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Chapter 632 0627 [Confucius wants to cut off from the Kong family]

Ju Ming has a pretty good impression of Kong Duanyou.

At least this man did not pay any money, but fled to the south of the Yangtze River with his tribe and became the founder of the Nankong lineage in Quzhou.

Although Song Huizong broke the restrictions, he did not really let the Kong family be the magistrates of Xianyuan County, but only gave them the qualifications to be the magistrates of this county.

At the time of the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, Kong Duanyou's identity was: Yan Shenggong, Zhengbapin Tongzhilang (Beijing official), Zhimi Pavilion, dedicated to worshiping Confucius.

He also recommended Kong Ruocai, a clan member, to Song Huizong, who served as the chief registrar of Jiyin County for the first two years.

"I would like to present the imperial seal to the temple before you!" Kong Duanyou held out a seal with both hands.

This is to express our attitude. We don’t want the official seal of the previous dynasty. We ask the Ming Dynasty to give us a brand new one.

Ju Ming smiled slightly and tapped the armrest of the chair with his fingers. Bai Sheng immediately stepped forward to take the seal.

Seeing that the prince was willing to accept the seal, Kong Duanyou breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Ming took a look at the seal and asked, "I heard that the Kong family has a portrait of Confucius painted by Wu Daozi himself?"

Kong Duanyou replied: "There is indeed one pair."

Ju Ming said: "The imperial palace in Tokyo also has a copy of this portrait for collection. I see that Confucius wore a sword. The scabbard is thin and long. It seems that it is not something that could be seen in the early Warring States Period."

Kong Duanyou was startled and didn't understand what Prince Zhu meant.

Ju Ming continued: "It is recorded in "Historical Records" that Confucius was nine feet six inches long. The sword in the portrait extends diagonally from Confucius' chest to Confucius' ankles. If it were upright, the sword probably had holes.

The master's chin was high. Even if Confucius had a big head, the sword should be seven or eight feet long. Confucius, who was nine feet six inches tall, would have been able to pull out a sword that was seven or eight feet long if he encountered bandits while traveling around the world.

Where is the sword? Wu Daozi painted it too carelessly."

This statement is well-founded, and Kong Duanyou could only agree: "The painting is indeed not appropriate."

Ju Ming asked: "Mr. Kong thinks that the picture of Confucius with a sword makes Confucius shorter, or does the picture of Confucius with a sword make him longer?"

Kong Duanyou thought for a while: "Maybe the sword is drawn longer."

Ju Ming added: "Wu Daozi has probably never seen Confucius' sword."

Kong Duanyou said: "Of course I have never seen it."

"Then has he seen Confucius?" Ju Ming said, "He probably has never seen Confucius, but he doesn't know how to draw it."

Kong Duanyou finally felt something was wrong and explained: "There were portraits of Confucius painted by the Qin and Han Dynasties in the Tang Dynasty. Wu Daozi should have copied the portraits of the Qin and Han Dynasties."

Ju Ming asked with a smile: "Can Mr. Kong be sure? Does Confucius really look like the one in the portrait?"

Kong Duanyou hesitated for a long time and finally replied: "I'm not sure."

"Then if this portrait has been enshrined for hundreds of years, who are the Kong family enshrining?" Zhu Ming asked.

"This..." Kong Duanyou began to sweat on his forehead and defended, "The portrait only seeks to resemble the spirit, and future generations will worship the ancestors in their hearts."

Zhu Ming asked again: "Since we have our ancestors in our hearts, why bother enshrining portraits of unknown origins? Isn't this a matter of abandoning the original and chasing the last? In the Imperial Ancestral Temple of the Ming Dynasty, only ancestor tablets were enshrined. They did not dare to let people draw random portraits for fear of making mistakes and desecrating the paintings.


Kong Duanyou could only say: "After I returned home, I immediately asked people to remove the paper portraits and wooden statues."

"Sir, you are a very filial person!" Zhu Ming praised.

Kong Duanyou was depressed and had nowhere to vent. Ju Ming's words were too cruel. If the Kong family dares to enshrine a statue of Confucius in the future, all of them will be unfilial descendants!

Zhu Ming added: "I have doubts in my mind, and I would like to ask you to explain it. Is the Wenxuan Temple in Qufu an official temple or a family temple, a Confucian temple or a Confucian temple?"

Kong Duanyou replied: "The Ming Dynasty has not yet been canonized. According to the system of the previous dynasty, the Wenxuan King's Temple in Qufu is both an official temple and a family temple, a Confucian temple and a Confucian temple."

"How can there be no distinction between public and private affairs?" Zhu Ming looked surprised. "Today's Ming Dynasty court even understands the distinction between internal funds and state treasury, but the Confucius family does not understand this clearly."

The Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty have been delaying the canonization of the Confucius family, obviously intending to beat them.

How dare Kong Duanyou go against the prince?

It would be embarrassing for the Kong family if he angered Prince Zhu and delayed the canonization for decades.

Kong Duanyou said: "It is true that public and private affairs should be distinguished, but the prince should make the decision."

Zhu Ming finally saw the picture and said: "I have little talent and knowledge, and I have a crude idea. In the future, the Qufu Confucius Temple should be used as the family temple of Confucius, and all the academic buildings such as Panqiao and Panchi should be demolished. The Lingxing Gate should also be demolished.

, this was used by the emperor to worship Tian Tian Xing and pray for good weather and good agricultural harvest in the coming year. It seems to have nothing to do with Confucius."

Kong Duanyou was stunned when he heard this. According to Zhu Ming, everything from the gate of the Confucius Temple to the Jimen had to be demolished.

Ju Ming continued to output: "How does Confucius compare to Yan, Huang, Yao and Shun?"

Kong Duanyou said quickly: "I can't compare with the ancient holy kings."

Zhu Ming said: "Yanhuang Yao and Shun are worshiped only in their birthplaces and mausoleums. Confucius abided by the etiquette throughout his life, and it is better not to overstep it. From now on, according to the rules of worshiping Yanhuang Yao and Shun, worshiping Confucius Temple will only be held in Qufu, and the rest will be sacrificed.

The prefectures and counties should no longer offer sacrifices."

Kong Duanyou was so shocked that he couldn't speak clearly, but he still had the courage to ask: "If all the scholars in the world want to worship Confucius, do they have to come to Qufu? It's really inconvenient."

"I will build Confucian temples all over the country," Zhu Ming said in detail. "The one in Qufu is the Confucius Temple, the family temple of Confucius, and the private temple of the Confucius family. But all over the country, Confucian temples, official temples, and academic temples are built.


Kong Duanyou breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the whole country still worships Confucius.

Ju Ming also said: "Since it is an official temple rather than a family temple, there is no need to worship Confucius' father. Buildings similar to family temples must also be eliminated from Confucian temples across the country. From now on, Confucius will also be worshiped in Confucius temples, but Confucius will not be worshiped.

It will increase the number of sages from past dynasties. As for Confucius’s seventy-two disciples, it will be enough to retain only a dozen.”

Kong Duanyou's whole body fell into a daze. At this moment, he truly understood Prince Zhu's intention.

It is to completely separate Confucius, who is officially worshiped, from the Confucius family!

I will keep the Qufu Confucius Temple for you. It is your family temple. The descendants of the Confucius family can enjoy it by themselves. As long as the academic buildings and political buildings are demolished honestly, no one will care about the Confucius family playing disco there.

The official Confucian temples across the country will demolish all the family temple buildings, expel Confucius' father from the Confucian temple, and expel the redundant Confucius disciples. Then many sages will be invited in to receive incense together with Confucius.

, accept the worship of scholars all over the world!

Zhu Ming humbly asked for advice: "I am young, my knowledge is shallow, and I have only a few crude opinions. Does Mr. Kong think it is in line with etiquette?"

"It's extremely polite. Your Highness is a great scholar of etiquette." Kong Duanyou was almost crying.

Ju Ming's series of suggestions are indeed in line with etiquette from beginning to end, even more so than since the Tang and Song Dynasties. Even if Confucius was resurrected, he would be full of praise.

Ju Ming smiled and said: "Since it is appropriate, Mr. Kong will go to Shu and ask for a report to the court after he returns home."

Murder is heart-breaking. Not only does it weaken the influence of the Kong family, but it also allows the Kong family to ask for this.

It doesn't matter if the Kong family doesn't comply. The imperial court has been delaying the canonization, and we will see who can outlast the other.

After talking about business, Ju Ming started chatting: "Mr. Kong is a descendant of Confucius, so he must be proficient in Confucian classics. I have many doubts, and I hope you can give me some advice."

"His Royal Highness is a great Confucian of the world, but his talents are few and far between, and he is not worthy of his advice." Kong Duanyou was already frightened by Ju Ming.

Ju Ming asked the guards to bring wine and food, and then discussed Confucianism with Kong Duanyou in the hotel.

While Kong Duanyou was chatting, he turned around and saw Fu Zhirou writing furiously. The prince actually asked someone to record all the previous conversations.

Including talking about the Confucius Temple!

Kong Duanyou almost fainted as his vision went dark.

They kept chatting until it got dark, and Kong Duanyou was finally able to leave. He walked out in a daze, and was blown away by the night wind on the street, looking at the lights in Jinan City with great confusion.

If Prince Zhu's wishes are followed, Confucius will still be a teacher to all generations from now on, but this has nothing to do with the Confucius family.

Within the hotel.

Fu Zhirou put down the brush and sighed with mixed emotions: "Your Highness did this, respecting Confucius but not the Kong family. The method is really wonderful."

Zhu Ming said sternly: "The honor of a gentleman will be cut off after five generations. The Confucius family in Qufu has been in the family for almost fifty generations. How can there be such a truth in the world? The previous generation Yan Shenggong had his title abolished because of his inaction!

If Confucius knew that his descendants were doing evil, I am afraid there would be no peace under the Nine Springs."

"Indeed." Fu Zhirou nodded.

The deposed Duke Yan Sheng was today's father, Kong Duanyou.

What exactly he committed was not allowed to be discussed by the imperial court, and the people in the world were not sure about it. There are only four words in the history books: "sitting down the matter and abolishing the seal".

But it will definitely not be a trivial matter, it must be a serious crime!

Because not only was the criminal himself deprived of the title of "Yanshenggong", but the Northern Song Dynasty court also changed the title to "Fengshenggong", seeming to feel that the descendants of the Confucius family were not worthy of the title of "Yanshenggong".

This punishment is too serious. I am afraid it is not an ordinary corruption and perversion of the law, but a serious crime that is harmful to nature.

Zhu Ming asked: "In the future, the Confucian Temple will worship the sages of the past generations. Which sages do you think should be invited in?"

"Fan Wenzhenggong!" Fu Zhirou immediately replied.

Ju Ming nodded and said, "Okay."

Fu Zhirou said again: "Han Wengong!"

"Okay." Zhu Ming smiled.

Fu Zhirou glanced at the prince secretly: "How about the second Cheng?"

Zhu Ming thought for a while: "Since Wang Linchuan has entered the Confucian Temple, he should also enter it himself, and Su Dongpo can also do it."

Ju Ming was already aware of the academic controversy that Zhu Guoxiang created in Tokyo.

Wang Anshi, Er Cheng, and Su Shi were all brought into the Confucian Temple, which was in line with the national policy of the Ming Dynasty in terms of academics. It was equivalent to the official affirmation of the New School, the Luo School, and the Su School. In the future, the official learning of the Ming Dynasty will inevitably integrate these three schools.

No one should think that one family is the only one. Each family should learn from each other's strong points and complement each other's weaknesses, and then incorporate natural science into it. This is the true official science of the Ming Dynasty!

Ju Ming added: "Zhang Hengqu should also enter the Confucian Temple. His four sentences are very good. Set up a heart for the world, establish a destiny for the people, carry forward the unique knowledge for the saints, and create peace for all generations."

In the Confucian Temple of the Northern Song Dynasty, there were only "Ten Philosophers" for the time being, and the term "Four Matches" was not even mentioned.

All sages are divided into four subjects, namely: virtue, speech, affairs, and literature.

What troubled Zhu Ming was that it was easy to put Laozi in, but extremely difficult to put Mozi in!

This chapter has been completed!
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