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Chapter 99 0094 [Please start your performance]

 Brothers Deng Chun and Deng Xia ran away with their entire family, including parents, wives and children, a total of nine people in total.

Not only do you need to take a boat, but you also have to pass through the county town!

"Puff puff puff!"

In the darkness, outside the pier in the south of the city, Deng Chun slammed the door of a restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, just a few tile-roofed houses, and the owner and his family live in it.

An old man about fifty years old yawned and came over to check. He saw silhouettes of people outside through the door hole. He was so frightened that he lost sleep for a moment: "Who are you looking for?"

As if he had gone through a transformation, Deng Chun, who was not good at words, became more and more eloquent in his speech: "When I asked brother Zhong Mai to be an archer, he was a tenth general and I was the deputy chief. He was considered a soldier under me."

"You have the wrong person!"

The old man didn't dare to accept the nonsense.

Deng Chun quickly explained: "I don't want to borrow money, I just said a few words to Brother Zhong. I know he lives here, and I helped him move home with the reward for killing the thieves."

After hearing this, the old man hesitated for a moment and finally went to wake up his son.

Not long after, Zhong Mai came out and took off the door panel, and asked happily: "Why is Brother Deng here?"

"Go in and talk first," Deng Chun said.

Zhong Mai invited them into the restaurant, asked his wife to heat up the leftovers, and served them with a jar of bad wine.

Deng Chun held down the wine jar: "I'm running for my life, so I can't drink."

"Escape?" Zhong Mai said in surprise, "Who is not smart enough to dare to embarrass Brother Deng?"

Deng Chun simply said: "The government turned to the front official and took away my reward money, along with the land deeds and farm cattle, saying that they would pay back the food and taxes."


Zhong Mai was a prodigal, and he was very aware of the tricks of subordinate officials. He was so angry that he slapped the table and said: "It must be the cause of the trouble in the county government. The government does not dare to seek trouble from Zhu Du, nor does it dare to trouble me.

Then I took my anger out on Brother Deng."

Deng Chun said: "Brother Zhong has connections at the dock. Please help us get a boat, otherwise I won't be able to go to Heifeng Village."

"That's easy to say," Zhong Mai pointed to the river. "There is a boat there, left by Brother Bai Sheng. He has been recruiting people these days, and has already recruited forty or fifty people. Just go and look for him on the boat.


"I'm leaving right away. I can't stay at Brother Zhong's house any longer." Deng Chun stood up immediately.

Zhong Mai said: "I will lead the way."

Deng Chun took his family and followed Zhong Mai to the river.

Zhong Mai whistled a few times, and Bai Sheng's voice sounded on the boat: "At midnight, what are you calling?"

"Brother Bai, come and pick up the guest." Zhong Mai said with a smile.

These days, Bai Sheng has been living on a boat in order to recruit people. He wanders around the slums every day, chats with people he meets, asks about whose family is more difficult, and then takes them to Daming Village in a trick.

At this moment, the two parties met and quickly explained the situation. Bai Sheng was also very angry.

Deng Chun said: "I have Baozheng tied up, and he will come to report to the official at dawn."

"Then we can't wait any longer." Bai Sheng was afraid of an accident, so he lit a brazier and rowed away from the dock at night.

The boat is not big and there are many people, so sailing at night is more dangerous.

After sailing the boat downstream, two or three miles away from the county seat, Bai Sheng docked to rest.

Wait until the sky turns white before continuing to set off.

Moving along the Muma River, after converging with the ocean water, the river surface suddenly widens and the flow speed becomes much faster.

At about eight o'clock in the morning, we arrived at the intersection of Yangshui River and Hanjiang River.


Shi Biao was carrying his old mother on his back, holding his young sister with his left hand, and stared at the river in front of him in a daze.

He had two choices: swim east across the Han River or swim south across the Yangtze River.

Shi Biao's brain was a little weak, so he stood there for a long time and said to his sister: "Wait here, I will come back to pick you up."

This guy actually stripped down to his underpants, then carried his old mother on his back and swam across the ocean.

After placing his old mother on the shore, Shi Biao was so tired that his legs cramped up. He rested for more than 20 minutes and then plunged into the water again to swim back to fetch his sister.

"Brother, there is someone in the river!" Deng Xia shouted.

Deng Chun stood up and took a closer look, but saw Shi Biao swimming closer and closer, and for a moment he didn't recognize who it was.

Bai Sheng smiled and said: "There are still people bathing in the river this early in the morning. Maybe they encountered the water ghosts in Yanghe River."

Shi Biao was afraid of being caught by the government and kept staring at the ship.

He heard Bai Sheng's voice, looked carefully, and quickly shouted: "Brother Bai, I am a stone!"

Bai Sheng suddenly had an impression and confirmed: "But when you practice on the school field, you are hit by rocks every day?"

"That's me." Shi Biao shouted.

Bai Sheng put down his pennies, pulled Shi Biao into the boat, and asked, "Why are you in the river so early in the morning?"

"It's my turn, I have to run for my life." Shi Biao said.

Deng Chun understood immediately and said angrily: "I am not the only one who was killed, Brother Shi also suffered."

Shi Biao pointed to both sides of the bank: "My mother and sister are still on the bank."

Bai Sheng immediately sailed the boat to pick up the people. Thirteen people could fit in it. After all, there were children, but it was almost overloaded.

After going all the way down the river, we passed Xiabai Village in the middle of the afternoon.

Meng Zhao, a poor scholar, also borrowed money to hire a boat, took his wife and three children, and headed for Daming Village a few miles away from Bai Sheng's boat.

"Meng Xiucai, I only came here," the boatman said as he stopped by the river. "Turn into Heifeng Village. I don't dare to go to the bandits' den."

Meng Zhao said: "The bandits have been wiped out and there is no danger."

The boatman just laughed: "I won't go."

Meng Zhao picked up his several-month-old twins, and his wife held their six-year-old daughter, and walked ashore all the way into the mountains.

At this time, Daming Village accepted several groups of runaway households and recruited more than 40 poor people from outside the city. The population has soared to 926 people (including minors).

Zhu Guoxiang has been here these two days and is selecting a site for the weir pond.

"It can be leveled here," Zhu Guoxiang said, pointing to a gentle slope. "A weir pond with an area of ​​half an acre can be dug. The amount of work is not large and it should be completed before winter. The planning of all mountainous areas must be adjusted, and every section

Plant trees at a distance to prevent soil erosion caused by over-cultivation. For the time being, plant mulberry trees to maintain soil and water and raise silkworms."

Zhu Ming said: "Farm work is not busy in winter. If it doesn't snow, we can continue digging weirs and ponds. Let's choose another location."

The father and son walked downhill towards another hill.

Between the foot of the mountain and the river bank, there are large paddy fields, alternately high and low, which already have a bit of a terraced feel.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "The high-turning water tanker was invented in the Tang Dynasty, but I have never seen it in Xixiang County. If we build a high-turning water tanker here and build a canal at the foot of the mountain, we can quickly lift water for irrigation.

Big fields.”

"What is a high-rotation drum car?" Zhu Ming asked.

Zhu Guoxiang explained: "The drum cart is a water lifting and irrigation tool. The high-rotating drum cart is particularly tall and can irrigate the land at high places. According to the records in Wang Jian's "Agricultural Book", it can even reach ten feet high, which is more than thirty meters.


"It's a bit outrageous. It's more than 30 meters, which is ten stories high," Zhu Ming asked, "Can you make it?"

Zhu Guoxiang said: "According to the terrain here, ten meters high is enough. I know the specific structure and it is not too complicated. I can ask a carpenter to try it. The tree I cut in Shangbaicun has been drying in the shade for several months, and I have good luck.

To make a high-roller cart. In addition, the water flow here is not strong enough, so we have to use animal power to push it. One cow may not be able to pull it, so it is estimated that two cows will be needed."

The golden finger brought by time travel allowed Ju Ming to remember the contents of many ancient books.

Similarly, Zhu Guoxiang also memorized various agricultural books, instructing carpenters to make high-spin carts.

The father and son were walking and chatting when they suddenly saw Bai Sheng coming in the boat.


Deng Chun and Shi Biao shouted in unison.

Ju Ming was deeply impressed by these two people. There were three deputy chiefs in total, and Deng Chun was one of them. Shi Biao got hit the most, and Ju Ming had to apply medicinal wine on him every day. It was difficult not to remember this guy.

Bai Sheng jumped ashore and briefly explained the situation.

"These subordinate officials are lawless in the fish and meat village!" Zhu Ming was furious when he heard this.

Zhu Guoxiang stood nearby and watched the performance. He was so familiar with his son that he knew exactly what he was going to do when he stuck his butt out.

Ju Ming continued to act awkwardly, holding their hands and saying: "Don't worry, as long as you come to my place, even the emperor will not be afraid!"

Shi Biao said: "I killed someone."

"Which one to kill?" Zhu Ming asked.

"If the security chief stopped me from leaving, I would kill him," Shi Biao said.

Ju Ming patted Shi Biao on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid. Even if the government wants you, you just have to live in the mountains and don't go out. I still have some land in my name, and I can give you some. From now on, you can live a good life here."

"Thank you, Dutou!" Deng Chun said, cupping his fists.

Shi Biao didn't say anything, he just kept grinning stupidly, and he was indeed treating himself well.

Ju Ming hooked their shoulders, pulled them aside and whispered: "Do you want revenge?"

Shi Biao said: "I am confused by this."

At this time, it was Deng Chun's turn to remain silent. He didn't know whether he should take revenge or who to seek revenge from. Li Maotian was just following orders, and there must be subordinates behind him.

Zhu Ming said angrily: "You two are both my brothers. If a brother is bullied, he must take revenge. But it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Ten years are not too late for me. I am not yet secure here. I will talk about revenge when I find an opportunity in the future."


"Okay!" Deng Chun nodded heavily.

Shi Biao still said the same thing: "I am confused by this."

In Shi Biao's heart, apart from his mother and sister, only Zhu Dutou is the closest to him. He is stupid and has always been looked down upon by others, but Dutou gives him medicinal wine every day and never dislikes him. Apart from his parents, who else can

Being so nice to him?

After some comfort, Ju Ming personally took them to see the land and set aside two pieces of wasteland for them to build houses.

Bai Sheng was then asked to take the two families up the mountain and live in the village temporarily.

After Zhu Ming left, Deng Xia said happily: "Brother, Zhu Dutou is such a good person, we have come to the right place!"

Deng Chun nodded and said, "He is a good person, I know that."

Bai Sheng said with a smile: "Brother Zhu is the most righteous, and there is no second brother in Xixiang County. Come up to the mountain with me quickly, stay here temporarily today, and start building a house tomorrow."

The father and son continued walking by the river.

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Although the mountain stronghold is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is too inconvenient to go up and down."

Ju Ming said: "When there is enough food in the village, I will start training the militia, and then move the house to the river. The future development direction will also be along the Han River, and the new population will all be reclaimed by the river. Perhaps, we can also build a

The small dock on the riverside provides catering and accommodation for merchant ships passing by."

"This idea is very good," Zhu Guoxiang said. "A lot of paddy fields can be cultivated along the river bank."

Zhu Ming smiled and said: "The first thing is to ensure your own safety. The bandits must also know that the riverside is better, but they have been living in the village because they are afraid that the government will attack."

Zhu Guoxiang pointed to a hillside and said: "It is also suitable for digging weirs and ponds. A second one can be dug next year."

Both father and son regard Daming Village as their own private territory, and they have a sense of operating pleasure like a strategic game. They are very excited every time they decide on a plan.

"Village chief, there is a scholar looking for you!" Tian Er ran over panting.

Ju Ming was even happier and said to his father: "The village is getting more and more prosperous."

Zhu Guoxiang said: "Go and perform."

Ju Ming strode forward and acted awkwardly again.

Meng Zhao was holding a pair of twins, a boy and a girl, and was observing the situation in the village when he saw a young man walking quickly.

After two or three steps, the young man suddenly bowed and said: "I have been waiting for Mr. Meng for many days, and finally we have a great talent in the village. Please pay homage to me!"

"I don't dare to accept it, I don't dare to accept it," Meng Zhao handed the child to his wife, and hurriedly bowed in return, "I'm here, Meng Zhao, to pay my respects to Mr. Zhu."

Zhu Ming took Meng Zhao's hand and said, "The house is ready. Brother Daguang, please come with me to take a look."

The sudden courtesy made Meng Zhao feel inexplicable.

Over the years, he has been hit by many obstacles. Even his brother had a falling out and separated the family and no longer took care of him. Although the place was remote and poor, Ju Ming's approach made him feel like a spring breeze and seemed to allow him to find his own value.

Although, he still doesn't know what he can do...

This chapter has been completed!
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