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Chapter 674 0669 [Good news arrives in Beijing]

Zhang Di recovered quickly from his injury and was able to walk a few steps.

He looked at the matchmaker in front of him and couldn't help but said with a smile: "The Li family said I was a thief before, how can I ask you to be a matchmaker now?"

"Hey, the general made a mistake!"

The matchmaker pretended to be shocked, and then said nonsense: "This Mr. Li family has always admired the general's loyalty. He also praised General Zhang when he met everyone, saying that although General Zhang was coerced by the barbarians, he always cared about the country of the Han family. He was truly a warrior in the world.

A role model. The fact that Li's daughter can remarry a general is a blessing that has been cultivated for several generations."

"You can go back and let me think about it again." Zhang Di was noncommittal.

The matchmaker wanted to persuade her again, but Zhang Di asked someone to ask her out.

There are four major bandits in "Water Margin": Song Jiang from Shandong, Wang Qing from Huaixi, Tian Hu from Hebei, and La from Jiangnan.

It is generally believed that the historical prototype of Hebei Tianhu was Zhang Di who gathered hundreds of thousands of people to rebel!

There were many uprisings in the Huizong Dynasty, but for those that were so big, even counting Ju Ming and his son, Zhang Di could already be ranked in the top five.

Can such a person be a fool?

Calling his cousin Zhang Hao, Zhang Di asked, "Can the Li family survive this time?"

Zhang Hao replied: "According to the wishes of the county magistrate, the prince has no intention of exterminating any clan. He just wants to teach the Li family a lesson, spit out the property they have occupied in the past few years, and punish some of the Li clan members who have done evil. He also wants to investigate the Li family.

The land without land deeds will be confiscated, and taxes will be paid on a per-acre basis from now on."

Zhang Di nodded and said: "This is easy to handle."

"Brother really wants to marry that daughter of the Li family?" Zhang Hao really couldn't figure it out. "She's just a widow who has given birth to a child. Both her husband's family and her natal family are still under thorough investigation by the government. Why does my brother need to go into that troubled water? A handsome woman.

There are so many, I asked the matchmaker to find another one for my brother."

Zhang Di smiled and said: "I have written to the prince to ask for Li's daughter. The more this time is, the more I want to marry her. Only in this way can I show my love and righteousness, and promise a huge amount of money. I will not deal with the muddy waters of the Li family.

Go there, and after getting married, ask to be transferred to Guangxin to kill gold thieves, and say that you will never have anything to do with the Li family again!"

"Is reputation that important?" Zhang Hao asked.

Zhang Di explained: "You and I are both thieves and bandits, and we are also giant bandits who have killed and looted countless people. In the future, if something goes wrong, someone will take the opportunity to take revenge. It is especially important to accumulate a good reputation. The prince is the crown prince of a country, and he is willing to

A highly-respected warrior must first be good at fighting and secondly be loyal. From now on, if we fight to the death and accumulate a reputation for loyalty, why worry about not being able to make a wife and a son in the new dynasty?"

Zhang Hao nodded and said, "Brother takes the long view."

Zhang Di asked again: "What arrangements are made for the brothers who were dismissed?"

Zhang Hao replied: "I have already asked, and those who are willing to stay will be registered in the counties of Zhending Prefecture and their land will be divided. The Jia family of Zhending moved southward, leaving behind tens of thousands of acres of fertile land, which was divided up by the pseudo-officials.

Now we have to spit out all the land we have occupied, and divide the fields among soldiers, refugees and tenants. Those who want to go back to their hometowns to find relatives can also go back, but if they can really divide the fields, there will not be many people who bother to go back to their hometowns."

"The prince is so benevolent and righteous," Zhang Di said with emotion. "With such a share of land, the Han troops in Hebei will be able to return home, and they will all be willing to work for the prince from now on. When the imperial court orders the recruitment of rural soldiers, even the soldiers who have been dismissed will be enthusiastic

Those who surrendered to the army to serve their country.”

"Who says otherwise?" Zhang Hao said with a smile, "Even the captured Han troops only imprisoned the generals for trial, and all the ordinary soldiers were released. The prince has ordered that these captives return to their hometowns quickly, and they will be arranged and distributed by the county magistrates.

The fields must not be delayed for next year's spring plowing. The captives from all tribes were grateful and worshiped the prince as a Bodhisattva. They all said that if there was a war in the coming year, they would be willing to serve as soldiers for the prince."

The Han troops in Hebei who were captured by the Ming army were actually able to return to their hometown to divide their fields. Many people objected to this matter.

But Ju Ming persisted in his opinion and only slightly reduced the number of acres that the prisoners could divide, which was considered to give some face to the dissenters.

Because most of the Han soldiers in Hebei were forcibly recruited by the Jin people.

Nowadays, Hebei's population has dropped sharply. These young people are very important. They must be allowed to eat more food and have more children.

Hebei now does not lack cultivated land, it only lacks people and food.

What's more, this move can win the hearts of prisoners. After the land is divided, the young and strong people in Hebei are convinced by the prince. Even if the battle against Jin fails one day, if Ju Ming gives an order from Hebei, countless young and strong people will join the army and kill the enemy.

After Zhu Ming read Zhang Di's letter, he immediately laughed and said: "This old thief is a bit interesting, and he is playing tricks on me. He ordered Yue Fei to move his troops to Tang County. When the snow melts in spring, Zhang Di and his troops will be under Yue Fei's command.


Zhang Di's letter had two meanings: one was to keep his promise to marry Li's daughter, and the other was to request that troops be transferred to the border to defend against the enemy.

For Ju Ming, these are small things.

Zhu Ming asked: "How did Kong Yanzhou's trial go?"

Fu Zhirou replied: "After this man was recruited by the puppet dynasty, he still continued to loot. He also led his troops to massacre villages and claimed that all the good people he killed were Yue Fei's soldiers, so as to obtain rewards for his meritorious service in the puppet dynasty."

Zhu Ming said: "There is no need to continue the trial. Kong Yanzhou and his subordinates were beheaded by a hundred people. Officers above the rank of commander were escorted to Cizhou for mining, and the rest were scattered and placed in various counties in Hebei."

"Yes!" Fu Zhirou began to write an official document.

Zhu Ming asked again: "Where did Geng Nanzhong go? Did he really not join the puppet government?"

Fu Zhirou said: "Officials of the puppet dynasty said they had never seen Geng Nazhong. This man escaped from Tokyo. He might have been killed by rebels on the way, or he might have hidden his name somewhere."

"Forget it, there's no need to search for it," Ju Ming said. "If he wants to hide and become a commoner in the new dynasty, let him live a peaceful life."

The snow is beginning to clear.

Including Kong Yanzhou, more than 70 captured officers were convicted and beheaded after trial.

Most of them were because they killed good people and took credit for their merits, and slaughtered people wantonly in the puppet dynasty!

Prince Zhu's meaning is very obvious. You can shirk your surrender to the puppet emperor and serve the Jin people because you have no choice. But you massacre the people and take the reward for taking credit. You can't be forced by the puppet emperor and the Jin people, right?

Outside Zhending City, the charges were read out one after another. Even before the executions began, the people were already hearing angry curses.

Kong Yanzhou was paralyzed with fear. He didn't know whether it was because of the cold or because of extreme fear. He knelt in the snow and kept shaking.

"Well done!"

As the people cheered, a head fell to the ground.

Kong Yanzhou didn't dare to turn his head to look, he closed his eyes and just wanted it to end as soon as possible.

But he has the worst reputation, so he was deliberately arranged to be the last one, so that everyone else had to be killed before it was his turn.

The days are like years, every minute and every second is suffering.

Finally, Kong Yanzhou heard the footsteps behind him. He turned sideways and smiled in apology. His smile was as stiff as crying: "Please... please give me a good time, Grandpa Hao."

"Kneel down!"

The blade of the blade cut through the air, and Kong Yanzhou felt like the world was spinning. His head flew up and then fell down, thus ending his sinful life.

The bodies of these people were dragged to mass graves and buried, but their heads were hung on the top of the city for public display.

Representatives of the wealthy families of Zhending Mansion were invited to come and watch.

Representatives of the wealthy families pointed their heads at the traitors and praised the prince for eliminating harm to the people.

After they returned home, they were so frightened that they took out the deeds of all their properties, and properties without certificates were presented to the government for confiscation. As for the property that was divided up from the Jia family, even if they had deeds in their hands, they had to hand over all the deeds.

Anyone who dares to hide it privately should wait to be investigated!

They have received news that killings have begun in Guocheng.

The first six people to be executed were all Dong's sons and their lackeys, involved in a murder case four years ago.

Prince Zhu seems to have no intention of leaving Hebei. In the cold winter, he is still personally in charge of Zhending Mansion, determined to put the wealthy families in various parts of Hebei in order.

Hebei was in mourning, but Kaifeng was cheering.

Rewinding back to more than twenty days ago, the soldiers crossed the Yellow River from Chenqiao Town. Before entering the city, they held up a cloth and shouted at the pier.

"Master Wang's great victory!"

"The prince personally led the troops and fought with the marshal of the Jin Kingdom in Gaocheng. The prince killed more than 10,000 thieves and captured 20,000, while the marshal of the Jin Kingdom fled in panic!"

"Master Wang has recovered the entire territory of the Song Dynasty and Hebei Province!"

No matter whether they were traders or lackeys or dignitaries, they all shouted and celebrated when they heard Lu Bu's victory.

Li Gang was transferred back to Tokyo to report on his duties and will serve as a political participant in Hebei next year.

He didn't know his new position yet. He had just arrived in Beijing and was staying at the home of his father-in-law Zhang Gen.

"What are you shouting outside?" Li Gang walked out of the study.

Fan Jun, who was also staying at Zhang Gen's house and was concentrating on his studies, was studying calculus seriously and turned a deaf ear to the noise outside.

A servant ran over and shouted happily: "Great news, the prince has regained the entire territory of Hebei Province!"

Li Gang stood stunned on the spot, as if recalling unbearable past events.

After a long time, Li Gang wiped his tears with his sleeves, and then laughed loudly and said: "Okay, it's a great joy. The prince's soldiers are invincible in the world, how can the gold thief resist them?"

Fan Jun finally put down his bamboo pen, walked to Li Gang and said: "Shanxi was also said to be a great victory two days ago, but it is a pity that it has not yet recovered its homeland. With the military front of the Ming Dynasty king's division, maybe next year we can conquer Shanxi and regain Youyun Sixteenth

The state is just around the corner.”

Although Li Gang did not understand military affairs, he was thrown to the local area for two years to experience, but he had a better understanding of civil affairs: "There will be no big wars next year. The provinces in the north and south have experienced several years of war, and they were brutally conquered by the late Song Dynasty.

In the remaining years, the people's power has long been exhausted. This year, all the food has been used for fighting. Even tea notes and salt have been issued for two years."

Fan Jun also understood: "If another war starts next year, it may damage the vitality of the country."

Li Gang stepped out of the corridor, looked up at the sky, and said with a smile: "I will have no regrets in this life if I can see Master Wang regain his homeland."

Fan Jun said: "The ambition of the prince is not just this. I am afraid that after regaining Youyun, the Kingdom of Jin and Xixia will also perish. Maybe we can see the Western Regions as the land of Han again."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Gang laughed heartily: "Let's go to the city to drink. It will be very lively today."

Fan Jun went back to the guest room, put on his fur clothes, and followed Li Gang out.

As for Zhang Gen's sons, except for those who were already officials, they were all sent back to their hometown to study.

When Li and Fan came to the street, they found that it was very busy, and many restaurants, restaurants and tea gardens were full of customers.

In some Goulanwa cities, artists put on festive costumes and temporarily changed their programs to perform content related to the victory.

The Goryeo envoys, Monk Miaoqing and Zheng Zhichang, arrived in Tokyo in late autumn and stayed in the city all the time. They just wanted to wait for news from the front line.

Zheng Zhichang looked at the people celebrating in the street and said happily: "How can the Jurchen barbarians win China? After the snow melted, he returned to Goryeo and went to Shu to request the Northern Expedition. This will save him the shame of defeat!"

"We can take the opportunity to seize all the land south of the Yalu River!" Monk Miaoqing began to have a sweet dream.

At this time, only the westernmost part of Goryeo's territory reached the Yalu River, and even Xianxing belonged to the Jin Kingdom.

The Changjin Lake area is the border between the Jin Kingdom and Goryeo.


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