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Chapter 980 0975 [Tianpeng Armor, Liquan Spear]

Luanping, Chengde, Chifeng, Kuancheng, Qinglong, Suizhong, Jinzhou, Yixian... these places were all under the jurisdiction of Dading Prefecture and were temporarily assigned to Liaoning Province by Ju Ming.

Without him, the population is too small.

Only Dadingfu City (Zhongjing of Liao Kingdom) and Jinzhou were somewhat decent, while the rest were all destroyed.

Most of the territory under the jurisdiction of this mansion was formerly the territory of the Xi tribe.

Since the leader of the Xi tribe betrayed the Jin Kingdom and proclaimed himself emperor, the central area of ​​Dading Prefecture was reduced to a mess. Then the Han leader Zhang Jue rebelled against the Jin in the Liaoxi Corridor and devastated the southeastern part of Dading Prefecture.

Then came the Mingjin battle again.

Today, 45% of the people living in Dading Prefecture were moved from Liaodong by the Jin Dynasty, 45% were moved by the Ming Dynasty from Liaodong, and only 10% were originally from here.

It is equivalent to directly changing the inhabitants of this land in twenty years!

There are also many prefectures and counties where the people have died or fled, but have not been replenished by migration. There are few people and hordes of wild animals.

Zong Wu and his party encountered wild beasts seven times just from Miyun to Chengde.

Two of them were tigers. They stood far away by the road, watching people come and go. If only a few people passed by, the tigers would probably pounce on them, and many humans were eaten by wild beasts.

At Fuguyi, Zongwu encountered a caravan heading south.

The caravan also hired several veterans as bodyguards. The leader said to Zong Wu: "This place used to be very wealthy, as you can tell by the name Fuguyi. Now there are only a dozen households left. They were all secretly hidden by Jin Guo when he was clearing the country.

Those who went into the mountains and returned home. Not far to the north, there used to be a naturalized county. But it can no longer be used. There are only about a hundred households inside and outside the county. I don’t know when the county will be re-established."

Having said this, the leader of the caravan took out a tiger skin and said: "Not long ago, a tiger came into the city looking for meat and bit a child to death. The people jointly beat him to death. This time I went to the north to do business, and it happened to be a good harvest.

Come to that tiger skin. If my husband likes it, I can sell it at a low price."

Zong Wu shook his head: "This thing is ominous and has the lives of children on it."

"Then I will transport it to Zhending Mansion and sell it. Yanshan Mansion will definitely not be able to sell it at a high price." The merchant carefully put the tiger skin away.

Zong Wu asked: "Are you going to Linhuang Protector's Mansion to do business?"

The merchant said: "Linhuang is too far away. I will sell the tea to Dadingfu City and then come back. The merchants will then resell the goods to the grassland."

"Are the Han people also living in the city of Dading?" Zong Wu asked again.

The merchant said: "They are all from Liaodong. Some are from the Jin Kingdom, and some are from the Ming Dynasty. Most of them are Bohai people, followed by Han people, and the least Jurchens. They all speak Chinese with a Liaodong accent, mixed with

Some northern Han accent."

Zong Wu asked about other things he had seen, and the merchant told him in detail, which gained him a lot of knowledge.

Continuing to set off and arriving around Dading Prefecture, Zong Wu discovered that the population here was actually larger than that of Yanshan Prefecture.

This was a deliberate move by the imperial court. The Bohai and Han people moved to Liaodong and merged them into the new Northern Han people to control the Linhuangfu grassland further north.

I heard that there were imperial envoys going to the grassland, and three caravans approached them, saying they wanted to accompany Zong Wu.

Salt, tea, and ironware are all controlled commodities. Transporting them to the grassland requires a license, and there is a maximum limit set every year. Cloth and the like do not matter, they can be sold to the grassland without any restrictions.

While Zong Wu was on his way, he communicated with businessmen.

"Can the grassland tribes rob caravans?" Zongwu asked curiously.

The tea merchant smiled and said: "With Yue Duhu guarding Linhuang Mansion, how can the grassland tribes dare to rob Ming merchants? They are not tired of living!"

The merchant selling salt said: "Now it is a guard system. The grassland tribes are all assigned to pastures and no longer attack each other. When a caravan arrives, they are also very enthusiastic. They kill sheep one by one to entertain us."

The so-called "guardian system" here is actually a combination of the Tang Dynasty's protective system and the Qing Dynasty's alliance and flag system.

The Duhu Prefecture has lands directly under its jurisdiction, and the people living in the lands directly under its jurisdiction do not belong to any tribe. They are all organized into households by the Duhufu Prefecture. They mainly work on cultivated land, but there are also a few who graze cattle.

The areas under the jurisdiction of the Protectorate other than the areas directly under the jurisdiction were divided into several wards (leagues), and each wards were divided into several wards (banners).

The chief of the guard is the commander-in-chief, and the Duhufu recommends candidates from among the chiefs of the ministries, and can be appointed after obtaining the approval of the court. The chief of the post is the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief of the guard recommends candidates, and the candidates are approved by the Duhufu

Available to serve.

The tribal form still exists, but gradually it is divided into administrative districts.

It is strictly prohibited to attack and rob each other at any guard station.

If there is a dispute between offices, the commander of the Guard City will mediate. If mediation fails, the matter can be brought to the Guard House.

If there is a dispute between the guards, it will be mediated by the Duhufu. If mediation fails, force will have to intervene. If the Duhufu fails to intervene by force, the central court will definitely take action.

In addition, the people in the areas directly under the jurisdiction of the Duhufu, except for the families of the garrison, were all herdsmen and slaves from various ministries.

They were an exploited class in their original tribes, and when the Protectorate was first established, all ministries were ordered to send enough people. The chiefs sent herdsmen and slaves, and the Protectorate liberated them and gave them arable land or pasture.

Therefore, although the people in the areas directly under the jurisdiction of the Duhufu came from various grassland tribes, they were extremely loyal to the imperial court.

They are a stable source of tax revenue and soldiers, and are the foundation for the long-term existence of the Protectorate!

The Linhuang Protectorate where Yue Fei was located mainly had four areas directly under its jurisdiction, namely Xianzhou (the ancestral state of the Liao Kingdom), Raozhou, Fengzhou, and Wuzhou.

In terms of administrative names in later generations, they are: Bahrain Left Banner, Bahrain Right Banner, Wengniute Banner, and the area along the river from Tongliao to Shuangliao.

All the land suitable for farming has been occupied!

Within the directly-governed areas, 70% of the population are farmers and 30% are livestock farmers. However, regardless of farming or animal husbandry, they are all part-farming and part-pastoral, and are divided according to their main source of income.

Zongwu entered the territory of Fengzhou (Wengniute Banner) and saw a lot of farmland along the river. The clothes and hairstyles were all Han Chinese.

If it weren't for the fact that the local farmers spoke Khitan so much, Zong Wu would have thought he was in Han territory.

These Khitan-speaking farmers and herdsmen were very enthusiastic when meeting the Han people.

After listening to the merchant's introduction and learning that Zong Wu was sent by the emperor, the farmers and herdsmen knelt down one after another.

The vast majority of them were formerly slaves, and a few were low-level shepherds.

Now that they have their own farmland and pasture, they are afraid of losing it all. They actively cut themselves off from the grassland tribes and even consider themselves Han Chinese.

There was no need for the Duhufu to force him to do so. He just imitated the Han people in dressing up and combing their buns. Only the language could not be changed for the time being.

"The Yi and Di surrendered, thousands of miles apart, it was like a prosperous age!" Zong Wu couldn't help but sigh.

Prosperity must be achieved through force.

And thanks to the Liao-Jin War, the population of the grasslands was reduced sharply. The few remaining people were drawn to the Jin Kingdom to fight. They went to Mobei to fight, and also fought against the Ming Dynasty, which reduced the population of the grasslands.

By the time Yue Fei was ordered to establish the Linhuang Protectorate, the grassland was already vast and sparsely populated, and it was easy to set aside areas under direct jurisdiction.

Then they set up health stations, divided pastures, and relocated tribes.

From beginning to end, no tribe resisted, because everyone was able to get enough pasture.

The real ruling dilemma will still be tens or even hundreds of years later. By then, the population of various ministries will increase and the pasture will gradually become insufficient, and conflicts will inevitably be resolved through foreign wars.

The Fengzhou defender had already sent Pegasus to report the news. A few days later, when Zongwu arrived at Changtai Post, Yue Fei led a group of cavalry to greet him.

"Linhuang Protector Yue Fei, together with the civil and military officers of the Protectorate, pays homage to the angel!" Yue Fei dismounted his horse and bowed.

In addition to a group of generals behind him, there are also civil servants from the Protectorate, such as Chief Shi Li Geng.

Perhaps because he had been an official in the grasslands for a long time, this long history man also had good riding skills and could even fight wearing armor at critical moments.

Zong Wu was led by Yue Fei to Linhuang Duhufu City, where he was entertained with wine and meat. After the banquet dispersed, only the two of them were left.

Yue Fei was initially promoted by Zongze, and Zongwu was Zongze's great-nephew. The two were naturally close, and they developed a friendship over a meal.

After everyone left, Zong Wu said to Yue Fei: "Pengju, your title has not been promoted this time."

Yue Fei was stunned for a moment, a little stunned.

Zong Wu said: "That's why your majesty sent me to give the reward. Your majesty also asked me to send a message, saying that you want Pengju to lead the army for a few more years. Moreover, the situation this time is special. If Pengju is promoted to county magistrate, he may attract many generals.


If someone else were to deliver the order, Yue Fei would definitely feel resentful, but Zong Wu's identity was different.

Yue Fei couldn't help but said: "I obey your Majesty, but the generals under my command..."

Zong Wu said: "The imperial court has increased the rewards for the soldiers under Peng Ju's command. Even the civil and military personnel left behind in the Linhuang Protectorate will be rewarded this time to thank them for their hard work in the grasslands."

"Then there's nothing more to say." Yue Fei actually still felt a little resentful.

However, when the rewards were given the next day, all Yue Fei's resentments disappeared.

In front of all the soldiers, Zongwu read out the imperial edict:

"... Confessed Yue Fei to the title of Prime Minister, increased the number of 3,000 households in the city, and 2,000 households in the real estate, and promoted him to the champion general. He was given a flying fish uniform, a set of precious armor, a horse spear, and a horse to control.

One horse, three thousand silver dollars. Posthumously named Yue Fei’s grandfather..."

After reading the imperial edict, everyone was shocked.

First angry, then confused, and finally happy.

The title of Marquis remained unchanged, but the title became Marquis of Xiang, named after Yue Fei's hometown of Xiangzhou.

Let's talk about the Feiyu suit. The Ming Dynasty designated it as a suit given by the Duke, and now it is also a super-level reward for Yue Fei.

In the Song Dynasty, the champion general belonged to the third rank of Wusan. In the Ming Dynasty, it became the third rank of the military rank. After that, there were only three generals: Hussar, Fuguo, and Zhenguo.

In terms of military rank, Yue Fei was promoted two levels in a row.

This thing may not seem useful to outsiders, but for generals, it is second only to titles and military positions.

With the title of Champion General, if you join forces with another general to send troops next time, even if the other general has a higher title than Yue Fei, as long as the military positions of both parties are equal, Yue Fei can automatically become the commander of the coalition forces - provided that the court does not appoint a commander.

Moreover, after the military rank is promoted, the military position can also be promoted faster.

What's more, the name Champion General has a special meaning.

In addition, Yue Fei's grandparents, parents, and wife were all given honorary official positions and titles.

Absolute imperial grace!

Zong Wu pointed at the imperial horse and introduced with a smile: "Yue Duhu, this is your Majesty's favorite horse, and the emperor gave it the name 'Coal Ball'."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When everyone heard the horse's name, they burst into laughter.

Zong Wu put away his smile and said to the generals: "Your Majesty has only given names to two war horses. One is called Cornucopia and the other is Briquettes."

The generals stopped laughing when they heard this. They knew about the cornucopia. When they looked at the briquettes again, their eyes instantly became different.

Zongwu added: "This horse pole is one foot and six feet (five meters) long. It took three years to complete. It was originally His Majesty's royal weapon. The name of the emperor is also engraved on the pole."

Yue Fei took the horse stem with both hands and liked it very much. He looked for the inscription on the stem and found two words: Li Quan!

Zong Wu said: "Your Majesty calls it the Liquan Divine Spear."

Yue Fei waved for a while and praised: "What a gun! What a gun!"

Zong Wu pointed at the armor and said: "This armor is called Tianpeng Treasure Armor, which corresponds to Pengju. Not to mention the cotton armor on the outside, the armor pieces lined on the inside are all cold-forged repeatedly by skilled craftsmen. It is more unusual than ordinary ones.

The armor is half as light, but its protective capabilities are comparable to heavy cotton armor."

After the introduction of horses, armor, and horses, all the generals' eyes were shining.

Damn it, county magistrate, whoever likes it can take it, how can it be compared to such simplicity in the heart of the emperor?

(End of chapter)

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