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Chapter 79 0075Daming Village

 At the foot of the mountain.

The duties of the civil servants sent from household affairs and military affairs are called hand division.

In the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty, Shou Fen's status was higher than that of Tie Si, and now he has been reduced to Tie Si's deputy, somewhat similar to the deputy section chief of various departments in the county government.

These two deputy section chiefs accompanied the army all the way to take charge of the army's money and food account books. They must also handle the seized stolen goods.

That time in Xiabai Village, it was an illegal operation, and Xiang Zhixian's servant was breaking the rules.

At this time, when they heard that the officers and soldiers had captured the bandits' stronghold, how could the two deputy section chiefs hold back? They immediately clamored to go up the mountain to take over the stolen goods.

As soon as I left the tent, I was stopped.

Lu Shoufen angrily shouted: "Are you going to rebel?"

Bai Sheng came over with a man carrying a wine jar, nodded and bowed and said: "You two must calm down. We haven't caught the remaining bandits yet. Zhu Dutou is afraid that you two are in danger. Please stay on the ship for two more days."

Cao Shufen said: "I will be loyal to the court and kill thieves. I am not afraid of danger."

"It's really dangerous!"

Bai Sheng held a knife in his hand, and the archer behind him held wine, blocking the road.

Whether to eat a knife or drink wine, the two deputy section chiefs must make a choice.

Lu Shoufen was the first to give up. He coughed and said, "I'm very thirsty. I just want to drink to quench my thirst."

Bai Sheng asked: "Lu Shoufen is thirsty, how about Cao Shoufen?"

"I...I'm thirsty too." Cao Shuifan looked at the knife in Bai Sheng's hand and stepped back in fear.

Bai Sheng threw the knife to the archer, fetched a jar of fine wine, took it in personally and said, "I'm thirsty too. Let's drink a few more glasses with you two."

Bai Sheng's martial arts skills are not good, so he is not suitable for fighting in battle, but his brain is relatively flexible, which is suitable for handling this kind of thing.

Bowl after bowl, they kept asking for wine and kept forcing them to drink.

Both deputy section chiefs drank and vomited. They didn't eat breakfast either. They kept drinking on an empty stomach. They vomited and finally collapsed.

Bai Sheng was also dizzy, so he got up and walked outside the tent, instructing the archer: "Guard here. If these two birdmen wake up, let them continue drinking. The white man sent twenty jars of wine outside, which is enough for them to drink.

A few days.”

The guy staggered back, fell down and fell asleep with a proud smile on his face.

He is finally doing big things, and the county government officials can handle them, and he is no longer the country ruffian he used to be.


A large number of bandits and their families were led to kneel down together.

The chairs in the meeting room were moved out, and Zhu Ming sat upright with his sword in hand and said: "All those who occupy more than two hundred acres of land will be found. You can report them. If anyone finds someone with two hundred acres of land, I guarantee that his whole family will survive."


As soon as these words came out, the bandits immediately became excited.

"I've hidden one here!"

"I have one here too!"


Anyone with more than 200 acres of land must be a bandit leader, or at least a bandit leader. Such people have too much influence and are not conducive to Ju Ming's control. They must be eradicated, and the land they get can be used to distribute favors.

One after another, most of them were young people.

Their father belonged to the leader and died while looting Shangbai Village, but the property was not taken away yet.

Ju Ming said to Zhang Guangdao: "Single out those who have good friendship with you and spare them the death penalty."

These people were so blessed that they crawled towards Zhang Guangdao one after another, kowtowed frantically and begged him for help.

Zhang Guangdao just sneered and didn't choose any one.

Ju Ming then ordered: "All beheaded and their families escorted to the county government."

Zhang Guangdao suddenly said: "Brother Yao's wife usually treats me well, can you spare her life? She... is related to Yang Jun."

"You can handle it yourself." Ju Ming gave him enough face.

Zhang Guangdao said gratefully: "Thank you very much, Dutou!"

Ju Ming added: "If you pick two more, I will make them leaders and reward them with a hundred acres of land."

Zhang Guangdao immediately went to look for the prisoners. He and Yao Fang were the ones who brought them to Heifeng Village. They were not liquidated because of their low status.

Ju Ming is not a bandit, so he certainly did not choose the leader for robbery.

This is similar to the Baojia system. The so-called leader is the Baojia chief. They are given land to make them stronger, help them manage the village, and are responsible for recruiting young people for training.

Zhang Guangdao selected two Baojia captains, but the number was not enough.

Zhu Ming shouted: "Are the Tian brothers here? There are also two brothers who were at the riverside to erase the official seal of Ma'er for me."

Tian Er, Tian San, and Lu Wang ran out happily, but Ding Dafang died in the chaos last night. His son came out to pay respects on his father's behalf.

Zhu Ming helped them up with his own hands, and said with a pleasant expression: "You and I have an old relationship, and each of you will be given a hundred acres of land. Can you follow me from now on?"

"I listen to Brother Zhu!"

The four of them were almost knocked unconscious by happiness, and they hurriedly kowtowed to acknowledge their master.

Six security chiefs were temporarily selected, and Ju Ming said to them: "You must work hard. If you do well, you will be rewarded in the future. Today's one hundred acres of land is just a meeting gift."

The six people lay prone on the ground and thanked him again and again.

In order to quickly stabilize the situation, Ju Ming must act generously.

Not only was he generous to these six people, but he also showed kindness to many thieves, and even more generously rewarded the archers he brought with him.

Zhu Ming turned around with his sword and said to the remaining prisoners: "I don't like to kill indiscriminately, and you are all forced to become thieves. Follow me from now on, and I guarantee that your life will be better. Males over fifteen years old will be rewarded with one reward per person."

Acres of land! Women over the age of fifteen will be rewarded with half an acre of land! Those who want to receive the land reward can come and register their names later."

This is the preparation for household registration and uniforming the people.

Take advantage of the reward opportunity to quickly find out the population and acres of land in your own territory.

Baskets of bandits' belongings were carried out by the archers.

Ju Ming distributed rewards on the spot. Zhang Guangdao and the archers who led the attack were each rewarded with fifteen guan. The injured were rewarded with an additional three guan. The four unlucky guys who were injured had already been sent to pick them up.

The other archers who participated in the battle were all rewarded with twelve guans, and the injured were rewarded with two more guans.

There are also rewards and pensions for the head of the capital, the deputy head of the capital, the ten generals, those who have made meritorious services, and those who died in battle. For example, Chen Ziyi and Zhang Guangdao, as the head of the capital, will receive an additional three hundred guan reward.

Even the soldiers and civilians at the foot of the mountain can receive several hundred yuan each.

As soon as the rewards were given, one-fifth of the cash just seized was lost.

All of this was done in public, and the archers were all inexplicably excited as they watched their wealth dwindle little by little.

War soldiers can receive more than ten guan, which is enough for them to buy several acres of paddy fields when they return home. If they switch to mountainous land, they can buy more than ten acres!

Even though Ju Ming took most of the money, even if Ju Ming took over the tea mountains and fields, they still felt that Ju Ming was very righteous.

Those libertines were even more happy. Most of them served as small chiefs and could receive thirty or forty guan rewards. Some of them served as deputy chiefs and even received more than 200 guan.

This is not only a reward, but also the honor for them to kill the thief.

When you get home, you can brag to your neighbors!

Striking while the iron was hot, Ju Ming said to the archers: "That day we made a big fuss in the county government and offended the government officials to death. These birdies don't dare to do anything to me, I'm afraid they will take it out on you. When I return to my hometown from now on, which brother will have a bad life?

, you can bring your family to Heifeng Village. I will keep your whole family safe, and I will also give you property to settle down!"

"I'm so confused!"

The archers all bowed down and had their hearts set on Ju Ming. If he was forced too much by the government in the future, he would definitely drag his family and his family away to seek refuge in Heifeng Village.

Some archers were arranged to carry the rewards down the mountain.

Ten guan of iron coins weighed more than sixty kilograms. Many people received rewards exceeding one hundred kilograms, and they had to go to great lengths to transport them back home.

Ju Ming was very considerate and organized them into groups according to their place of origin. After returning to the county town, they returned to their hometowns in twos and threes to avoid being robbed along the way.

"Come here and register!"

Zhu Ming wrote it himself, with Chen Ziyi helping him. Only the two of them were literate.

Well, there are two more libertines who are also literate, but Ju Ming is really worried.

Chen Ziyi was a little confused: "Brother Zhu just took over this place?"

"I have already promised to the magistrate." Zhu Ming said.

Chen Ziyi slapped his head fiercely: "I remember, I did make a promise."

Chen Ziyi didn't say anything unnecessary.

He received more than 300 guan reward this time, and he has decided to go to Qinfeng Road to join the army. What happens in Heifeng Village is none of his business.

Zhu Ming took up his pen and thought for a long time, then slowly and with amusement, he wrote a few big characters: Daming Village Household Registration and Field Register.

One after another, the prisoners came to report their family information, including how many acres of land they had.

After working for a long time, a man came over with his head lowered.

Ju Ming asked: "Name."

"Li Wangfu." Byford said hoarsely.

Ju Ming put down his brush: "Why don't you dare to look at me? Lift your head!"

Byford was so frightened that he turned around and ran away, but was immediately forked back by the archer next to him.

Ju Ming glanced at it and said expressionlessly: "Drag it down and chop it!"

It was not until evening that the household registration was finally compiled. Ju Ming, who had not slept since last night, just wanted to lie in bed and rest.

Excluding those killed by officers and soldiers and those who were escorted to the county government, there were only 694 people left in Ju Ming's territory. Among them, 251 were adult men, 268 were adult women, and 175 were children under 15 years old.

The population is a bit small!

Last night, it was all in vain. Not to mention the officers and soldiers taking action, some of the bandits trampled on each other and died.

More people will be attracted in the future.

Fortunately, there are not many elderly people, and the ratio of young men to women is very high.

At the foot of the mountain.

The two deputy section chiefs were pretending to sleep and woke up once at noon.

As soon as they spoke a few words, the archers forced them to drink wine and didn't even give them food. If they didn't pretend to be asleep, they were afraid they would drink themselves to death!

"That man surnamed Zhu is very ambitious. He is young but very courageous. He wants to occupy Heifeng Village by himself!" Cao Shoufen said angrily.

"Please keep your voice down," Lu Shoufen said, "How much better is Xiangzhi County? Xiangzhi County has taken away all the goods in Xiabai Village. From what I see, the person surnamed Zhu, Xiangzhi County, and that

Except for Mr. Bai, the three of them have already discussed it. Each of us will get a share, and everyone will make a profit. It’s just the two of us who will suffer haha.”

Cao Shoufen suppressed his anger and said: "We came to take charge of the army's money and food, but we can only get out and not get in. We didn't get even half a penny. We drank a lot of wine!"

The two of them became increasingly angry as they talked.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside, and they were so frightened that they quickly shut up.

Zhu Ming led the two archers in, smiled and said with his hands, "Two gentlemen, I am busy with military affairs, so I really don't take good care of them. Fortunately, they have been sorted out. Here are the household registration and field registration here."

Archers came forward with torches to help them light up.

The two deputy section chiefs opened it and saw that it was full of parts and components.

Heifengzhai and surrounding areas will be renamed Daming Village from now on.

There are a total population of 184 people, with 105 acres and 3 cents of tea mountain, 65 acres and 2 cents of middle fields, and 401 acres and 4 cents of lower fields. Due to the night attack and the burning of the bandit's stronghold, most of the property has been burned, leaving only 78 strings and 401 coins of iron money.

Who the hell believes this?

It’s like fooling the government into thinking they are fools!

Ju Ming smiled and said, "I am seriously injured and will have to recuperate for a few months. Chen and Zhang will take the archers and civilians back home."

Cao Shoufen couldn't help but complain: "Since Zhu Dutou was seriously injured, he was able to go down the mountain himself. He is really a strange person in the world."

Zhu Ming didn't waste any time and asked the archer to bring in a basket: "Here are thirty strings of coins. I picked them up when I went down the mountain. Why don't you borrow flowers and offer them to the Buddha?"

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, not to mention that one person can divide it fifteen times, which is already considered generous.

Lu Shoufen quickly said: "I saw with my own eyes that Zhu Du was injured on the head, and the injury was very serious. It is true that he will not be able to return to the county government office to recover!"

"Yes, yes, Zhu Du's head is indeed injured." Cao Shoufen continued.

If I don't express my position, I'm afraid I won't continue to drink, but will get drunk in the army and accidentally fall into the river and drown.

This chapter has been completed!
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