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Chapter 670 0665 [Each plan]

Knowing that the main force of the Jin soldiers was defeated and that Zhending Mansion was gone, the Luancheng County magistrate contacted the Han troops defending the city and launched a surprise attack on the Jin soldiers in the city.

More than 3,000 Han troops from Hebei attacked 200 Jin soldiers, but were defeated and fled.

Even the magistrate of Luancheng County, who planned the uprising, fled to Zhaozhou with the defeated troops, and his family members who stayed in the city were massacred by the Jin soldiers.

Those Jin soldiers also robbed the wealthy households in Luan City, obtained some money and food, and rushed to Huolu County in the northwest, trying to join the Jin soldiers in Jingxing.

Zongze took the opportunity to lead his troops to recapture Luan City and went to Zhending Mansion to take charge of the overall situation.

However, Zhu Ming was dispatching troops and generals in Gaocheng. He didn't care where the main force of the Jin army fled, and only focused on the key node of Hebei West Road to advance troops.

The main force of the Ming army set out from Gaocheng and headed north to take Dingzhou.

Guan Sheng, Yue Fei and others first stationed themselves at Zhending and joined the follow-up troops brought by Zongze. Then they went west to capture Pingshan County and blocked the Jin soldiers in Jingxing and Chengtian Village.

Outside the city of Zhending Mansion.

As the prince came with his own troops, many officials from the puppet court, led by Zongze, went out of the city to greet him.

Zongze just bowed, but a large group of people knelt behind him.

"The guilty minister Dong Ti, pays homage to His Highness the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty!"

Dong Ti knelt beside Zong Ze and peeked at Prince Zhu, then quickly lowered his head and knelt down to obey his orders.

Now that the battle was won, Ju Ming ignored these guys, smiled and took Zongze's hand and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Zong."

"I don't dare," Zongze was quite excited. "Fortunately, His Highness the Crown Prince can sweep away the smelly smell in Hebei."

Ju Ming asked: "Did the puppet royal family escape?"

"The fake prime minister Liu Yu had soldiers in his hands and fled with the fake queen mother, emperor, and officials. The traitors Huang Qianshan, Zhang Bangchang, and other members of the Song Dynasty clan failed to escape as they wished, and were captured by the Ming Dynasty soldiers." Zongze turned his head

Shouting, "Bring it up!"

A group of prisoners were tied up and dragged over.

Ju Ming glanced around and found that there was no old acquaintance: "Where is Huang Qianshan?"

Zongze explained: "Huang Qianshan was criticized by Liu Yu and beaten half to death in prison. He is still seriously injured and bedridden."

Ju Ming said: "This guy helped the Jin people to establish the false emperor. Since he has been seriously injured, I will not torture him anymore. I will drag him outside Zhending City and give him a good time. The charge is treason."

"Yes!" Zongze accepted the order.

Treason, that is, treason, is one of the ten heinous crimes.

When Zhang Bangchang heard the word "treason", he was so frightened that he went weak. He knelt down and cried and shouted: "Prince, please spare your life, Prince, please spare your life..."

Zhu Ming looked at Zhang Bangchang and the other members of the clan: "Men over the age of fifteen are escorted to Cizhou to dig mines until they die. The female family members can reconcile and remarry with their children."

As soon as this statement came out, several people were immediately frightened and fainted.

Anger appeared on Ju Ming's face, and he said to those clans: "Even if the clans in Songcheng (Shangqiu) fled to Hangzhou and joined the evil emperor, I would at most confiscate their property and allocate wasteland to them for cultivation. You clansmen in Luoyang

, actually took refuge in the Jin people and supported the false emperor, but do you still remember what the Huayi debate is?"

"Your Highness, please spare your life!" Many clan members cried and howled in pain.

Ju Ming said: "They were all imprisoned. After they reconciled with their wives and concubines, they were immediately taken to Cizhou to mine and atone for their sins."

Zhang Bangchang shouted: "Your Highness, I also want to defect to the Ming Dynasty, but the traitor Liu Yu sent people to monitor him and was unable to send the secret message out of the city!"

Ju Ming sneered: "If you want to change your plan to commit treason, just keep crying, I'm afraid the chance of mining will be gone."

Zhang Bangchang quickly shut up and looked at Prince Zhu stupidly.

He is almost fifty years old. If he is punished to go mining, he may not last for half a year at most, so he might as well be chopped off with a knife.

After Prince Zhu led his troops into the city, the puppet officials who were kneeling on the ground finally dared to stand up tremblingly, thankful that they had written a letter to contact Zongze in advance.

As he walked, Zhu Ming said to Zongze: "I heard that there were righteous people among the officials of the puppet dynasty. One of the foreign ministers was tortured to death, but no one else was ever revealed. You can go to the court to ask for a posthumous title, and give generous rewards to the families of the dead righteous people. In Zhending

Build a temple outside the city to worship the foreigner."

Zhu Ming turned to look at the pseudo-official behind him, and added a few words: "The name is Zhongyi Temple! Zhending, eight of the martyrs who died fighting against the Jin in Guocheng will be selected to accompany the Zhongyi Temple, and the names of the remaining martyrs will be engraved on

On the stone tablet in front of the temple."

"This will definitely inspire people and eliminate evil spirits!" Zongze praised.

Not long after, Huang Qianshan, who was covered in bruises and bruises, was carried outside the city by a group of soldiers.

Knowing that Prince Zhu wanted to behead Huang Qianshan, a large number of people came to hear the news. They were fed up with the oppression of the Jin people and hated the exploitation of the pseudo-dynasty. Now they put all the blame on Huang Qianshan.

Huang Qianshan was forced to kneel on the ground, and the people threw all kinds of filthy objects at him, and the sound of curses could not be heard.

He could bear the shame, but he couldn't bear the fear of death. He was so frightened that his whole body was as paralyzed as noodles. No matter how much the executioner scolded him, he could not kneel straight.

"This traitor was so scared that he peed his pants," said the soldier assisting the execution.


The execution soldier looked disgusted and said to Huang Qianshan: "If you don't kneel down straight, I'm afraid you won't be killed with a knife, and you will be the one who suffers."

Huang Qianshan finally knelt down, trembling all over, then closed his eyes and sobbed.


A flash of sword light flashed, and the head fell down.

As Ju Ming said, it would be cheaper to just behead him. At least he would not suffer any more. Zhang Bangchang’s mining would be uncomfortable.

"Well done!"

The people of Zhending cheered in unison, and many even rushed over to vent their anger at Huang Qianshan's body.

Ju Ming stayed in Zhending Fucheng for a day, handed over all matters to Zongze, and then continued northward without stopping.

When we arrived in Xinle County, it suddenly snowed.

A light cavalry rushed from Dingzhou: "Your Highness, General Li Yanxian has led the cavalry to capture Dingzhou. But when the Jin people were retreating north, thousands of cavalry rushed into Dingzhou City, kidnapped a large number of craftsmen and women, and forced the grain

Shang handed over all the grain, and finally burned down half of the houses in the city. General Li asked for grain to be transferred, and was ordered to help the people. Tens of thousands of people inside and outside Dingzhou were suffering from cold and starvation."

Ju Ming was furious when he heard this and ordered: "Allocate it from military supplies. Don't let the people starve to death and freeze to death."

Ju Ming continued to go north, but before he reached Dingzhou, another Qingqi came back to report.

Wangdu, Beiping (Shunping County), Baozhou, Ansu, Suicheng... wherever the Jin soldiers passed by, they were burned and looted.

The Jin infantry retreated via the nearest route, and the cavalry was divided into several groups and dispersed to plunder the states and counties along the way.

At first, they robbed craftsmen and women, but later they found out that the Ming army accelerated their pursuit, so they abandoned most of the craftsmen and women, and only collected livestock and vehicles to carry food. Moreover, they would set fire after looting, resulting in a large number of people without houses to keep out the cold in winter. The Jin people tried to give the Ming Dynasty

The court created more trouble.

From Dingzhou to Guangxin, people everywhere were starving and dying, and it was extremely miserable.

Ju Ming came to Dingzhou with his soldiers and found a large number of temporary shacks outside the city.

More than half of the buildings in the city were burned down, and there was no hope of restoring people's livelihood in a short time.

This was a slap in the face, so Ju Ming had no choice but to order: "Instruct all ministries to stop marching after regaining the territory of the Song Dynasty. The excess military rations from the middle and east roads will be transferred to relieve the people."

It is possible to fight all the way to Yanshan, but the supply line is getting longer and longer, and the consumption of military rations will inevitably increase sharply. There will be no spare supplies for relief, and the people in these states and counties will have to fend for themselves.

Moreover, the weather is getting colder and colder, and the main force of the Ming army is mostly from the south. If they continue to fight in the colder north, I am afraid there will be a large number of non-combat attrition.

If Jin Bing seizes the opportunity, he may suffer a huge defeat.

In Rongcheng (southeast of Dingxing County), heavy snow fell.

This used to be the southern border city of the Liao Kingdom, and the city was built tall and strong.

From here to the east to Tianjin, it is the boundary river between the Song and Liao countries.

The western section is called Juma River, the middle section is called Baigou, and the eastern section is directly called Jiehe River (the eastern section has been taken over by the Yellow River and flows into the sea).

Wanyan Zongwang divided his troops to garrison the city along the river. It was still very difficult for the Ming army to kill them.

Moreover, on the south side of the boundary rivers, the Great Water Wall was built artificially in the Northern Song Dynasty, and the water system has become a mess. Not only are there a large number of river swamps, but the water is also full of hidden piles, and grain transport ships will be damaged if they are not careful.

It is not completely frozen yet, and there is a thin layer of ice floating on the water.

If the Ming army wants to go northward from the central road or the east road, it will face great difficulties in marching and transporting food.

This is also the reason why Wanyan Zongwang led his troops south, and the main force always took the Hebei West Road - the section from Xiongzhou to Tianjin was done too outrageously by the Song Dynasty.

Wanyan Cha's mother, Wanyan Talan, has led the troops to the east to defend the city.

Looking at the exhausted and demoralized Jin soldiers, Wanyan Xiyin said: "Please contact the court and Nianhan (Wanyan Zonghan) quickly. Our country of Jin can no longer be at war with us. We should convene a Bojilie meeting to discuss what to do."

Unite to deal with the Ming Kingdom... No, it's not about dealing with the Ming Kingdom, but how to deal with the rebellion next year."

The war has been fought like this, and too many troops and supplies have been drawn before the war. I am afraid there will be rebellions in the Kingdom of Jin next year.

"I don't know how Nianhan fares in Hedong (Shanxi)." Wanyan Zongwang muttered.

Wanyan Xiyin said: "I'm afraid there will be more danger than danger. The terrain in Hedong is more difficult to fight than in Hebei."

Two days later, Wanyan Zonghan's envoy Wen Du Sizhong finally came to meet with Wanyan Zongwang.

Wen Du Sizhong came over by Feihuxing. When they met, he quickly talked about the situation in Shanxi and then asked about the situation in Hebei.

After the exchange of information, both parties were speechless for a while.

Wanyan Zongwang said: "Go back and tell Nianhan that I have invited him to go to Beijing to attend the Bojilie Conference. I will help him speak during the discussion."

Although the Jin regime was essentially divided into three, there were only two factions in serious calculation.

One is the brother sect of Aguda, and the other is the cousin sect of Aguda.

The brothers' sect is the ancestral lineage. They control the court and the hinterland of the Jin Kingdom. Wu Qibuy and Wanyan Zongwang also belong to this sect.

The cousin faction is dominated by Wanyan Zonghan and has a large number of elites from hundreds of battles.

The core contradiction between the two factions is that Wu Qimai usurped Wanyan Zonghan's position as emperor, and his descendants usurped the titles and official positions of the meritorious generals.

If these two factions wanted to unite and deal with the outside world, Wu Qimai must appoint Wanyan Zonghan as the prime minister of the country, and also confer higher titles and official positions on the meritorious generals.

According to the tradition of the Jin Kingdom, Bo Jilie is the crown prince!

Knowing that Banbo Jilie is equivalent to the prince, this was a small trick Wu Qimai did when he was compiling history, in order to improve the legitimacy of his throne.

However, the current state power was Wanyan Xieye, so how could he hand over his power?

In fact, it can be worked around, that is, Wanyan Xie also joins forces with Wanyan Zonghan, that is, Aguda's brother sect and cousin sect join forces. Because Wu Qimai became emperor, he no longer belonged to any one sect and was the enemy of all factions.

In history, after another five years, Wanyan Zonghan took sole control of the military, Wanyan Zongqian (who succeeded Guolun Bojilie) was forced to join forces, and together they forced Wu Qimai to change to the crown prince.

That is, Wanyan Zongqian became the prime minister and Wanyan Zonghan took charge of the military. They jointly launched a prince who was satisfied with both sides and made Emperor Wu Qimai almost become a puppet.

Wanyan Zongwang was psychologically shadowed by the Ming army, so he decided to stay dormant for a while and let Wanyan Zonghan come out to take charge. The two of them were jointly in charge of the Du Marshal's Mansion, that is, the first and second military leaders.

Next year, the Jin Kingdom will focus on defense, and more troops will have to be used to quell domestic rebellions.

"Marshal, Liu Yu is here with the little emperor!"

Liu Yu fled to Yizhou with the puppet emperor, the puppet queen mother, the puppet officials and the puppet army. Hearing that Wanyan Zongwang was here, he rushed over without stopping.

When Wanyan Zongwang saw this guy, he was immediately furious. He kicked him over and shouted angrily: "How could you lose this good Zhending?"

"Marshal, calm down, Marshal, calm down!" Liu Yu knelt in the snow and kowtowed repeatedly.

Shi Liai walked up to Wanyan Zongwang and said, "These people may still be of some use if you keep them."

"What's the use?" Wanyan Zongwang asked.

Shi Liai said: "The Han people are righteous, and the Song Dynasty has been destroyed. These people can also be regarded as the Song Emperor and Song ministers. When the time comes to march south again, we can bring these people with us. We can always recruit some Han people."

Wanyan Xiyin also said: "Keep it, it will only waste a few more grains of food."

Wanyan Zongwang waved Liu Yu to retreat. Liu Yu was grateful and kowtowed again.

Liu Yanzong, Wanyan Zongwang's deputy, has returned to Yanshan Mansion dragging his illness. Historically, he would die of illness next year, but this time he fell ill early because he traveled through snow and caught wind and cold.

Liu Yanzong called his third son Liu E to the hospital bed: "The Jurchens are barbarians after all. They gain power for a while, but they cannot last long. Sooner or later they will be destroyed by the Ming Dynasty. If I die of illness, don't raise an army to cause rebellion next year. The Jurchen soldiers did not die in this battle."

How many. Those who rebel next year will be suppressed by Jurchen soldiers."

"Father, I remember." Liu E said.

Liu Yanzong said: "If you are asked to lead troops to counter a rebellion, you can take the opportunity to perform meritorious service and suppress the rebels with all your strength. The higher your official position is, the better. If you are fighting against the Ming army, you should stop working hard and find a suitable opportunity before surrendering."

.Everything is based on preserving the clan members, no matter it is Liao, Jin or Ming, the Liu family’s incense must be passed on.”

Liu E nodded and said, "Kid, remember this."

Liu Yanzong said: "My Liu family served as the Lulong Festival Envoy in the Tang Dynasty. I was also a distinguished person in the Liao Kingdom for generations, and I was still highly used in the Jin Kingdom. What is the reason for this? One is that poetry and etiquette are passed down to the family, and the other is that we have soldiers.

.You want your descendants to study more, and you also want your descendants to control the military. You must never let go of these two things."

"Yes!" Liu E said.

Liu Yanzong added: "Look for an opportunity to write a letter to Prince Zhu, saying that the Liu family is willing to surrender and defect in front of the two armies. It is a matter of great importance and cannot be ignored or leaked. Your brothers, except for the fourth brother,

Other than that, don’t tell anyone else.”

The Liu family has a very strong surrender gene. Their ancestors surrendered to the Liao Dynasty, they themselves surrendered gold, and they planned to have their sons surrender to the Ming Dynasty.

One of the ancestors even committed the ugly act of killing his father and brother for the sake of Lulong Jiedushi's position.

Dynasties rotate endlessly, and the Liu family will always enjoy wealth and honor.

This chapter has been completed!
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