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Chapter 92 0087 [King Zhu Tian]

It took the father and son a total of ten days to walk from the crossing point to Tian Er's home, going through many obstacles along the way.

Now we went there on the bandit's main warship, and found the tributary that afternoon. We rested on the shore overnight. At about nine o'clock the next morning, Ju Ming suddenly ordered the ship to dock.

Based on the shape of the peaks on both sides of the strait, he already had an impression.

Zhang Guangdao led others to disembark, not knowing what they were doing.

After more than three months, the weeds had grown back. Zhu Ming drew his sword and chopped for a while. After about twenty minutes, he finally saw three piles of stones.

That was the mark left by the father and son. On the cliff directly above the stone was Dean Zhu's newly purchased BMW.

Ju Ming looked up and couldn't see the car at all. It might be that the newly grown leaves and vines had completely blocked the car body.

"I had a dream the night before yesterday."

Zhu Ming sheathed his sword and muttered: "One day the king asked me in a dream that he had left a treasure armor in the world. After I woke up from the dream, I was doubtful, so I brought you and others to look for it."

After saying this, everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Bai Sheng!" Ju Ming shouted.

"I'm here." Bai Sheng stepped forward quickly.

Ju Ming ordered: "You lead three people and stay here. I will use a rope to drop the treasure armor. In addition to the treasure armor, there are other things. If you find anything falling, untie the rope after receiving it.


"Okay... okay!" Bai Sheng felt that Brother Zhu was asleep.

"The rest of you, come with me on the boat." Ju Ming said.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, the boat reached a river bend. Ju Ming quickly recognized it as the place where he threw branches to determine the direction of the river.

Take out the dry food and rest on the shore before leaving tomorrow.

The bonfire was lit and the sun set.

Zhang Guangdao came close to Zhu Ming and asked in a low voice: "Brother Zhu, is there really something on the mountain?"

Ju Ming nodded and said, "Maybe."

Zhang Guangdao didn't believe in the dream of the heavenly king. He guessed that it was probably the treasure hidden by the father and son in the mountains.

There were a lot of mosquitoes, so everyone found some mugwort and threw it on the fire to make smoke to drive away the mosquitoes.

They took turns keeping vigil and slept all night.

When he woke up in the morning and continued on his way, Zhu Ming held his sword to clear the way. Tian Er, Tian San, and Lu Wang held hatchets and joined him in chopping thorns. Zhang Guangdao followed with a large bundle of ropes on his back, and more than ten people behind him were holding spears and darts.

Two people also held gongs, and when they encountered a tiger, they would ring it, which would probably scare the tiger away.

With nearly twenty people working together, the climb up the mountain was much faster.

In the afternoon, the mountain was already extremely steep, so Zhu Ming figured out the direction to go east.

"Hey, what is this object?" When Tian Er was chopping the branches, he saw a white thing with some patterns and words printed on it.

Ju Ming looked happy.

It was a plastic bag used to hold snacks. When the father and son left the cliff section, they tied it to a tree to mark it.

"You guys just stay here, Brother Zhang comes with me...forget it, it's getting late, we'll go tomorrow."

It's not late, it's only around three o'clock in the afternoon.

But at this time, I went to pick up the armor. It was probably dark when I encountered the car.

After another night's rest, a tiger came out in the middle of the night. He was frightened by the sound of a gong and fled in panic.


Zhang Guangdao followed Ju Ming and climbed the cliff and walked sideways. He became more and more confused. The Zhu family and his son were too cautious in this treasure trove.

Moreover, how were the treasures transported there?

Zhu Ming was familiar with the road, climbed for a while, and quickly jumped to the raised stone platform. He once peed here and encountered a king snake. You can even see melon seed shells on the moss of the stone platform.

"Have a rest." Zhu Ming sat down to rest.

Zhang Guangdao couldn't restrain his doubts and asked again: "Is there really a treasure armor?"

"Yes!" Zhu Ming nodded and said.

Zhang Guangdao asked again: "Brother Zhu plans to rebel?"

Ju Ming smiled and said, "You can't talk nonsense."

Zhang Guangdao, on the other hand, was very positive: "If Brother Zhu rebels, I will definitely follow him and be the first to rush into the county government office and kill the bird official!"

"Why do you have to rebel?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhang Guangdao's idea is extremely simple: "There are all bird officials in the government, and there are also bird emperors in Tokyo. I used to want to rebel and let Brother Yao be the emperor. Brother Yao is dead, and Brother Zhu is also benevolent. If Brother Zhu becomes the emperor,

, the life of ordinary people will definitely be easier."

Ju Ming asked: "If you were given thousands of acres of land and made a wealthy and large landowner, would you still want to rebel?"

Zhang Guangdao sneered: "My ancestors were also landlords, what can we do if we encounter corrupt officials?"

Ju Ming was silent and thinking hard.

The specific situation in the Northern Song Dynasty seemed to be different from what he imagined.

The biggest contradiction here is not the contradiction between man and land, but the contradiction between the government and the people. The government is exploiting too much, resulting in large areas of wasteland along the river that are uncultivated. The farmers at the bottom have to rely on big landowners to barely resist the government's exploitation.

Many times, although big landowners also exploit small people, they play another role: the protector of farmers!

Customers and ordinary people, in villages as a unit, defend one or several large landowners. The large landowners use this power to compete with the government and try their best to escape taxes and exorbitant levies, control the farmers and protect them at the same time. In addition,

This is also how we huddle together to keep warm when we are fighting against natural disasters.

A... very peculiar rural political ecology.

Of course, there are also evil gentry like novice members and outsiders, who really squeeze the peasants to death.

The specific situation was more complicated than Ju Ming imagined.

For example, on Kuizhou Road, the feudal slave manor system even existed widely. A manor owner maintained dozens or hundreds of private soldiers and controlled the farming of a large number of serfs. There was an agreement between them that if my serfs escape to you, you should send the serfs to your place.

Send back.

Facing the government, big landowners are also an exploited class.

To give a simple example, after Zhao Gou established a foothold in the south, the first thing he did was not to use force to regain the lost territory, but... to occupy the land!

The emperors, concubines, clan members, and dignitaries who fled south forcibly occupied the land of the big landowners in the south in a form of horse racing. The land occupied by the royal family was called Yuzhuang, which extended from near Hangzhou to the Taihu polder area and even to Anhui.


Even the land of Wang Anshi's family was occupied by the royal family.

Wang Anshi's descendants owned a large amount of land in Xuancheng and Wuhu, all of which were "bought" by the eunuch sent by the emperor. The eunuch's name was recorded in history books as Chu Yi.

To the Jiangnan landlords, Zhao Gou was not an emperor, but the number one bandit in heaven!

Every time there was a war, money was collected and bought wildly, forcing the landlords to go bankrupt. Then, the royal family and the powerful took the opportunity to buy land and wildly expand their land area.

What Northern Expedition?

What to regain lost ground?

When the landowners in the south of the Yangtze River heard these two words, they were so frightened that they could not sleep. Before the Jin soldiers were destroyed by the imperial court, they would be killed by the imperial court first!

Landowners who were far away from the Jiangnan area and encountered Jin soldiers and bandits also had a difficult life. For example, Lu You's father-in-law Tang Zhongjun was a figure who raised his family to fight against the Jin. His grandfather also served as deputy prime minister, but he starved to death in his hometown in Hubei.

"Let's go, let's talk about the rebellion later." Zhu Ming stood up and said.

Zhang Guangdao followed Ju Ming and continued climbing, but he was very tired even with his physical strength.

Suddenly, Ju Ming split the vines with his sword, revealing a strange thing - a BMW headlight.

Continuously swinging his sword to split the vines and leaves, Zhang Guangdao's mouth opened wider and wider: That monster can actually move on its own!

Well, the rearview mirror automatically opened when the car key was detected.

It seems that the battery still has power.

Ju Ming opened the car door and got in. He turned around and shouted: "Bring the rope!"

Zhang Guangdao was still in a state of shock and subconsciously handed the rope forward.

Ju Ming chose a slightly thicker tree branch and threw out one end of the rope. It took two attempts before he succeeded. He leaned out and used the scabbard to pull the rope back, using the tree branch as a fixed pulley.

The Heavenly King Armor was packed in a cardboard box. Ju Ming tied it with a rope and said to Zhang Guangdao: "Pull the rope steady, it weighs dozens of kilograms!"

Zhang Guangdao finally came to his senses, grabbed the rope tightly, stepped on the cliff with one foot, and stepped on the tree trunk in front of him.

Zhu Ming pushed the cardboard box out of the carriage and it fell suddenly. The pulling force was so strong that he almost pulled Zhang Guangdao off the cliff.

Ju Ming quickly went over to help, and the two of them worked together to pull the rope and lower the armor bit by bit.

"Brother Bai, something is coming down!"

Under the cliff, Bai Sheng looked up, and sure enough, something black was falling.

Then, it got stuck in a tree branch and stopped moving.

It was still more than ten meters high from the ground, so Bai Sheng did not climb up stupidly. He picked up the ax and only climbed two or three meters before swinging the ax and starting to chop down the tree.

As the big tree fell, the cardboard box containing the armor continued to fall.

After falling to about four or five meters, the rope was no longer enough. It was too short.

Bai Sheng asked people to cut down branches and tie them to the spears to make hooks. Then he climbed up, hooked the box over, pulled the slip knot, and the armor fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhu Ming and Zhang Guangdao on the top felt that there was no tension, so they retracted the rope.

Not long after, another bunch of messy things came down.

Bai Sheng did not open the carton, but picked up a rectangular carton with transparent paper of unknown material on it. He could also read a few words and carefully identified: "China... Smoking is harmful to health..."

Picked up another long box: "Kweichow Moutai..."

What the hell?

Staying here, Bai Sheng waited for a day and a night before Ju Ming finally brought his people back.

There's no way to dismantle the car, and it's very laborious to get the Heavenly King Armor off.

Seeing everyone's curious faces, Ju Ming didn't hide it.

The transparent tape on the carton had been torn off before the journey. Ju Ming opened it quickly and took out the helmet of Tian Wang Jia first.

"What a treasure!" Bai Sheng was trembling as he spoke.

Zhang Guangdao was surprised and happy. He thought that Ju Ming had already prepared and secretly hid the armor for rebellion.

The parts were taken out one by one, perhaps because they were protected by cardboard boxes. The cardboard absorbed the moisture in the air, and the whole set of King Armor was as bright as new.

But Ju Ming fell into thinking. He and his father had become stronger, and the swords were incredibly sharp and tough. So, would the suit of Heavenly King Armor in front of him, as well as the corn and sweet potato seeds, have also mutated?

"Brother Zhu!"

"village head!"

When Zhu Ming heard the shouting, he came to his senses instantly.

He took off his shoes, put on his combat boots and greaves first, then his body armor, then his belt and helmet.

The person standing in front of everyone does not look like a general leading an army to kill the enemy, but looks like a king!

Real practical armor would not have such eye-catching shoulder armor and belt - the shoulder armor has two animal heads, and there is a ghost face in the middle of the belt. Even in modern times, it is very visually impactful, let alone in ancient times.

There is a temple on the mountain in the eastern suburbs of the county. Tian San has been there and seen what the statue of the Heavenly King looks like. His knees weakened, and he knelt down and shouted: "The Heavenly King is here, I kowtow to the Heavenly King!"

"Brother Zhu is the king of heaven descending to earth!" Bai Sheng also knelt down.

The title Tianwang was originally a Taoist term. For example, Pangu was named Yuanshi Tianwang, which eventually evolved into Yuanshi Tianzun.

Later, Buddhism was introduced, and the name "Heavenly King" was also used in translation.

By the Northern Song Dynasty, the four heavenly kings had become independent of Buddhism and Taoism. They were both Buddhist protectors and Taoist heavenly kings.

They all knelt on the ground, Zhang Guangdao grinned, and he also knelt down: "If King Zhu Tian goes to Tokyo, I will be the vanguard general!"

This chapter has been completed!
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