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Chapter 652 0647 [This world is so quiet]

Jin cavalry, a team of fifty people.

Each cavalry squad consists of twenty heavy cavalrymen and thirty light cavalrymen.

There is no strict definition of light cavalry and heavy cavalry here, it just depends on how to combine them.

For example, when Hezha Meng'an is present, Hezha Meng'an is the heavy cavalry, and the valiant cavalry partnered with them is the light cavalry.

Without He Zha Meng'an, the valiant cavalry is the heavy cavalry, and the ordinary cavalry is the light cavalry.

There are usually two tactics, both with heavy cavalry in the middle and light cavalry on the wings. One is for light cavalry to harass and create conditions for the heavy cavalry to charge; the other is for heavy cavalry to charge and attack the enemy, with light cavalry behind to shoot arrows to cooperate.

The two thousand Hezha Meng'an in Wanyan Huonv's hand were the powerful army that truly followed Aguda in the war.

The thousand that were wiped out by Ju Ming last time were actually formed later. Not only were their combat capabilities inferior, but their equipment was also inferior.

The two thousand men in front of them are in a strong position, with a four-meter lance as the main weapon and an eight-edge iron rod or waist knife as the secondary weapon.

As for the Jurchen valiant cavalry and light cavalry, their bows are not special, but the amount of arrows they carry is very terrifying. The valiant cavalry carries one to two hundred arrows, and the light cavalry has a full load of 300 arrows.

The arrow clusters are mainly chisel-headed, but also have swallow-tail, shovel-shaped and diamond-shaped arrows. When shooting from a horse, it has some armor-breaking ability within forty meters, and its power within fifteen meters exceeds that of a foot bow (the foot bow is actually stronger, but within ten meters

Within five meters, the maximum speed has not yet been reached).

The quality of the Jurchen arrows far exceeded those of the Song army.

Regardless of the Southern Song Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty, the arrows of the Song Army had many problems. For example, the arrow clusters were too heavy, the arrow shafts were too thick, the glue was not tight, the arrow feathers were easy to fall off, etc. To put it bluntly, they were shoddily made, and everyone from craftsmen to officials were fooled at every step.

That's all.

The Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty captured a large number of arrows from the Song Army, but less than one-tenth of them met the quality standards.

Wanyan Loushi did not put Hezha Mengan into use for the time being. He used Xiaoqi and Qingqi for group operations. A group of fifty cavalry ran left and right in front of the Ming army's formation, preventing the Ming army's long-range firepower from targeting them, while running

Shooting arrows towards the formation.

In front of the Ming army's formation, there were two carriages blocking the way.

The front row was full of large shields about half a man high, stuck on the ground to protect the soldiers behind them. Instead, the rattan bucklers were eliminated.

The Wolf Hunter was replaced by a spearman, and the Boring Palladium Soldier became a crossbowman.

The crossbowman shoots the crossbow, and the squad leader shoots the bow and arrow. Each squad has three people for long-range output. They hide behind the large shield and stand sideways to cock the bow, then turn around and expose half of their bodies to shoot.

Not to mention the archery team, there are about a thousand crossbowmen. Zhang Guangdao equipped all the old Song Dynasty hard crossbows that he could find in Shanxi. There are some quality problems and they have been repaired last year. The crossbow arrows also need to be repaired, they are too thick and heavy.

, needs to be processed again.

The two sides shot at each other like this, and the battle lasted for nearly half an hour. Each other's arrows consumed a lot of money, and the damage caused was very limited.

"It's useless to fight like this," Po Luhuo said. "You have to let the infantry come forward, remove the iron chain connecting the carriages, and then use heavy cavalry to charge into the formation."

It's really useless. The cavalry can only break the armor by firing at close range, but the Ming army's formation is blocked by huge shields.

In this case, the Jin cavalry could only projectile, their armor-breaking ability was greatly weakened, and they could not penetrate the armor of the Ming army infantry at all.

Similarly, the Jin cavalry were organized into small groups, running and shooting quickly in front of the formation, while the Ming army's crossbows could only try their luck. Even if they followed orders to shoot, the hit rate was very low.

After beating it for a long time, it was like scratching an itch.

Wanyan Loushi saw that the hills on both sides could not be attacked, so he called Han Chang's infantry back.

These elite infantrymen wearing medium-sized armor only dared to advance toward the middle of the Ming army's formation. Because if they attacked both sides, the Ming army archers on the mountains and the Ming army's crossbows in the formation could cross-shoot them.

They carried about 1,700 crossbows and trotted towards the car formation.

The first round of shooting was easily withstood, but the formation of the second round of shooting was already unstable.

The arrow clusters of the Ming army were also specially made with chisel heads and had the ability to pierce armor. They existed in the Northern Song Dynasty, but they were not widely equipped. During the Southern Song Dynasty, their number suddenly increased in order to resist the Jin Dynasty.

When Han Chang's elite medium-armor infantry advanced about 40 meters, the second round of crossbows caused large-scale armor-piercing damage.

Although these Liaodong Han children are brave and brave, they are still human beings, and their continued progress has been slow and uncertain.

"Behead those who retreat!"

A group of cavalry enforcing military law rushed over, and the knights shouted.

Han Chang could only lead the infantry and continue to advance. No one dared to retreat. There was still a way to survive if they rushed forward. If they retreated before the battle, they would be beheaded.


The third round of arrows was fired, this time at the best range, and a large number of medium-armor infantry fell on the spot.

Han Chang's troops finally had a mental breakdown and no longer cared about military law. They turned around and ran away. If they went further, they would surely die here.

However, more than ten groups of Jurchen cavalry avoided the rout and took advantage of the gap between the Ming army's arrows to charge toward the middle of the formation from the left and right sides.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of cavalry rushed to the front of the formation. They quickly jumped off their horses and took off the iron chains hanging on the carriages. More light cavalry in the rear fired wildly at the cover of the Ming army's formation.

Just when Jin Guo's knight took off the iron chain, another round of arrows was shot out from the formation, and the dismounted knights fell one after another.

However, these guys are not afraid of death.

The man who survived looked for the nearby war horse, quickly mounted his horse and continued to charge forward, even trying to remove the chain of the second carriage.

"Boom boom boom~~"

It was not the wooden cannons that were shooting, but the running Jin Kingdom knights who fell into the trap one after another.

Zhang Guangdao actually dug a large number of pits two meters wide and two meters deep between the two vehicle formations! There were only passages of more than 20 meters wide between the pits, so that the soldiers in the formation could send troops to pursue them.

The Jin soldiers who were lucky enough to step on the passage saw that all the friendly troops on the left and right were attacked, and finally did not dare to move forward. They were so frightened that they quickly reined in their horses and ran back.

The few surviving knights fled back and reported the situation in detail to Wanyanlou's office.

While Wanyan Loushi was shocked and angry, he was also thankful that Zhang Guangdao had not done everything right. At least there were still plenty of passages through which Hezha Meng'an could rush through.

How did he know that all the hidden wooden cannons were aimed at the nearest passage!

Wanyan Loushi asked the cavalry to continue shooting to prevent the Ming army infantry from coming forward, and put the chain on the carriage that had been removed again.

In such a difficult situation, Jin Bing still wants to fight?

Of course they have to fight, they have encountered more dangerous situations than this. Many of the Jurchen nobles who founded the country died in the extremely dangerous war, rushing forward to attack the enemy's formation, and finally left a psychological shadow on the Liao soldiers!

When Wanyan Zongwang was negotiating peace with Zhao Huan, he sent seventeen cavalry northward and ordered the northern Song army to give up resistance.

Among these seventeen golden soldiers, there are seven brave cavalry and ten light cavalry.

When passing through Cizhou, they were intercepted by two thousand Song troops. These Song troops were composed of forbidden troops, Xiang troops and rural soldiers, and were also equipped with bows and crossbows.

The two sides started fighting as soon as they disagreed. The Jin cavalry found that archery was ineffective, so they charged directly into the infantry formation of 2,000 people with seven valiant cavalry as the core and ten light cavalry as the wings.

Two thousand Song troops were dashed to pieces by seventeen cavalry!

This is only Wanyan Zongwang's troops, and their combat effectiveness and will cannot compare to Wanyan Zonghan's troops.

Zhang Guangdao saw clearly through the telescope that Wanyan Lou's room was about to mobilize the troops to install it. He said to the messenger: "Light two smokes!"

A sign of smoke is plan A.

Two smokes, that's plan B.

The Jin cavalry were still cruising and shooting, and Hezha Mengan began to wear heavy armor.

On top of Fangshan, two wolf smoke suddenly rose.

Not long after, two wolf smoke also ignited on the hills a few miles away to the south.

One mountain after another, wolf smoke ignited one after another. From north to south, from west to east, it spread farther away to where Chen Ziyi hid his troops.

Although Wanyan Loushi was surprised, he didn't care about the amount.

He was only worried about the Ming cavalry, but those thousands of cavalry were still more than ten miles away, and he still had enough time to break the formation. There were already many casualties at this time, so he must not change the battle plan before the battle, nor turn around to deal with the Ming reinforcements first.

Military cavalry.

Otherwise, if the Ming cavalry does not engage in the battle, all the efforts made before will be in vain.

Wanyan Loushi has sent out light cavalry to keep watch along the way and keep an eye on the east. If Chen Ziyi's cavalry is close to ten miles away, he will receive the news.


The horn sounded loudly, and more knights and light knights rushed forward desperately.

While covering the archery, they rushed in through the passages more than 20 meters wide between the pits. At the cost of nearly a thousand casualties, they finally removed the chains of a large section of the boxcar.

In the large formation of the Ming army, the number of bows and crossbows was still too small, otherwise the Jin soldiers would not be so relaxed.

But why wasn’t Zhang Guangdao intentional?

Without giving the Jin soldiers any hope, how could they be willing to invest in Hezha Meng'an?

The completed Hezha Meng'an finally appeared, with both men and horses heavily armored, a four-meter-long lance, and secondary weapons on his waist.

For every twenty Hezha Meng'an, equipped with thirty brave riders, they rushed towards the various passages left by Zhang Guangdao.

A total of twenty teams were invested, with a total of 400 meng'an and 600 Jurchen knights.

More Jurchen cavalry were still cruising in front of the formation and shooting arrows, trying to disrupt the Ming army's formation as much as possible.

As long as the heavy cavalry opens a breakthrough, subsequent cavalry will continue to attack.

"Crush the enemy's formation!" Wanyan Loushi shouted.

It was just a charge of four hundred heavy cavalry. In conjunction with the actions of other cavalry, the Ming army seemed to be shaking.

More than 300 wooden cannons had been loaded in advance, and at this moment, the cannon jackets were opened one by one.

In order to be inconspicuous, everything was covered with linen cloth.

Just when the 20 teams gathered together and were still dozens of steps away from the passage, Zhang Guangdao's flag waved.

In fact, there is no need to issue an order, the frontline commander has already practiced it.

Bugles and whistles sounded one after another, and the Ming soldiers in the front row all sat down. The shield bearer even lay down on his back with his shield, covering his body with his shield like a quilt.

More than three hundred wooden cannons finally appeared in Jin Bing's sight.

Wanyan Huonv personally led the troops into the battle this time. When the first round of cannons fired, he had already rushed into a passage more than 20 meters wide.

The wooden cannons that had been calibrated in advance were all aimed at the nearest passage.

Fearing that the shotgun shells were too weak to effectively kill heavy cavalry, all wooden cannons were loaded with fist-sized stone bullets.

"Boom boom boom!"

The first round was a volley of more than a hundred wooden cannons directed at various passages. A large number of Jin cavalry fell on the spot, seriously disrupting the subsequent actions of friendly forces.

"Boom boom boom!"

The second round was a volley of more than a hundred wooden cannons diagonally facing the passage, firing at cross angles.

The Jin cavalry that rushed into the passage had very few survivors, and many cavalry outside the passage were hit.

The third round was still a diagonal cross salvo, with more than a hundred wooden cannons firing in unison. There were almost no survivors in the twenty teams that joined forces in Meng'an. A large number of Jin Kingdom's knights followed, and even the light cavalry farther away also suffered.

After three rounds of bombardment, the battlefield was still noisy, but compared to the sound of the artillery, it was as dead silent as ever.

This chapter has been completed!
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