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Chapter 809 0804 [Choice of Prince Consort?]

Due to the need to station troops to defend the Liao Kingdom, the border of Hebei Province in the Northern Song Dynasty was very finely divided.

Since the Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty had no more border troubles, it was natural to redraw the boundaries here.

First, Zhaozhou was merged into Zhending Prefecture, and Zhaozhou was reduced to Zhao County.

Then, Jizhou and Shenzhou were merged into Hejian Prefecture, and the two states were reduced to Jixian and Shenxian respectively.

Baozhou, Dingzhou, Qizhou, Yongning Army, Ansu Army, Guangxin Army, Shun'an Army, these state armies were merged into Baoding Prefecture, and all areas governed by state armies were downgraded to counties.

Xiongzhou, Bazhou, Mozhou, Qingzhou, and Baoding Army were merged into Xiongan Prefecture, and its government was located in Baoding Military City (southwest of Ba County).

After learning that the emperor was inspecting the Juma River, the Xiongan prefect, Tongpan and other officials immediately set out to pay their respects.

They followed the north branch of the Hutuo River and hurried to the town, but found that the emperor had already left. So they chased all the way, and when they arrived at Baigou Station, they realized that the emperor had already turned back and headed for Baiyangdian.

The county magistrate of Rongcheng was already with the emperor, and the magistrates of Renqiu and Gaoyang were also rushing towards him.

Although the county magistrate cannot run across the border, Baiyangdian spans these three counties!

By the Hutuo River and Baiyangdian Lake, Ju Ming had rested for a day in Zheng Town.

The magistrate of Renqiu County has already arrived to pick him up, and this place belongs to his jurisdiction.

Accompanying the emperor, Magistrate Renqiu introduced warmly: "Your Majesty, Baiyangdian was called Zuze in ancient times. Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, it has been called Dawodian, Xiaowodian, Julidian, Xidian, Xitang and many other names. When the drought is severe, some

The place will dry up and be divided into many large and small ponds. The largest one is called Baiyangdian or Xitang."

The Rongcheng County Magistrate was smiling. He said these things two days ago. But now he is a cross-border escort and there is no need to compete with the local magistrate for the limelight.

After introducing the origin of Baiyangdian, Magistrate Renqiu then talked about its management in recent years.

Although Ju Ming had listened to the report several times, he did not interrupt the person's speech, but listened while enjoying the scenery.

After Magistrate Renqiu finished speaking, Zhu Ming asked: "How many months in a year can many ponds be connected together?"

Magistrate Renqiu said: "Half a year."

Ju Ming said: "It takes one or two months longer than Rongcheng County."

The magistrate of Rongcheng County quickly explained: "The Baiyangdian Lake in Renqiu County is connected to the Hutuo River, so the flood season is longer. The Baiyangdian River in Rongcheng County is connected to the Juma River. Because the Juma River is dry and shallow, the amount of water is

Slightly lacking.”

Fu Xingzhong said: "In the next 20 to 30 years, whether it is Juma River or Baiyangdian, they will use the dry season to dredge the rivers and lakes every year. By the way, the rivers and lakes will be dug deeper. The excavated silt will be transported to the Juma River by boat.

The north bank and lower reaches of the river will be used to improve the many saline-alkali lands there. This will not only increase the water capacity of the Juma River and Baiyangdian Lake, but also transform many fertile fields."

Ju Ming said: "More trees should be planted near the water."

"I have been planting trees." Fu Xingzhong said.

The construction of water conservancy facilities in ancient China was often accompanied by tree planting activities. What trees should be planted and where they should be planted have long formed a set of rules.

Ju Ming also said: "The forests in the upper reaches must not be exploited or cut down indiscriminately."

"A small amount of felling by ordinary people will not cause any serious harm to this place," Fu Xingzhong said.

This is also true. Cutting down by ordinary people will have little impact on the Hebei water system.

The premise is that Beijing cannot be the capital...

Ju Ming asked: "Have you ever been to the upper reaches of the Yellow River (the middle section of the Yellow River)?"

Fu Xingzhong said: "I have been there. Those prefectures and counties are all made of loess, and the erosion of the floods will bring the silt downstream."

Ju Ming said: "More trees can be planted upstream to protect the water and soil."

Fu Xingzhong smiled bitterly: "Easier to know than to do. First, it is difficult to plant, and second, it is difficult to prevent logging."

Ju Ming expressed his understanding. It is one thing to know what to do, but another thing to be able to do it.

In ancient times, it was absolutely impossible to do it!

"Your Majesty, the magistrate of Xiongan is here."

"Bring them here."

The prefect's name is Liu Yizhi, a native of Zhejiang.

The judge's name is Chen Kangbo, a native of Jiangxi.

Liu Yizhi is a stable bureaucrat. He will take care of those he doesn't like, but most of the time he does nothing. He always firmly believes that a good official is one who doesn't bother.

Chen Kangbo was very radical.

In the late years of Shaoxing, the Jin soldiers invaded the south, known as the "Millions of Four Routes" southward.

At that time, both Yue Fei and Qin Hui were dead, Zhao Gou himself was also very old, and the front line suffered successive defeats. Some ministers advised Zhao Gou to pay money to negotiate peace, and some ministers advised Zhao Gou to hunt south in Fujian.

Zhao Gou was disheartened and issued an edict: "If the enemy has not retreated, all the officials will be scattered."

In a word, let fate take its course.

After Chen Kangbo received the order, he burned the thing directly without letting the lower officials see it, and then rushed into the palace to persuade Zhao Gou to conquer it personally.

While Zhao Gou was hesitating, news of the great victory at Caishiji came back.

In his later years, Chen Kangbo had retired due to illness, but the Jin soldiers arrived again. He was appointed prime minister and privy envoy, and was granted the title of Duke of Lu. He rushed from his hometown to fight against the Jin despite his illness.

The Jin soldiers retreated, and he also died of illness.

So now the Xiong'an Prefecture is very interesting, with Liu Yizhi as the top leader to stabilize the overall situation, and Chen Kangbo as the second leader to make things happen.

One plays a good role and the other plays a bad role, making the officials and wealthy people in the jurisdiction submissive.

The land allocation was quickly completed, the reform of civil servants was also completed, and water conservancy projects were built every year to improve people's livelihood.

"Your Majesty, Liu Yizhi (Chen Kangbo), pays homage to your Majesty!"

The two came forward to greet each other.

Ju Ming smiled and said: "No need to give me any gifts. Is it a hard journey?"

This question made the two of them speechless for a moment.

They thought that the emperor was walking very slowly because of his grand ceremony. So when they heard the news, they went after him, but they went in a big circle and failed to catch up with the emperor.

"Get on the boat." Zhu Ming took the lead and stepped onto the boat.

Although Baiyangdian is large in area, many areas are not deep, and large ships will run aground if they are not careful.

What Magistrate Renqiu prepared was a few ordinary small passenger boats, decorated in red and green.

The emperor, the prefect, general magistrates, county magistrates, secretaries, and eunuchs all rode in the same boat. The chief secretary, professors, and the county's scholars and officials rode in the same boat.

The remaining ships were all filled with the emperor's personal guards and entourage, who were always ready to rescue the emperor if the ship capsized.

The scholars in this county were most excited. They were brought by Professor Ren Qiu. One of them has the status of a scholar and was tested by the emperor himself just now.

The fleet passed through the reed swamps, and the water in front was covered with lotus leaves.

Zhu Ming got excited and rowed the oars himself, and the prefect and tongpan quickly came to help.

"You have managed Xiongan Mansion extremely well." Zhu Ming praised.

Liu Yizhi said: "This is all the result of Chen Tongpan. I am just sitting in the palace."

Chen Kangbo said: "Prefect Liu is the one at the helm."

"Hahahahaha," Zhu Ming laughed happily, "You two officials, you two, work well together. If officials all over the world can do this, then why worry about the country not being prosperous?"

"I don't dare to be praised by His Majesty."

The two of them felt very refreshed, just like drinking ice water in the dog days of summer.

Ju Ming asked: "What do you want to do, but you can't do it yourself? It's okay to just say it today."

Liu Yizhi looked at Chen Kangbo, who nodded in response.

Liu Yizhi said: "The two counties on the north bank of the Juma River should also be placed under the jurisdiction of Xiongan Prefecture. This approach has two benefits. One is to facilitate the management of rivers and lakes, and the other is to facilitate the coordination of irrigation. If there are any disputes over water, the prefecture will

The government can also quickly start mediation. If the North Bank is not merged into Xiongan Prefecture, in ten or twenty years, I am afraid that this large area of ​​rivers and lakes will continue to have disputes."

Ju Ming thought carefully, nodded and said, "That makes sense."

Zhu Ming turned to the secretary transferred from the General Government Yuan and said, "Please note that Xincheng and Yongqing counties will be placed under the jurisdiction of Xiongan Prefecture next year."

The new secretary is Su Qin, a native of Quanzhou and a former student of the Song Dynasty.

When he was a boy, he was thin and was nicknamed "the bad chicken" by his classmates. Su Qin wrote a poem in response: "There is no way that the bad chicken has not faded, and its feathers are piled in piles. At the fifth watch, the sky announces the dawn, and thousands of households are at ease.


(During the Southern Song Dynasty, Wu Lin guarded Hanzhong and mostly relied on Su Qin for logistical dispatch. In order to win over civil servants, Wu Lin gave him tens of thousands of coins and dozens of pieces of Shu brocade, but Su Qin took nothing from him. Therefore, the relationship between the two was extremely harmonious.)

Su Qin quickly recorded it.

There was a person next to me who was also taking notes. He was the man accompanying the driver.

The living man's name is Chen Ao. He is only seventeen years old this year and is the second Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty.

Historically, this man was even more awesome. He was awarded the Jinshi Scholarship at the age of sixteen. Seeing the country in decline and all the people in dire straits, Chen Ao actually resigned from his post and went to study martial arts.

A few years later, he successfully passed the martial arts examination and became the first in the military examination and served as a navy general under Han Shizhong.

A few years later, Zhao Gou summoned military generals for a duel, and Chen Ao ranked first among the generals in the duel. He can basically be regarded as the number one scholar in military affairs.

His younger brother Chen E also abandoned literature and embraced martial arts, and also became the top scholar in martial arts.

Unfortunately, the two brothers were involved in political struggles. Their father was a civil servant of the main war faction, and they themselves were military generals. After Yue Fei's death, they were idle for twenty years.

Chen Ao quickly wrote down a daily note, and then quietly listened to the conversation between the emperor and the officials.

He was appointed by the emperor to be a layman.

As the youngest Jinshi since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Chen Ao has attracted much attention before he became an official.

Ju Ming also liked him very much, and often invited him to do morning exercises with him, and even took him with him when he went to Tiansi Prison to ride horses.

Because Chen Ao can ride and shoot, and he also learned swordsmanship when he was a child.

"Is this the lotus root picking season?" Zhu Ming asked an idiotic question.

Liu Yizhi said: "You can only pick lotus roots after autumn."

Chen Kangbo said: "Lotus roots bloom later here than in the south. You can also pick lotus root strips at this time."

Zhu Ming laughed loudly and asked: "Who will help me pick some lotus root whips?"

"I go!"

I saw Qi Julang standing up first, putting down his brush, taking off his clothes, and then jumped into the lake.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Ming clapped his hands and laughed: "Hong Lao can be a water general!"

Chen Ao, a young man with a free and uninhibited mind, stood in the waist-deep lake: "If the official family is short of generals, I will abandon civil service and join the military to lead the army in war!"

"You are from the south, how long can you hold your breath?" Zhu Ming asked.

Chen Ao replied: "Not much, just half a quarter of an hour."

After saying that, Chen Ao dived into the bottom of the lake and picked lotus roots for the emperor to bring to the emperor. His two long legs stretched out of the lake and kicked around.

Is this a fucking living man?

All the officials were stunned. Isn't it too out of shape?

Ju Ming smiled and liked the young man more and more.

He understood his father's thoughts very well. As his sister got older, it was time to choose a prince-in-law.

Zhu Guoxiang has been looking for a son-in-law, and there are twenty or thirty candidates.

It wasn't until Chen Ao became a Jinshi as a young boy and he was tall and handsome that he immediately came into Zhu Guoxiang's sight. Then he examined his character and became more and more satisfied with Chen Ao, because he not only had good conduct, but also had a cheerful and interesting personality.

If the princess gets married, she will never feel bored.


This chapter has been completed!
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