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Chapter 715 0710【Jin Guo really wants to negotiate peace?】

When Wanyan Zongbi was attacked at night, Wanyan Zongfu was attacking Zhendong Haikou Great Wall.

The Khitans built this Great Wall not only to deal with the Bohai Kingdom, but also to prevent Zhu Wen from crossing the sea to send troops.

After the fall of the Bohai Kingdom, the Liao Kingdom continued to repair the Great Wall at Zhendonghaikou, and the defense targets were naturally the Northern Song Dynasty and pirates.

It even gradually evolved into a customs. For example, King Qian Miao of Wuyue used this customs to trade with the Liao Kingdom. There were also Shandong merchants before the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty who quietly came here to join forces with the Liao nobles for smuggling. It was not until the Northern Song Dynasty court banned Shandong sea trade.

Li Bao led his troops to Juehua Island and Haibin County, and Zhao Li also led his troops to Goryeo. Only Yelu Yujian and Hou Gai were left in Lushun, commanding the Khitan and Han people who had defected from the Jin Kingdom.

When Wanyan Zongfu led his troops to attack the Great Wall, Yelu Yujian wrote an urgent letter asking for help, and Shandong sent demon soldiers from Salmen Island.

The attack and defense of the Zhendong Haikou Great Wall lasted for more than a month, with both sides suffering heavy casualties.

The defensive force of the Ming Dynasty was initially dominated by Khitan and Han people. At critical moments, even women were mobilized. They relied on the advantageous terrain and Great Wall fortifications, and equipped with soldiers and armor replaced by the Ming army, and defeated the Jin Kingdom time and time again.

Elite offense.

Until the demon soldiers from Salmon Island were mobilized, the battle situation was completely stable, and Wanyan Zongfu had no way to deal with the Great Wall.

Two sea ships came by the wind, and Yang Yao, who had recovered from his injuries, had been transferred to the Ming Navy.

He led a group of soldiers to land at Lushunkou. Soon Yelu Yu saw him and Hou Gai came to greet him.

When Yeluyu saw them, he asked for food: "General Yang, did you have any food delivered?"

Yang Yao replied: "The Jin soldiers were dozens of miles west of Jinzhou and were defeated by our army in a night attack. Li Gong seized a lot of grain and grass and ordered me to transport a thousand stones to support Lushun. In addition, I also brought you some


"What?" Yelu Yujian asked.

Yang Yao smiled and said: "The handsome flags of the fourth prince of the Jin Kingdom, and the heads of several generals of the Jin Kingdom."

Yeluyu was overjoyed when he saw it: "With these things, the morale of the Jin soldiers on the opposite side will definitely be greatly reduced!"

The salted heads were brought over one by one.

Hou Gai recognized Da Bian at a glance, and said with surprise and joy: "Zhi Niang, this guy is actually dead. When one hundred thousand people in Liaodong revolted, this man led his troops and killed countless rebels. He is known as the best warrior of the Bohai tribe."

"Have a good death!" Yelu Yujian clapped his hands in celebration.

At noon that day, Wanyan Zongbi's flag was hung at the northeastern end of the Great Wall, and the heads of the Jin generals were hung on long poles.

Yelu Yujian was afraid that Jin Bing could not see clearly, so he also wrote a line of big characters on a long cloth under each head to indicate the owner of the head. He also wrote a line of big characters on a long cloth under Wanyan Zongbi's flag: Wanyan Wushu

completely annihilated.

After receiving the news, Wanyan Zongfu came to the foot of the mountain to observe in person.

He knew Chinese characters, but he instantly felt cold all over his body. He couldn't figure out why Wanyan Zongbi had his handsome flag taken away?

There was also the head of Da Bian. The greatest warrior of Bohai died in battle, which dealt a huge blow to the morale of Bohai soldiers.

Returning to Huacheng Pass, Wanyan Zongfu frowned.

"It will be difficult to take down the Great Wall in Zhendong and Haikou unless tens of thousands more troops are added to attack from all parts of the Great Wall." Hu Shahu said.

Ushahu is a very common Khitan and Jurchen name. The people in Fuzhou who accompanied Wanyan Zongfu in the battle were all called Ushahu. The brother of Puluhun who was killed by Hu Yantong in a single fight was also called Ushahu.

The Falcon in front of me is the son of Wan Yanxi.

He also has a son whose real name is the same as the girl who was killed in the bombing.

Wanyan Zongfu said depressedly: "Most of the people stationed on the opposite side of the Great Wall are Han and Khitan people who defected last year. They used to help the Jin Kingdom fight with all their lives, but now they have become brave in the Ming Dynasty. Even women have climbed up the Great Wall to surrender.

Falling rocks.”

None of the generals said anything because it was really nonsense.

Wanyan Zongfu gathered tens of thousands of troops, including many elites from the Jin Kingdom. Two generals, Sanjii Lu and Hu Lubu, also came over with two troops.

Before the war, they all thought they could win easily. After all, the main force of the Ming army had been transferred from Lushun, and there were only some people who had defected from the Jin Kingdom.

The fight was not at all what I imagined!

These Han and Khitan people, wearing junk armor replaced by the Ming army and holding old weapons replaced by the Ming army, actually fought to the death and fought bloody battles.

Another Fuzhou governor named Ushahu said: "It took three years for the civilians in Liaodong to rebel, and it was completely quelled. At the most dangerous time, several prefectural cities were conquered, and the remaining soldiers hid in my home in Wubao for defense.

It wasn't until the rebel civilians ran out of food supplies and the imperial court sent elite reinforcements that the unruly people were suppressed. Don't forget that the enemy troops guarding the Great Wall were still ordinary people last year. If you push them hard, they will bite."

No one reflects on why people of all ethnic groups are fighting so hard. In their established thinking, it is normal to squeeze and exploit civilians.

Civilians are tools used to grow food, and civilians are cannon fodder recruited to fight. If civilians are forced to rebel, just lead troops to suppress it. If you kill them a few more times, no one will dare to rebel.

To this day, there are even Jurchen people working as slaves in the hands of wealthy Bohai people.

The Jin court allowed Jurchen slaves to redeem themselves, or to capture captives from other tribes in exchange for Jurchen slaves, but this was only to increase the number of Jurchen tribesmen, and did not liberate their compatriots by establishing political power.

They do this to the lower class of the Jurchen tribe, let alone people of other ethnic groups?

"Do you want to withdraw the troops?" Wanyan Falcon Shahu asked.

Wanyan Zongfu said: "I will send people to Jinzhou first to ask whether Wu Shu's army has been wiped out."

There was no need for him to send people to inquire. Wanyan Zongbi quickly sent a messenger over and gave a general outline of the battle process with slightly changed details.

Wanyan Zongfu once again summoned the generals: "Over at Wushu, we encountered a new kind of firearm. It is round, about the size of the head, and can explode after being thrown. The sound is like thunder, the light of the fire is looming, and there is smoke. The big gun is dead.

Both legs were blown off by this thing. Many elites who climbed the city had their heads shattered by this thing. Wushu called this kind of firearm an iron fireball."

When all the generals heard this, they were all horrified.

Khulu asked: "I'm afraid it's a bit exaggerated. How can a mortal make such a firearm?"

Wanyan Zongfu shook his head and said: "Many soldiers have seen it with their own eyes. There should be no lies. Talan's troops have also seen it. This kind of firearm may be newly made by the Ming army. There are not many in quantity at present. It is only used to deal with me."

Elite military."

Hu Shahu was surprised and said: "If in another two years, the Ming Dynasty makes more such firearms, how will they be able to attack cities in the future? For example, for the Great Wall of Zhendong Haikou in front of us, the Ming army only needs to transport one or two hundred iron weapons.

Fireballs, throw them down at the critical moment and blast our warriors. This Great Wall will never be recaptured."

The generals fell silent again, and the war gradually became unfamiliar.

First, the Ming army fought across the sea, turning the rear of the Jin Kingdom into a front line. They also took advantage of the lack of troops along the coast to capture the Great Wall at Zhendong Haikou. Not only could the Ming army fight across the sea, but their warships were also equipped with artillery. Now they have

What iron fireball.

I heard that Wanyan Zongwang also encountered many firecrackers from the Ming army.

These Jin generals were a little confused about how to fight in the future.

Hu Shahu said: "Can we also learn those firearms?"

Wanyan Zongfu said: "A fine work has been left in the Ming Dynasty, but the firearms of the Ming army are strictly controlled, and even ordinary Ming soldiers are not allowed to touch them."

The generals discussed repeatedly and agreed that the attack could not be continued.

They are clamoring to withdraw their troops and then forcefully attack the Great Wall, which is no different than committing suicide.

Wanyan Zongfu had no choice but to obey everyone's wishes.

But he was afraid that the Ming army would increase its troops in Lushun, so he sent Meng'an under Sanji Lu to garrison in Huacheng Pass and Huacheng County to prevent the Ming army from increasing its troops from Lushun and attacking Guancheng.

The Jin army evacuated, and the soldiers and civilians of Lushun cheered.

In fact, they are all common people, not even the garrison. They usually farm and fish, and in wartime they are enlisted as rural soldiers, just to live a normal life.

The only regular troops here are Yelu Yujian and Hou Gai, each with 500 field troops.

As for the demon soldiers on Salmon Island, they do not belong to Port Arthur.

Wanyan Zongfu and Wanyan Zongbi, after arranging frontline defenses, each returned to the Kingdom of Jin and went to Beijing.

One returned without success, and the other returned with a miserable defeat. They are simply brothers in distress.

In the absence of Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang, Wanyan Talan and others, Wanyan Xie also presided over the Bojilie Conference.

Wu Qimai was sitting in the main seat, feeling quite at ease.

It would be disadvantageous for the generals on the front line to fight, but it would be beneficial to the Emperor of Jin.

"The Ming army is so brave that we, the Jin Kingdom, should shrink our troops," Wanyan Xie also said, "Now each army is divided into three, one is in Yunzhong and the grassland, one is in Youyan Prefecture, and the other is in Liaodong and Liaozhong

.The spread is too scattered and too wide, and it is controlled by others everywhere. It is impossible to integrate the various ministries, and it is extremely difficult to transport military supplies. I think that Youyun should be abandoned and the ministries should be taken back to the hinterland."

Wanyan Zongfu said: "I agree with this method. Not only will the armies be taken back, but the people of all ethnic groups will also be moved back to enrich the coastal population east of Jinzhou. The Sixteenth State of Youyun will be given to the Ming Dynasty and the local goods will be taken away.

and population in exchange for peace between Jin and Ming. While there is no war with Ming, we can stockpile food for a few years and suppress all the rebellions in various places. It will not be too late to start a war after the soldiers have enough food."

Wanyan Zongqian said: "On the grassland, the Yelu Rock is not reassuring. We have gone south to plunder it twice this year. After negotiating peace with the Ming Dynasty, we should mobilize troops to destroy the Yelu Rock!"

"What do you think about the Wu room?" Wu Qimai looked at Wanyan Xiyin.

Wanyan Xiyin, as the founder of Jurchen writing, had completely turned to Wanyan Zonghan at this time, and was one of Wanyan Zonghan's confidants in the imperial court.

Wanyan Xiyin said: "The two countries have stopped fighting to negotiate peace. It is a matter of great importance. We should seek the opinions of the two marshals leading the troops. Nianhan is still fighting with the Ming army in Shanxi. Your Majesty must send an envoy there. There are only two marshals leading the troops.

The peace talks can only be implemented if you agree, otherwise there will be no negotiation at all."

"Then send the minister to talk to these two good students." Wu Qimai nodded.

Wanyan Zonghan was in Shanxi and was being attacked by the Ming army from three directions.

(End of chapter)

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