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Chapter 640 0635 [Pu Family Slave]

In terms of appearance and structure, Uburg is equivalent to a smaller version of a city. It has city walls, towers, watchtowers, parapets, horse paths, houses...all kinds of facilities.

Therefore, ten years ago during the Liaonan Uprising, tens of thousands of rebels besieged Hu Sha's family's Wubao, and they did not break through until food was cut off and people were eaten.

But the Gaojia Wu Fort in front of us has a fatal flaw: its walls are not strong and thick enough when facing artillery!

The base of the city wall is 6.5 meters thick, and the top of the city wall is about 6 meters thick, which is barely equivalent to the specifications of a remote small county. The rammed layer of the city wall is only 5-6 centimeters, and there are no ramming nests. The overall strength is about the same as that of Wubao in the Han Dynasty.

For regular city walls in the Han Dynasty, the rammed layer was basically more than 10 centimeters, and some large cities could reach 15 centimeters.

For large city walls after the Tang Dynasty, the rammed layer can reach over 30 centimeters.

The thickness of the ramming layer is not the most fatal thing. The lack of ramming nests is really fatal. It will cause the different ramming layers to be unable to be firmly embedded. Not to mention the artillery bombardment, even large catapults can blast it.


Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors and Horses pits all have rammed nests, which is not a high-end technology.

The civilians in Uburg did not engage in this kind of thing, purely to save trouble. After all, they only wanted to guard against bandits, and how could the bandits bring large catapults and artillery?

After just a dozen rounds of shelling, cracks appeared in the walls of Uburg.

Most of these cracks are transverse, which are obviously caused by displacement of the ramming layer, and the shortcomings of not ramming the nest are exposed.

After another round of shelling, there were more and more vertical cracks, and severe displacement had caused the rammed layer to tear.

Zhao Li began to surround three but one, and continued to bombard Wu Bao.

Brother Gao Liu had woken up at this time, but the stroke became more serious. He couldn't speak clearly while lying in bed: "What kind of thing did the Ming army use to attack the city? But what kind of artillery carriage?"

The words were soft and vague. Sun Tzu Gao Yan put his ear to it and listened to it two or three times before he understood it. He panicked and replied: "I don't know what it is. The sound is like a thunderbolt and shaking like an earthquake. The city wall has already cracked!"

"Come down, come down quickly..." Brother Gao Liu said hurriedly.

Gao Yan asked: "But my uncle and half of the tribe were moved to Yanshan Mansion. What will happen to my uncle and the tribe if we surrender?"

"Don't worry about that many," Gao Liuge said, "The Ming army has such a sharp weapon, and the dynasty has changed and the troops and horses are stronger. The Jin people will never be able to defeat them. Hurry... send someone out to ask for surrender!"

Just when the grandfather and grandson were discussing surrender, a house slave rushed over and said, "No, no, no, those militiamen have rebelled!"

The militia of the Jin Kingdom was also called the signature militia, but later it was simply called the signature army.

After receiving the order to assist in the recruitment of troops, the Gao family gathered nearby Dingkou and sent them to the military commander to sign them into the army. But now they have just been summoned and have not had time to send them to Wanyan Goushi. When they encounter the Ming army crossing the sea, they

Pull directly to Uburg's defense.

Two-thirds of the Gao family's Wubao are militiamen who have not yet been issued certificates!

These people hated fighting so much that even if they went to the Central Plains to win, they would not be able to share a portion of the spoils. Because there were military commanders and Jurchen soldiers above them, it was their turn to drink some soup after they had finished dividing the meat.

After more than ten rounds of shelling, it seemed as if the earth was about to collapse, and the militiamen in Wubao finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Led by several leaders, they began to attack the Gao family's private soldiers. Some people left the city wall and ran to set fire to the house to send a signal.

"There's a fire and smoke in the castle!"

Zhao Li raised his telescope and saw that a corner of the city wall on the northeast side of Wubao had been occupied by hundreds of militiamen, waving flags indiscriminately to guide the Ming army to attack the city.

"Fight in!"

Of course, Zhao Li was not afraid that it was a trick to lure the enemy. If there was a fire in the city, the defenders were in chaos, and the enemy pretended to be defeated, he could actually achieve defeat.

The Ming army from Shandong did not move. They formed formations to defend the north because reinforcements from Liaoyang were getting closer and closer.

However, the rebels of all ethnic groups rushed to Wubao with flying ladders and quickly boarded the city with the support of the militiamen in the city.

"I wish to surrender, you go out quickly and tell me that the Gao family is willing to surrender!" Gao Yan yelled at several servants around him.


Facing a militia twice as large as their own, the private soldiers of the Gao family were already being killed and retreating steadily, not to mention that there were rebels from various ethnic groups entering the city.

Private soldiers continued to be defeated and fled back to the vicinity of the mansion. The tribesmen and loyal slaves protected the grandfather and grandson. They fled from the back door in panic and rushed towards the south gate of Wubao in an attempt to break out of the siege.

Before reaching the city gate, dozens of militiamen blocked the way, and soon more than a hundred people rushed from the side.

Gao Yan shouted in a hissing voice: "Get away quickly, our Gao family is willing to surrender to the Ming Dynasty!"

No one paid any attention to it. These forcibly recruited militiamen were usually oppressed by the Gao family, and now they will definitely kill and exterminate their clan if they find an opportunity.

The real elite private soldiers of the Gao family had long been transferred to Yanshan Mansion. They were attacked from two sides by the militia and quickly retreated to the Gao family mansion.

Until thousands of rebels from all ethnic groups arrived and climbed over the walls from all sides and rushed into the mansion.

Just like in Jian'an City, men were killed when they saw them, women and property were robbed when they were seen, and then various buildings were set on fire.

Zhao Li selected two militia leaders and asked them to return to their hometowns to organize the transfer of their families. They would all move to the Great Wall at Zhenhaikou, and promised that Ming Dynasty would definitely provide food.

Northeast of Jian'an City.

Wanyan Pu's slave looked at the thick smoke in the city, his face expressionless, and he remained silent for a long time.

Behind him were more than 2,000 cavalry. Except for the few hundred cavalry who escaped from the Huosu Palace, the rest were brought from Shangjing by Pu family slaves.

These cavalrymen are equipped with strong armor, but this armor only weighs thirty or forty kilograms, which is far inferior to the armor of Iron Buddha. Their horses also have cloth and leather armor on key parts, which has certain defensive capabilities.

It can rush into formation, chase the enemy, and shoot from a distance. It can be placed on both wings to assist the iron pagoda during battles.

"Bo Jilie, the Ming army has artillery carriages, and the sound is like thunder." A Jurchen soldier from the Hosu branch who had a chance to escape knelt on the ground and told the story of the battle. "Of course our warriors are not afraid, but those militiamen are too scared to fight.

.There are so many enemies, and the untouchables in the countryside have rebelled. They are climbing up from the four walls of the city. There are too many people to resist."

Pu Jianu asked: "How is the enemy's armor?"

The Jurchen soldier replied: "Most of the rebels are not wearing armor. They only have spears and hoes in their hands. But there are tens of thousands of enemy troops left (an exaggeration), and all of them are wearing strong armor."

The Pu family slave asked many more details, but the Jurchen soldier could not explain clearly.

Some of the scattered sentries he sent out fled back from the south, and several people were killed and injured: "The southern barbarians are besieging Gaojia's Wubao, and we heard the sound of cannons!"

"Blow the trumpet!"

The trumpet sounded, and the Pu family slaves led more than two thousand cavalry in the direction of the Gao family's Wubao.

Since the Ming army frequently crossed the sea and plundered from Shandong, Pu Jianu was sent by Wanyan Xieye to take charge of southern Liaoning. His official position in the Jin Dynasty was Haobo Jilie, which can be understood as the second assistant to the prime minister, and also

It can be understood as the second deputy prime minister.

When Wanyan's mother wanted to send reinforcements, Pu's slave actually stepped forward to serve as the vanguard general.

He led his cavalry to run for several miles and met Denglai's cavalry.

These cavalrymen who came from Shandong horse bandits, because the reorganization time was too short, and their habits were difficult to eradicate, they did not dare to charge and engage in battle. When they saw that there were more cavalrymen from Pujianu, they were so frightened that they ran away, blowing the horns like crazy.


Pu Jianu led his army in rapid pursuit, and finally saw the Ming army's formation and the billowing smoke from Wubao.

The rebels of various ethnic groups were loading things onto the ship. Zhao Li and Song Jiang led more than 4,000 elites, as well as 2,000 infantrymen from Salmen Island, and formed an orderly formation on the seaside for defense.

"Boom boom boom!"

Before Pujianu could issue combat orders, the eight artillery pieces on the shore had already started firing. Several warships on the sea were also turning, slowly aiming their broadside artillery at the enemy cavalry.

Pu Jianu was shocked and quickly ordered the cavalry to disperse and retreat.

He had never fought with Ju Ming before, but he had heard that the Chinese artillery was powerful. Most of his knowledge of artillery came from his imagination.

Pu Jianu was already very careful, but he never expected that the Ming army would fire at a distance of two miles.

It's actually possible to hit someone from such a distance!

"Boom boom boom!"

This time, it was the warship firing its cannon, as if welcoming Pu Jianu to join the battlefield.

The two sides were three miles apart. Pu Jianu observed the Ming army from a distance and could only see a small black shadow.

After hesitating for a moment, Pu Jianu did not choose to attack rashly. In the past, he would have rushed over directly, but facing the artillery for the first time, he felt really unsure.

Jian'an City and Gaojia Wubao have been burned to the ground, and a large number of people have been taken away by the Ming army.

If they want to rule this place again, the Jin Kingdom must first build houses and then garrison troops, and then move the people to farm. However, the Jin Kingdom is about to invade the south, and there is no manpower or material resources to do such a thing.

The confrontation lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the Ming army continued to load the belongings onto the ship.

Pu Jianu sent a messenger to report back to Wanyan Yanmu's main reinforcements, while he himself led the troops and galloped towards the south.

"The cavalry goes to harass and contain them!" Zhao Li quickly ordered.

Further south, there are still a large number of militiamen who have just defected and are returning to the village to organize their families to evacuate. Pujianu's army cannot be allowed to cause harm.

Hundreds of Shandong cavalry were ordered to rush out, but the Pu family slaves ignored them and continued southward in complete disregard of them.

Along the way, they met some common people and dragged their families to the beach. The Pu family slaves just killed them and dispersed them, and then rushed to Fuzhou non-stop.

In the evening of the same day, Pu's slaves arrived outside Fuzhou City. Military commander Hu Sha recognized his identity and immediately led his troops out of the city to greet him.

Pu Jianu asked: "Besides Hesuguan Road, where are the enemy troops appearing?"

"I haven't received any calls for help from other places," Hu Sha replied.

Pu Jianu said: "The militia and food you have here do not need to be transported to Yanshan Mansion. They should be kept to defend against the Ming army across the sea."

Hu Sha was overjoyed: "Bo Jilie is wise!"

"It's a good time to defend the city. I want to go to Huacheng (Jinzhou) immediately." Pu Jianu was afraid that he would be captured and burned again somewhere. Since there was no problem in restoring the city, he wanted to go to Jinzhou again.

However, when the Pu family slaves left, Zhao Li said to Yelu Yujian, Hou Gai and Shi Huan: "You guys immediately lead the troops to attack the Great Wall. We can capture as many as we can. We must stand firm regardless of casualties.

I stay here to prevent the enemy's cavalry from counterattacking and to protect the people and property from getting on board."

For a straight-line distance of more than 200 miles, taking a boat is much faster than riding a horse. Pujianu's cavalry had to take a detour through the mountains.

The Jin cavalry was still on the way, but Yelu Yujian and others had already landed at Lushunkou, and were attacking the Great Wall frantically with torches at night!

This chapter has been completed!
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