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Chapter 689 0684 [If you don’t have enough money, you’ll bet]

The opening match of the Johoku Stadium is the duel between the two major football clubs in Tokyo - Qiyunshe vs. Enshe.

Not only is Prince Zhu here, but the Duke of Gan, Zhang Gen, who is about to retire and return home, is also here.

Due to the lack of construction funds, the stadium can only attract investment and construction. A commercial area is designated around it. Investors, large and small, can own shops, but the ownership of the shops belongs to the royal family. Investors automatically have ten years of free use rights, and they need to sign again after ten years.

According to the contract, the original lessee has the first right to renew the lease.

This gameplay is inherited from the Northern Song Dynasty, but the property rights are clearer.

In the Northern Song Dynasty, all large-scale entertainment venues such as Fan Tower were nationalized, and then contracted to businessmen to make money. They belonged to both the court and the emperor, but it was unclear who owned them.

The current imperial family of the Ming Dynasty is separated from the central finance.

The most insignificant industries are directly sold out to private operators, and neither the royal family nor the government are allowed to touch them anymore. For example, Qingfeng Tower, Pan Tower, etc.

Industries that are relatively profitable and involve people's livelihood are partly state-owned and partly private.

For example, in the coal industry in Tokyo, the Ministry of Household Affairs is only responsible for collecting taxes and cannot directly intervene in operations. The Ministry of Industry and the Kaifeng Prefecture each retain a large government-run coal shop and have no power to collect coal-related taxes. The remaining coal shops are all privately owned.


This is to allow state-owned and private enterprises to compete while preventing private enterprises from driving up prices.

As for the properties operated by the royal family to the outside world, only Fanlou, Genyue, Jinmingchi and Chengbei Stadium are left.

Fan Tower is open to rent, and the income belongs to the royal family. However, the brewing rights are handed over to the government and are no longer auctioned in conjunction with the management rights of Fan Tower.

Genyue and Jinmingchi are partially open to the public. Admission fees are required to earn back some maintenance fees. Admission fees are waived during major festivals.

The stadium in the north of the city is also rented out from time to time, and the income also goes to the royal family. This shabby place is next to the Yellow River. If Kaifeng encounters a flood in the future, the royal family will be more active in fighting floods than anyone else.

Both Ju Ming and Zhang Gen took their wives to watch the game and sat in the VIP stands at the front.

The mother and daughter were talking quietly in private, but the father-in-law and son-in-law were talking about business.

Zhang Gen heard that the prince had been playing during this period, sometimes playing ball, sometimes playing polo, and sometimes playing Cuju. He couldn't help but remind him: "Games are pleasurable to the body and mind, but don't be addicted. Your Highness's investment in building this stadium will consume too much manpower and material resources."


Ju Ming smiled and said: "It's all money paid by merchants, and this land is also semi-deserted. By utilizing both aspects, it can not only activate business, but also provide entertainment for the people."

"Cuju has always been closely related to gambling," Zhang Gen said. "Gambling is very harmful to people. I don't know how many people have lost their families and died because of it."

Ju Ming looked at the city gate to the south: "The "Da Ming Law" was officially promulgated last month, so gambling must be strictly investigated."

The pornographic industry was illegal in most of the Chinese dynasties.

The gambling industry has been illegal at all times in China!

Regardless of the prevalence of gambling in the Song Dynasty, if you strictly follow the "Song Punishment Regulations", the sentences are actually more severe than those in any dynasty: those who gamble in the capital will be beheaded directly, those who open casinos will be guilty of the same crime, and those who hide and not report will be punished with the same crime. Anyone who gambles outside the capital will be punished.

Distributed and confiscated into the army.

Zhang Gen looked at the smile on his son-in-law's face and immediately understood that someone was going to be unlucky again.

The football match has started, and both father-in-law and father-in-law looked towards the field.

The football rules after Ju Ming changed them are naturally unimpeded in the military. But it is very difficult in Tokyo. The players only partially absorb the rules of Prince Edward, and the rest still play according to the old rules.

Even the goal was changed back, only it became bigger - a wooden board was erected in the air with a hole the size of a basket, and only those who hit the ball through the hole could score.

Each team has sixteen players and no goalkeeper.

The golf course was in full swing, and the gambling houses in the city were equally busy.

In its heyday, there were hundreds of casinos in and around Tokyo, and they were just open for business.

During the Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, material control was implemented in the first half year, followed by a large number of liquidations to split up the rich and powerful. This led to a depression in the gambling industry in Tokyo. Many casino owners were directly exiled to the northwest due to their involvement with the powerful people of the previous dynasty.


But just over a year later, the gambling industry is booming again.

Golden Hook Casino.

The previous boss was Gao Qiu.

Gao Qiu died of illness four months ago, and his sons quickly started a lawsuit over inheritance.

It was probably because the commotion was too big and the impact was not good. Halfway through the lawsuit, the three sons actually settled out of court.

This casino was inherited by Gao Bing, the third child. The shopkeeper was a domestic slave of the Gao family, and the waiters and thugs were all the imperial guards of the former Song Dynasty.

The casino is huge, with three floors.

There are as many as twenty or thirty types of gambling methods.

There is a special counter on the first floor for bettors to place bets. The content is similar to that of later generations of sports betting. There are those who buy winnings and losses, and there are those who buy scores, and various odds are calculated.

The croupier at the gaming table pointed at the pendulum clock he bought this year and shouted at the top of his voice: "There's only half an hour left, so you can't place any more bets. If you haven't bought yet, hurry up. It's not interesting to win or lose in this game.

If you win, you will win goals..."

Suddenly, an official ran toward the casino, taking off his official uniform as he ran. He rushed into the big counter of the casino: "Hurry... Hide the money quickly, all the gamblers will be driven away, the government is coming to check!"

The chief shopkeeper is not on the first floor. The shopkeeper in front of him cannot make the decision, and he even thinks that the official is joking.

The Song Dynasty did not arrest gamblers for hundreds of years, and the Ming Dynasty did not arrest them either. What could possibly go wrong?

"Hurry up, I have to go." The officer hugged his official uniform and ran away. He was already out of breath from exhaustion. When he went out, he saw the patrol team approaching. He was even more frightened and hurriedly mixed into the crowd.

Ju Ming had already guessed that someone had reported the news, so he used a surprise attack.

Directly let the troops returning to Kaifeng take action, without even telling the ordinary soldiers the truth. Only the most trustworthy officers were selected, each with a small team, and went to call the patrol officers in each compartment. They did not explain the mission, etc.

We didn't tell you until we got closer to the casino.

The patrol troops of the previous dynasty were changed to patrol troops, and they were merged with the Wucheng Army and Horse Division.

The Wucheng Military and Horse Department is equivalent to the police headquarters, with several sub-bureaus. The patrol room is similar to a police station, and also has the responsibilities of urban management and fire protection.

"Block all the doors of the gambling den!"

"If anyone resists arrest, he will be beaten to death."


The gamblers on the first floor saw the soldiers and police officers rushing in, and they all stood there in confusion.

Is gambling also a crime?

The chief shopkeeper is called Gao Lian, a distant nephew of Gao Qiu.

He hurried down from the second floor, holding a letter of silver dollars in his hand. Although he didn't know what the situation was, he still smiled and stuffed it into the officer's hand: "Thank you for your hard work, Master. I will use this little money to give the brothers a drink."


The officer grabbed Gao Lian by his collar and dragged him to the entrance of the casino. He pointed at the notice posted on the pillar and asked, "How long has this notice been posted?"

Gao Lian finally felt something bad, and said tremblingly: "Half... half a month."

The officer asked again: "What does the notice say?"

Gao Lian bit the bullet and read the text on it: "The Law of the Ming Dynasty has been published and issued. If gambling money is found to be more than one hundred guan and there are more than two people, or if gambling money is more than 10 guan and there are more than six gamblers, it is a gathering of people to gamble. Gambling money

It shall be confiscated, and those who organize gambling shall be exiled and fined, and those who participate in gambling shall be detained for ten days and fined. Anyone who has a fixed house used for gambling and whose gambling capital exceeds 50 yuan shall be guilty of the crime of opening a casino. Anyone who opens a casino shall be responsible for the crime of opening a casino.

Hanging, confiscation of property, and exile of the whole family. Note: Exile shall be based on household registration. Gambling shops, large and small, are ordered to close their doors within ten days, and past crimes will be forgotten. Personnel employed by casinos shall be sentenced to a sentence of not less than three months and ten years, depending on their specific crimes.

A prison sentence of not more than 10 years. For extremely heinous crimes, the sentence may be more than 10 years..."

As he thought about it, Gao Lian began to tremble all over.

The officer sneered and said: "The prince is merciful and said that he would give you ten days to close the business, but now it has been fifteen days before he came to arrest the gamblers. Do you even turn a blind eye to the court's decree?"

"Someone is hiding gambling money!"

"Whoever dares to move will be beaten to death!"

In a remote place on the second floor, someone jumped out of the window and escaped.

A soldier and two patrolmen chased after him, shouting repeatedly and not stopping, and running faster and faster.

In the horrified eyes of the two patrolmen, the soldier actually drew his bow and nocked an arrow.

Not long after, the soldier dragged the gambler with an arrow on his back and came to the officer at the main entrance: "Someone wanted to escape. I shot an arrow. I have to treat him quickly."

The officer rolled his eyes, what the hell he was shooting was an armor-piercing arrow.

Gao Lian looked at the swaying arrows, his legs became weak and he knelt down: "Master, please spare your life!"

The officer asked: "Who is the owner of this gambling shop? As long as you tell me, you may still be able to get away with it."

Gao Lian quickly said: "The gambling house used to belong to Gao Qiu, but now it belongs to his family, Sanlang Gao Bing."

"Give half of your manpower and follow me to Gaobang's house to arrest people and ransack their homes," the officer said to the patrol officers. "Don't hide gambling money secretly. If you are caught, you will be severely punished. Don't worry, the prince said that the gambling money found this time

, use 10% as a reward, and another 20% go to the Army and Police Division and the patrol room. Everyone has a share!"

"The prince is wise!"

The patrolmen suddenly became more energetic.

After a search, there were more than 800 guan on the gambling table, and more than 6,000 guan were found in the cabinet.

It is indeed the largest casino in the capital, and its profits are siphoned off by the boss every month. The working capital and income this month alone amount to several thousand dollars.

There are hundreds of casinos inside and outside the city, and even if the others are smaller, they can probably make out two to three hundred thousand coins.

Coupled with looting the casino owner's house, hehe...

Didn’t the Ministry of Accounts say they were short of money?

There it is now.

Since Gao Bing received his share of the family property, he has been living and dining in Fanlou these days.

He inherited the casino to make money from gamblers, and then contributed it to Fan Lou.

"San Xiang Gong, San Xiang Gong, it's not good!"

A domestic slave happened to go out to do some business. When he returned, he found that the Gao family was blocked. After asking a few questions, he hurried to Fanlou to report the news.

Gao Bing had a good night's play last night and was sleeping soundly. After being woken up, he became furious: "I told you a long time ago, don't listen to the eldest lady, don't come to Fanlou to seek bad luck for me!"

The domestic slave was horrified and said: "My home and gambling house have been confiscated by the government. If you open a casino, you will be sentenced to death by hanging. My family will also be confiscated according to their household registration book and exiled!"

"What did you say?" Gao Bing couldn't believe it.

"Really, the house and the casino are all surrounded." The slave said anxiously.

Gao Bing didn't bother to put on his coat, so he picked up his clothes and ran, planning to escape the capital as soon as possible.

Before he even went downstairs, a group of soldiers came over with a patrol.

It’s not just those who came here to catch the high-profile ones, there were also several casino owners who spent the last night in Fan Lou and didn’t go home.


This chapter has been completed!
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