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Chapter 1001 0996 [The monk also has a share]

There were so many people involved in the case that Dali Temple could no longer hold them, and some were sent to the Prison Department Prison.

Qin Hui's relatives were arrested one after another.

Three brothers, Qin Bin, Qin Zi, and Qin Di.

Qin Zi was a Jinshi in the former Song Dynasty and has now served as a councilor in Hubei Province.

The other two were transferred from official position to official position: Qin Bin had limited abilities and could only be a tax officer of the ninth rank. Qin Di was much more powerful, having been hired by Cao, a seventh-rank state householder.

In addition, Qin Zi's son Qin Changshi, who is also Qin Hui's nephew, was transferred from an official to an official to reach the ninth rank. This was a serious violation, because there were seniority and age restrictions for official transfer, and Qin Changshi did not meet the requirements in any of them.


Wang Yi (cousin), the son of Qin Hui's uncle, was recommended when the Ming Dynasty was founded.

At that time, there were many former Song officials and even non-official former Song scholars. After being recommended, they could be appointed officials as long as they passed the basic examination. Wang Yi was an official at that time and is now the general magistrate of Nanyang Prefecture.

Huang Dui, the son-in-law of Qin Hui's eldest brother, was a serious Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty.

Xu Chen (cousin), the son of Qin Hui's aunt, was born as a Jinshi in the former Song Dynasty.

Li Qiu, the father-in-law of Qin Hui's brother-in-law, was a Jinshi in the former Song Dynasty.

Zhao Shipeng, the brother-in-law of Qin Hui's wife, was born as a Jinshi in the former Song Dynasty.

Wang Huo, the cousin of Qin Hui's wife, was a Jinshi in the former Song Dynasty.

Zheng Yinian, the cousin of Qin Hui's wife and the son of Zheng Juzhong, the former Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty.

Wang Bing, cousin of Qin Hui’s wife...

Grab a big bunch at a time.

Among them, Zheng Yinian, Qin Zi, Wang Huo, and Wang Xi have the most serious problems.

These four people were all extremely corrupt, and a large number of their subordinate officials were also arrested.

Li Qiu was a bit interesting. The more he investigated, the more he discovered that he was an upright official and had outstanding political achievements in the former Song Dynasty. However, Li Qiu's son stayed in Kaifeng and hung out with Qin Hui's brother-in-law, Wang. Some of them even set up a private casino in Kaifeng.


Li Qiu burst into tears and sighed as he looked at his son's various crimes.

Li Gang couldn't bear it and asked, "You never knew about your son's misbehavior in Kaifeng?"

Li Qiu explained helplessly: "I have been working as an official in various places for many years. In the past ten years, I only returned home briefly when I returned to Beijing to report on my work, leaving my eldest son who was useless, and my second son to look after the family business in Kaifeng. They have shops in the city and property outside the city.

, how could I have expected them... Alas!"

During the Huizong period of the Song Dynasty, Li Qiu was demoted for opposing the conquest of Liao, was demoted again for offending the eunuch Tan Zhen, and was demoted a third time for complaining about banditry in Shandong and Hebei.

Historically, even the long-abandoned Dujiangyan Irrigation System was repaired by Li Qiu in the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the people of Sichuan built a shrine for him.

In the former Song Dynasty, Li Gang admired Li Qiu for speaking out and daring to remonstrate. He stood up and said: "Your matter has basically been investigated clearly. In the two provinces where you recently served, there were censors investigating locally, and the officials and the people unanimously praised you as a good official. For the time being.

Stay at the Ministry of Punishment, and I will arrange a single room for you. You must ask Your Majesty for instructions on how to deal with it."

"Thank you." Li Qiu thanked him, but his tone was extremely low, a bit hopeless.

He is not afraid of power and has worked conscientiously for half his life, but he was cheated by his two sons.

The youngest son is quite promising, and he has been keeping him by his side to train him. He has been a scholar and an official for several years now. I wonder if he will be implicated this time.

He was taken to a private room in despair. Since he had no problem, the jailer did not strictly monitor him.

When Li Qiu got up in the middle of the night, he untied his belt and wanted to hang himself.

Mainly to find a future for my younger son!

He bit his finger and wrote on the wall. The blood solidified and he continued to bite: "My youngest son is not guilty. Please have mercy, Your Majesty."

Early the next morning, the jailer came to deliver breakfast, and Li Gang specially took care of the food.

Seeing the hanged Li Qiu, the jailer was stunned on the spot. His scalp went numb and he shouted: "Someone hanged, someone hanged!"

Not long after, Li Gang came over after hearing the news. He looked at Li Qiu's body and the bloody words on the wall, and said with an extremely ugly face: "No matter who they are, they must be strictly guarded. Don't give them another chance to commit suicide!"

After arranging things, Li Gang quickly entered the palace.

After hearing this, Zhu Ming was quite sentimental and sighed: "Let Li Qiu's three sons separate their families. If his youngest son is not corrupt, he will be reinstated immediately after verification. Let the Ministry of Rites give Li Qiu a posthumous title and give it to the middle one."

A posthumous title is enough."

"I obey." Li Gang resigned, feeling very uncomfortable.

Some people commit suicide, and some people speak harshly.

Qin Hui's wife, Wang, was bitten to death without knowing it.

She is a female family member. Even if she is implicated by her husband, as long as she does not commit a crime, she will be exiled at most.

Pan Lianggui filmed a bunch of confessions: "Your brother Wang has already confessed. Before you separated from Qin Hui, you were the one who helped connect many of Qin Hui's affairs. After you separated from Qin Hui, you also used his name to let your brother Wang

For personal gain..."

"You dare not act recklessly in Luoyang, but you let Wang stay in Kaifeng to do evil. In the casino opened by Wang and others, many officials sent their cronies to lose money. These officials didn't know that your husband and wife had fallen out. But they lost money to you.

If they don’t help, they don’t dare to tell the public, but no one has ever come forward to report it.”

"I'm afraid you don't know that your brother is not a fuel-saving lamp. He also collaborated with other officials' sons to bully men and women in Kaifeng, and brought down the officials of the Five Cities Military and Horse Department in Kaifeng. Li Qiu because his two sons were with

Wang Sihun has committed suicide in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment."

Mrs. Wang took a few glances at Wang and others' confessions, and was so frightened that she couldn't help but tremble, but she still managed to say: "I really don't know, Wang is using my name to break the law!"

Pan Lianggui threw out another confession: "This belongs to your brother-in-law Zhao Shipeng. He doesn't know that your husband and wife are separated. He sends his confidants to Beijing every year to give you a heavy gift. Among them is a red coral stone from the sea.

I bought it from a merchant as a birthday gift for you, worth tens of thousands of dollars!"

"I didn't receive any gifts." Wang denied.

Pan Lianggui said: "Where are the gifts and money you received, as well as the casino profits sent by your brother Wang, where are they hidden?"

Mrs. Wang burst into tears and cried: "I am so unjustly denied the gift!"

When Pan Lianggui saw that the woman was stubborn, he packed up the confessions and left, saying: "Twelve hours a day, send people to watch her in turn. Repeat the interrogation and don't let her sleep!"

Wang's willpower was so strong that she actually endured it for two and a half days.

After being woken up again, Wang was already in a trance, extremely exhausted but unable to sleep: "I said... I said..."

If you don't tell her yet, you should let her rest. This thing can kill people.

An old official from the Ministry of Punishment asked: "Where are the stolen money and dirt hidden?"

"Tennoji...Jianji..." Wang closed her eyes after finishing speaking.

Pan Lianggui personally went out with several officials, and also borrowed some officials from the Luoyang government office, and went to Tianwang Temple in a furious manner.

Luoyang Tianwang Temple and Kaifeng Xiangguo Temple are the two most influential temples in the Ming Dynasty, and each enshrines a Buddha tooth.

It was a cloudy day and the temperature was cool and pleasant.

Countless good men and women come to worship Buddha, and many people also hang out here.

Just like going to a shopping mall, the area around Tianwang Temple belongs to the central business district of Luoyang, where you can find a wide variety of products.

When you are tired from walking around, you can still go around the temple.

However, they saw an official rushing towards him with his servants. Tourists and believers gave way one after another, watching them enter the temple in great surprise. Then, instead of being afraid, the people were not afraid, but their spirit of gossip was burning, and they followed in droves to watch the fun.

The monk who knew the guest came forward to greet him with a smile and clasped his hands: "I wonder what business you have, sir?"

Pan Lianggui was afraid of alerting others, so he did not single out anyone, but said: "Call out the abbot, the capital monastery, the supervisory monastery, Wei Na, the deputy monastery...all of them!"

"Yes, everyone, please wait a moment." Knowing the guest monk, he knew something serious was going on and hurriedly went in to report the news.

Soon, Dahui Zonggao, the abbot of Tianwang Temple, came with a group of senior monks to greet him.

When Emperor Dahuizong was about to announce the title of Buddha, Pan Lianggui had already spoken first: "Where is Jinghai, the supervisor of Tianwang Temple?"

A monk about fifty years old stood up and said: "I don't know, poor monk Jinghai..."

"Arrest him and search the Tianwang Temple warehouse!" Pan Lianggui ordered.

The top leader of the temple is, of course, the abbot, but the accomplished monk rarely interferes with secular affairs.

The second in command is Todera, who is equivalent to the general manager.

The third-in-command is the Temple Supervisor, who manages the temple's treasury and property.

Wang entrusted the third-in-command of Tennoji Temple to hide the illegally obtained illicit money and stolen goods.

She could bring small items and treasure notes into the temple by herself by offering incense. As for large items like red coral, she would wrap them in cloth and have people carry them into the temple, claiming that they were donated to the temple.

Dahui Zonggao, an accomplished monk, looked at the officials rushing to the warehouse with a confused look on his face. He had no idea what his subordinates had done.

He only needs to study Buddhism, receive a few distinguished guests, and preach to believers regularly, and ignore the rest of the secular affairs in the temple.

Jinghai, the monk in charge of the temple, was also dragged to the warehouse and refused to admit that he had any connection with the Wang family.

After searching for more than an hour, I finally found the red coral. It was wrapped in velvet on the inside, linen on the outside, and oilcloth on the outside. It was carefully packed in a large box.

This red coral is more than half a meter high, brightly colored, and so red that it seems to be dripping blood.

Pan Lianggui pointed at the coral: "What is this?"

Jinghai replied: "Donated by believers."

"How can such a treasure be so well hidden if you don't take it out for viewing?" Pan Lianggui asked.

Jinghai argued: "I'm afraid it will get damaged if I leave it outside."

Pan Lianggui said: "The Senglu Department has regulations that in all Shifang Jungles across the country, items donated by believers must be registered in a book. Take out the donation book!"

There are more than a dozen donation books filled with them, all from after the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

I carefully read through all the donation books, but still couldn't find any record of red coral.

Pan Lianggui asked: "Why is it not in the booklet?"

Jinghai answered bravely: "Maybe... maybe I missed it."

Pan Lianggui sneered: "How can you miss a red coral that is worth thousands of dollars? How can you hide it tightly if you miss it?"


The second-in-command of Tennoji Temple, Monk Jingzhun, suddenly felt that his legs were weak and he could not stand steadily.

He is in charge of all affairs of the temple, but the warehouse is so big and has so many items, how can he personally inspect the warehouse?

His subordinates helped hide stolen goods. Although he was not involved, he was also responsible for his lax supervision and oversight.

I definitely can't get this job in the capital and temple.

Pan Lianggui looked at Jingchun: "You also come back to the Ministry of Justice with me." After saying this, he gave the order, "Seal this place and leave a few people to guard it and search it slowly!"

(First, stop talking about the industrial revolution. The prerequisite for that thing is the agricultural revolution. Especially food and cotton, which must reach a certain level and scale. Second, say that Taixue studied for the sake of exams. It has already been said.

It is clear that if a graduate from Taixue cannot be directly awarded a Jinshi degree, he can still take the imperial examination as a juren.)

(End of chapter)

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