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Chapter 662 0657 [Certificate of Voting]

Before the main force of the Jin army arrived, Wanyan Zongwang came in person.

"How is the battle going?" Wanyan Zongwang asked.

Salihe said: "The moat has not been filled up by the enemy yet, but Prince Zhu has thousands of armored cavalry. My two thousand cavalry were killed and returned to the city. I can no longer go out to explore the battlefield."

"How do the armored cavalry of the Ming Dynasty compare with the last battle?" Wanyan Zongwang asked.

Saliho said: "It's even harder to fight. The horses have become taller, the armor has become more abundant, and the riding skills have become better. I sent the cavalry out to scout the enemy's situation, and fought three times, losing more than 400 cavalry.

The enemy has a cavalry general whose surname should be Li. He carries a flag with the character Li when he goes into battle. This man has the largest number of cavalry. Yue Fei, Li Qiong and other generals from Zhaozhou are also there."

Wanyan Zongwang asked again: "How is the morale of each department?"

Salihe said: "Except for the Han army in Hebei, the soldiers of all other ethnic groups are okay. The enemy shoots letters into the city every day. Some of the letters cannot be found after they are shot in. I am worried that some Han soldiers will surrender to the enemy."

Wanyan Zongwang said: "The bandits recruited from the Taihang Mountains can stay and guard the city. Select a few wealthy households in the city, preferably from local wealthy families living in the city. Let these bandits who were recruited to be recruited go to kill and rob, and steal the money and women.

It all belongs to them. This will not only benefit them, but also make them enmity with the local big families, so they will definitely not dare to think about surrendering to the enemy."

"What a great idea!" Salihe said happily.

Wanyan Zongwang added: "I will take away the rest of the Han army in Hebei and leave you with a group of Khitan soldiers."

Saliho asked: "The marshal won't fight here?"

Wanyan Zongwang shook his head and said: "How could I dive into the battlefield chosen by Prince Zhu? I want to take the main force of Dajin and the unreliable Han army from Hebei to attack Zhaozhou City from Zhending Mansion. The battlefield where the two armies will fight.

, just outside Zhaozhou City!"

The Hutuo River, Qianshui River, Hulu River and Yellow River are connected with each other, forming an irregular rectangle.

The manuscript city is stuck in the upper left corner of the rectangle. Two Ming armies are located on the long side and the broad side, more than thirty miles apart, sandwiching the manuscript city.

The entire interior of the rectangle was the territory of the Ming army.

Wanyan Zongwang can also cross the river and go around, but he will face multiple cities within the rectangle. Each city is a stronghold of the Ming army. Who knows which city has a heavy ambush.

If Guocheng was chosen as the decisive battlefield, both sides would have to fight in a narrow area in the upper left corner of the rectangle, and it would be difficult for the Jin cavalry to bring out its combat effectiveness.

Moreover, Ju Ming was not afraid of being attacked by Jin soldiers on the grain route, because several rivers were connected, and grain ships could go wherever they wanted.

Wanyan Zongwang's idea was very simple. He wanted to change the route of dispatching troops.

That is to say, we set out from Zhending Mansion, use Luan City as a springboard, and go straight to Zhaozhou City where Zongze is located, while letting Salihe defend Gao City.

If Zhu Ming led troops to rescue Zhaozhou, Wanyan Zongwang would fight the decisive battle there. If Zhu Ming did not save Zhaozhou, he would besiege the city while attacking Guan Sheng, Li Jinyi, and Yue Fei's camp from behind, and he could also take the opportunity to attack further south.

Ningjin, an important grain station that threatened the Ming army, and Xinhe Town, a gathering place for craftsmen.

"Is the golden soldier changing defense?" Zhu Ming began to think about the situation.

Li Yanxian said: "According to the observation of the scouts with telescopes, a large number of elites from the Jin Kingdom crossed the river and entered the city, and many weak soldiers in the city were transported away by ships. It should be that the Jin soldiers were used to replace the Han troops in Hebei. It seems that the Jin people wanted to

Stick to the manuscript city."

Ju Ming said: "Guocheng is the gateway to Zhending Mansion. Of course the Jin people must defend it. But where will they take the Han soldiers in Hebei?"

"Could he be going to attack Zhaozhou?" Li Yanxian guessed.

Zhu Ming nodded and said: "It's also possible. But with the high city of Zhaozhou and the deep pools, Guan Sheng, Yue Fei and the others can quickly return reinforcements, Wanyan Zongwang will definitely not be able to defeat him. He probably wants to lure me over and change the battlefield for the decisive battle. He won't

I am willing to fight in a shabby place like Guocheng."

Li Yanxian said: "Actually, it doesn't matter where you play."

Zhu Ming smiled and said: "The Nishui River is relatively narrow, so the Jin soldiers can easily cross the river, and the Jin cavalry can gallop across the river. If defeated, they can quickly retreat to Luan City and Zhending. You can advance and retreat there, which is naturally better for the Jin people."

Let Yue Fei lead the army back to Zhaozhou, and send more light cavalry to investigate the enemy's situation. Once it is confirmed that the main force of the Jin army has gone to Zhaozhou, Li Jinyi will lead the troops to stay and join forces with me, while Guan Sheng and Li Qiong will join Yue Fei."

"Aren't we going there?" Li Yanxian asked.

Wang Yan, the commander of the Eight-Character Army, suddenly said: "Your Highness wants to attack the city of Mao?"

Zhu Ming said: "With the capture of Kuo City, the door of Zhending Mansion will be wide open. I have almost filled in the moat, so how can I be led by Wanyan Zongwang? I will attack Kuo City, and he will attack Zhaozhou. Let's see who can attack first."

Come down."

Wanyan Zongwang's last southern invasion, with tens of thousands of troops, was unable to defeat Zhaozhou despite a group of weak soldiers defending it.

Even if I bring back the artillery this time, I am afraid I can only sigh in despair. Zong Ze, Yue Fei, Li Qiong, Guan Sheng, Li Xianzhong and others are all there!

Of course, Wanyan Zongwang thought the same way. He left his elite troops to defend Gao City. Although the walls of Gao City were not as good as those of Zhaozhou, the west and north sides were backed by rivers. He really couldn't think of how Ju Ming could capture it.

How to get it?

Use muskets and artillery!

Although it is difficult for artillery to destroy a solid city wall in a short time, it can prioritize the destruction of important defense facilities such as city towers and archery towers.

Manuscript City.

A large number of Han troops in Hebei were taken away, leaving only 6,000 soldiers to pacify the bandits, and several thousand Khitan soldiers were brought in.

The remaining commanders of the Han army were Zhang Di and Kong Yanzhou.

Kong Yanzhou was Yue Fei's fellow villager in Xiangzhou. He was a gangster. He committed a crime and changed his name to become a soldier. He was caught and taken to jail after the incident. He bribed the guards to loosen his bonds, escaped in the middle of the night and became a thief again.

Historically, this guy served as a soldier in suppressing the Shandong rebels, and actually rose to prominence in the Southern Song Dynasty. When he led the army to conquer Zhong Xiang, he burned, killed, and looted during the march, forcing a large number of people to defect to the rebels. He also lost a lot of baggage in the defeat, and Zhong Xiang Yang Yao was killed.

The rebel army gained a lot of weight.

Later, he rebelled against the Song Dynasty and paid gold, but also forcibly married his own daughter. In order to force the mother and daughter to submit, he sent his concubine to a prostitute camp. After some humiliation, the concubine could only sacrifice her daughter to this beast.

Such a bastard was able to die a good death. He was granted the title of Prince of Guangping County in the Jin Kingdom. Before his death, he still persuaded Wanyan Liang to attack the Song Dynasty.

At this time and space, Shandong had long been occupied by the Ming Dynasty, so Kong Yanzhou naturally had no chance to surrender to Shandong to suppress it.

He had been working as a thief in Xiangzhou, and was later recruited by Zongze to fight against the Jin Dynasty. Because of his poor military discipline, he was punished by Zongze. When he committed the crime for the second time, Kong Yanzhou felt that his life was in danger, so he led a group of indiscriminate soldiers into the Taihang Mountains to become bandits.

He was recruited by the puppet court.

"Which of you will lead the troops to attack this family?" Saliho asked.

Zhang Di said: "This is the Dong family's shop, and Mr. Dong is the Minister of Rites."

Salihe said with a smile: "It's just a gold shop, and the people living in the backyard are just Dong Shangshu's nephews. Dong Shangshu is loyal to gold, and he won't care about a gold shop. If you lead troops to attack, the people in the shop in front will

The gold and silver jewelry, and the wealthy women in the house behind, whatever they grab is yours. Who is going to do it?"

Kong Yanzhou's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he couldn't wait to say: "I'm going!"

Zhang Di hesitated to say anything. It was true that he was a giant bandit. He had robbed everywhere in the past and robbed many wealthy families. But at that time, it was for survival. Now he has no worries about food and clothing, so why do he do this kind of thing again?

Moreover, this is the gold shop of the Dong family. How can you join the Ming Dynasty after killing people and stealing goods? The Dong family will definitely file a lawsuit, and the Ming court will most likely hold them accountable in the future.

Salihe ignored Kong Yanzhou who was eager to try, but looked at Zhang Di who was hesitant: "Go!"

"General..." Zhang Di still didn't dare to make a move.

Salihe interrupted: "You don't dare to kill or loot. Do you want to collaborate with the enemy? All the officers under your command must rush into the gold shop and hack the men inside. Every officer must take action!"

Zhang Di could only bite the bullet and obey the orders. If he didn't take action against Dong Jia Jin Pu, he would definitely be executed on the spot by Salihe.

Calling all the officers under his command and 200 veterans, Zhang Di spoke again and said helplessly: "If the people inside don't die, we will have to die. Follow me and do business again."

Everyone had no choice but to rush into the gold shop, kill the men they saw, and rob the property they saw. At the same time, they also divided their forces into the inner house to rob the women.

There were screams inside, and Salihe heard it with a smile on his face.

He had been worried that the Han army in Hebei would defect to the enemy, and now he killed local prominent families to see how they would surrender to the enemy again!

But Kong Yanzhou couldn't wait and asked: "General, where should I go to rob?"

Saliho said: "You can pick any one, but remember that the front store and the back house will all be sold out."

Kong Yanzhou said excitedly: "I'm sure no one will be left behind!" Then he added, "The goods in one store may not be enough to share the profit with the soldiers under his command. Can the general grab two stores?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Salihe couldn't stop laughing when he heard this. He pointed at Kong Yanzhou and said, "You are a promising person, so go and pick two companies to rob."

"Thank you for the gift, general!" Kong Yanzhou went to gather troops and horses in a hurry.

There are Liu Yu in literature and Kong Yanzhou in military affairs. There are quite a few such anthropomorphic creatures.

They are all reckless and only care about the immediate wealth and wealth, and they will worry about the future matters later.

The Dong family's gold shop had stopped, and Saliho went in to check it out in person. He found many corpses of men along the way, and a group of women and children huddled in the inner house, crying and trembling.

"very good!"

Salihe expressed that he was extremely satisfied and could rest assured that Zhang Di would lead the troops to defend the city.

After thinking for a while, Saliho asked again: "Who is the shopkeeper's wife?"

The women and children were still crying and no one answered the questions.

Saliho dragged out a boy and said, "I want to kill someone."

"don't want!"

"Give me back my grandson!"

An old man and a young man suddenly stood out, probably the shop owner's mother and wife.

"This one is too old," Salihe pointed at the young woman and said to Zhang Di, "Take this woman to the bedroom, and I will be your matchmaker today."

Zhang Di was very unhappy when he was forced to kill people and buy goods.

Now he was forced to seize a wife in broad daylight, and Zhang Di was extremely angry. When he was forced to rebel by the Song Dynasty, there was really no way to survive. He was a heroic and powerful bandit with hundreds of thousands of followers, and he did not only have money and beautiful women in his eyes.

A bastard!

The woman was crying and howling and was dragged into the bedroom by Zhang Di, where she struggled even more fiercely on the bed.

Zhang Di felt that someone was watching outside the window, so he lay on the woman's body and leaned into her ear and said, "Madam, please forgive me, I was forced to do so. The gold thief is watching outside the window."

The woman was only crying and struggling, so how could she listen to these words?

Zhang Di sat up and slapped her twice, making the woman dizzy. He yelled angrily: "Smelly bitch, don't cry anymore. It will make grandpa's ears hurt."

After saying that, he pretended to borrow his belt, lay down and whispered again: "Madam, I don't fit in, so you just pretend. When I surrender to the Ming Dynasty, you have to stand up and testify for me. I am really forced this time."

have no choice."

The woman understood, but she was still in a daze and completely forgot about acting.

Until Zhang Di untied her pants, the woman subconsciously screamed again.

"Yes, that's how I screamed." Zhang Di didn't dare to look back out the window.

Saliho observed it, as if this was very interesting, laughed and turned around to leave.

This chapter has been completed!
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