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Chapter 930 0925 [Prince accompanying the reader]

The royal hunting grounds of the Ming Dynasty were too small, and the hunting activities only lasted two days.

For half a day, the army was still setting up and there was no actual hunting at all.

The hunting is over and everything is business as usual.

Farmers whose crops were trampled received a compensation for their crops and started busy replanting grains and vegetables.

Envoys from certain countries left Luoyang with gifts in return.

However, more envoys chose to stay and continue to communicate with Ming officials. Foreign faces could often be seen on the streets of Luoyang.

When Prince Zhu Yang returned to the East Palace, he spontaneously strengthened his martial arts training.

When Ju Ming heard the news, he called his son and asked, "I heard that you practice riding and shooting for an extra hour every day?"

Zhu Yang replied: "The child's performance was not satisfactory when hunting."

Ju Ming said: "Actually, it's not bad. After all, it's horseback archery, the target is a running animal, and you are still young and lack strength."

"We can't embarrass our father." Zhu Yang buried his head and said.

Ju Ming laughed: "If you are interested in this, you can continue. If you are not interested, then there is no need. It is better to learn more about military strategy and geography, and the emperor does not need to personally charge into battle."

"My child understands," Zhu Yang explained, "My child already has a general understanding of the geography of the Ming Dynasty and surrounding countries."

Ju Ming said: "It is probably enough to know, as long as you are not easily deceived by the officials."

Zhu Yang said: "Now the court is in full swing, and the central government and local governments are all good ministers. They will not deceive the emperor."

Ju Ming stopped smiling: "Do you really think so?"

"Is there something wrong?" Zhu Yang was confused.

He is too young and has too little experience.

Growing up, he was surrounded by "good people" and the people who taught him how to read were all great Confucian scholars, which led to his view of the world being too rosy.

Ju Ming warned: "Remember, people have selfish motives and cannot completely trust anyone."

Zhu Yang asked: "Don't trust people when you employ them, and don't trust people when you are suspicious. If you can't trust anyone, how can you appoint officials to govern the country?"

Ju Ming sighed and said, "You misunderstood this sentence."

"Father, please clarify your doubts." Zhu Yang sat and waited to listen to the instructions.

Ju Ming said in detail: "People are complicated, and things are also complicated. Take Jiangxi's land administration as an example. Several years after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Jiangxi's land administration has been difficult to reform. Could it be that all Jiangxi officials colluded with the rich to deceive the court?


Zhu Yang shook his head: "No. There is too much resistance to Jiangxi's land administration reform, and the court keeps urging it, so Jiangxi officials can only hide it from the court."

Zhu Ming asked in a persuasive manner: "Why did Wei Liangchen succeed in acquiring a land?"

Zhu Yang thought seriously and said: "Mr. Wei dares to do things, is able to do things, and is not afraid of offending the big family. And with the royal flag on his body, it is difficult for the local gentry to resist."

Zhu Ming asked with a smile: "So, do you know what it means to be trustworthy when you employ people, and not to trust people when you are suspicious?"

Zhu Yang was thoughtful, but then shook his head blankly.

Ju Ming said: "The more important the matter, the more difficult it is for officials to handle it. The emperor needs consistent support and must not give up halfway."

"It is very important to choose the person to do the job. If you are worried about his character or ability, then don't use him from the beginning, because you don't know what to do. This is called suspecting and not using him."

"Once a person is chosen to do something, no matter how many rumors and objections there are, we must continue to firmly support him. This is called hiring without doubt."

Zhu Yang subconsciously nodded and then asked: "But what if this person really did something wrong? Do we still have to support him?"

Zhu Ming asked: "Did the teacher tell you about Wang Anshi's reform?"

Zhu Yang replied: "Yes. The teacher said that Wang Anshi's reform intention was good, but the people were improperly employed and the laws were wrong, so the reform failed."

Ju Ming sighed: "The emperor at that time did not question those who violated the law, and did not use those who were suspicious. Of course, mistakes were inevitable during Wang Anshi's reform, but what the emperor had to do was to order him to make adjustments. Even if he made a mistake, he had to insist on it.

Keep making mistakes instead of compromising with those old parties."

Zhu Yang was even more puzzled: "You still insist on making a mistake? Wouldn't that cause chaos in the world?"

"The essence of the reform is to redistribute interests. The reason why the reform is difficult is that people with vested interests join forces to prevent the reform," Ju Ming said. "The emperor is not a god, so how can he understand what is really wrong during the reform?

What is false and wrong? Where is someone deliberately turning right into wrong? There is no turning back when you shoot, and you will continue to make mistakes. The consequences of making mistakes are much lighter than looking forward and backward, swinging left and right."

"This... this is too complicated, I really don't understand it." Zhu Yang was already a little dizzy.

Ju Ming said: "You have too little experience and have never suffered setbacks, so naturally you can't understand. This is normal. Don't doubt your ability. You just need to remember that nothing can be done perfectly. Everyone has his or her own limitations."

Thoughts and interests, people and things, as long as they can be improved as a whole, there is no need to be too demanding about perfection. But you have to draw a line in your heart, and whoever dares to cross the line will never be lenient."

"Yes," Zhu Yang replied vaguely, and then asked, "Mr. Hu is an honorable man. Could it be that he would deceive the emperor because of his own selfish interests?"

Ju Ming smiled and said: "It is not a sin to deceive the emperor. Many capable people have great ambitions. Huan Guo's ambition is nothing more than to serve the emperor Yao and Shun and win a reputation after his death. He is a relatively pure person, but purity does not represent him

There is no selfish intention. He will also support his fellow villagers, relatives and friends, and people who are academically similar to him, and thus form his own small group and clique. This is normal. If you don't cultivate close confidants, how can you do anything in peacetime? "

Zhu Yang understood this.

Ju Ming said: "If Huan Guo is in power, his cronies will become more and more numerous, even enough to be called cronies. At this time, if there is another minister who also has his own crony faction, it will be easy to follow him.

There is a conflict in the Kingdom of Huan. Maybe the leaders of the two factions are gentlemen, and they may even be personal friends, but can they really stop the factions from fighting? When it develops to that point, it has nothing to do with individuals. The overall interests of the faction will push the faction leaders

Make a choice even if it harms the country."

Zhu Yang nodded and said: "Wang Anshi and Sima Guang are like this."

Ju Ming said: "It's time to choose a princess for you. Meng Zhao's third daughter is very similar to her mother. Your grandfather and mother are very satisfied and choose a date to arrange a wedding for you. In addition, King Zhuluo donated three

Maiden, the youngest one, I will give it to you to take with you."

"A child is entirely up to his father." Zhu Yang knew his future wife and often played together when they were children. He had a good impression of the future crown princess.

As for Zhu Kang's official wife, Princess Yu, she was Huang Guinian's fourth daughter, and she was married last year.

Speaking of which, the maiden name of the fourth daughter of Huang Yaoshi's family was chosen by Ju Ming with help. Well, her name is Huang Rong...

The Chola king of South India was very interesting. Not only did he send three young girls, he also sent a senior monk of the Linga sect.

The eminent monk and the girl are matched and can teach Ju Ming a secret cultivation technique.

Exactly the kind of secret technique you have in your dirty heads!

Ju Ming happily accepted the three girls, but was too lazy to communicate with the eminent monk in depth.

The oldest girl, Ju Ming himself smiled.

The remaining two were given to Zhu Kang and Zhu Yang.

The skin is quite white, and the bloodline is extremely complicated. I don’t know how many generations they have been mixed.

As a prince, Zhu Yang is still a virgin.

After he left his father's home, he returned to the East Palace to study seriously. There were several companions around him, all of whom were outstanding students from the Imperial Academy and the military academy.

After two years of study, the accompaniment needs to be changed so that the prince can get in touch with more people.

The current five companion readers are: Wang Chongyang, Huang Wanqing, Shi Zhining, Yuan Ang, and Li Huanzhi.

Wang Chongyang is the oldest, and he will be replaced in half a year.

Shi Zhining was a Jurchen, whose original name was He Shilie Zhining. He helped organize the historical materials of the Jin Dynasty in the Hanlin Academy. Because of his rapid progress in knowledge, he was recommended to study in Taixue.

Yuan Ang was the only military academy student. He only studied with the prince for three days every ten days, and most of his studies were related to military affairs.

"Meet Your Highness!"

The five companions, who were chatting, heard the guards shouting and hurried to greet them.

Zhu Yang called them into the room and sat down: "I was summoned by His Majesty just now. There are some Hadith teachings that I don't quite understand. Please discuss them together."

As soon as everyone heard that the emperor was educating the prince, they quickly sat upright.

Zhu Yang was not a fool. He would never say such things about trusting any official. As for the fact that Huan Guo was cultivating cronies, he did not tell his companions. He only roughly repeated Ju Ming's words.

"Why do you insist on making a mistake even though you know it is wrong? I am most confused here." Zhu Yang said.

Wang Chongyang said: "We dare not speculate on the holy will. We only express our own opinions. The reason why we were eager for reform at that time was because the national treasury was empty. And the reason why the national treasury was empty was because of the exploitation and occupation by the powerful, gentry, and wealthy businessmen. The reason for the reform was

The goal is nothing more than to return the invaded profits to the court and the people."

"Among the reformists, there are many speculators who act haphazardly to seek personal gain. At critical moments, they may even act at both ends."

"But the conservative faction is more united. In order to protect their own interests, some people will even deliberately sabotage the reform, even if it endangers the world."

"If the reform is to be successful, the new party must completely suppress the old party. There is no room for relaxation between the two parties. Therefore, even if there are mistakes in the reform decree, even if there are reform officials seeking personal gain, the emperor must always firmly support it. Even if it is wrong, he must support it, and he cannot

Let the old party take advantage of the situation. Otherwise, the two parties will fight, and the mistakes will become more and more serious!"

Zhu Yang thinks it makes sense.

Shi Zhining said: "Before the Jin Kingdom was founded, it had been reforming the law and system, and it was not completed until the country was destroyed. My teacher was from Wanyan Zonghan's school. The teacher once told me that the system of the Jin Kingdom was crude and crude when it was first established.

It must be reformed. But how to reform it? There were many conflicts between him and Wanyan Zongpan’s group. In the end, the teacher knew that he was wrong, but he continued to make mistakes to the end.”

"Why?" Zhu Yang asked.

Shi Zhining said: "Because of my teacher and Wanyan Zonghan, their group is unwilling to let mermaids be their flesh."

Zhu Yang asked: "Even if it leads to the destruction of the Jin Kingdom, will they still make the mistake to the end?"

Shi Zhining said: "Because if we don't make mistakes to the end, the Kingdom of Jin will inevitably collapse faster. Their faction is the mainstay of the Jin Kingdom's army. If the reform harms their interests, the most elite Jin soldiers will be completely disorganized. Even

, it is possible to arouse rebellions in various ministries and break them into pieces without the Ming Dynasty killing them. The prerequisite for reform is after a certain faction completely takes power."

Zhu Yang nodded and said, "If you put it this way, I understand."

Yuan Ang glanced at the clock: "Your Highness, today we are learning cavalry logistics and we need to go to the Tiansi Supervisory Horse Farm. It's almost time."

Zhu Yang stood up with a smile: "You are all my good teachers and helpful friends, let's go feed the horses together."

(End of chapter)

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