of the mutual generation of the five elements, the Song Dynasty was a fire virtue, and the Ming Dynasty should be a earth virtue now.

Due to the feudal superstition practiced by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, the theory of moral luck has become very popular in the past twenty years.

Even the etiquette system reformed by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty focused on embodying the virtue of fire. The ritual of worshiping the star king of fire virtue was actually higher than the ritual of worshiping Houtu!

Zhu Guoxiang and Ju Ming established the new Ming Dynasty. Although it belonged to Tu De by default, it was never officially recognized.

The ministers are very anxious. How to formulate a sacrificial system if the fate of the country is uncertain?

The father and son's idea is very simple, which is to downplay the "Five Elements Theory of Destiny"!

In fact, this thing has been abandoned since the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty.

The Yuan Dynasty never officially recognized De Yun, but it was widely rumored that the Yuan Dynasty belonged to Shui De.

When Zhu Yuanzhang rebelled, in order to express his incompatibility with the Yuan Dynasty, he declared that he belonged to Huode. However, after the Ming Dynasty was officially established, Zhu Yuanzhang no longer mentioned the matter of virtue.

The fire virtues of the Ming Dynasty have since become folklore, and the official attitude is neither support nor opposition.

As for the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong directly said that De Yun was nonsense.

From the sacrificial systems of the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, we know that they did not engage in "moral luck".

In the early morning, Li Qingzhao went to work by donkey cart.

I worked until meal time, and my colleagues gathered together and actually talked about the theory of De Lun.

Li Qingzhao asked curiously: "How come everyone suddenly pays attention to this matter?"

Li Congxun explained: "Mao Kui, the transfer envoy to Fujian in the old Song Dynasty, was recalled to the capital for his meritorious service in offering soil. However, he was only awarded the title of Hanlin bachelor and was not given actual assignments. Mao Kui wanted to gain the attention of the emperor and applied for five official titles in succession.

Determined the destiny of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, he also deliberately sought innovation and change, saying that the five elements should be mutually reinforcing when giving way, and the destruction of the Song Dynasty by the Ming Dynasty would be due to the mutual restraint of the five elements. The virtues of the new Ming Dynasty should be the virtue of water."

"The ministers in the DPRK started arguing over this," Zhang Zeduan said with a smile. "Most of the officials denounced Mao Kui's grandstanding and believed that the Ming Dynasty must be a Tu De. However, they also took the opportunity to discuss the theory of De Yun and asked the officials to bring De Yun to China as soon as possible.


Li Tang also said happily: "The court is very lively. The ministers proposed to worship Lord Tu De Xing, but some people said that Hou Tu should be the main sacrifice."

"Some people say that Lord Taibai Xing should be worshipped." Zhao Guang said.

Li Qingzhao was also amused: "What does this have to do with Mr. Taibai Xing?"

Li Tang whispered: "The official family and the prince raised troops in Yangzhou, where was the ancient dojo of Taibaijinxing. Zhao Ji, the emperor of the old Song Dynasty, once asked the emperor to promote the dojo of Taibaijinxing. Therefore, there is a popular rumor among the people that the official family is Taibaijinxing.

Descend to earth and reincarnate."

"Isn't Taibai Jinxing a woman?" Li Qingzhao asked.

Li Tang said: "How can gods be divided into men and women?"

Zhao Guang said: "So some ministers suggested that our new Ming Dynasty should belong to Jin De. They also said that the rise of the Jin Kingdom was to seize Jin De, and Ming Dynasty should establish Jin De early to seize luck."

All this mess?

Li Qingzhao was speechless for a while.

"What kind of destiny does Li Daizhao think should be determined?" Li Tang asked.

Li Qingzhao thought for a while and said: "Song Dynasty is fire virtue, Ming Dynasty is earth virtue, this is the proper meaning. Since the official family is still undecided, it probably has a deeper meaning."

Zhang Zeduan said: "The ministers also think the same way, thinking that the officials have other deep intentions. Those who propose water virtue and gold virtue just want to try their luck to cater to the emperor."

Li Congxun said with a smile: "Especially about Jin De, folk rumors are becoming more and more bizarre. Some fortune tellers claim that the official is handsome and kind, and he is a boy and a girl. He must be the reincarnation of Taibai Venus. The country should not only fix Jin De, but also add the title of Bai."

The divine name of the emperor.”

According to the popular saying at the time, Taibai Jinxing was the daughter of Emperor Bai!

If Zhu Guoxiang is the reincarnation of Taibai Jinxing, then the father is more valuable than the daughter, and the White Emperor should also be promoted to a sacrificial level.

Even the position of God Haotian should be given to Emperor Bai.

The Art Academy was also a place for the emperor to relax. Zhu Guoxiang was so noisy that his head hurt, so he left a pile of memorials in silence and walked to the Art Academy to take some time off.

When everyone came to pay their respects, Zhu Guoxiang said: "Li Daizhao, please stay here and you can go and do your own business."

Li Tang looked at the emperor, then at Li Qingzhao, and quickly bowed and resigned.

The other officials also left with a somewhat surprised expression.

Li Qingzhao saw Zhu Guoxiang sitting there with his eyes closed and concentrating, and without saying anything to disturb him, he quietly took the guqin and played it.

It wasn't until Zhu Guoxiang was lying down half asleep that Li Qingzhao waved to the eunuch and took a thin blanket to cover the emperor.

After a good night's sleep, Zhu Guoxiang stretched and sat up.

Li Qingzhao asked: "The officials are still worried about their moral destiny?"

Zhu Guoxiang shook his head: "I just didn't expect that the first time a Ming Dynasty official refuted the imperial edict was because of the theory of virtue and luck. It's really ridiculous!"

To refute is when the emperor or prime minister's order is rejected by an official with the authority to refute it because it does not comply with the established system.

At that time, Wang Anshi carried out the political reform and wanted to control Yushitai, so he recommended his student Li Ding to be the admonisher.

Song Shenzong issued an appointment edict, but it was rejected seven times by officials. He changed several organizations and dismissed three officials, but still could not pass the personnel appointment.

Because it's against the rules!

Moreover, the student recommended by Wang Anshi had a particularly bad reputation - he concealed the news of his concubine's death and refused to mourn.

That was not only Li Ding's concubine, but also his biological mother.

After being exposed, Li Ding actually said that he did not know who was his biological mother and that he was not worried because he had doubts about the blood relationship.

Not to mention in ancient times, even in modern times, if you don't recognize your biological mother or mourn, you will be stabbed in the spine.

Wang Anshi promoted such a person to control his speech. It would be strange if the ministers did not refute him!

By the way, Su Shi's Wutai Poetry Case was also led by Li Ding.

When Ju Ming was in Tokyo, he killed so many dignitaries and officials of the old Song Dynasty that no one dared to refute any outrageous decree no matter how outrageous it was.

And just yesterday, Zhu Guoxiang issued an edict, ordering no more talk about moral destiny, and the new dynasty will not determine the national destiny again. This order was returned unchanged!

Zhu Guoxiang was so angry that he stopped talking about the cabinet's rejection, and his change to the Tongzhengyuan was also rejected.

Zhu Guoxiang recruited his student Liang Yi, and the two of them not only had a relationship between emperor and minister, master and disciple, but also similar to an adopted father and adopted son.

Liang Yi said with a sad face: "The official family was rejected by the Sixth Section. Although I am in charge of the Tongzheng Yuan, the Sixth Section has the power to refute. I ordered them to pass, but they are not obedient. The only way is to remove them."

At that moment, Zhu Guoxiang finally realized that he had no dignity.

Even in the six subjects, you dare not give the emperor face!

If his son was in Beijing, those guys would definitely have softer bones.

After hearing this, Li Qingzhao persuaded: "I am afraid that the officials, the cabinet and the six departments did not deliberately offend the emperor. But moral destiny is a major matter, and they must abide by the rules. Otherwise, if there is a disaster in the future, these officials will be impeached by everyone.


"I know." Zhu Guoxiang's helplessness lies here. He knows that the officials who rejected the imperial edict did nothing wrong.

The moral destiny of the new dynasty is no longer certain. This is an unprecedented event.

No one dares to take the blame for the cabinet or the Sixth Section.

They must reject this order, firstly, they can gain the reputation of directly admonishing the emperor, and secondly, they can be exempted from liability if any disaster occurs in the future.

Zhu Guoxiang misses his son a little. Only when his son is in Beijing can he push this matter forward.

This bad emperor will do whatever he likes, but Zhu Guoxiang doesn't want to be offended anymore.

Zhu Guoxiang asked: "Do you think we should determine our destiny?"

Li Qingzhao replied: "I am just a technical officer of the Hanlin Academy of Painting and cannot discuss political affairs."

"This matter will be dealt with when the prince returns to Beijing. I won't take care of it anymore. It doesn't matter if you just say it." Zhu Guoxiang said.

Li Qingzhao said: "It's better... not to change. All dynasties have good fortune, and the Ming Dynasty can just follow the trend. There is no need to make trouble with the ministers."

Zhu Guoxiang shook his head firmly: "The people are the foundation of the country. This is an established national policy. From now on, the Ming Dynasty will only care about the people's livelihood, not the moral destiny. If the people live well, the Ming Dynasty will have virtue. If the people find it difficult to survive, the Ming Dynasty will lose virtue, and the national destiny will also be ruined."

It’s time to end it.”

Li Qingzhao did not answer anymore, but looked at the emperor. The official really cares about the people!

This chapter has been completed!
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