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Chapter 875 0870 [Indecent morals]

Luoyang Xiuxianfang.

The front door of a mansion opened, and Yang Changhe, the richest man in Luoyang, personally sent obstetrician Guo Jizhong away: "Thanks to Mr. Guo, otherwise my Yang family would have no heirs."

Guo Jizhong said: "Several of Yang's grandchildren have died in infancy, and now this baby must be raised carefully."

Yang Changhe said: "Mr. Zhang, a master of pediatrics, has moved from Kaifeng to Luoyang to live permanently. Tomorrow night is the last performance of Bodhisattva Man in Fanlou. I sent someone to reserve a seat and invited Mr. Zhang to watch. How about Mr. Guo coming with us?"



Guo Jizhong blushed: "You can also appreciate the legacy of the prosperous Tang Dynasty."

Bodhisattvaman's song and dance performance was so rumored that even Guo Jizhong, the world's leading obstetrician, was itching to see it.

Guo Jizhong was a medical professor in the former Song Dynasty. He combined his family's obstetric prescriptions with "Properties" which only had theoretical content, and compiled it into "Baoqing Collection of Obstetric Experience".

Since Zhu Guoxiang ordered the opening of the medical school, Guo Jizhong has been the chief professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Kaifeng Medical College.

In addition, the obstetrics and gynecology department also recruits female students from outside and provides short-term training to midwives in Kaifeng.

Thirty years ago, Sichuan doctor Yang Zijian was famous for his book "Ten Labors". He introduced various difficult labor conditions in detail and gave relevant countermeasures. His abnormal fetal position transposition was extremely sophisticated.

However, the people who really help deliver babies are midwives. Most of them have never read "Ten Parts Theory" and rely entirely on their own experience in delivering babies.

Only a very few families will seek out regular doctors with rich theories when they have a difficult delivery - there are differences between men and women.

Obstetricians like Guo Jizhong mainly conduct consultations during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum, including how to induce lactation and related gynecological diseases. When they actually deliver babies, they are generally not on site. Even if they are asked to help in an emergency, they are only across the

Door or screen command.

Such is the case today.

He took three female students and went to Yang's house in the middle of the night to deal with the difficult childbirth.

Guo Jizhong stood across the screen and listened to the female student's detailed report on the situation, and then gave expert guidance, even using the midwifery forceps invented a few years ago.

The first caesarean section (caesarean section after maternal death) in the Ming Dynasty was performed jointly by Guo Jizhong and another surgical master.

"You have been tired for most of the night, so go home and rest." Guo Jizhong said to the three female students.

"Students resign!"

The three female obstetrics and gynecology doctors all raised their hands, and their words and deeds were extremely quick and straightforward.

They were all orphans and were raised by the authorities.

Daughters from serious families would not come here to learn midwifery because midwives have a bad reputation.

Raising prices, seeking wealth and killing...all kinds of bad behavior are common among midwives.

Some midwives are almost like goddesses. They perform divination and pray before giving birth. Their level of education is close to none, and their professional level also varies from person to person.

Zhu Guoxiang tried to change this situation, but he could not fight against the concept of differences between men and women. So he began to train female obstetricians. Currently, they are only available in a few big cities, and will gradually spread to state capitals.

Guo Jizhong was also quite tired and took the car to the medical school.

Luoyang Medical College is located in Lechengfang. It not only engages in research and teaching, but teachers also take students to sit in clinics to accumulate clinical experience for teachers and students.

"Professor Guo!"

"Mr. Guo..."

After entering the gate of the medical school, teachers and students greeted them all the way, and Guo Jizhong responded with his hands from time to time.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital and before I entered the office, a teaching assistant came over and whispered: "Professor Guo, Li Bangyan is inside and insists on waiting to see you."

"What is he here for?" Guo Jizhong knew Li Bangyan as early as ten years ago and even delivered Li Bangyan's daughter-in-law through a screen.

The teaching assistant said: "I don't know."

While he was talking, Li Bangyan had already come out and bowed enthusiastically: "Mr. Guo, you are still as charming as you are after not seeing him for several years. You really know how to maintain your health."

Guo Jizhong did not want to contact this person in private, and only said, "If you have anything to do, we can discuss it in the hall."

The two entered the main hall.

Li Bangyan exchanged a few pleasantries and then took out a box of silver coins: "To be honest, I have adopted many alien orphans. They occasionally suffer from gynecological diseases, and I ask Mr. Guo to prescribe some prescriptions for daily maintenance."

"What medicine should I take if I'm not sick?" Guo Jizhong asked angrily.

Guo Jizhong was not only a master of obstetrics, but also a master of gynecology.

Li Bangyan asked in a low voice: "Is there any medicine that they can take for a long time so that they can have a strange smell?"


Guo Jizhong slammed the table: "I only treat illnesses, not harm anyone! Your Excellency, please come back."

Li Bangyan wanted to say something else, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Guo Jizhong chased him away.

Guo Jizhong sent this man away, sneered and went back to the office to take a nap. He was quite tired from his medical visit last night and had to take a quick nap because he had classes this morning.

The official medical school in the Song Dynasty was mainly divided into three departments, namely: Department of Pulmonology, Department of Acupuncture, and Department of Ulcer.

Under these departments, there are more than ten majors.

For example, the specialty of obstetrics belonged to the Department of Fangmai in the Song Dynasty. And various common gynecological diseases were part of the incidental learning content of obstetrics.

The majors of otolaryngology and dentistry are all included in the Department of Acupuncture.

All kinds of wounds and ulcers belong to the ulcer department, including sword wounds on the battlefield. Doctors with this specialty often accompany the army on military expeditions.

The Ming Dynasty and the New Dynasty were gradually adjusting their departments and majors.

The first adjustment——

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was separated from the Department of Pulmonology, and was added to the Department of Pediatrics to form a dedicated department.

Namely: obstetrics and gynecology.

The specialties under its jurisdiction are: gynecology, obstetrics, and pediatrics.

Students in obstetrics and gynecology also learn to diagnose pulse and prescribe medicine.

The second adjustment——

Establish a separate epidemic department.

The Department of Epidemiology is responsible for various epidemics, infectious diseases, plagues and miasmas.

Although the Epidemiology Department has been established for a very short period of time, it has developed extremely quickly, and he especially likes to play with microscopes.

At present, the hand-ground microscope slides have exceeded 300 times.

A craftsman who could grind such lenses would have a monthly salary equal to that of a magistrate. He could do anything but grind the lenses.

The professor of epidemiology in Lingnan has successfully discovered several species of Plasmodium and Shigella dysenteriae, and many miasma patients carry these parasites.

The teaching assistant woke up Guo Jizhong, and the obstetrics and gynecology expert stood up, rubbing his sleepy eyes with his hands, and strolled to the classroom to give lectures to the students.

Because he was disgusted by Li Bangyan, he did not watch Bodhisattva Man's performance.

"Your Majesty, the Bodhisattva's barbaric performance is offensive to morals. I request the court to prohibit this!"

At the great court meeting, Yuan Miao, the censor, stood up.

Ju Ming said: "I have read your memorial. There is no need to issue a special ban."

Yuan Miao said: "The Bodhisattva is wearing revealing clothes and dancing in front of the public. It is really an eyesore. What's more, these foreign women were brought back by the prisoner Li Bangyan!"

Ju Ming was quite curious: "Why are you dressed so revealingly?"

Yuan Miao described: "The waist and navel are completely exposed. There are several slits in the lower skirt. When dancing, the thighs are vaguely visible."

"Have you gone to see it in person?" Zhu Ming asked with a smile.

Yuan Miao quickly defended: "How could I go to see such a vulgar dance? I just listened to what my friends said."

Ju Ming said: "There is no need to make a fuss."

The clothing of the Song Dynasty was really unconservative, and it was very common to deliberately show off the fur. In many paintings and sculptures of the Song Dynasty, you can see women in the Song Dynasty showing off the fur, and it was common for them to show off their bras.

However, the Bodhisattva Man trained by Li Bangyan exposed his entire waist and legs, which is indeed a breakthrough.

It can also be said to be retro, after all, it was played in the Tang Dynasty.

Chen Dong stood up and went out of the queue and said: "Your Majesty, the Ming Dynasty prohibited human trafficking. However, many overseas slaves continued to pour in. There are Kunlun slaves in Guangdong, Silla maids in Zhejiang, and now there are Bodhisattva barbarians. Should these be regulated?


"Are there any violations of law or discipline?" Zhu Ming asked.

Chen Dong said: "If there was any violation of the law, the Supervisory Office would have reported it long ago. These overseas slaves were brought by maritime merchants in the name of servants. After entering Hong Kong in the Ming Dynasty, they settled as citizens and signed employment contracts. When people were traded,

What we are selling is an employment contract, which will be renewed when it expires."

"If that's the case, it's legal and there's no need to correct it," Ju Ming said.

But Chen Dong said: "How dare people from overseas come to Ming Dynasty to disobey their employers? With wages deducted and contract renewal forced, how can the servants dare to resist? It's called employment, but it's actually slavery."

Ju Ming asked in reply: "Didn't the native-born servants of the Ming Dynasty suffer from this? Servants should be encouraged to report to the official and the punishment of illegal employers should be strengthened!"

"Yes." Chen Dong went back and sat down.

There is absolutely no way to control these, and even if laws are enacted, they are just a piece of paper.

As for the black slaves, Ju Ming had already sent someone to inquire about them in detail.

Employers regard black slaves as beasts. They don't even have basic mating rights, and it's impossible to give birth to offspring. Why do they care?

Moreover, dwarf black slaves from the Southeast Asian region were the favorite sailors of maritime merchants. When encountering storms, black slaves were on the front line, risking their lives to repair cabins and hoisting sails.

During ocean voyages, the death rate of black slaves was extremely high.

Hundreds of officials retreated from the court.

Yuan Miao quickly ran to Chen Dong: "Ms. Chen, are you just watching Li Bangyan prosper in Luoyang?"

Chen Dong said: "He didn't break the law."

Yuan Miao said: "Since the abdication of the Supreme Emperor and the destruction of the Jin Kingdom, extravagance has gradually increased in the capital. Even many important ministers no longer practice frugality and wear more and more luxurious clothes. Li Bangyan now treats Bodhisattva barbarianly.

Bringing it to Luoyang will only intensify the trend of extravagance. What will happen if things continue like this?"

Chen Dong shook his head and sighed: "It's human nature to drink, lust, and get rich. How can you suppress it with the law?"

"Bodhisattva Man's thighs are exposed!" Yuan Miao said sadly, "If you raise dancers in your own house, you can dress them however you want, even if they don't wear clothes, no one will care. But Bodhisattva Man dances in a restaurant

, all diners can see it, it’s just like this.”

Chen Dong became much calmer and said with a smile: "Keep an eye on Li Bangyan. If he dares to break the law, he will report it to Dali Temple immediately. Especially for Bodhisattva Man, there will be business and gifts in the future. Which official's family has such

Bodhisattva is so stupid, just go and check it out!”

"That's right." Yuan Miao nodded in agreement. Li Bangyan can be used as bait to catch corrupt officials.

However, Qin Hui was working in the Ministry of Industry and when he went to squat in the toilet, he heard two subordinates talking about Bodhisattva Man.

One of them went to a performance and was blown away by it.

Qin Hui was very moved and wanted to take a look, but he couldn't show up due to his identity.

As for bringing Bodhisattva home, Qin Hui couldn't even think about it - his wife would explode!

He put away his thoughts, but Li Bangyan took the initiative to send someone to contact him, hoping to use his connections to get a piece of land at a low price.

(End of chapter)

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