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Chapter 941 0936 [Since ancient times]

The turn of winter and spring is the time for rice planting in Annan.

Da Luo Palace, which had just been renamed from Thang Long Palace, and Thien Duc Palace, which was ravaged by Shenli's rebels, gave a large amount of fertile and fertile land to the officials, craftsmen, doctors and soldiers brought by Zhu Kang.

The original owners of these properties were either confiscated and exterminated by Zhu Kang, or massacred and robbed by the rebels.

The original tenants on the land, as well as the war refugees, were also assigned to Zhu Kang's men to farm the newly awarded land.

The 500 soldiers assigned to Zhu Kang by Yang Zaixing were all those who had not yet married.

All of these people were also granted marriages by Zhu Kang, and the married women mainly came from the female relatives of criminal officials. For example, Du Yingwu, several clan sisters of Du Siwu, and the daughter of the traitor Shen Li were granted marriages to several Ming officers.

Even if the rest of the soldiers already had wives in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Kang encouraged them to take concubines in Annan.

There were many Annan people displaced by the war, including women who had lost their families, as well as maids and maids from the criminal officials' homes. The soldiers could choose at will.

In early spring, two fleets landed at the mouth of the Taiping River.

One fleet came from Guangzhou and the other came from Qinzhou. Some of them were the family members of Zhu Kang's men, some were scholars arranged by the imperial court, and some were businessmen from Guangdong and Guangxi recruited by Zhu Kang.

Those scholars were all those who had failed in many examinations, and most of them were scholars over thirty years old.

A scholar's status can only be maintained for three provincial examinations. If he fails to pass the examination three times in a row, his status as a scholar will be automatically cancelled.

Many talents from Guangdong and Guangxi who failed the exam three times have become disheartened.

When they heard that in Annan, they could become professors, give lectures, and be allocated fertile land, they signed up to join Zhu Kang.

There were also some merchants from Guangdong and Guangxi who had traded with Annan in the past. When they learned that His Royal Highness the Prince of Yu was the regent of Annam, and that he was able to buy shops for free in Da Luo Prefecture (Thang Long Prefecture), they also asked their bastards to come and settle down with their clerks.

As these family members, scholars, and merchants arrived, Zhu Kang felt more confident.

But the local nobles and officials were extremely dissatisfied!

"Your Highness, there were many disputes when granting land, so we can only cut through the mess quickly," Xie Hong said.

Zhu Kang asked: "What are these disputes?"

Xie Hong said: "We cannot understand each other's language and are not familiar with the local conditions. When we grant land, we rely on local officials to implement it. Some local officials take the opportunity to occupy the land, and there are also people who allocate the land indiscriminately, harming the interests of the Ming Dynasty officers and Annan landowners. Although I sent people

We have been monitoring them, but it is difficult to find out completely, so we can only kill a group of chickens to scare the monkeys. Those Annan landowners whose fields were occupied indiscriminately will naturally have to be returned if they have officials, and they will have to admit that they are unlucky."

"When you first arrive, there is nothing you can do about it. Everyone must familiarize themselves with local affairs as soon as possible." Zhu Kang understood the difficulty of implementation. Due to the language barrier, he was also very depressed when communicating with the locals.

Annan became independent in the Five Dynasties. Although scholars can write Chinese characters, fewer and fewer people can speak Chinese, and a sense of national independence has gradually emerged.

Zhu Kang took out a book: "This is compiled by the Hanlin History Museum. It was just sent to the soldiers and their families. The imperial court printed five thousand copies."

Xie Hong took it with both hands and was delighted when he saw the title: "With this book, Annan will be settled ten years later!"

The name of this book is "Jiaozhi Zhilue".

The opening chapter talks about the origin of China and regards Baiyue as a branch of China.

The ancestors of the Jiaozhi people belong to Luo Yue, one of the Baiyue people. Therefore, the people of Jiaozhi also belong to the Chinese ethnic group.

The first country in the Jiaozhi area was founded by Pan Nan, the prince of Shu, after the ancient Shu Kingdom was destroyed by Qin. The capital was Guluo City (near Shenglongfu City), which was called Ouluo Kingdom and Anyang Kingdom.

Then came the Southern Expedition of the Qin State, Zhao Tuo established himself, the Han Dynasty established three counties, the Sui and Tang Dynasties ruled, and the Five Dynasties were divided...

In other words, the book "Jiaozhi Zhilue" regards Annan in ancient times as a part of China. It has always belonged to China since then, and it was less than two hundred years ago when it was separated!

Zhu Kang asked: "How should this book be promoted?"

Xie Hong said: "Gather scholars who can speak Chinese and study every day. If they pass the exam, they will be awarded or promoted, and then let them take the "Jiaozhi Zhilue" to spread. We also order the civil and military ministers of the DPRK and China to select and send

The descendants of the family go to the Imperial College to study, so that these officials' sons can learn to speak Chinese, and everyone must recite "Jiaozhi Zhilue"."

"This is still a bit slow." Zhu Kang was not satisfied.

Xie Hong said with a smile: "Then sell this book to the outside world. From now on, Annan's newly appointed officials, as well as the assessment before promotion, will all take the "Jiaozhi Zhilue" test. If the "Jiaozhi Zhilue" test fails, the new scholar will be

Officials are not allowed, and those who are already officials are not allowed to be promoted!"

Zhu Kang nodded: "Very good!"

This approach can be effective in the current Annan, because they consider themselves "Little China in the South of China" and regard the surrounding foreign races as barbarians.

Moreover, Annan does not have any official history book.

It was only after the independence of the Five Dynasties that some unrecorded historical materials gradually appeared.

Vietnam's first official history book, called "Historical Records of Dai Viet", would have to wait another hundred years to come out!

Even the "Historical Records of Dai Viet" cannot bypass China.

"Historical Records of Dai Viet" records as follows:

Emperor Ming, the third grandson of the Shennong family, gave birth to a son who ruled the north. Also while touring Lingnan, he gave birth to a son who ruled the south and was called King Jingyang.

King Jingyang married the daughter of Lord Dongting and gave birth to Lord Luolong, who was of the blood of the Dragon King of Dongting.

Luolongjun married the fairy Nuoji and gave birth to a hundred sons, thus forming Baiyue. Therefore, Luolongjun is the ancestor of Baiyue. Moreover, the ancestors of Baiyue people have the blood of both dragon and fairy clans.

Among those one hundred sons, one was named Hung King, the true ancestor of Vietnam.

The country established by King Xiong was called Wenlang Kingdom, which extended to the South China Sea in the east, Bashu in the west, Dongting in the north, and Husun ​​(Champaign) in the south. The land of Jiaozhi was only one of the fifteen divisions of the Wenlang Kingdom.

The above myths are nonsense enough, but what follows is even more hilarious.

Pan, the prince of the ancient Shu Kingdom, actually annexed the Wenlang Kingdom. Although the king had magical power, he did not cultivate military equipment. He drank and had fun all day long. When the Shu army came to kill him, he was still drunk. In the end, he vomited blood and fell into a well and drowned - Dragon King of Dongting

Why did their descendants drown?

Next, I wrote about the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, and then Qin Shihuang sent troops southward, Zhao Tuo, the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Southern Dynasties...

To be honest, except for the mythology part, "Historical Records of Dai Viet" is pretty normal, at least more normal than the Korean history book.

Even the mythological content refers to "Shangshu" and Chinese mythology.

The author of "Historical Records of Dai Viet" admits that the Vietnamese are descendants of the Shennong family and that their origins come from China (mainly from Bashu, Dongting and Lingnan).

However, their narrative angles are different, and they always regard themselves as the invaded - from the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, China has been invading Jiaozhi.

There is not even a shadow of this book at present. When the Ming Dynasty compiled "Jiaozhi Lue", it only needed to change the narrative angle.

Scholars who could speak Chinese in Daluo Prefecture and surrounding prefectures and counties were all summoned to attend the lectures, and there were more than fifty people in number.

Xie Hong gave lectures in person.

A large map sent from Luoyang was hung up. Xie Hong pointed at the map and said, "Who knows what kind of map this is?"

No one answered.

Xie Hong smiled and said, "You can all come over and take a closer look."

More than fifty scholars gathered around and saw labels such as Chang'an and Luoyang.

"Jiaozhi Protectorate and Songping County!"

One of them suddenly shouted and pressed his finger on Daluo Mansion (Thenglong Mansion).

Everyone carefully observed the Jiaozhi Protectorate and compared it with the map of the entire prosperous Tang Dynasty. They suddenly felt that Annan was so small.

Xie Hong asked everyone to return to their seats and distributed "Jiaozhi Zhilue".

He began to talk about the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, and then elaborated on Ju Ming's definition of China, including Bashu and Baiyue.

Xie Hong said: "There is a Chinese history book called "Huayang Guozhi", which clearly records that Pan, the prince of the ancient Shu Kingdom, went south to establish the Ouluo Kingdom. It was the first kingdom in Annan recorded in history, and its territory at its peak included

The Guangxi Province of the Ming Dynasty even included the Dali Kingdom. Its capital was in Daluo Prefecture, which was formerly Shenglong Prefecture. If you don't believe it, you can go to the Ming Dynasty to buy "Huayang Guozhi". This book is widely circulated and is not


Since it is recorded in ancient history books, it is not made up by the Ming Dynasty.

The more than fifty Annan scholars present did not feel depressed after listening to this, but instead felt a sense of pride in their hearts.

It turns out our ancestors were so awesome.

The first king of Annan was actually a prince from the ancient Shu Kingdom, which was considered an orthodox noble of China. Moreover, the territory was so large that it actually included the entire Dali Kingdom and the Guangxi Province of the Ming Dynasty.

"The Ouluo Kingdom was destroyed by the Qin State," Xie Hong continued. "At that time, hundreds of thousands of Qin troops went south, married local women and had children. I am afraid that some of you here have ancestors who are descendants of the Qin army.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Zhao Tuo established his own country..."

Today I will only talk about a general outline, and it will be finished in less than two hours.

Xie Hong finally concluded: "The above are all from Chinese history books, and anyone can verify them. The citizens of Ming Dynasty and Annan are all of Chinese ethnicity. Although you live in a corner, you belong to the Yan and Huang orthodoxy. Don't belittle yourselves.

.It’s a pity that since the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, we have been separated from China for two hundred years, and even scholars can speak Chinese less and less.”

"As the saying goes, how can scholars forget their ancestors? In the future, Annan's imperial examinations must take the "Jiaozhi Zhilue". Those who have already become officials must also take the "Jiaozhi Zhilue" before promotion.

"You all can speak Chinese, so you must study this book seriously. In two months, the imperial court will take an exam for you. Those who pass the exam will be promoted to a higher level if they have official status, and they will be conferred an official title immediately if they don't!"

Is it related to being an official?

Immediately, an official said: "I have a genealogy in my family, and it is clearly written. My ancestors moved from Nanhai County!"

Xie Hong smiled and said: "Then your ancestors are from Guangzhou."

There was another scholar who was not an official and had no genealogy in his family. In order to please Xie Hong, he made up the origin of his ancestors on the spot: "My ancestors moved from Luoyang during the Tang Dynasty!"

Xie Hong said with a smile: "If your ancestors had not migrated, they would now be people from the capital of the Ming Dynasty."

The scholar then laughed, as if he was really originally from Luoyang.

For a period of time, these guys took "Jiaozhi Zhilue" and spread it everywhere, telling everyone that their ancestors came from China, and that Jiaozhi had always been Chinese territory.

If anyone refutes it, they point to historical records as proof.

The nobles and bureaucrats in Annan were also ordered to send their children to study at the Imperial College. More than 200 people were enrolled at once, and the professors and lecturers were all scholars who had just moved from Guangdong and Guangxi. These young children of the officials were brainwashed after just a few classes.

I went home and asked my grandfather and father to look up the genealogy and wanted to know where in China my ancestors came from.

Such a high-profile promotion of "Jiaozhi Zhilue" made many courtiers feel like they were facing a formidable enemy, but they did not dare to oppose it for the time being.

It wasn't until Zhu Kang issued an order to make "Jiaozhi Zhilue" a required part of the imperial examination that Minister Annan finally couldn't help but jump out.

Processing the results is simple -

"The rebel Du Yingwu was defeated and fled. It was recently discovered that Du Yingwu sent people to secretly contact the remaining party members in order to stage another coup in Da Luo Mansion. The court has already captured several people and tortured them..."

"There are confessions from traitors: Li Tao, the censor of the right capital, Tong Li, the right minister of the military department, Yuan Kan, the official of the official department, and Ruan Yanzhi, the doctor of the household department... All the above people are the remnants of the Du traitors and should be taken to prison for interrogation..."

After interrogation, some people were acquitted and read "Jiaozhi Lue" by heart.

Some people checked the evidence and found out that they were indeed the remnants of the Du thieves, and they ransacked their homes and destroyed their families!

In just two months, four local rebellions broke out in Jiaozhi. The Ming Dynasty soldiers only mobilized once, and the remaining three times were not serious. King Zhiming led his troops and wiped them out.

By the way, King Zhiming also discovered the genealogy at home.

The genealogy shows that the founding monarch of the Annan Li Dynasty came from Jinjiang, China...

This is not fiction, it’s fucking true!

The royal family of the Li Dynasty of Annan was originally from Raoyang, Hebei Province, and moved to Jinjiang, Fujian Province. There were also people from Jinjiang who served as officials in the Ming Dynasty. One of them became maritime merchants. They initially traveled to Chenla, and gradually moved to Jiaozhi and settled there.

In the early Song Dynasty, Fujian became more stable, and they even returned to their hometown in Jinjiang to renew their family trees.

King Zhiming Li Yangzhen took out the royal family tree and let the ministers read it at the court meeting. Everyone was instantly speechless.

Zhu Kang naturally wanted to reciprocate the favor and wrote a letter to Luoyang to ask for help.

From now on, Li Yangzhen is not only the Zhiming King of Annan, but also the Marquis of Shangyi conferred by the Ming Emperor.

Zhu Ming even sent people to Annan to recruit Li Yangzhen's daughter as the concubine of Ming Dynasty.

(End of chapter)

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