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Chapter 784 0779 [A spoonful of stew]

There was still a stalemate in the exchange, and a group of frantic big businessmen sent their relatives or cronies to the warehouse with the manifest.

At this time, the gameplay of the Tokyo Stock Exchange was quite crude and primitive.

They couldn't buy or sell short because they didn't have the conditions. They even dug out silver coins from the cellar and carried them to the exchange in baskets because they were more convenient than copper coins.

Half a month ago, the imperial court took advantage of the big merchants' speculation and issued Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes in Tokyo.

As a result, a large number of merchants carried copper coins to exchange for treasure notes, so that they could operate on the exchange.

The incidental function of the exchange is reflected in: enhancing currency circulation!

By opening the Tokyo Exchange, Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes were issued in the capital, and the silver coins hidden in the cellar also came to light.

In addition, each manifest has a limited pick-up date and a specific pick-up location. If the pick-up date is exceeded, additional warehouse usage fees will be paid.

Big merchants come to the warehouse with their manifests, certainly not to pick up the goods.

"Everyone, the delivery date for your order has not yet arrived." The clerk replied with a smile on his face.

A son of a big businessman said: "We are not here to pick up the goods, but today we are here to inspect them."

The official explained: "All the goods in the exchange's manifests have been inspected long ago. Only when you pick up the goods can you re-inspect the goods. If you find that the goods are inferior and the goods are inferior, you can appeal to the exchange.


"We need to inspect the goods now!"

"I can't inspect the goods now because the delivery period hasn't arrived yet."

"We have been watching all the warehouses. They are not cloth at all but coal. The exchange cannot do this. You have broken the rules and harmed the merchants!"

"There are no bad rules, everything is in compliance."

"If you dare not inspect the goods for us, you must have broken the rules. There is no goods in the warehouse at all. I have already found out clearly that the warehouse on the cargo list contains coal that was shipped ten days ago!"

"There are no bad rules."

"Inspection! Inspection!"


Big businessmen have invested so much money, so they naturally have to keep a close eye on everything.

Not only did they send people to keep an eye on the cargo ships entering and leaving Kaifeng, they also bribed the officials at the treasury warehouse and the exchange warehouse. They didn't do anything illegal, they just asked the officials to help pass on the news.

Once new goods arrive in the warehouse, notify them immediately.

These people were very sure that the large amount of manifests that the prince produced corresponded to the warehouse being filled with coal and no cloth at all.

The incident got worse and worse, and even many retail investors, fearful of losing money, spontaneously came to the warehouse to protest.

When hundreds of people had gathered, an eighth-grade official appeared, smiling and everyone handed over: "I am the officer here, and I can understand your mood. But these cargo orders are really in compliance with the regulations. Please be patient and bear with me."

I'll explain slowly."

After the official finished speaking, he shut up and waited for the scene to gradually quiet down.

The warehouse manager continued: "Because too many people only speculated on orders but did not pick up the goods, the cloth warehouse was overstocked, and other warehouses could only be used for storage. Now all kinds of warehouses are full. In order to cope with the warehouse explosion, the imperial court ordered several major companies in Kaifeng to

Official charcoal farm, buy coal within a time limit and clear out this warehouse..."

"What does this have to do with us?" a merchant asked impatiently.

The warehouse manager smiled and said: "It will take time for the official charcoal yard to receive the order from the court to buy coal and clear the warehouse. In the next few days, they will move the coal from this warehouse. As for the cloth on your inventory, it will be shipped during the delivery period.

In the past, we all moved into this warehouse, and I guarantee that it won’t delay you in picking up the goods.”

Wu Yong, who ranked second in terms of financial resources in Tokyo Distribution Bank, came to the warehouse in person at this moment: "Since they haven't entered the warehouse yet, why should the exchange let them place orders?"

The warehouse clerk asked back: "Don't you all read the exchange's detailed rules? There is no requirement that you have to enter the warehouse before you can place an order. It only stipulates that you can place an order after verifying the goods. You merchants, regardless of people's livelihood, only speculate in orders without picking up the goods, and you are turning the government on

The warehouses and warehouses are full. Not only are they cooking cloth, there are also people who are bold enough to fry rice and wheat these days! In order to store more goods, the imperial court can only urgently allocate other warehouses."

"Let me tell you the truth, the goods list and the cloth in your hands are all in the military warehouse. The officials of the exchange have already gone to the military warehouse to inspect the goods. We are just waiting for the official charcoal yard to clear out the coal here.

The cloth from the military warehouse can deliver the goods. And it must be before the delivery period. Take a look, these are the deed attachments from Guantan Bank confirming the delivery within the time limit, and these are the attachments to the deed from the military warehouse to transport the goods into the warehouse within the time limit."

"Everything has compliance certificates. If they violate the contract, they will compensate and fine according to the contract!"

"Excuse me, Mr. Wu, do you have any questions?"

Wu Yong stood stunned on the spot, completely speechless.

Due to the movement of goods from all over Tokyo, there are simply not enough warehouses, and several canals are lined with warehouses.

Therefore, a large amount of military supplies were not stored in Tokyo at all, but were placed in the Chenliu Army Depot thirty miles away.

This is a normal operation. For example, the Ming Dynasty in another time and space couldn't place it outside Beijing, so it directly built a warehouse and stored it in Tongzhou next door.

Who dares to pry into this important military warehouse?

Even if you dare to inquire, you can't ask anything. At most, you can quietly observe how many ships and cars have been put into the warehouse recently.

Only the top brass of the Cabinet, Privy Council, General Council, Ministry of War, and Ministry of Revenue know about it. Even middle-level officials are not allowed to inquire about it casually, because it is an absolute state secret!

By now, Wu Yong could basically guess that Chenliu's army warehouse was probably full of cloth.

And it's just used to deal with them incidentally.

Chen Liu's army warehouse was hoarding supplies because last year's major case caused turmoil in official circles across the country. The prince was afraid of trouble in the capital, so he directly transferred tens of thousands of soldiers to the capital. These soldiers have been stationed around the capital for a whole year!

Accordingly, the military resources that were originally supposed to be transferred to the front line were naturally transferred to the Chenliu Army Depot.

In fact, there is another reason. In order to start a war with the Jin Kingdom, Ju Ming has been secretly gathering supplies in Chenliu. He did not make a big fanfare to disturb the people, nor did he use the scientific distribution system. He just intercepted a part of the physical taxes from the tax offices along the Bian River and marched into the warehouse.


Just a little bit a month will add up to a huge amount in a year.

Now is the third year of quietly storing it!

There are so many military supplies, including cloth, in Chenliu's military warehouse that they can no longer be piled up.

Even if war started with the Jin Kingdom immediately, Ming Dynasty did not need to temporarily recruit supplies. Because not only Chenliu's military warehouse was almost full, but the military warehouses in Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, and Shaanxi were also very sufficient.

After getting rid of the three-redundancy problem in the Northern Song Dynasty, various reforms were also deepened, and the population gradually recovered, and the abandoned land was re-cultivated, which was very scary given the size of China.

The financial liabilities of previous years were all paid off at the beginning of last year.

As the national treasury is abundant, investment in water conservancy has been increased since last year, focusing mainly on improving the Yellow River and Jingjiang water systems.

A group of businessmen from the capital want to start a futures war with the wealthy imperial court?

Their thinking is still stuck in the financial embarrassment of the former Song Dynasty!

Outside the exchange.

Zhao Kai squatted anxiously at the door, his ears full of messy gossip.

Zhao Shu rushed over, panting: "Huh...huh...the army warehouse...it's the goods from the army warehouse. I heard that Chenliu's army warehouse is full of cloth..."

"It's over, it's over..." Zhao Kai was struck by lightning.

Since the reputation of the former Song Dynasty royal family was less and less cared about, his situation became even worse.

After learning from the painful experience, Zhao Kai studied his painting skills seriously and imitated Song Huizong's paintings to an eighty-nine-point similarity.

Even if a master can still tell that it is a fake, he can always deceive some wealthy laymen. Some people even bought Zhao Kai's paintings and took them to the south to sell them as the "legacy works" of Song Huizong.

After making money again by selling his "father's paintings", Zhao Kai became lavish in consumption again.

Last year, due to a major case, all the former Song Dynasty royal family were under house arrest and did not regain their freedom until New Year's Day. Zhao Kai probably suppressed it so much that he spent revengefully this year. For a period of time, he directly regarded Fan Lou as his home. Instead, he owed Fan Lou.

The landlord was in debt and even mortgaged the house he purchased.

Seeing that he could make money by speculating in futures, Zhao Kai quickly pulled Zhao Shu along with him.

They didn't even get hot shit to eat, and the price was already very high when they entered. They borrowed money everywhere, but couldn't buy much.

Once the investment fails, both brothers will have to drink from the northwest wind.

"Brother, what should I do?" Zhao Shu's face turned pale.

Zhao Kai sat slumped under the corner, staring blankly at the sky: "What else can I do? Paint slowly and pay off the debt."

Zhao Shu said anxiously: "You can make money by painting, but how can I live?"

"You figure it out yourself." Zhao Kai said angrily.

Zhao Shu was furious, grabbed Zhao Kai's lapel and said, "I said speculating is unreliable, so you have to drag me here. If I lose all my money, you have to help me pay off my debt!"

Zhao Kai looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water: "If I ask you to fry the seeds, you will fry the seeds. If I ask you to die, will you die too? You are greedy, so don't blame me."

Zhao Shu was so angry that he started to punch and kick, but Zhao Kai put his head in his hands and allowed him to beat him.

At the end of the fight, Zhao Shu was also discouraged.

The brothers re-entered the exchange and saw that the big merchants no longer scanned orders and the other investors were unwilling to trade, and they suddenly felt a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Trading of cloth commodities on the exchange has been suspended.

Prince's goods are still being thrown out, but no one is picking up.


An hour before the exchange was about to close, bank accounts who had received the news came to buy orders one after another.

These are serious shop owners who sell cloth. Perhaps they are timid, perhaps because they are slow to act, or perhaps they believe that the government will take action. They are not involved in speculating, they just follow the cloth dealers to increase the retail price, and then use their little inventory to sell cloth.


The higher the price of cloth goods, the less willing they are to buy, waiting for the price to drop before purchasing.

Many shops have sold out all the fabrics, so we are just waiting for today!

In the past, even if they purchased goods at a low price, they would not dare to sell them at a lower price privately, because they would be suppressed by big merchants.

But now I don't care. Can the verbal agreement of the guild be bigger than the prince's?

As long as the exchange can run smoothly, there is no need to depend on the big traders in the future!

And the vast majority of ordinary people, seeing that the price of cloth has risen too much, are reluctant to make winter clothes and quilts, and temporarily use last year's old clothes and quilts to carry them.

As long as small merchants buy the Prince's order and automatically lower the retail price, they can take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. People who are short of cloth and come to buy goods can even form long queues in front of the store.

The cloth trade, which had been temporarily suspended, suddenly became so popular.

Looking at the lively scene in the exchange, all the people involved in speculating, no matter wealthy businessmen or ordinary retail investors, were all as despairing as if they were in mourning.

Especially those lunatics who are speculating on loans, they really want to jump into the Bian River and kill them all!


At this moment, an official suddenly rushed in and beat the gong and announced: "The imperial court reiterates the decree that any loan exceeding the legal maximum interest rate is illegal usury. Not only is the loan deed invalid, the borrower can also report it to the government to receive a reward!"

Zhao Shu, who was already thinking about jumping into the river, jumped to life when he heard this and shouted in the exchange: "Long live the Ming Dynasty, long live the official family, long live the prince! My mortgaged house does not need to be taken away!"

This guy really went to borrow money from a loan shark to speculate, and he didn't tell his brother yet, fearing that Zhao Kai would get jealous and ask him to borrow money.

Prince Zhu's move can be said to kill several birds with one stone.

Not only did he take the opportunity to issue Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes in Tokyo, he also allowed the silver coins in the cellars of wealthy households to circulate again. He also taught the wealthy businessmen in Tokyo a lesson and reiterated the law to crack down on usury.

The Jews in the capital will lose their pants this time!


This chapter has been completed!
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