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Chapter 986 0981 [Mental patients have broad ideas]

More than a dozen candles flickered in the room, and a large piece of Jingxian paper was spread out by the boy.

Jingxian paper is rice paper, the Xuan paper of Xuanzhou.

Zhao Kai was still drinking slowly, putting vegetables into his mouth from time to time. Drunkness gradually appeared on his face, and his eyes became wandering, but he held the chopsticks very steadily and could accurately pick up the small pieces of meat on the plate.

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a knock on the door.

Zhao Kai scolded sternly: "Get out!"

The brothel boy who was helping to adjust the ink was so frightened by the sound that his hands shook.

Outside the door, Xie Yunyun, a famous prostitute from Kaifeng, was standing side by side with a young man.

The man's name is Zhang Fang, and he is the nephew of the late cabinet minister Zhang Shuye. His father is Zhang Shuchun, Zhang Shuye's younger brother. Historically, he died in an arrow shot while resisting the Jin Dynasty.

In this time and space, Zhang Shuchun naturally did not resist Jin's arrow and died of illness while serving as the envoy of Zhejiang Province.

There is an uncle who is a cabinet minister and a father who is a scholar. Although these two elders have died of illness, Zhang Fang, the young master, is still very important.

At least in Kaifeng Mansion, most people want to give Zhang Wulang face!

When he heard that Zhao Kai was painting, he immediately brought a famous prostitute over. Unexpectedly, he was scolded to get out before he even entered the house.

Zhang Fang was immediately furious, rolled up his sleeves and wanted to kick open the door.

The famous prostitute Xie Yunyun quickly stopped her and said in a low voice: "After Wu Lang becomes a famous eunuch, don't argue with a madman. Even if he beats him up and spreads the news, it will only increase the laughter. If he accidentally hurts Wu Lang, I'm afraid

It will spread throughout Kaifeng Mansion in ten months."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Fang raised his right foot and stepped back onto the ground.

Yes, there is no need to argue with a madman. It will be a joke whether you lose or win.

This Zhao Kai is like a piece of dog excrement on the street. Once he touches it, he will stink all over his body. He must not be messed with at will.

There is no use in using personal connections to put Zhao Kai in jail.

Zhao Kai has been imprisoned several times for talking nonsense while drunk. Because of his special status, the prison boss did not dare to abuse him too much, so he only made some sarcastic remarks and had to obediently provide him with prison meals.

Xie Yunyun added: "This man's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, why don't Wulang wait patiently? Wait until he finishes painting and then pay a lot of money to buy it. After people spread this matter, Wulang will definitely gain the reputation of being open-minded. The better his painting, the better."

The reputation of Wulang spread widely."

Zhang Fang nodded and smiled: "What Mother Xie said is absolutely true. I will wait outside the door and bring the food and wine here."

I don’t know how long it took, but Zhao Kai drank the entire jar of rice wine, and drunkenly peeed in the corner of the room during the process.

The boy did not dare to persuade him, so he could only stand and wait, without even passing the chamber pot in his hand.


A stool fell to the ground. I don't know whether it was Zhao Kai who knocked it over or whether he kicked it over on purpose.

There were several paintbrushes of different specifications, and Zhao Kai picked one up casually.

The boy said: "The ink is a little dry, little one..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Kai had pushed him away, bit the brush in his mouth, and freed his hands to adjust the ink himself.

The boy was pushed so hard that he almost fell over. He silently stepped aside and stood aside, concentrating on observing every movement - he was secretly learning Zhao Kai's painting skills!

After adjusting the ink, Zhao Kai stood still, inexplicably distracted.

After a long time, Zhao Kai turned around and looked around.

The boy hurriedly asked: "What are you looking for?"

Zhao Kai turned a deaf ear, as if the servant was just a ball of air. He first looked everywhere, then walked around the room drunkenly, and finally found a rag out of nowhere.

Dip the rag in ink and press it on the paper to paste it back and forth. Soon, several large ink stains will be left.

Splash-ink painting existed in the Tang Dynasty.

But it has never been mainstream, and even the techniques of the founder of Pomo have been lost.

From the Five Dynasties to the late Northern Song Dynasty, the realist school gradually unified the painting world and reached its artistic peak during the Huizong Dynasty. The composition must be rigorous, meticulous and meticulous, and the ultimate pursuit of similarity in form and charm.

If the painting is out of line, it means it is illegal and it means there is no teacher to follow!

There is also the freehand style, but it is difficult to reach the level of elegance.

For example, Wen Tong, Su Shi, Mi Fu and others like to paint some small freehand brushwork. This kind of painting is called "ink play", also called "literati's ink play", which is a pastime after work and after dinner.

The major change in the style of painting in the Song Dynasty occurred after the clothes moved south and the country was ruined.

But this time and space lacks such an opportunity.

The prosperity of the Ming Dynasty in recent years has led to the continued abnormal development of realism. Grandeur, splendor, splendor, color, delicacy, rules, and inheritance... are the ultimate pursuits of painters, and the rest are deviant and minor techniques.

The royal painters of the Hanlin Academy of Painting focus on wealth and prosperity all day long.

The boy silently took half a step forward and saw that in the upper right corner of the drawing paper, the ink mark was filled in by Zhao Kai, and soon it looked like a mountain.

The specific technique is called "big ax splitting" and was invented by Li Tang, the royal painter during the Huizong period.

In the New Ming Dynasty, Li Tang served as the dean of the Hanlin Academy of Painting, and also studied epigraphy with Li Qingzhao. He was not kidnapped by the Jin Kingdom, nor did he make a breakthrough in abjection, but died of illness amidst leisure and wealth.

Li Tang invented the "big ax chop", but he still belonged to the realism school and was the leader of the realism school.

When Zhao Kai was a prince, he studied painting skills with Li Tang. Now his use of "big ax chop" is completely different from that of his teacher Li Tang. He is more wanton and unrestrained, without following any rules or paying attention to details.

All these are contrary to the current painting world.

In addition to the specific painting methods, Zhao Kai also left a large area of ​​​​blank space in the upper left part of the drawing paper. Only between the huge blank spaces, he painted a very small falling black sun as an embellishment.

The sound of cockcrow came, and Zhao Kai wrote the word "Genyue" and signed his name.

He took off the seal from his waist, threw it on the painting table and said, "Seal it."

After saying that, he ignored it, swept away the cups and bowls on the dinner table with his arms, and lay down on the table, soundly sleeping.

The cup and bowl fell and shattered on the ground.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and Zhang Fang asked: "Is the painting finished?"

The boy was putting down the seals and replied: "The painting is finished."

Zhang Fang said: "Take another twenty candles and light them. Most of these candles have been burned out."

The room became bright again, accompanied by Zhao Kai's quiet snoring.

Zhang Fang and Xie Yunyun looked around this large freehand painting carefully, with shock in their eyes.

The composition center of the whole painting should be Fan Tower, but the focus is Gen Yue in the upper right corner.

Genyue looks surprisingly tall and steep. An artificial hill in Kaifeng City actually gives the impression of the majestic Huashan Mountain. The shape and proportion are not like Genyue, but you can recognize it at a glance.

The palaces and chambers in Kaifeng City have become the backdrop for Gen Yue.

There are no obvious lines in those buildings. There is a mass of ink in the east and a mass of ink in the west. It can be vaguely seen where is the palace, where is the fan tower, where is the bell tower, and where is the bridge...

Desolate, cold, and even a bit ghostly!

This is not the prosperous and prosperous Kaifeng City, but more like another time and space, a ghost in the world after the Jingkang disaster.

Especially the black sunset between the large blank spaces, as if it was emitting endless black light and enveloped the entire Kaifeng.

Zhang Fang muttered: "Why do I feel my vest is getting cold when I look at it? Is this painting of Kaifeng City?"

Xie Yunyun pointed at the sleeping Zhao Kai: "Maybe it's Kaifeng in his eyes."

Zhang Fang said: "This painting must be bought, but it cannot be kept privately, let alone among the people. It should be presented to the government to decide whether to destroy it."

After sitting there until the ink was completely dry, Zhang Fang took out two hundred guan of treasure money and handed it to Xie Yunyun, saying: "This is the painting money. I will give it to him when he sobers up. I took this painting away and sent it to Luoyang Mian Sheng."


Xie Yunyun bowed and saluted: "Wu Lang, walk slowly."

A few days later.

When Ju Ming saw this painting "Gen Yue", he sighed with emotion: "This man's heart is as gray as death."

Zhang Fang said: "Your Majesty, Zhao Kai often said some disrespectful and crazy things when he was drunk. He was arrested and imprisoned by the Kaifeng Mansion several times. Now he paints the prosperous and happy Kaifeng in such a ghostly way. It must be

Cursing the Ming Dynasty with resentment!"

Ju Ming said: "There's no need to make a fuss about it. Isn't it possible that our great Ming Dynasty can't tolerate a lost soul? As long as he doesn't commit crimes, there is no need to punish him. How much did you spend on the painting?"

"Two hundred strings." Zhang Fang replied.

Ju Ming said: "Go and collect the three hundred guan. This painting will be treated as if I have bought it and will be sent to the Hanlin Academy of Painting to open the eyes of the painters."

Zhang Fang did not come to complain, nor did he come to make money. He just wanted to meet the emperor and let the emperor remember who he was.

Since the emperor said it didn't matter, Zhang Fang stopped speaking ill and happily took the money and left the palace.

The next day, Hanlin Painting Academy.

A large group of royal painters surrounded "Gen Yue" and admired it.

They don't care about the ghosts and ghosts, they only study the techniques used by Zhao Kai.

Ma Bi (Ma Yuan's great-grandfather) pointed to the buildings in Kaifeng and said: "This person's painting method is becoming more and more deviant, but the combination of splash ink and dry brush is so wonderful. In the original words of the Supreme Emperor, it is the sense of space and

A sense of layering. Anyway, I can’t do it, I’m afraid I’ll have to practice for another ten years.”

Zhang Zeduan shook his head repeatedly: "I will never learn it in my life. There are two different ways."

Zhang Zeduan belongs to the orthodox realism school and is good at meticulous painting, while also integrating some freehand techniques.

Zhao Kai's style was a freehand style that became mature and popular in the Ming Dynasty. This style also existed in the Tang, Song and Five Dynasties, but it did not form a school and no great painters emerged.

In fact, Zhao Kai's painting is not mature yet and is in the exploratory stage of continuing the past and forging ahead into the future, but it is enough to bring a huge impact to the Hanlin painters.

At a time when realism is the absolute mainstream, suddenly he came up with a freehand painting, and painted the city of Kaifeng into a ghost. It really wouldn't be possible without some mental illness!

The realist school pays attention to rules and inheritance. If this painting were created by normal people, they would probably be collectively suppressed.

But who wants to argue with a mentally ill person?

They only found it interesting and studied "Gen Yue" over and over again. Gradually, some people brought pens and paper and began to imitate it.

Even Zhang Zeduan is studying imitation, trying to figure out how Zhao Kai painted it.

The freehand painting school is estimated to have emerged hundreds of years in advance.

The mental patient Zhao Kai is still sleeping on the streets of Kaifeng at the moment, waiting for the money to run out before he can paint another one.


This chapter has been completed!
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