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Chapter 713 0708 [Night Attack]

After crossing the mountains and rivers for more than 20 miles, there was another small river in front of Jin Bing.

Once the river is crossed, the terrain becomes more open. From the foothills to the seaside, the entire twelve miles is wide enough for the Jin cavalry to gallop on.

After walking two and a half miles, Wanyan Zongbi pointed to the small hill ahead and said, "We will set up camp around this mountain."

During the Liao and Jin Dynasties, the population here was not large and there were no decent place names.

But eight hundred years later, a famous battle will break out here - the Battle of Tashan!

There is no tower or mountain in Tashan.

The small hill pointed by Wanyan Zongbi is already the commanding height within a radius of ten miles.

He set up his command tent on a hill, commanding all directions from a high position, and his soldiers and civilians camped around the hill.

Under Wanyan Zongbi's command, there were only more than 5,000 meng'anmouke soldiers at this time, another 6,000 issued militiamen from various ethnic groups, and several thousand unarmored civilians with simple weapons.

The camp was set up, close to the river to the west, and extended for more than a mile to the east.

Wanyan Zongbi looked at the south with a telescope and ordered: "Towards the sea, set up a fence and be careful at night!"

There are three ways to set up camp when an army is out.

The first is to insert a gun into the camp.

This type is mostly used in areas controlled by one's own side, and there is basically no danger. Use long guns to stick around the camp, which can be regarded as demarcating boundaries and prohibiting civilians from entering.

The second option is to build a fence.

It can protect against small groups of enemies and wild beasts, and is mostly used on fast marches or in less dangerous areas.

The third type is a stronghold.

This requires trenches to be dug, earth walls to be built, and facilities such as watchtowers and arrow towers to be installed in the camp, which are mostly used in confrontations between two armies or in dangerous areas.

Although this area was very close to Jinzhou and was under the control of the Jin soldiers, Wanyan Zongbi was still worried about the Ming army attacking from the sea. He set up camps with guns on the east, west, north, and west, but built a fence on the south side facing the sea and sent cavalry at the same time.

Head to the beach for patrol.

Li Bao traveled quickly by boat and had been waiting all day and night!

Among them, two thousand Ming troops were hidden on a small island with a radius of two miles (Dayushan Island).

Another three thousand elite members of Li Bao's direct lineage landed in the dark last night, marched all night to the north, and hid in the ravines at the foothills of the north.

When Li Baotun was stationed at Juehua Island, he looted many times in the Western Liaoning Corridor and had already thoroughly explored this area.

He could even guess where the Jin soldiers camped every day. The Jin soldiers withdrew in the middle of the night and almost arrived at the Xingcheng River in the afternoon. Therefore, the Jin soldiers' camp point on the first day must be on the east or west bank of the Xingcheng River.

The camp point where the Jin soldiers camped on the second day was most likely in Huludao City in later generations. There were two rivers there. It would depend on which river the Jin soldiers would cross before setting up camp.

The Jin Bing's camp point on the third day must be near Tashan. Moreover, the journey this day is short, and if there is enough time, he must cross the river and set up camp again!

The commanding heights near Tashan are just a small hill, and Wanyan Zongbi's commanding tent is definitely set up on the hill. Most of Wanyan Zongbi's elite cavalry will stay on the mountain, and they can swoop in all directions in case of war.

Monk Li is not a monk, he is a craftsman.

His ancestors, who had no idea how many generations, were captured in the early years of the Liao Kingdom, and together with other Han craftsmen and farmers, they moved collectively to settle here in Jinzhou.

I don’t know how many years later, a large number of Bohai craftsmen and farmers were also moved to Jinzhou by the Liao State to multiply.

The political system in the middle and early period of the Liao Kingdom was very complicated, and even allowed wealthy families to own territory. Therefore, there were "private states" and "private counties". The wealthy families could take over their own territories. It was only in the middle and late period of the Liao Kingdom that some of them were gradually taken back.

that power.

But Jinzhou has remained unchanged because it was a private state of the Liao emperor.

Monk Li's ancestors have been craftsmen for generations, and at least one person in each generation must inherit the profession. Because the Emperor of Liao sent many nobles to manage Jinzhou, the craftsmen's families had to rotate to serve the emperor and nobles, and make various products for free for the government or nobles.

kind of items.

There was great chaos at the end of the Liao Dynasty, and many people died in Jinzhou.

However, the Jin people captured Yanshan Prefecture and migrated a large number of people, and Jinzhou quickly regained its vitality.

The days were getting worse and worse, because the taxes and servitude in the Kingdom of Jin were too heavy.

Monk Li was even transferred to the army this time to build siege equipment for the Jin soldiers.

He also heard the explosion outside the city, but it was too far away to see clearly. He heard from Du San, a craftsman who accompanied the army, that the Ming army was protected by the God of Thunder Bodhisattva, who sent down thunder and thunder to kill the Jin soldiers.


In the past two days, everyone was in a panic.

Not only was the reason for withdrawing the troops overnight, but the terrain along the way was rugged and narrow, and the team stretched as far as a long snake.

This kind of marching formation was extremely vulnerable to attack, so the fourth prince Jin Wushu ordered the entire army to wear armor and rush on the road. Not only did a large number of cavalry be sent to the front and rear of the team to investigate, but also elites were sent to the seaside to observe.

Now I can finally sleep peacefully. Jinzhou is ahead and everything is flat.

Although Monk Li doesn't know how to fight, he also knows that it is difficult to set up an ambush in this place.

After all the busy work, it will be dark.

Monk Li was holding a bowl of wheat porridge. Not only was the porridge very thin, but it was also mixed with a lot of wheat bran. He muttered: "We eat two meals a day, and they are all watery. How can we go on the road?"

"Just go home." Du San comforted.

Craftsmen like them who follow the army carry a full set of tools with them on the road and gain strength when setting up camp.

Having just gone to build a wooden fence at the southern camp, Monk Li was very tired, but he was only given a bowl of gruel to get rid of him.

The food of the militiamen is better than that of the craftsmen, and the food of the craftsmen is better than that of the common people.

The ones who eat the best are, of course, those who are fierce and capable of defeating the soldiers.

After eating a bowl of gruel filled with wheat bran, Monk Li still felt hungry. He curled up and lay down, holding his stomach, and said to himself: "Go to sleep, you will be full after a good sleep."

Du San put the box containing the tools next to him, wrapped the strap around his wrist a few times, and held it firmly with his hands before closing his eyes. These were the things he ate.

Although I was very hungry, I was so tired that I fell asleep in a daze.

Liu Sheng was a militiaman from Guangning Prefecture. He was a Khitan, and his surname was Liu, a common Khitan surname.

Quang Ninh Prefecture has promoted the Meng An Mou restraint system for several years, but now it is the Meng An Mou restraint and the issuing system in parallel.

Last year, during the grain collection, Liu Sheng had very little food left, and his mother also died of malnutrition.

The wheat had just been harvested this year, and before he even had time to turn in the grain tax, Liu Sheng was drawn out to fight.

He was incorporated into the cannon fodder siege force and escaped death several times.

When the Fourth Prince ordered the withdrawal of the troops, Liu Sheng seemed to be escaping from hell and walked away in fear.

The first two nights, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep soundly. I always felt that the Ming army would come after me.

Tonight, I feel relieved. We are almost to Jinzhou. After Jinzhou, we will reach our hometown of Guangning Prefecture.


The snoring sound of his fellow villager Paoze reached his ears, and Liu Sheng couldn't help but mutter: "This birdman actually sleeps quickly, and his snoring is like thunder."

Most of the issued militiamen do not have armor, but they can bring their own armor, or junior officers can receive leather armor.

Liu Sheng had no armor and fell asleep wearing common clothes.

The camp next door was full of troops, and they had been marching in front of them for the past two days.

Although I walked very slowly, I was still exhausted. I was finally able to take off my armor and sleep peacefully tonight.

Wanyan Zongbi didn't ask for much. He personally rode on horseback to inspect the southern camp and said to the Meng'an soldiers there: "You are all elites. We face the sea here. You must wear armor and sleep with weapons!"

When the Lord left, the soldiers cursed and cursed, but they could only obey orders.

But the military order can be discounted. It is very uncomfortable to sleep with the armor completely on. If you quietly loosen the belt and loosen the joints of the armor, it will be difficult for the officers to find it when they come to check.

We are almost to Jinzhou, will the Ming army still come and kill us?

Just mess around and it'll be fine.

Fourth watch.

Not only the Jin soldiers in the camp were fast asleep, but even the Jin cavalry patrolling the seaside were so exhausted that they dismounted and took a nap, leaving only a few people to continue patrolling there.

Dayushan Island, as its name suggests, is densely forested.

More than two thousand Ming troops set off on rafts in the middle of the night and rowed towards the shore less than two miles away.

Hu Yantong is responsible for commanding this army. There are two to three hundred people who were formerly members of the Song Dynasty Xiang Army. The remaining soldiers are all Shandong bandits after reorganization.

After they landed, they slowly gathered and headed towards the Jinbing camp a few miles away.

Not long after walking, a Jin cavalry patrol came, riding slowly from far to near.

In the dark, neither of them noticed the other.

Hu Yantong continued to lead his troops on the road. There were too many Ming troops, more than two thousand, and they would make noise no matter how careful they were.

When Jin Qi heard the noise and looked closely, he saw shadows in the distance and many figures standing vaguely.


The horn sounded, and the Jin army camp was alerted.

Wanyan Zongbi, who had been wearing armor, stood up and ran outside the tent. He said to the soldiers who were coming over: "The Ming army has indeed attacked the camp from the sea. I am ordering all the troops not to panic and to immediately move closer to the commander's tent to assemble. South Camp

The soldiers sleep with their armor on, so let them form a formation to resist while I lead my troops to rescue!"

The whereabouts had been exposed. Hu Yantong did not retreat. Instead, he raised his gun and shouted: "Kill!"

More than 2,000 Ming troops moved toward the camp of more than 10,000 Jin soldiers.

Li Bao and his three thousand direct descendants were farther away from Jinying. They were hidden in the foothills of the north.

Halfway through the run, he heard the Jin camp making noise, and Li Bao ordered: "The whole army hastened forward, Huyantong has been discovered!"

Liu Sheng slept so deeply that the sound of the horn did not wake him up.

It wasn't until an officer rode to the North Camp and shouted loudly along the way to gather troops that Liu Sheng finally woke up.

The officer in charge of him scrambled to his feet and ran while putting on his leather armor.

Liu Sheng's first reaction was to run away, not even thinking about weapons. After running for a while, he saw several cavalry rushing to intercept him. He was so frightened that he and other defeated soldiers quickly turned back and followed the others to assemble in confusion.

When Liu Sheng's immediate officer was gathering soldiers, he realized that he was only focused on wearing armor and had forgotten to bring weapons.

Except for the heavily guarded Jinbing South Camp, which was slightly decent, the camps in several other directions were in chaos.

"March in formation and move closer to the commander's tent!"

Another group of gold riders came over, shouting and urging along the way.

Liu Sheng spent more than ten minutes dilly-dallying from waking up, escaping, and returning to the assembly, and could not complete the assembly at all. The main reason was that he had been running around and couldn't find his troops, even if braziers were lit one after another in the camp.

It’s so easy to know the way.

Some militiamen issued by the Jin Kingdom could not find their own troops, so they simply mixed in with other troops to replenish their numbers.

They were still approaching randomly when they suddenly heard a loud roar from behind: "Kill the Jurchen! Kill the gold thief!"

Li Bao finally came with his troops.

"There is an enemy in the north, turn around quickly to meet the enemy!"


Li Bao's three thousand direct descendants trotted all the way, and when they approached Jinying, they started to speed up and shout.

Liu Sheng mingled among the signing troops and turned around to meet the enemy. The troops, which had not been fully assembled in the first place, became more chaotic after more than ten steps. No one knew how many Ming troops were killed.

Moreover, Ming troops were coming from both the north and south directions.

"Run quickly!"

As the Ming army's shouts of killing got closer and closer, some of the poorly armored Jin militiamen finally began to flee.

Liu Sheng was frightened when he was serving as cannon fodder for the siege. He was already frightened. He was one of the first militiamen to escape. Moreover, he also knew that he could not go east. That was the road back to Jinzhou, and the Ming army would definitely intercept it.

Kill, and the Jurchen soldiers will also kill the fleeing soldiers.

Almost subconsciously, Liu Sheng ran away to the west.

Over there are the Minfu Camp and the Craftsman Camp. Li Monk, Du San and other craftsmen were ordered not to move around by the Jurchen messengers and asked to wait in the camp until the battle was over.

However, the militiamen who signed the order fled over, and the craftsmen and civilians immediately exploded and fled in all directions.

"Where to escape?" Du San asked.

Monk Li cried and said, "I don't know. Let's run away first. If we can escape across the river, there should be no pursuers."

(End of chapter)

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