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Chapter 862 0857 [Capital Reconstruction]

"This is the reconstruction plan of Luoyang Fangxiang. Please take a look at it."

Fatty Zheng used to be the prefect of Kaifeng, but now he is the prefect of Luoyang.

In normal urban reconstruction, local officials can make the final decision.

But this is the capital, and Zheng Hong even bypassed the cabinet and the Ministry of Household Affairs and came directly to report the matter to the emperor.

In terms of writing official documents, Zhu Guoxiang has actually set the rules.

First, the writing cannot be difficult to understand.

Second, you can’t write in a boring and long way.

Third, daily official documents must be written on formatted paper. If there is too much specific content, please submit it as an attachment.

Zhang Guangdao could not understand the official documents of the Ministry of War because his educational level was too low.

Even if it were Zhu Guoxiang, he would certainly be able to understand it and would not find it a problem. Because after the official document system was established, even allusions would be very common.

After all, the Ministry of War is also a civilian agency!

In comparison, the Privy Council's official documents are even more simple, because there are a lot of bigots in them.

Ju Ming read the plan briefly and frowned: "In Luoyang City alone, there are thirty-three temples?"

Zheng Hong replied: "It was exactly two or three years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty. The prefect of Luoyang was ordered to clean up the temples. At that time, they had been reduced to five. The monks who did not have ultimatums were ordered to return to secular life and arranged to allocate land for farming in the suburbs.


"But there were too many monks and monks in Youdu, and the five temples that were concentrated together were very crowded, so some people sneaked back to the original temples. In recent years, the number of temples that are still receiving pilgrims has returned to nine.


"Due to the lack of population in Luoyang before, it was difficult to deal with the vacant temples, and most of them were left idle and became abandoned."

"Among them, the northeastern urban area has the largest number of temples. I plan to change Lide Square and Qinghua Square into Taixue. The shops and houses in these two squares will be moved to the vacant spaces left by the demolition of temples in nearby squares.

Of course, Lide and Thanh Hwa can also retain some shops specializing in selling pens, inks, paper and inkstones, books, pigments, etc."

Taixue hasn't moved here yet, so there's no need to worry about this.

Zhu Ming read the official document carefully again and was so amused that he almost sneered.

The northeastern urban area of ​​Luoyang is the richest, where most dignitaries live. The southeastern urban area is second, where most wealthy businessmen live. The southwest urban area is the poorest, and belongs to the lower-class settlements of Luoyang.

The distribution of temples and temples in Luoyang is also consistent with the distribution of power and money.

The northeastern urban area has the most densely populated temples, followed by the southeastern urban area, and the southwest urban area has the fewest temples.

Moreover, the only two temples in the southwest city are both located in areas where retired ministers live. If retired ministers from the former Song Dynasty wanted to retire in Luoyang, they often settled in the southwest city where land prices are the cheapest. But they did not mix with the common people at the bottom.

Together, they live concentratedly in two squares in the northeast of the city.

Regardless of whether it is the Buddha or the Heavenly Lord, it seems that they only pray for "original beings".

A real lower-class civilian community doesn’t even have a temple!

Zhu Ming carefully read the addresses of temples and temples and said: "Can't poor people believe in Buddhism? Move the Xingjiao Temple in Yanfufang to Datongfang in the southwest city! It doesn't need to be too grand. The Buddha statues and monks who were moved there

, as long as there is a house to shelter from the wind and rain.”

The corners of Zheng Hong's mouth twitched: "Guan family, that place used to be a cemetery."

"Is there a cemetery in Luoyang City?" Zhu Ming felt that it was outrageous.

Zheng Hong explained: "During the Five Dynasties, the city of Luoyang was desolate. Later, the Song Dynasty was established, and the northeast and southeast urban areas gradually became prosperous. However, the southwest urban area was still sparsely populated, and some people even farmed in the city. Starting from the Five Dynasties, some people began to kill the dead.

They were buried in the southwest city, and this burial habit continued in the early Song Dynasty."

Ju Ming was quite curious: "Didn't the former Song Dynasty court and officials just ignore it?"

Zheng Hong replied: "It was not until the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty that Luoyang was clearly divided into quarters. The tombs with owners buried before were difficult to demolish. This was because the Ming Dynasty was about to move the capital, so Bai Sanlang ordered the demolition of the tombs in the city.

The tombs were flattened directly, and the government arranged for those with owners to be moved to the suburbs. There were scattered tombs in the entire four squares, and all the people living nearby were poor people."

Ju Ming had a very bad taste: "The tomb area is just right. There may be innocent souls, and the monks can go and save them. That's it. It's decided that the entire Xingjiao Temple will be moved there."

Zheng Hong had tried very hard to hold back his laughter, but he still couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The imperial court ordered the relocation of Xingjiao Temple, and it would certainly not give much money to rebuild the temple. However, the wealth accumulated by Xingjiao Temple had been confiscated once by Han Shizhong at the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. In recent years, taxes have been paid honestly and concentrated.

There were so many monks resettled here that Xingjiao Temple really didn't save much money.

Now we move to a cemetery, surrounded by poor people. The monks can only live in very simple houses with Buddha statues...

Moreover, there are temples to worship in wealthy areas. The Xingjiao Temple has been moved to the corner of the corner. How many faithful men and women are willing to donate money to build the temple?

Zheng Hong said: "In the past, when the temple was demolished to house monks, the number of monks in the Xingjiao Temple increased, and the daily food consumption was very large. After the relocation, the money will definitely be used to build houses. I am afraid that within a year and a half, we will be poor.

Go around to beg for alms.”

Ju Ming said: "If Buddhism is profound, it will definitely be able to make money. If you really can't make a living, you can still return to secular life and become a farmer. Farming is not difficult to learn. If the monks are willing to return to secular life, the court will allocate fields to them."

Zheng Hong continued to talk about the urban construction plan: "Several main streets in Luoyang are too narrow, and I plan to widen them all."

"All illegal buildings have been demolished, and the court can allocate appropriate compensation. Remember, don't cause trouble." Zhu Ming reminded.

Due to the lack of management by the officials in the Northern Song Dynasty, the houses and shops on both sides of the street continued to occupy public areas and were built illegally.

Take Dingdingmen Street, which extends from the Imperial City, as an example. It is now renamed Zhuque Street.

In the Tang Dynasty, the width of this main street was more than 120 meters. In the Song Dynasty, people gradually occupied the space, and the narrowest point was only 90 meters.

It is sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, intertwined and crooked. There are illegal buildings on both sides of the street, and there are even poor people building tree houses.

Where is the slightest bit of imperial street look?

This is the main road extending from the imperial city!

When he learned that Ju Ming was going to move the capital, Bai Chongyan quickly rectified the street and finally made the street width uniform. However, he still could not restore the width of the Tang Dynasty, and finally remained at 110 meters.

Except for this main road, Bai Chongyan did not renovate other streets because he had a more important job at the time - dredging Luoshui and Yishui.

These two rivers pass through the city from Luoyang and are connected to the Yellow River.

Due to severe siltation, there was a flood during the Yuanfeng period, drowning thousands of residents in the city.

In addition to flooding, shipping is also affected.

During the Yuanfeng period of the Northern Song Dynasty, dredging was carried out vigorously, and river embankments were built for flood control. However, the siltation has become serious in recent years, and dredging is required before the capital can be moved.

In addition to farming small acres, Bai Chongyan's main focus is on dredging rivers.

Today's Luoyang still looks chaotic, especially those treehouses that are too eye-catching. Let alone seeing it with your own eyes, Ju Ming feels outrageous when he thinks about it. Why are there treehouses in the capital of the Ming Dynasty?

Zhu Guoxiang stood on the wall of the imperial city and looked around with a telescope.

The entire city of Luoyang has turned into a large construction site.

Within the palace city, an area has been set aside and the East Palace is being built.

Several buildings outside Donghua Gate are being demolished and built to build the Taixue University. The relocated citizens and merchants are being resettled in the open spaces left by the nearby destroyed temples, and those open spaces are also being demolished and constructed.

There are also illegal buildings being demolished everywhere in the streets and alleys.

Some haphazardly built shacks and treehouses were also being demolished one after another. The poor people concerned were relocated to the southwest end of the southwest city, where many tombs were moved and remained empty.

The government compensated some money, which was enough for the poor to build rammed earth thatched houses.

Now that Luoyang has become the capital, it must be developing very quickly, and the poor people can save money if they work hard. Maybe in a few years, with the money they have saved, they can convert their thatched houses into tile-roofed houses.

Especially during this period, the whole city is undergoing construction, and the poor have no need to worry about finding work.

Many poor citizens whose illegally built houses were demolished moved directly to the former cemeteries to build shacks. They were not in a hurry to build thatched houses for themselves, but were hired as small laborers at other construction sites to make some money while taking advantage of this construction trend.

Hard-earned money.

These days, Zhu Guoxiang also visited the countryside.

The suburbs of Kaifeng have mature supporting facilities for urban development. Some are specialized in growing grain, some are specialized in growing vegetables and fruits, and some are specialized in breeding... Luoyang still needs planning, otherwise the free development will be too slow and chaotic.

Zhu Guoxiang sent agricultural officers everywhere and visited eight townships, including Jingu Township, Pingle Township, Xianxiang Township, and dozens of villages.

Based on the local soil, water system, transportation, etc., the future development direction was roughly divided. Then the village chiefs were summoned to talk with the businessmen, and they were asked to discuss and collaborate in the future to establish a basic daily necessities supply system as soon as possible.

"Aren't you tired enough during this period?" Zhu Ming walked behind his father.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "It's okay. I only visited a few villages in person, and the rest were just farmers and officials trying to persuade them."

Ju Ming said: "After this year's work is over, Luoyang should look good. Bai Chongyan actually did a good job. He dredged the two rivers extremely well and helped the court solve the flooding and water transportation problems in the capital."

"Alas, Luoyang is the Xijing of the Song Dynasty after all, and it has developed into such a horrible state." Zhu Guoxiang couldn't help but sigh.

Ju Ming smiled and said: "If you don't look at the southwest city, Luoyang is still very rich and prosperous."

Zhu Guoxiang said angrily: "How can you not see it? Beyond the main entrance of the imperial city is the southwest city!"

This is the crux of the problem. Outside the main entrance of the imperial city, only a few buildings near the river are relatively wealthy.

The rest is a fucking ghetto!

Where does this put the Ming court’s face?

Luoyang was the back garden of those relatives, retired ministers, and distinguished families in the Northern Song Dynasty. The central court was too lazy to take care of it, and the local government could not take care of it. The whole city gradually became extremely deformed.

A wealthy urban area comparable to Kaifeng.

Poor urban areas are worse than remote small counties.

Especially after the Yuanyou Party was imprisoned, Luoyang's nobles collectively lost power, which also led to a downgrade of consumption in the entire city, making life even more difficult for the poor at the bottom.

Without severely punishing the wealthy Luoyang families and redistributing land, real estate and other resources, this city will not be able to develop normally.

Ju Ming looked at the houses in the streets to the south: "Within five years, the southwest city will be prosperous, at least all of them will be turned into large tile-roofed houses!"


This chapter has been completed!
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