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Chapter 819 0814 [Huangtou Shiwei]

The young man who gave Wanyan Zongxian advice was named He Shilie Zhining.

His father's name was He Shilie Saba, and he had been beheaded by the Ming army.

And his father-in-law is Jin Wushu.

He also has a little brother of the same race, named Heshi Lieliangbi. He is only fourteen years old this year, but he is already a teacher in Shangjing, responsible for teaching Jurchen writing, with 200 students. Later, at the age of seventeen, he was promoted to Shangshu, provincial magistrate, and fourth.

At the age of ten, he served as the deputy prime minister of the Jin Kingdom, and when he was less than fifty, he became the prime minister of the Jin Kingdom.

In addition, Wanyan Zongxian's biological mother also came from the Heshilie tribe.

In the early stages of Aguda's expansion, the biggest enemy was the Heshilie tribe. Through wars and marriages, they continued to conquer, divide, and win over, and only then did the Wanyan clan annex the Heshilie tribes.

"It seems they have really rebelled." Wanyan Zongxian was worried.

Heshi Liezhining said: "You cannot go out of the city to fight."

Wanyan Zongxian said: "I know."

There are only more than a thousand Jurchen soldiers in Liaoyang City, and there are hundreds of yellow-headed Jurchen (Huangtou Shiwei) slave soldiers captured from the Heilongjiang River Basin. The rest are relatively loyal Xi soldiers and Han soldiers, all directly recruited from the refugees.

The young men recruited have nothing to do with the heroes of various races.

Although the total number of troops defending the city exceeds 4,000, it is difficult to guarantee their combat effectiveness because they have not fought many battles.

The number of Bohai cavalry outside the city is less than a thousand, but they are all elites who have been on the battlefield for a long time.

Once they leave the city to fight, the Liaoyang defenders will definitely be defeated!

What's more, they have to divide their troops to guard the big families in the city.

Wang Zheng was still shouting outside the city, pointing at Wanyan Zongxian and roaring: "When I followed your father to conquer the Liao Kingdom, you couldn't even ride a horse. Today I came back from a bloody battle, and you insulted the loyal ministers of Dajin like this..."

As he was talking, this guy suddenly knelt down, looked up at the sky and cried: "Your Majesty Taizu, how could the country you conquered have fallen to this... Wuwuwuwu!"


All the clan soldiers knelt down and looked at the sky, wailing outside the city.

Wanyan Zongxian said nothing, thinking whether he should kill all the clans in the city.

Heshi Liezhining said: "We can't kill them for the time being. Most of the people in the city are Bohai people. Once the Bohai nobles are massacred, the people may be frightened and revolt. When the chaos breaks out in the city, there are Bohai elites outside the city. Liaoyang will cooperate with the inside and outside.


"I'm worried about the Hesu Pavilion," Wanyan Zongxian said. "Gao Jingshan and Wang Zheng have rebelled against the Jin Dynasty. The other Bohai people may also have ulterior motives. If they don't pay attention to the front line, they will be defeated."

Seeing that crying to heaven and earth didn't work, Gao Jingshan stopped acting and got up and climbed on the horse's back: "Blow the trumpet!"


The trumpet sounded loudly outside the city, and nearly a thousand Bohai cavalry galloped around the city, trying to send the signal to the tribesmen inside the city.

After blowing the trumpet, Wang Zheng had already gone around the other city wall and shouted to the Han soldiers and Xi soldiers guarding the city: "How did the Jurchens oppress you? You were originally farming in Youyan, but you were forcibly moved to Liaodong by the Jurchens. Day and night

You have worked hard but cannot fill your stomach, and all the food you have grown has been taken away by the Jurchens. You have become refugees, and many fellow villagers have starved to death. The Jurchens have recruited you as soldiers, but they are just treating you like dogs!"

"The Han people in the north are also Han people, and now the Han emperor has come to kill them. The Jin soldiers were defeated by the Han emperor in the Huosu Pavilion. Do you want to follow the Jurchens and wait to die?"

"The emperor of the Han family said that as long as the Jurchens are killed and rebelled, the Han people and the children of the Xi people can all share the land and be taxed!"

"Support the Emperor of Han and kill the Jurchens!"

"Support the Emperor of Han and kill the Jurchens!"

Wang Zheng's voice was very loud. He rushed to the city and ran back and forth, dodging arrows and shouting at the same time.

The Han soldiers and Xi soldiers who were guarding the city gradually stopped shooting arrows after hearing this.

They thought that the main force of the Jin army had been defeated and the Huesu Pavilion had been captured by the Han emperor.

If that's the case, why do you want to follow the Jurchens to death?

Wanyan Zongxian rode from the west city and scolded the city defenders: "Don't listen to his nonsense. We have 200,000 soldiers of Dajin. They are all brave and good warriors. How can a mere Han emperor defeat the warriors of Dajin? You have all done it before.

You are refugees. If it had not been taken in by the Dajin court, you would have starved to death! In the past two years, the food and salary you have received is only slightly lower than that of the Jurchen warriors. Has the Dajin court ever treated you badly?"

Due to the sharp decline in the Jurchen population, the Jin Kingdom began to recruit young refugees who had lost their leaders.

Especially the Han and Xi people, they left their hometowns and moved to Liaodong, but they had no heroes who could protect them.

They were all homeless and had no country. They were recruited to train the army, and their food and salary were increased. They were indeed more obedient than the soldiers of the powerful commanders.

Under Wanyan Zongxian's scolding, these people subconsciously drew their bows and shot arrows again.

Wang Zheng was so frightened that he quickly rode his horse to avoid it, but was still hit by an arrow in the back. Fortunately, his armor protected him and it did not penetrate deeply into his flesh.

However, Gao Jingshan sent someone to shout on the other side of the city wall: "Yu Liduo (Wanyan Zongfu) has been defeated. Hesu Pavilion, Tangchi, and Chengzhou have all been captured by the Ming army. Yin Liduo led the remaining soldiers and fled to Yongning, the Kingdom of Jin

It is about to perish, and the Kingdom of Jin is about to perish!”

The soldiers guarding the city were shaken in morale.

No one knew what happened in the Huosu Pavilion. They only knew that the two powerful commanders rebelled.

One is the commander of the guards and the army, and the other is Bohai Wanhu. These two powerful commanders are powerful enough, and there must be a big problem with the Jin soldiers on the front line.

Within the city.

The local wealthy families in Liaoyang were not under house arrest and still lived in their own homes. They just couldn't leave at will.

The family members of wealthy families sent from other prefectures and counties were concentrated and settled near the government office.

Just taking hostages is not the same as guarding prisoners!

If you go too far, even if the Jin Kingdom wins this battle, it will force the powerful people of all ethnic groups to rebel.

Several teams of Jurchen soldiers were sent to strengthen surveillance of the major wealthy families. Everyone was ordered not to leave their residences, and martial law was declared throughout the city. Anyone who dared to take to the streets privately would be punished with treason.

"Father, it's broken!"

Zhang Ruding rushed into the inner courtyard: "There is a trumpet sound outside the city. It seems that some tribe has rebelled. Jurchen soldiers came outside the house and ordered no one to come or go."

"Don't be impatient," Zhang Xuanzheng said, "I have told them that they must not rebel until the last moment. It must not be the rebellion of my Zhang family, otherwise the Jurchen soldiers would have rushed in and killed people."

The Zhang family is not the real Zhang family, but the Gao family of Liaoyang after changing their surname - they are the first of the three Bohai Gao families!

Zhang Xuansu and Zhang Hao both served as high-ranking officials in the Jin Kingdom.

Zhang Xuansu was in charge of the Jin State's Planning Department, similar to the Minister of Household Affairs of the Jin State.

Zhang Hao was responsible for reforming the official system and was Wanyan Zongqian's confidant.

They get along very well in the Kingdom of Jin and will never betray the Jin Kingdom unless absolutely necessary.

Suddenly a Jurchen officer came in and comforted him: "Don't panic, it's just the rebellion of the Gao family in Chengzhou and has nothing to do with your Zhang family in Liaoyang. As long as you don't leave home, there won't be any danger!"

Zhang Xuanzheng instantly felt much more at ease and asked his family not to move around in any noisy manner. At the same time, he sent his servants to climb the wall and peek into the street.

Several big families in Liaoyang were all comforted in this way.

If Wanyan Zongxian directly sent troops to kill him, they might still fight to the death. But as long as there was a slight chance of survival, they became extremely weak and stayed at home to pray for peace.

In the other two mansions, Jurchen soldiers rushed in with ferocious looks.

"Except for the women, kill them all and leave no children behind!"

For a moment, the sound of crying and howling shook the sky, and the people killed were all members of Gao Jingshan and Wang Zheng's tribe.

They started the rebellion, and the tribesmen were naturally the first to suffer.

Among the golden soldiers guarding the city, there was a group of blond and blue-eyed guys. They were yellow-headed Shiwei slaves captured by the Kingdom of Jin.

A few years ago, Huangtou Shiwei collective rebelled and respected Yelu Dashi from afar.

The reason for the rebellion was that they really could not stand the oppression of the Jin Kingdom!

Unfortunately, Wanyan Zonghan was defeated and many slaves were captured to replenish the population.

Obedient and strong slaves were selected and organized into the army last year.

It was completely dark.

There were still shouting and blowing trumpets outside the city, but there was a dead silence inside the city. The whole city was under martial law and no one could move around at will.

Yawuta led the troops to guard the city, and a group of people were escorted over to deliver food to them.

Of course, this is not his real name. It was just that he had poor hygiene when he was a slave and had many sores on his body, so he was called Yawu Pagoda by the Jurchens.

Yawu Pagoda means sores.

"What are you shouting outside?" Wu Liyan asked, holding his rice bowl.

Wuliyan means pig. This man is tall and burly, not very smart, and eats a lot at every meal, so he is called Wuliyan.

Yawuta said: "The Jin soldiers were defeated and the Han emperor won."

Wu Liyan said with envy: "You are so smart, you can even understand Chinese."

Yawuta asked: "Do you still want to serve as a soldier for the Jurchens?"

Wu Liyan was digging his rice and said, "I want to go home."

"What can I do if I go back?" Yawuta asked.

Wu Liyan was silent.

Their tribe was raided by the Jin soldiers, and countless members of the clan were killed. Even if they fled back now, they don't know how many relatives they would find.

Yawuta said: "Rebel. This is the best opportunity. There are not many Jurchen soldiers in the city. As long as we capture a city gate, the rebels outside can rush in."

Wu Liyan continued to eat and said while chewing: "You are smarter, I will listen to you."

Yawuta finished his meal and pretended to pick up weapons to defend the city. He walked to another soldier and said: "The Jin soldiers were defeated by the Han emperor. When they heard me shouting kill, they killed the nearby Jurchens and marched towards the city gate together.

Rush over there."

At this moment, a group of Jurchen soldiers suddenly came over, carrying copper coins and cloth.

"You are no longer slaves a long time ago. You are also Jurchens, yellow-headed Jurchens! Yellow-headed Jurchens are of the same clan as us, and the Han people are our enemies."

"From now on, as long as you kill the enemy and make meritorious service, you will be rewarded. Those who have made great achievements can also be hereditary conspirators. When this battle is over, I will reward you with women to start a family. They are all ladies from the Bohai family, and they are all delicate and tender.

Meat, you can do whatever you want!"

"As long as you guard the city wall tonight, you can eat meat tomorrow!"

“Come and line up to receive the reward!”

Yawuta cheered along with everyone, and took advantage of the opportunity to queue up and said to his companions: "The Jin soldiers were defeated by the Han emperor and asked us to fight and die. That's why he suddenly became so generous. If you hear me shouting kill, kill him."

The nearby Jurchens rushed toward the city gate together!"


This chapter has been completed!
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