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Chapter 921 0916 [Real Retirement Life]

When Liu Yan received Ju Ming's instructions and saw the contents of exoneration and debt reduction, he shook his head and said: "The officials are really trying their best to encourage immigration."

He drafted the edict himself and added three prerequisites after swiping his brush.

First, the time of committing the crime and borrowing must be before New Year’s Day this year.

Second, except for heinous crimes.

Third, to eliminate debt, the whole family must move.

This is to prevent people from intentionally committing crimes and defaulting on their debts, which may lead to chaos in local public security.

Immigrating to Guizhou is like going into exile. If you are willing to move your whole family to Guizhou just to pay off your debt, then you will definitely not be able to afford it.

Even without this policy, creditors would never be able to collect their loans.

Relocating the whole family of such debtors will be conducive to local stability.

The edict was drafted and sent to Ju Ming.

Zhu Ming approved of this, signed it personally and had the Tongzhengyuan seal it and issue it.

When I picked up another memorial, it was Zhang Shuye who requested to retire.

Zhang Shuye is seventy-one years old and resigned last winter.

His thoughts were obvious. After completing the three applications and three resignations, the imperial examination was over, and he could participate in the imperial examination marking for the last time before retiring.

Zhu Ming wrote: "He is allowed to retire. He will be promoted to Taifu, go to the Zhu Kingdom, and be given a brocade robe."

Then he wrote three more and delivered them to the cabinet:

"Meng Zhao, the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, was appointed as the Assistant Prime Minister."

"Chen Dong of the Inspectorate was transferred to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel."

"Wei Liangchen performed meritorious service in Qingtian, Jiangxi Province, and immediately returned to Beijing and was promoted to the imperial censor of Zuodu. He was specially promoted to the imperial office of Jin Ziguanglu, and he was also promoted to an official, Shaobao, and his wife was given the imperial edict of the second rank."

After receiving these orders, the cabinet ministers were filled with emotion at Wei Liangchen's treatment.

Although he has not yet joined the cabinet, he has two honorary titles from the first rank.

If it were placed in the former Song Dynasty, if Te Jinziguanglu was promoted to a higher position, he would have opened the third division of Yitong.

With these honorary titles, even if Wei Liangchen meets cabinet ministers, most of the time they can talk on equal terms.

After the news was announced, Qin Hui was filled with envy and regretted that he had not gone to Qingtian, Jiangxi Province. He only had the honorary position of a bare Xuanfeng doctor, which he had to endure as he was promoted.

After carefully analyzing the changes in official positions, Qin Hui could basically guess what the emperor was thinking.

Everyone knew that Meng Zhao was mediocre in talent, but this time he was transferred to the cabinet, and Chen Dong took over the staff department.

They are just Sichuan and Hanzhong officials. Too many have been promoted in recent years. Meng Zhao cannot be allowed to occupy that position anymore, so he is simply brought into the cabinet as a decoration.

Chen Dong was a minister from Conglong and was very reliable politically. He was also from the south of the Yangtze River and was impartial and unselfish. Putting him in charge of the Ministry of Civil Affairs could balance the distribution of officials' place of origin.

Qin Hui has been paying attention to the water conservancy on both sides of the Jingjiang River in the past two years, and personally dispatched capable officers there.

As long as Jingbei was managed well, he felt that it would be no problem for him to become the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The fourth month of the lunar calendar.

Zhang Shu left Luoyang at night, and hundreds of officials came to see him off.

His hometown is in Kaifeng, which can be reached in a few days by boat. Everyone is welcome to visit him when passing by Kaifeng.

The willow trees next to the Luoshui River suffered another disaster. They were climbing and folding to write poems, and even the new scholars came to watch the fun.

The cabinet minister Zhao Quan watched Zhang Shuye go away, and he also had the idea of ​​​​retiring and returning home to take care of himself. The main reason was that he was older than Zhang Shuye, and there was a powerful emperor in the dynasty, so no cabinet minister could think of it.

Take power.

The work intensity of the cabinet is very high, and it’s really hard for me to handle it now that I’m older.

As everyone was about to leave, they saw a large number of guards coming, and many craftsmen accompanying them. Then, carriages came to the shore, carrying messy things to the ship.

Immediately afterwards, several agricultural officers even came.

"It's the Supreme Emperor who is leaving Beijing!" Some officials reacted.

Everyone chose to stay and wait, and those who had already left also turned back after hearing the news.

Finally, the Emperor's car arrived.

All the officials hurriedly bowed: "I respectfully send you to the Emperor for his inspection to the west!"

Zhu Guoxiang opened the curtain and waved with a smile: "Goodbye everyone, I am going to Wangchuan and will come back occasionally. If any of you are out or retired, you can come to Wangchuan as a guest when passing by Lantian. I will definitely kill you."

Chickens butchered and fish served, I raised my own chickens and caught my own fish.”

All the officials laughed. They liked the Supreme Emperor and there was no pressure to deal with him.

As for Zhu Guoxiang forcing Zhang Gen to retire voluntarily, no one remembers this kind of thing anymore. People are more willing to remember their favorite side.

The emperor moved and had a whole fleet.

The BMW was wrapped in layers of tarpaulin and pulled to the shore on a marshall. Then a pulley block was built and hoisted onto the ship.

This thing will also be moved to Wangchuan Villa, where troops are stationed at the mouth of the valley. The craftsmen who develop lathes and steam engines all have to go there, and they also find time to dismantle and study BMWs.

After everything was loaded onto the boat, Zhu Guoxiang stood at the bow and handed over his hands: "If you don't want to send it away, please go back."

As he said this, more and more people came to say goodbye.

Many people from Luoyang also came spontaneously, and they often saw the Supreme Emperor coming in and out of the city. Although there were guards separating him, they could still say hello from a distance, and people often sold treasures to the Supreme Emperor.

Not to mention anything else, the agricultural advisors trained by the Supreme Emperor made their dining tables richer.

Chinese cabbage has been popularized for a long time and can be eaten by ordinary people. It is cheap and delicious and is a holy delicacy for winter.

There are also carrots imported from overseas, which are also sweet and delicious. I heard that they can also effectively prevent and treat blindfolded birds.

There are more than one or two similar vegetables.

There are many mountainous areas around Luoyang, and more and more people in those places are planting corn and sweet potatoes.

"His Majesty!"

Suddenly, there was an emotional civilian who knelt down and cried towards the fleet on the shore.

More and more people knelt down, like a virus spreading, and the scene was filled with tears.

People are so strange sometimes. It is possible that their relatives would not be so sad and shed tears when their relatives died. But just because the Emperor left Luoyang, they felt very sad, and they felt like crying no matter what.

Prime Minister Liu Yan was infected by this atmosphere, his eyes were wet and he said: "This is the eternal sage!"

Dean Zhu, the eternal sage, was made a little sentimental, and his concubines and children all came out of the cabin to stand beside him.

Li Qingzhao said with emotion: "I only heard that there were honest and capable officials, and the people cried goodbye when they resigned. Today we know that the emperor is leaving the capital, and there are people kneeling down and crying to see each other off. How much the people love your majesty."

Shen Yourong wiped away her tears and said, "Your Majesty loves the people like his own sons."

Zhu Guoxiang's sadness quickly disappeared, and he started laughing shortly after the fleet sailed away.

When passing through Yanshi County, he also visited his daughter's and son-in-law's homes. Finally, he took his daughter Zhu Yan to Wangchuan Villa to relax.

After sailing into the Yellow River and seeing the fishing boat, Zhu Guoxiang also said to the guard: "Ask the fishermen if they have ever caught Yellow River carp. If so, I will buy a few and let you try my braised carp skills today!"

The fishermen were a little scared at first, but when the guards handed over the copper coins, they started to smile. Instead, they expressed their unwillingness to accept the money and just gave a few fish to the Emperor.

Whenever he stopped the boat for the night, Zhu Guoxiang would entertain officials, and if it was far from the city, he would entertain gentry.

I casually drank some wine, asked about local places of interest, customs and legends, and even claimed that I would travel here in the future.

After a full month of hard work, we finally arrived at Wangchuan Valley.

A castle has been built at the mouth of the valley, and there are many houses nearby for the residence of soldiers and their families.

The accompanying teachers, craftsmen, doctors, agricultural officials... lived in various areas in the valley, and wandered around casually in the first month, so that everyone could appreciate Wang Wei's leisurely and elegant life.

There are still several scenic spots that are not actually completed yet and will probably need to be repaired in two or three years.

After all, this villa stretches for more than twenty miles!

In the core area where the royal family members live, only eunuchs and maids can enter and leave. The sergeants living at the mouth of the valley take turns to guard and protect the safety inside the villa.

After working hard for several days, everything was arranged.

Zhu Guoxiang completely relaxed and took his wife and children for a boat trip on the lake.

The area of ​​the mountain lake is quite large, formed by two rivers converging in a low-lying area. The widest lake is about 500 meters, and the longest lake stretches for six miles. There are mountains that divide the lake into two, and there are also pavilions on the mountains in the middle of the lake. Terrace pavilion.

“The mountains are so picturesque!”

Zhu Guoxiang stood on the bow of the boat and took out his fishing rod with a smile on his face.

The women and children were also happy.

The yard that Shen Yourong chose to live in even had chickens and ducks, and mulberry trees were transplanted near the house. She could take the maids and eunuchs with her, raise chickens and ducks, pick mulberries and feed silkworms, and read books or play games when she was bored.

Miss Wen's yard is surrounded by bamboos, which can be used for painting and digging bamboo shoots for eating.

An Niang did not have these hobbies. She collected many musical instruments and sang songs for everyone from time to time. Li Qingzhao also composed new lyrics, and An Niang was the first to try them out.

"Put out the food and wine."

Li Qingzhao greeted the palace maid to do some work.

This guy is a drunkard and a foodie. He plays chess and cards whenever he has free time. He has very little time to read and write lyrics.

The two women, the Li family from the Kingdom of Jin and the Du family from Annan, were already familiar with each other. However, they were a little more reserved and not as close as the other women. The two of them were vaguely excluded from the small circle.

"Invite the fish to have a drink first."

Li Qingzhao poured wine into the water, then took a sip from the spout, then rolled up his sleeves and swung out the fishing rod.

Then, she started eating snacks and drinking wine, only glancing at the buoy occasionally.

Zhu Guoxiang said with a smile: "Are you sharing the meal with the fish and shrimp? Before you finish eating these preserved fruits, all the fish bait in the water has been eaten."

"He who wishes will take the bait." Li Qingzhao said.

It was already early summer, and the children had no patience for fishing and were clamoring to go swimming in the lake.

Zhu Guoxiang sent his guards to choose a place with shallow water, and a lot of guards and eunuchs who knew how to swim watched.

The sons jumped right in to play.

The daughters should be more reserved and only play with their feet on the shore.

In a few days, the academy here will start classes, and the children will get to know many new classmates.

Ju Ming also wanted to throw his young children here. Childhood here was much more interesting than in the palace.

It was difficult to catch fish in the deep lake. Zhu Guoxiang saw the children having fun, so he took off his clothes and only wore shorts, and plunged directly from the center of the lake.

"Protect the Supreme Emperor!"

The guards and eunuchs shouted in panic.

Zhu Guoxiang emerged from the water again and laughed loudly: "The water in the lake is very cool. I'm going to teach the children to swim!"

Zhu Guoxiang lay on the lake and swam back with his eyes closed. The temperature was just right under the sunlight, and he felt indescribably comfortable and comfortable.

Whoever likes to sit in the position of the Dog Emperor can take it.

(End of chapter)

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