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Chapter 957 0952 [Siege the city]

Yinzhou City is located in Yuhe Town, Yulin City. The city is built at the intersection of Wuding River and Mingtang River.

Surrounded by water on three sides, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It has blocked the Song army countless times.

Zhang Xian led his troops from Mizhi Village and bombarded them continuously for seven days. He used muskets and crossbows to cover the civilians, built more than ten pontoon bridges on the Mingtang River, and left soldiers to build forts on the shore day and night to prevent the pontoon bridges from being demolished.

A few dozen miles north of this city, and east of the later urban area of ​​Yulin, was the headquarters of the Xixia Shenyong Military Division.

Surrounded by water on two sides and backed by mountains on the other, it is equally easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Yao Pingzhong led his army from Jinning (Jiaxian County), and had been shelling Sicheng of the Shenyong Army for seven days. He also built more than ten pontoon bridges on the river.

Wang De Wang Yaksha was taken away by Zhang Guangdao when he was in Shanxi, and now he is under the command of Yao Pingzhong again.

Wang De led a partial army out of Linzhou (in Shenmu County). He let the troops set off in a big way along the Zhuolun River to attack Zhuolun Village. However, he personally led a thousand elite troops without even bringing siege artillery, and marched along the Quyechuan River (cave).

Wild River) directly takes the branch of the Zi River further away.

Hidden by day and night, divine soldiers descend from heaven.

These eight hundred elite men, wearing medium-sized cotton armor, carried simple wooden ladders to attack the city at night. Wang De took the lead and climbed up the wall of the stronghold, and rushed into the stronghold in only half a quarter of an hour.

The Xixia defenders fled in terror, not knowing how many enemies were coming.

Immediately afterwards, Wang De took the flag of the defenders of Zihecha Village and went to Zhuolun Village to force the surrender of the Xixia defenders.

He then sent his troops to the north to attack Nuanquanfeng Village, but the defenders here were unwilling to surrender.

Wang De's army has 16,000 men, but it doesn't even have a single siege artillery. He doesn't bring any siege artillery, saying that all the targets along the way are fortresses, there are no real strong cities, and the mountain roads are rugged and affected by artillery.


Among these 16,000 people, 10,000 were civilians transporting grain, and the other 3,000 were garrison troops. Only 3,000 were the real elite.

But those three thousand elites all wore new cotton armor. The equipment of any small soldier was better than that of Xixia's mid-level officers.

Wang Dexian asked the grain transporters to hold up more flags and place them everywhere at the foot of Nuanquan Peak. Among the vegetation, there were flags of the Ming army everywhere, as if tens of thousands of troops were coming to kill them.

Then the three thousand garrison troops were allowed to feign an attack, consuming the defenders' physical strength and supplies.

When the battle reached dusk, they were supposed to retreat to the foot of the mountain and attack again tomorrow. Instead, Wang De personally led three thousand elite troops and climbed to the wall of the stronghold with all their might, and in an instant the dangerous stronghold was breached.

Then, he led his army south to join forces with Yao Pingzhong.

At the same time, people were sent north to notify the garrison troops in the three cities in Hexi. Let the garrison generals there take the local prairie cavalry to set off to attack Dijinze in the desert.

On the way, Wang De defeated the Xixia Fort in Tumaochuan in one fell swoop.

A series of battles to defeat the four Xixia villages took only eleven days. And most of the time they were marching, so the total actual fighting time was less than 20 hours.

Of his three thousand elite troops, forty-one were killed and more than two hundred were injured.

Most of the casualties came from boiling oil, gold juice, oak wood and arrows. The losses caused by real hand-to-hand combat were very few.

Destroy everything!

The main reason is that this guy is too fierce. He can always find the weak points of the enemy's defense of the city, and then personally lead the team to climb the ladder. On the city wall, Wang De became more and more courageous in the face of the siege. He relied on the medium-sized cotton armor to fight to the death. His subordinates

Warriors keep climbing up.

Until Wang De cleared the northern fortress and came to join Yao Pingzhong's army, Yao Pingzhong was still bombarding Sicheng of the Shen Yong Army.

The walls of this city are not high, but they are very, very thick!

Yao Pingzhong bombarded the city for more than ten days, but only one of the city gates collapsed, which collapsed and blocked the city gate. Yao Pingzhong also tried to attack the city, but failed for two days in a row. There were more than 3,000 steps in the city.


In a rage, Yao Pingzhong dug up the ancestral graves of the Xixia royal family!

Li Jiqian's ancestors are buried nearby.

"Take it over!" Yao Pingzhong said.

But they saw a group of soldiers carrying a box to the outside of the moat, and poured out a pile of bones from the box.

A few more soldiers pulled out three pieces of white cloth and held it high.

A piece of white cloth has big characters written on it: The bones of Li Yichang, the ancestor of Li Jiqian.

Another piece of white cloth wrote: Dig his ancestral grave.

Another piece of white cloth wrote: Crushing bones and raising ashes.

The soldiers lifted up the bones and smashed them against the bones, smashing them into pieces and collecting them again.

Several cavalrymen rode around the moat, scattering corpse fragments along the way. A large group of cavalry followed, and their horse hooves repeatedly trampled the ashes.

Most of the party defenders in the city did not know Chinese characters.

But two military generals and several civil servants recognized him and became furious, shouting that they wanted to avenge their ancestors.

"General, General Wang De is here with his troops."

"Invite him over quickly!"

Yao Pingzhong met Wang De and asked: "Have the four northern villages been conquered?"

Wang De nodded: "One village made a surprise attack, two villages attacked by force, and one village surrendered."

"Okay, you will be the main attacker of this city," Yao Pingzhong pointed to the city wall and said, "The east gate collapsed, but only the horse road next to it was damaged. Many war sheds and buildings in the east and north were also destroyed by artillery fire.

It collapsed and most of the parapet was destroyed."

"There are Xixia Bubazi in the city. These bastards are poor and not afraid of death. I was too anxious in the past two days and only built four ladders to attack the city. Lu Gongche only built two."

"The defenders of this city knew how to deal with fire cannons. Behind the collapsed parapet wall, they moved many sacks filled with sand and soil at night and built up fortifications with the sacks. The fire cannon soldiers stood in Lu Gong's chariot and it was difficult to hit them.

The defenders behind the sack."

Wang De said: "Although the sand sacks can protect against firecrackers, they narrow the top of the city wall, and the enemy's troop transportation channel is also very narrow. As long as you climb the city wall and gain a firm foothold in one or two places, you can cover the entire city wall."

Take this section of the city wall."

"I can't stand," Yao Pingzhong said. "Those Bubazi are working hard, and no matter how hard they try to persuade them to surrender, it won't work. If not, how could I crush Li Jiqian's ancestors into ashes?"

Yao Pingzhong's luck seems to have always been very bad.

Historically, he was betrayed by his own people.

In this time and space, one either cannot make meritorious deeds in time for the great battle, or one can set up an ambush during the great war but cannot meet the enemy.

During this attack on the city, he encountered the Xixia general Yi Ni. (The surname of this person is unknown, and the history books are vague and difficult to distinguish, so "口" is used instead of his surname.)

Yi Tie was originally a general from Tie Yaozi, and was highly valued by Richard and promoted to the capital of one side.

Historically, he was defeated by Li Shifu who was determined to return to the Song Dynasty, and even Tie Yaozi suffered heavy losses. Since Wang Shu, the Privy Councilor of Xixia, was also captured by Li Shifu, he took the blame and was never reused, even during Xiao Heda's rebellion.

Didn't show up.

This man was transferred to the Heroic Military Division three years ago. Although he was corrupt, he was not excessive, and he was brave and forthright and won military morale.

With the exception of Brother Richard, all the Xixia generals are now the most capable of fighting corruption.

Yao Pingzhong continued his bad luck and encountered a hard nut to crack!

"Get ready, the Ming army is about to attack the city again." Yi Xian hid behind a sack of sand and watched the Ming army outside the city deliver military orders.

A total of five ladders, four Lugong carriages, more than 200 flying ladders, and countless parapets were pushed from the pontoon across the river across the moat and rearranged.

The Ming army's artillery was still bombarding.

After the siege troops were arranged and advanced some distance, the Ming army's artillery stopped firing.

Pushing at the front were the large Lu Gong chariots. On the top floor of each Lu Gong chariot stood ten musketeers, shooting down at the city defenders.

Five ladders advanced slowly, and the hidden troop carriages were filled with Wang De's elite troops.

Although his 3,000 elite troops suffered more than 200 casualties, those with minor injuries were still able to fight. More than 2,900 people were responsible for the main attack mission, dispersed on five ladders.

Behind the female wall near the ladder, there are other elite troops following. As long as Wang De has a firm foothold on the city, the follow-up troops will continue to climb the city.

Behind the heavily damaged Xixia Female Wall was a pile of sandbags as high as half a man. The Ming Army musketeers on Lu Gong's car had difficulty hitting the enemies behind the sandbags, but they used bullets to suppress the defenders from raising their heads.

However, although the sandbag fortification can block bullets, it also makes it difficult to put in wood, rolling stones, and gold juice.


Under the false mobilization, the rocket troops were mobilized in the direction of the Ming army's main attack and fired at the Ming army's Lu Gong chariot and ladders.

The Xixia soldiers tried to burn down the Ming army's siege weapons, but with little success. They were covered with cowhide to prevent fire.

The sandbags at the head of the city facing the five ladders were removed and ordered to open a gap so that the defenders could pour gold juice and throw rolling logs.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

After the sandbags were moved one level away, they were immediately attacked by the musketeers on Lu Gong's car.

Although there was a blind spot for shooting, the musketeers stood high. The Xixia soldiers carrying sandbags were in danger as long as they dared to stand up straight.

After shooting many people in succession, the Xixia defenders lay behind sandbags and did not dare to move.

They squatted half-crouched and shot arrows down the city. The Ming army's crossbowmen also hid behind the female wall and shot arrows.

Inside and outside the city, arrows rained down like rain.

The first ladder has been raised, and the soldiers pushing the cart turn the winch, and the wooden ladder rises higher and higher than the city wall - much the same as a fire escape.

An officer was responsible for observing the distance and ordered: "Step back half a step!"

The soldiers pulled the ladder back.

The officer shouted again: "Let go!"

The wooden ladder slowly fell forward, and the two iron hooks on the front section were firmly hooked on the city wall.

Wang De was hiding in the carriage of the ladder. He looked up carefully and found that the muskets in Lu Gong's car had effectively suppressed the enemy troops above him.

So Wang De rushed out of the carriage and climbed up quickly.

The angle of the ladder on the city wall is not steep. At this time, pouring gold juice is a useless attack. You must throw a tree and roll down the ladder.

Two stepmen bent down to lift the tree and threw it out with all their strength.

If you directly press the top of the ladder and roll down, it is an ineffective attack. Because there are several anti-thrust facilities on both sides of the ladder, that is, arm-thick wood is erected to prevent the defenders from rolling down.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were two Lu Gong cars on the left and right of the ladder, and the musketeers were all staring at them.

The moment Xixia Bubazi threw the wood, ten bullets were fired at the two of them before the wood was thrown.

One Bubazi fell down directly, and the other Bubazi was shot in the arm.

Tsumugi fell sideways on the ladder, rolled down for a distance, was blocked by a rejection stake, hit the side of the ladder and fell to the ground.


Many Xixia defenders were squatting or lying behind the sandbags. They could not see what was going on outside, and they just tried their best to throw stones over the sandbags.

The stone is no bigger than your head and is too heavy to throw.

Wang De raised his round shield with his left hand, protected his head and continued to climb up.

A stone fell on the shield, causing Wang De's arm to ache. Another stone fell, grazing his shoulder and sliding down.

"Golden juice, golden juice, pour it down quickly!"

Two Xixia defenders came forward carrying iron pots.

Before they even made the tipping action, ten more bullets were fired. Then there was a miserable cry, but one person was knocked down by the bullets, and the iron pot in his hand fell down. The other person stood in the blind spot of the shooting and was not hit by the bullets.

, but his feet were burned by the spilled golden juice.

At this moment, Wang De climbed to the top of the city.

Before he could stand firm on the sandbag, four spears were stabbed at him at the same time, and two knives were slashed at his feet.

The musketeers didn't dare to shoot anymore and had to rely on Wang De to solve the problem himself.

Wang De raised his shield to block a spear, took out his mace and smashed another one. There were two remaining spears, one stabbed him in the chest and the other stabbed him in the waist. The huge impact almost pushed Wang De off the city wall, so he abandoned his shield.

He barely managed to steady himself by grabbing the spear that was stabbing his chest.

The other two knives all hit Wang De's instep.

The boots are also cotton armor boots!

The outer layer is cotton armor and the inner layer is chain armor, which does not affect mobility.

The 3,000 men under Wang De's command are a key reloading force, specifically used to attack cities and demolish strongholds.

The two Xixia Bubazi found that they could not cut through Wang De's boots and were stunned for several seconds.

Wang De had already jumped into the crowd, and before his feet even touched the ground, he smashed the head of a Bu Ba Zi with his mace.

"Kill him!"

The Xixia general Qi Tiao was nearby because this was the main attack area of ​​the Ming army.

He even hid his back and personally led his troops to consolidate the defense.

Wang De had been hit by countless knives and guns all over his body. He relied on the medium-sized cotton armor to hold him back, but his flesh and bones were still in great pain. He did not rush forward, but stayed within one meter of the spot, repeatedly wielding his mace to attack, and held his position.

Follow-up soldiers followed.

Finally, another soldier climbed up, holding a shield in one hand and a bone in the other, and fought side by side with Wang De.

When Yi Tie came to help in person, five people from Wang De's camp had already boarded the city.

The spear couldn't be used, so he carried a wrought iron stick in his hand. Most of the stick had a wooden handle, and the front quarter was made of wrought iron. It was very convenient to use this thing to break armor.


The mace collided with the iron bar, and Qi Tian felt that his entire right arm was numb, and he could hardly hold the iron bar with both hands.

He was filled with fear, and when he looked at Wang De, he seemed to be looking at a giant monster.

Wang De didn't care about the attacks from other enemies, and the friendly troops would help him neutralize them. Taking advantage of the shock to his arm, Wang De struck out with another iron mace.

He raised the stick with both hands to block, but was shocked and took half a step back. He barely managed to hold on to the iron stick without falling.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Wang De waved his mace again, making a whistling sound in the air.

Yi Xian wanted to raise his stick to block, but found that he couldn't lift his arms. He was so frightened that he lay down on his back to dodge.


An iron mace hit Yi Ni's chest, and the cold-forged armor was dented. Blood spilled from the corner of Yi Ni's mouth, and he didn't fall down until he hit the soldier behind him.

Wang De stepped forward and swung his mace down again, hitting the helmet hard.

Immediately, his body became stiff, his pupils were dilated, he fell to the ground and twitched, and blood continued to flow from his helmet.

"Wang Yaksha is here, who dares to fight again?"

Wang De shouted loudly.

"Yaksha is here, run away!"

The Xixia soldiers nearby were dumbfounded, and even Bu Bazi was so frightened that he stepped back.

When they heard that Wang De called himself Yaksha and that he was tall and burly, they immediately thought that it was Yaksha who had come to the world.

When Wang De wielded his mace again, the enemies in front of him fled instantly, hoping to stay as far away from this Yaksha as possible.

(End of chapter)

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