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Chapter 859 0854 [Son, do you want to be a king? 】

Zhang Xian and Yang Zaixing were ordered to go to Beijing to meet the saint.

Ju Ming went straight to the point and asked: "If you are asked to attack the southwest and be stationed in the wilderness for a long time, would you be willing? Don't say anything against your heart. If you are resentful, it will not be good in the future."

The two of them knelt down on one knee as if they had rehearsed.

The former said: "I will do my best until I die!"

The latter said: "I will go wherever the officials ask me to go, without any complaints."

There are too many fierce people in the northern provinces. Moreover, the Jin Kingdom has been destroyed, so it is difficult to have a war in the short term.

If you are transferred to the southwest, it will be easier to get promoted through meritorious service.

Zhu Ming said: "There is a Jizhou in Guangxi called Ziqi, which surrendered to China at the end of the Song Dynasty. In fact, it was the faint emperor Zhao Ji who wanted to achieve great success, and local civil and military officials fell in love with him and gave away money, silk and livestock to lure the barbarians to submit."

"After the destruction of the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty did not reward any money or silk, and the leader from Qizhou actually established his own country."

Ziqi State is located in the southernmost part of Guizhou Province, bordering Guangxi and Yunnan. It is located in the mountains that are poor and remote.

The leader was greedy for the money and silk of local officials in Guangxi, so he offered land to Huizong of the Song Dynasty. Although the land donation was only in name, it was considered as an expansion of territory for Huizong of the Song Dynasty.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the leader of Ziqi came to pay tribute.

At that time, Zhu Guoxiang gave some gifts in return according to the market price and conferred an official position on him. However, the leader of Ziqi felt that the official position was too small and the reward was too thin, so he directly declared the establishment of Ziqi Kingdom.

Ju Ming has always been too lazy to care about the clown.

However, the Ziqi Kingdom continued to encroach on Guangxi's border areas. Although the territory eroded by the Ziqi Kingdom was also a restricted area, it nominally belonged to the Ming Dynasty after all!

Zhu Guoxiang sent envoys to warn many times, and Ju Ming also sent the Guangxi garrison to help the barbarians there to fight twice.

In the past two or three years, the Zi Qi Kingdom finally stopped encroaching on the territory of the Ming Dynasty and turned around to invade the land of the Dali Kingdom.

This is very awesome. A small country in the mountains is provoking Daming and Dali at the same time...

After Ju Ming finished roughly speaking, Yang Zaixing expressed difficulty in understanding: "This native chief from Qi State is not afraid of attracting attacks from both sides of Ming Dynasty and Dali?"

"It was very poor, and the climate and geography were very harsh."

Ju Ming explained: "The Shicheng County of Dali has been slightly encroached by Ziqi. Facing the aggressive Ziqi, Dali has serious internal strife and is difficult to recover. As for the Ming Dynasty, if the war in the north has not ended, I am afraid that it will not go there."

Never mind this remote place."

Historically, the country of Qi really succeeded in rebelling against it.

They took advantage of the opportunity at the turn of the Song Dynasty to declare independence and establish a country, frantically eroding the borders between the Southern Song Dynasty and Dali.

He also acted as a middleman, buying military horses from Dali and selling them to the Southern Song Dynasty, and used the money earned to purchase soldiers and armor to develop the army.

In the later period, it even swallowed up Dali's Xuanwei, Pu'an, Shizong, Maitreya and other places, leaving only a straight line distance of more than a hundred miles from Kunming.

Zhu Ming said to Yang Zaixing: "You are from Hunan and are relatively close to Guangxi. You should adapt to the climate there. You go to Guangxi to train 6,000 elite soldiers and station them in Guilezhou (Baise City)."

"Yes!" Yang Zaixing accepted the order.

Ju Ming said: "The south is mountainous, which is different from fighting in the north. You can go to Hunan first and see how Bai Qi trains his troops. It is an improved version of the Yuanyang Formation. Each Yuanyang team is equipped with five flintlock guns. Every four

The Yuanyang team is equipped with a small cannon, and those small cannons can be carried and moved quickly by two people."

Yang Zaixing cupped his hands and said, "When I go to Hunan, I will definitely learn how to train troops."

Ju Ming also said: "Although the phenomenon of abandoned children in the five provinces of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangxi, Guangdong and Jiangxi has dropped sharply in recent years, there were many abandoned children in the late Song Dynasty. During the war, there were also many orphans. Those orphans were adopted

In the Salesian Bureau and the Infant Bureau, there are many people now over ten years old. You go and gather these orphans as the foundation for the new six thousand elites."

"Yes!" Yang Zaixing said.

Taking teenage orphans as the backbone of the Guangxi New Army is mainly based on the following considerations:

First, orphans who grew up in welfare institutions may have weird personalities, but they are definitely easy to manage.

Second, without family ties, you can be stationed in Yunnan and Guizhou in the future, and settle down in Yunnan and Guizhou.

Ju Ming continued: "This new army needs to be trained for at least one year before it can be brought to fight against the barbarians. Let them adapt to the climate and environment in Guilezhou first. Doctors and medicines must be adequately prepared to prevent acclimatization and Guangxi miasma. Lingnan Medicine

The doctors at the hospital have a sound method. There are medicines for external application and internal use, and they should drink more herbal tea from Lingnan. No soldiers are allowed to drink raw water. You should also pay attention to repelling mosquitoes. Many miasma diseases are caused by mosquito bites."

Yang Zaixing silently wrote it down.

Ju Ming added: "To the south of Qi State is Temo Road, the hometown of the former Song Dynasty rebel general Nong Zhigao. The Song army defeated Nong Zhigao there and settled there when they went to capture Nong Zhigao's biological mother. It has been several

It has not been taken care of for ten years. Although the native chieftain of the Nong clan surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, he asked for rewards every year, prayed for promotion every year, and robbed the border residents if things went wrong."

"Moreover, the Temo Road is located at the junction of Guangxi, Dali Kingdom, and Annan Kingdom. After you conquer the Qi Kingdom, you should always pay attention to the movements of the Temo Road and look for opportunities to massacre the Nong clan chief! After capturing that area, you can attack Dali to the west.

, you can attack Annan from the south."

"Yes!" Yang Zaixing handed over his hand.

Temo Road became Guangnan County and Funing County in later generations.

It originally belonged to Dali, but after Nong Zhigao's rebellion, it was forced to submit to the Northern Song Dynasty, and now it belongs to the Ming Dynasty. However, they have been flirting with Dali and Annan, and from time to time they will go down the mountain to rob the border people.

After talking about Guangxi, Ju Ming started talking about southern Sichuan.

Ju Ming said to Zhang Xian: "You are from Sichuan. You are here to recruit orphans and teenagers from Sichuan, as well as young men who lack land for farming. You are also training 6,000 elites in the improved mandarin duck formation. You will be stationed in Yibin for a year and then go south to destroy the horses."


"Yes!" Zhang Xian stood up with his hands raised.

The Mahu tribe's territory is in the Mabian, Suijiang, and Leibo areas.

From time to time, they had to go north to rob the border residents, which caused headaches for officials in Yibin, Qianwei and other places. The number of Han people in southern Sichuan was difficult to develop, and these tribes were one of the main reasons, resulting in the Han people on the border always being in a precarious state.

The war in the north has ceased, and it is time to deal with the barbarians in the southwest.

Those who obeyed were naturally given preferential treatment, and even provided with cattle, seeds and advanced agricultural technology.

But Ju Ming has endured those tribes that cause trouble every day for a long time. Once the troops are sent out, there will be no way to surrender, and the leader clan must be destroyed!

In addition, Lin Chong has gone to Nanping (south of Qijiang) to train troops, also training six thousand elites.

As long as the time is right, all four directions will attack.

Bai Qi led eight thousand elite troops from Xiangxi into Guizhou.

Lin Chong led 6,000 elite troops from Zunyi into Guizhou.

Zhang Xian led 6,000 elite troops from southern Sichuan into Yunnan.

Yang Zaixing led 6,000 elite troops from Guangxi into Yunnan.

In addition to their thousands of elites, the four men will also deploy garrison troops from several southern provinces to follow them. They will eventually join forces in Kunming and Dali.

Zhang Xian and Yang Zaixing retired, and Zhu Ming called the eldest son of the concubine, King Zhu Kang of Henan.

"My son meets his father!"

Zhu Kang's character has become increasingly stable, just the opposite of his biological mother Zheng Yuanyi.

Ju Ming smiled and asked: "Have you been adapting to the military school recently? I asked the teachers to treat everyone equally. They are not showing favoritism because you are a prince, right?"

Zhu Kang replied: "There is no favoritism, but it is not that strict. The child did not adapt well at first, but then he gradually got used to it. The child's astronomy, geography, mathematics, logistics and other subjects are all the best in the class. It's just that

...It's just that other subjects are a little bit behind..."

"This is normal," Zhu Ming comforted. "Many students in the military academy are outstanding young officers from various armies. They have made meritorious service on the battlefield and have their own specialties. They come to the military academy just for further study. You and some young students

, how can it be possible to match them in horse shooting, infantry shooting, formation, and physical fitness?"

"My child has practiced hard," Zhu Kang said. "I have been learning to ride horses since I was a child. My riding skills are also excellent, but I am not as good as shooting arrows while riding on horseback."

Ju Ming took out three maps and pulled his son to his side: "Since you have excellent geography, let's take a look at these three maps."

Zhu Kang quickly identified it carefully.

One is a reduced version of the Tang Dynasty map, with Central Asia also drawn.

One is a map of the Ming Dynasty drawn this year. Yunnan, Guizhou, Xixia, Western Regions, Mobei... these places are all vassal states or subordinate tribes.

One is a map of Southeast Asia drawn based on the memories of the Zhu family and his son, combined with the descriptions of maritime merchants and envoys.

"How?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhu Kang replied: "Compared with the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the territory of Ming Dynasty is too small."

In fact, these three maps are obviously double-labeled.

Ju Ming deliberately asked the cartographers to draw the vassal states of the Tang Dynasty as the territory of the Tang Dynasty, but also listed the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty differently.

This creates a strong contrast. The territory of the Ming Dynasty was pitifully small!

Ju Ming pointed to the location of the Champa Kingdom. That large area was close to half of the territory of Vietnam in later generations: "This is Champa. Although it belongs to the Ming Dynasty, it often acts against the Ming Dynasty merchants who go to sea."

"Does the father want the children to lead troops to conquer Champa when they grow up?" Zhu Kang guessed.

Ju Ming smiled and said: "After destroying the Champa Kingdom, I plan to give you a reward. The land, population, wealth...all there will be yours. You will also be left with some troops and officials, and 10,000 or 20,000 Han people will be relocated."

In the past, you chose the name of the country yourself, because you were the king there."

Although Zhu Kang was only a young man, he had also read history books. He knew how different this kind of king was from the princes and princes who stayed in the country.

Hearing that he could actually own a country, Zhu Kang was surprised and happy, and his heart suddenly beat wildly.

Ju Ming poured cold water and said: "It's very remote there, and it's definitely not as prosperous as China. Moreover, there are dry and rainy seasons, and the heat is unbearable. There is also the so-called miasma. And the people can't speak Chinese and don't know Chinese characters. Even if you are there,

Being a king there seems to some people to be the same as being a king."

Zhu Kang was born in wealth and had little understanding of remoteness and poverty.

In Zhu Kang's view, since he is a king, how can he be so poor no matter how poor he is? If there is miasma or something, he can just bring a doctor.

"Children are not afraid of difficulties!"

Zhu Kang had already made up his mind to be the king, and he also made his ambition: "Within thirty years, I will definitely turn Champa into Han territory!"

Ju Ming shook his head and said: "Thirty years is not enough. I'm afraid your children and grandchildren will have to work hard."

Ju Ming then pointed to the Angkor Dynasty, Queen's Kingdom, Bagan Kingdom and other places nearby: "These countries, after you have established a foothold in Champa, you can lead your troops to conquer them. As long as you and your descendants do not attack the Ming Dynasty, no matter what

No matter how much territory we conquer, the Luoyang court will recognize it!"

Zhu Kang looked at the huge territory, his eyes shining.

Ju Ming also taught his son how to govern: "Brahmanism is popular in Champa. While you use Confucianism to educate the people, you must also support Buddhism and use Buddhism to attack Brahmanism. Of course, if Buddhism develops too prosperously, you can also destroy Buddhism and destroy it."

The temple confiscated the monks' property. However, the destruction of Buddhism must be limited. You cannot really destroy it, but you must use Buddhism to rule foreign races. You will slowly understand the intensity of this."

(End of chapter)

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