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Chapter 84 0079 [The capable Lu Tixue] (please subscribe)

 All the subordinate officials had troubled faces, especially those in gray clothes. They didn't come empty-handed, they all had something in their hands.

I have already climbed the mountain once in the morning. Wine, food, pen and ink...many items were carried up and down by the guide. Finally I was able to rest in Shangbai Village. I had just got off the boat and had to go, so I had to go to the steeper Heilongjiang Mountains.


Really, if we keep going like this for a few more days, the gray-clothed officials might get together and strangle the tixueshi to death!

Xiang Zhixian blinked at Bai Zongwang, hoping that the other party would persuade him. He should have been the one to persuade him, but Xiang Zhixian was afraid of making Ti Xue envoy unhappy.

Bai Zongwang hasn't figured out how to learn from Lu Ti yet. He doesn't want to take risks and just pretends he hasn't seen anything.

At this time, Zhu Ming said: "Ti Xue Rongzi, the road to Heifeng Village is quite far, and we may have to reach it at night. And when the officers and soldiers were suppressing the bandits, they climbed the cliff and attacked at night, burning the thieves' nest to the ground.

, now there is nothing but ruins. It is really unsightly and cannot be used by Lu Ti to learn Dharma.”

"Can we arrive after dark?" Lu Tixue asked.

"Exactly," Xiang Zhixian said quickly, "the bandit stronghold is far away and the mountain road is difficult to navigate, so it can stay there for decades."

Lu Tixue thought about it carefully and finally relented: "That's it, I won't go today."

Everyone seemed to have received an amnesty, and the man in gray who was responsible for clearing the way quickly beat the gong and moved forward, fearing that he would change his mind if he walked too slowly.

Although Lu Tixue is a scholar, his physical strength is very good. After a lot of hard work in the morning, he is still energetic at this time. He does not sit on the slide prepared by the Bai family, but walks striding with a cane. He is probably trained by long-term travel.

While walking among the fields, Lu Tixue became concerned about farming again. Pointing to the rice in the field, he said, "This rice is grown very well. I would like to ask the county magistrate for your advice to farmers."

Xiang Zhixian was suddenly praised, and all his bones felt a few taels lighter. He was flattered and said: "Farming is the foundation of all industries. The lower officials don't have much ability, so they can only do their best to persuade the farmers and contribute their meager efforts to the official family."

Bai Dalang suddenly said: "The rice planted by Mr. Zhu is the best!"

Lu Tixue smiled disdainfully and said: "Where can your husband come from in a remote countryside?"

Bai Zongwang said quickly: "The dog is short-sighted. When he meets a virtuous person, he will call him a gentleman. He just respects his virtue and has no intention of overstepping his bounds."

"Oh, what kind of virtue does Mr. Zhu have?" Lu Tixue asked casually.

Bai Zongwang said: "Please go over there if you want to study."

Everyone came to the edge of the experimental field, and the seedlings here were obviously stronger.

Lu Tixue praised: "Good fields, good rice. But why is there no water in the fields? Now is the time to irrigate and topdress."

This tutor actually knows how to farm!

Zhu Guoxiang cupped his hands and said: "The tillering in this field is too vigorous, so the field must be drained and dried to prevent the seedlings from continuing to tiller."

"Who are you?" Lu Tixue asked.

He introduced to the magistrate: "This is none other than Mr. Zhu Xianggong, the father of Zhu Ming, a scholar from the Eighth Route Army."

Lu Tixue then looked at each other and asked: "Aren't you afraid that the rice will die if you drain the fields and dry them?"

"You should proceed with caution. When to drain water and when to re-irrigate, you must look at the color of leaves and the number of stems." Zhu Guoxiang explained.

Lu Tixue became interested: "Let's talk about it in detail."

Zhu Guoxiang immediately took off his shoes and went to the field, rolled up his sleeves and pushed aside the rice leaves, bent down and pointed at the bottom of the seedlings and said: "Please look at it to learn..."

Lu Tixuezhen came closer and bent down to look at the rice stalks.

Zhu Guoxiang began to talk about scientific rice cultivation, and Lu Tixue listened attentively and carefully. One of them spoke enthusiastically, and the other listened happily, completely forgetting the others.

After talking for more than ten minutes, the exhausted subordinates stood on the field ridge and yawned out of boredom.

There were twenty scholars from the county accompanying him, but only a few were listening. The rest were looking around, hoping to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

But those two people became more and more enthusiastic as they talked.

After talking about rice planting, Zhu Guoxiang continued to popularize agricultural knowledge: "I know that in the south of the Yangtze River, the land is narrow and there are many people. Farming must use the best of the land, and there are many practices of interplanting. However, interplanting is not done in the right way, which damages the soil and cannot yield more crops. I have studied for many years.

The thirteen methods of intercropping were derived.”

"What are the Thirteen Methods of Interplanting?" Lu Tixue was very interested.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "The first method is to interplant high and short crops. It is difficult to interplant crops of the same height, and they will not grow well if there is insufficient light. Interplanting crops of different heights can provide ventilation and light..."

"The second method is to plant in deep and shallow layers. Some crops have deep roots, and some crops have shallow roots. They are rooted in the soil, each gets what they need, and they can also promote each other..."

"The third method is interplanting with round tips. Some crops have round leaves, and some crops have pointed leaves..."

A total of thirteen interplanting rules were mentioned, and Lu Tixue clapped his hands and exclaimed: "A true farmer is a genius, and he deserves to be recognized as such!"

"This is a ridiculous compliment." Zhu Guoxiang cupped his hands and smiled.

Lu Tixue turned around and asked the principal of the county school: "Professor Qian, do you know where I come from?"

Professor Qian said quickly: "Please give me some advice."

Lu Tixue glanced at the twenty accompanying scholars: "When I was young, I studied under Mr. Qingxi, Mr. Qingxi also learned from Mr. Shiquan, Mr. Shiquan learned from Mr. Dafang... Mr. Yizhu also learned from Mr. Anding!


This man mentioned twelve gentlemen in one breath, and Ju Ming was almost confused after listening to it.

It wasn't until he said the words "Mr. Anding" that Zhu Ming finally understood that Lu Tixue was trying to flatter himself.

Mr. Anding was Hu Yuan, one of the founders of Neo-Confucianism. When he was alive, he had more than 1,700 disciples and disciples. Among the ten new scholars in the early Song Dynasty, four or five were his disciples.

Lu Tixue no longer walked forward, but stood on the ridge of the field and boasted: "In my lineage, we adhere to the teachings of our ancestors. In addition to understanding the meaning of the scriptures, we must also learn how to manage things. You can see why we need to learn

To manage things?"

"I don't know."

"Please give me some advice."


Officials, professors, and scholars all saluted and asked Lu Ti to teach him.

Lu Tixue was very satisfied with this. He stood with his hands behind his hands and talked eloquently: "Only after learning the meaning of the scriptures can you have the tools to do great things. And to do great things, you can also be a governor and you can do something." Mr. Anding taught, scholars

You should focus on photographing one thing, and you should also photograph another matter at the same time. When I was a boy, I was studying, and besides reading scriptures, I specialized in photographing farming affairs and also photographed geography."

Good guy, such an unconventional guy is really capable. He takes Confucian classics as a compulsory course, agriculture as a professional course, and also takes geography as an elective course - no wonder he likes traveling.

Everyone originally looked down upon Lu Tixue, but now they couldn't help but admire him again after listening to him.

It has to be said that Hu Yuan, the founder of Neo-Confucianism, had very advanced teaching methods hundreds of years later.

Hu Yuan listed Confucian classics as a basic course, but at the same time he did not let his disciples study obsessively. He advocated that everyone should study according to their own nature, that is, whatever they are interested in, then go ahead and study it. But you should not be greedy for too much, and you should choose one.

Main major, and then choose a minor major. Whether it is poetry, poetry, construction and water conservancy, it is best to study it thoroughly and pay attention to practice.

Lu Ti learned to be a good teacher and continued to preach: "You should not study behind closed doors. You should go out and walk more. In addition to the meaning of the scriptures, you should also deal with things, and don't be like bookworms. Farming is to deal with things, and doing business is also to deal with things.

I have a friend who is good at carpentry work. But you despise it in your heart, thinking that the carpenter has lost his ambition by playing around with things? No! The big waterwheel my friend built can spin flax without using human power. It is a miraculous craftsmanship!"

Zhu Ming was overjoyed and asked: "Can I ask you to tell me the name of this old friend? I admire him so much that I want to ask him face to face."

Lu Tixue said with a smile: "My friend's name is Pang Zhen, and his courtesy name is Benwu. He is now the Zhijun of Lianshui, which is far away from Xixiang County."

Pang Zhen?

Ju Ming had never heard of it, and it was probably buried in the tide of history.

Lu Tixue continued to brag, and this time it was even more nonsense. He only talked about his schooling experience when he was a boy. He talked about how he lost his father when he was young, how hard it was at home, and how he studied hungry, in order to encourage all scholars to study hard.


Once he started talking, he never finished, and everyone fell asleep listening to it.

Moreover, brother, can you change the place? It’s really hard to stand on the field ridge. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to sit and talk at Bai’s house?

Lu Tixue didn't care about this and talked for more than an hour.

After talking about studying, he talked about rushing to take the exam, and also talked about interesting things about setting up stalls in the capital.

Zhu Ming whispered to his father: "Dean Zhu, you used to speak at school, is this the case?"

Zhu Guoxiang also became impatient and complained: "I basically limit my speeches in public to less than half an hour. This man has the demeanor of our principal. He can speak for two or three hours without drinking water." Lu Tixue

The official position is equivalent to the director of education...?"

Ju Ming said: "The power should be greater. He takes orders directly from the Ministry of Education and does not need to look good to any local officials."


After listening for a while, Zhu Ming covered his mouth and yawned quietly. He was almost asleep.

Lu Tixue continued to brag: "Before I passed the imperial examination, I had the honor to meet Mr. Dongpo..."

Hearing Su Shi, Zhu Ming cheered up suddenly.

Lu Tixue said with joy: "Mr. Dongpo is good at poetry, and he is also good at photographing delicious food. Pork is something that ordinary people don't understand about cooking. Mr. Dongpo invented fresh noodles and a strange method of cooking pork. I can eat it and it smells delicious."

It’s not greasy, it’s truly a fairy thing in the world. Is there pork here? I’ll give it a try and cook it for you with my own hands.”

What the hell?

Just now we were talking about rushing for the exam, now you have to cook pork yourself?

Xiang Zhixian cursed in his heart, despising this old man for being difficult to serve.

Zhu Guoxiang whispered to his son: "This tutor seems to be a bit crazy like you. He thinks out of his mind."

Zhu Ming rolled his eyes and said, "I appreciate your compliments."

Bai Zongwang called his son: "Go back quickly and leave some pork in the pot!"

Bai Dalang said worriedly: "I'm afraid it's already been done."

"Then kill another pig!" Bai Zongwang shouted.

It was too late, Lu Tixue actually strode forward and immediately went to cook Dongpo Pork for everyone.

Bai Zongwang said quickly: "Zhu Chenggong, a scholar from the Eighth Route Army who is talented in learning, wrote a Mongolian text called "The Three-Character Classic" and asked Lu Ti to learn Yazheng!"

Lu Tixue stopped and said, "How can the Mongolian text be called a scripture? Take it for a quick look. If it is not written well, I will reprimand you."

Zhu Ming was already prepared and immediately took out a few pieces of paper.

(Thanks to Madman Bomb, the leader of Border Town Prodigal BO for the reward.)

(Please subscribe, please subscribe. As for monthly tickets, I don’t ask for them. Lao Wang thought that the event counted monthly tickets for the entire month, so he ordered 8,000 votes. Now I know that only the votes for the seven days before the launch are counted. This will definitely not complete the task, and then

I cried stupidly...)

This chapter has been completed!
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