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Chapter 811 0806 [Father, it’s better to surrender to the Ming Dynasty! 】

The Hongji tribe between Hulun Lake and Beir Lake has officially surrendered to the Mongolian Khan Hebul.

Moreover, the two tribes were fully intermarrying. Two of Hebule Khan's sons married noble daughters of the Hongji La tribe. At the same time, he married one of his daughters to a noble of the Hong Ji La tribe.

There is an unreliable rumor that this place is rich in handsome guys and beauties.

Genghis Khan later stipulated that the daughter of leader Hongjila would be the queen of the Mongolian king from generation to generation. The son of leader Hongjila would be the consort of Mongolia from generation to generation.

The Hongjira family to Mongolia is similar to the Xiao family to the Liao Kingdom. To put it bluntly, it is a political marriage.

After conquering the Hongji tribe, Mongolian power became stronger and stronger.

Half of the leaders of Tatar's tribes were beaten into submission by Hebul Khan, and the remaining half fled south to seek help from the Kingdom of Jin.

The Mongols did not continue the pursuit, but marched towards the Greater Khingan Mountains to conquer the small tribes further east.

In this regard, Jin Guoai can do nothing to help!

The Jin Kingdom was short of troops to deal with the Ming Dynasty. How could they find elite troops to take care of the Hulunbuir Grassland?

Going to Beijing, Bojilie Conference.

Emperor Wu of the Jin Kingdom was begging for money and was half lying down and half sitting on the throne.

Wu Qimai often suffered from gout due to drinking too much in the past two years. The pain made it difficult not to walk, but even to sit, as if someone was driving nails everywhere in his body.

"The Ming army has a shipyard in Baozhou and has built hundreds of (inland river) ships," Wanyan Zongfu said. "Since the beginning of this year, the Ming army has repeatedly followed the Yalu River deep into our country of Dajin. They also

The people in the mountains were taken away, and there were even fewer people in the mountainous area of ​​​​Posu Road."

Wanyan Zongbi went on to say: "The Ming army will definitely send out a large number of troops in Baozhou to attack our Posu Road City in Dajin. Then they can divide their troops into two groups and go north in the mountains to capture Liaoyang. The other group will go west to attack Huacheng.

Cooperate with the Ming army to cross the sea and attack the Great Wall at Haikou, Zhendong. When the two armies advance together, Liaoyang will be under the front of the Ming army."

Wanyan Zongfu said: "I suggest that all Datong troops be transferred back to Liaodong!"

Wanyan Zonghan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked: "Don't you want Datong?"

Wanyan Zongbi said: "It was not the land of Dajin. Even if it was taken from the Liao Kingdom, Emperor Taizu did not want to run it. If the Han officials in the north had not dissuaded it, Datong would have been sold to the Song Dynasty long ago."

Wanyan Zonghan sneered: "We have lost Datong, do we still need the Monan Grassland? Once the Ming army captures Datong, those tribes in the Monan Grassland will all openly rebel against Dajin. They will help the Ming army fight and march eastward to Yanshan Mountain."

North, cut off the retreat route of our Yanshan West Road defenders!"

"If you try to protect everything, your troops will be scattered and defeated by the enemy one by one!" Wanyan Zongfu said.

Wanyan Zongqian suddenly said: "Liaoyang is the cornerstone of the country. If Liaoyang falls, Dajin is in danger."

Wanyan Zonghan said: "How many troops can the Ming army have when they cross the sea? There is no problem in Liaoyang holding on for two or three months. When there is heavy snow in winter, the enemy can only retreat."

Wanyan Zongfu said: "South of the Yalu River, the number of Ming troops is increasing. If the Ming army keeps increasing its troops in Baozhou, it is possible to station 100,000 troops in the Yalu River. One hundred thousand troops will go north from the Yalu River, and some will cross the sea to fight.

, how can Liaoyang be defended? We must abandon Datong and return to defend Liaoyang. My suggestion is to transfer the main force of Yanshan back and leave only a part to guard Xiongguan. Then concentrate our forces and fight the Ming army in Liaoyang!"

"I think this method is feasible." Wanyan Zongqian said.

Wanyan Zonghan looked at Zong Fu and Zong Bi who were wearing a pair of trousers, and then at Zong Qian who was obviously supporting them, and he suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted.

Tired, destroy it!

From the perspective of Zong Qian, Zong Fu and Zong Bi, a large army must be mobilized to defend Liaoyang.

Yu Gong, if Liaoyang falls, the Jin Kingdom's main production areas of grain and iron will be gone. The most staunch allies of the Jin Kingdom's aristocrats, the Liaoyang and Bohai clans, will also rebel against the Jin and join the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the Jin Kingdom's military resources will be directly reduced by half.

In private, the base of the three of them is mainly in the Liaoning area. Once Liaoyang falls, no one will be able to control Wanyan Zonghan, and the three of them will have to rely on him to live their lives.

The venue was silent, no one spoke.

Wu Qimai was still half lying down, like a sleeping Buddha.

Wanyan Zongpan, Wu Qimai's son, felt a strange sense of joy in his heart when he looked at the arguing political opponents.

The two factions that are about to fight today have been working together to evade the emperor and prevent him, the emperor's eldest son, from succeeding to the throne. Are you happy now? You deserve it!

Seeing that he could not convince the other party, Wanyan Zonghan began to threaten in disguise: "How about this, I will dispatch some militiamen to Liaodong. Then, we will each fight our own way, and do not interfere with each other."


Zong Qian, Zong Fu, and Zong Bi objected in unison.

The core elite of the Jin Kingdom are all in the hands of Wanyan Zonghan. Once the families are divided and each fights his own way, how can the decisive battle of Liaoyang be won?

"Then listen to me." Wanyan Zonghan said forcefully.

Wanyan Zongqian asked: "How do you want to fight? It is impossible to plunder Youzhou. The Ming army has built walls south of Gubeikou and Xifengkou."

Wanyan Zonghan said: "It is possible to pass through the fortress after building it, but it is not possible to transport large quantities of grain and grass. Send eight thousand knights, one man and four horses, to carry half a month of grain and grass. They do not bring any grain, only a small amount of salt and bean cakes, and let the war horses eat the grass by themselves."

"These eight thousand people are divided into more than ten groups and go around the Ming army's stronghold. It doesn't matter if one or two groups are eaten by the Ming army."

"Then they robbed the Ming army's grain team and went all the way to Juma River, then went west to plunder Yizhou, and even went to Zhending of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming army's chariot formation was powerful, but they ran slowly.

They will be exhausted by our army."

"When you get to Zhending, you don't attack the city. When you see a village, you grab food and burn whatever you can't take away. If you really run out of food, you eat people!"

"Zhending Mansion is a prosperous place with a large population. Once disrupted by us, the Ming Dynasty will mobilize various armies and slowly shrink in an attempt to surround us and annihilate us. No matter how many ways the Ming army comes to surround us, we will only choose one way to go.

Fight, seize the opportunity to annihilate them, and then attack the other group..."

While Wanyan Zonghan was talking endlessly, Wanyan Zongfu asked: "If the Ming army lets you plunder, and their main force only attacks Liaoyang, what should they do then? Even if you rob the entire Hebei area and slaughter dozens of civilians,

Thousands, but what’s the use of Liaoyang if it’s lost?”

Wanyan Zonghan could not answer.

Even if it were Huang Taiji, he would be blinded in this situation.

The land of Youyan is no longer afraid of robbery, because it is sparsely populated. If the Jin soldiers going south want to collect food, they must cross the Song-Liao boundary river and get food at Zhending and Baoding. If they are not careful, they will be captured by the Ming army.

Relying on the boundary river to block the way, those Jin soldiers who went south would be completely wiped out.

Even if Li Bao, Yue Fei, Wang Yan, Li Yanxian and others were all fools, they allowed Wanyan Zonghan to turn Hebei upside down. But if Liaoyang is gone, what should the Jin Kingdom do?

After thinking hard in silence for a long time, Wanyan Zonghan spoke again: "The Ming Dynasty probably wants to fight in Liaoyang. Their chariot formation is very powerful. I have already seen it. You must not fight according to their wishes!"

"This is all nonsense, please come up with a feasible charter." Wanyan Zongfu said.

Wanyan Zonghan said: "Regardless of the consequences, a large number of militiamen were recruited to defend Jinzhou, Guangning, Fuzhou, Liaoyang, Chengzhou and other cities. However, the main force of our army pretended to withdraw from Datong and Yanshan, luring the enemy to go deep and then launch a surprise attack. Or it was luring them.

After the enemy penetrates deeply, cut off the enemy's food route!"

"As long as Liaoyang can be delayed until winter, the enemy can be forced to retreat. And if I lure the enemy deeper, I can annihilate the other two Ming armies and seize the opportunity to seize a large amount of food and grass."

This plan made Wanyan Zongfu a little excited, and he waved for someone to bring the map.

Wanyan Zonghan's idea is very crazy and bold.

That is to abandon the northern part of Shanxi and the Yanshan Mountains, Yanmen Pass, Gubeikou, and Xifengkou. It will lure the Ming army to the grassland, prolong the Ming army's supply line, and at the same time make the Ming army soldiers proud and careless.

Then, look for opportunities to encircle and annihilate the Ming army, or cut off the Ming army's supply lines.

Wanyan Zongfu said: "Liaoyang can cooperate and should take the initiative to start the war. The Ming Dynasty cannot be allowed to station troops and grain in Baozhou."

"How do you want to fight?" Wanyan Zonghan asked.

Wanyan Zongfu said: "Because I was afraid of the Ming army's attack, I did not dare to build ships in the Yalu River. But I secretly built many ships in the lower reaches of the Hun River. Although they were much smaller than the Ming army's ships, they were still capable of fighting.

I also built a lot of small boats and used them as fire ships to attack the Ming navy. When the Ming fleet went deep into the Yalu River, thousands of boats were launched to launch a surprise attack."

"No matter how many ships of the Ming army can be burned, the Posu Road must be defended after the war begins. Send troops to the villages on the south bank of the Yalu River, plunder the villages in Baozhou at night, burn the houses and grab food, and then withdraw to the mountains. If the Ming army pursues

, set up an ambush in the mountains!"

"In this way, the time for the Baozhou Ming Army to move north can be delayed."

Wanyan Zonghan nodded in approval: "Excellent!"

The two factions, which were about to fall apart, actually worked together again.

After the meeting, Wanyan Zongpan helped Wu beg to buy it back.

Wanyan Zongpan said: "If Nianhan is allowed to win another battle, who can control him in the future?"

Wu Qimai sighed: "You still hope that he will lose the battle? If we lose this battle, you and I will become prisoners of the Ming army."

Wanyan Zongpan said: "If he wins, he will have the final say in the court, and everyone must be obedient. Including the group of rebellious officials and traitors in the court, they must obey him. At that time, what will happen if he has evil intentions again?

?Will you kill your father and become the emperor yourself?"

"He doesn't dare," Wu Qimai said, "he doesn't have the blood of Taizu."

"That's not necessarily the case," Wanyan Zongpan said. "This battle is a matter of life and death. If he wins, his achievements will be as great as those of Taizu. He certainly wouldn't dare to openly kill the king, but it would be unreasonable to let his father and the prince die in an accident.


Wu Qimai remained silent, feeling really scared.

After a long while, Wu Qimai asked: "What do you want to do?"

Wanyan Zongpan said: "Secretly sent people to contact the Ming Dynasty and told them Nianhan's plan to lure the enemy. He took the opportunity to profess vassalage to the Ming Dynasty and dedicate the land before the Liao Kingdom to the Ming Dynasty. My father and son can still be emperors in Shangjing, but

Become the emperor of the Ming Dynasty! Just like Xixia."

Wu Qimai was stunned when he heard this: "You can do this kind of thing? How can you explain it to the nobles in the country?"

Wanyan Zongpan said: "As long as Nianhan is defeated, the Ming army will march straight in. Who else can stop Dajin? By that time, I am afraid that the leaders of various ministries will still persuade my father to surrender to the Ming Dynasty. To surrender to the Ming Dynasty is just to follow the trend and go to the capital.

What's the use of the Ming Dynasty taking this bitter cold land? If we surrender early, they will definitely not come."

Wu Qimai hesitated.

Wanyan Zongpan asked: "Father, is it better to submit to the Ming Dynasty and become the emperor like Xixia did? Or is it better to be a puppet who can't even leave the palace like now? Is it better for father to be a puppet?"

Wu Qimai thought hard for a long time, then suddenly his mouth twisted, he rolled his eyes and fell down: "I... I am paralyzed by wind syndrome, I can't... control you..."

Wanyan Zongpan was overjoyed and immediately shouted in panic: "Your Majesty has had a stroke, Your Majesty has had a stroke!"


This chapter has been completed!
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